Faking Love

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Faking Love Page 3

by Josie Bordeaux

  My mental preparation was really thinking to myself how this would all be over in a couple of hours and I can relax in a hot bath and pretend it never happened.

  I felt his hands wrap around my waist and I tried not to stiffen. He wanted something before the cameras turned on. That was nothing new. Usually the guy just had his dick whipped out, stroking it in his hand to get a little more ready.

  “It’s not going to be like your other movies. Just relax and let me take care of things,” he whispered. Again, a shiver shot through me and my breath hitched. Not something that a guy usually, actually ever, says to me on set.

  I managed to look up to his eyes. Something inside of me told me he might actually mean it. I bit my lip, hopeful that he could follow through.

  He smiled. A genuine smile. It set me at ease. I smiled back and then tried to relax.

  My stomach flipped as he bent down. His lips approached mine and that same thrill from before began to fill me. Excited me. The moment his mouth met mine, the floodgates opened and a crash of emotions exploded throughout my body.

  The world around me fell. I no longer felt the cameras on me. The people disappeared around me. It wasn’t just the lights heating up the room.

  Blake. It was just the two of us. My little fantasy world came back to me in a torrid. He loved me and I was his wife. This was our new life together and I enjoyed this new life I had created in my mind.

  His hands skimmed my body again. This time I didn’t bristle. This time I wanted to feel it. I wanted more. I was really enjoying this whole façade we had going on. All from a kiss.

  A hum traveled up my body as his kiss deepened. His grip tightened around me and before long I realized we were walking backwards. My mind raced and I began to snap out of my fantasy world. He stopped.

  The kiss continued. His hands skimmed my body, here and there, but never grabbing the places that were the usual go-to parts. My mind raced. Why he wasn’t just going for it?

  Because this isn’t the same as your other sets.

  I guess most would consider this the boring part, but it was something more to me. Kissing usually occurred in films, but nothing like this––tender and sweet, growing into something more. That’s what this was. A build up of what was to come. He was setting me up to feel him around me.

  I moaned again and this time he pressed his body to mine. I felt him. How hard he was for me, but it wasn’t done as a cocky ‘look how hard I am’ way. The way he did it made me wonder if he wanted me to believe how hard he was for me.

  “Everything about you is so incredible. I knew you were different the moment you walked in. Even before Viviana told me about you, I knew this would be incredible.”

  My breath hitched again. He’d used Viviana’s name during a scene. Maybe he wasn’t acting. Wow, maybe he really did feel this way and I was too nervous to realize it.

  Lips traveled along my neck and all I could do was be in that moment; believing he really was mine. I pushed back my negative thoughts. In that moment, he really was mine.

  My hands reached up and skimmed his broad shoulders, following down feeling his muscular chest. Every inch of him was solid man.

  This was one set I was starting to really enjoy.

  My mouth watered with every single move he made. Every touch on my body felt so real. And every time he did something, I wanted it to be real. My heart was pounding out of my chest and the way my body was reacting to his every touch was making it hard to turn off the emotions I felt building for him.

  I wanted to disconnect, but, man, he was making it tough. Should I just let go? Let him take control and just enjoy everything he did? I wanted to. I needed to––Except everything inside of me was screaming not to let go, knowing my heart would be ripped out in the end.


  My eyes barely opened not wanting to end any of the things he was doing to my body. But it was just to my body. That’s how it should be. He was using my body and I couldn’t let him get into my head. This was just acting and I had to remember that. I couldn’t let my heart break again. Not after the last time.

  “Lexi.” His smile could dazzle a thousand hearts and make women drop to their knees, begging to take his cock in their mouths. With just a smile––a smirk that says “You’re mine tonight and I’m going to make you feel every inch of me.” Maybe a little dramatic, but the way my panties were dampened, I was pretty sure any other girl in my position would think the same.

  His hand continued to wander, while our kiss deepened even more. The hum noise I kept hearing, I soon realized was coming from me. I was lost. Every touch from him sent ripples of pleasure over my body. And to think, just moments ago I was so ticked off at him. But now, I couldn’t even remember why.

  His lips barely touched my skin, but the feel of his breath sent waves of shivers over every inch of me.

  “God, Lex. I could spend hours just exploring you.”

  My breath caught. “Mm,” was the only thing I could come up with.

  His fingers slid over my shoulder, pushing the material of my shirt down my arm. The cool air surrounded my skin, just enough to make my breath hitch while his strong hands continued to explore me. The moment his hand began to go under my shirt, I cringed. Show time. I knew it.

  But then, at the very moment I thought that, his hand retracted and I relaxed again. His mouth continued to explore mine and I lost whatever battle I had made up in my head.

  His fingers ran up and down my arm, before finally tangling in my long hair. I pressed my body against his, feeling the need to be closer. His grip tightened in my hair, not enough to hurt, but enough to cause my breath to hitch again.

  Need filled me.

  Pure desire for him. As I pressed harder against him, I could feel his solid length against my hip.

  Flashes of taking his hard length into my mouth flipped through my mind like frames in a movie. My mouth watered and as his tongue explored, my hands began to wander also.

  My hand moved under his shirt. His muscles flexed against my fingers in response to my touch. I pressed the tips of my fingers into him to draw his body closer to me. His hand slid down to the small of my back, pulling me into him.

  I moaned and rolled my head back as his lips devoured every inch of my neckline. The further down he went, the more I wanted. His hot breath on my chest, the feel of his hands on my bare back all combined to build my desire for him. I was lost in his world and never once did I hear anything other than his breath and the feel of him.

  He guided me to sit on the bed, his forest colored eyes locked on mine. Blake’s massive frame kneeled between my thighs as his eyes begged me to allow him to do more. My glance to his mouth as I licked my lips was all the answer he needed. Still gazing, his fingers traced my lips and it was all I could do to nibble at his thumb and drag it in.

  It was his turn to moan as he leaned forward to replace it with his mouth. Forceful and so seductive, his frame towered over me as he gently lowered me to the bed.

  Stopping for just a moment, we stared at each other. I knew what was coming next and this time, I felt okay with it. At least I thought so. He didn’t seem to be like the others; everything up until now was all about me.

  Closing my eyes, I bit my lower lip and felt the room melt away. It was just Blake and I in our bedroom. I was fully on board now—his for the taking.

  The silk of my blouse grazed my skin, leaving goose bumps along its path. My front closure bra was unsnapped within seconds and a rush of cold air swept over my hard peaks. All the air left my chest as a new breeze of pleasure flowed over my body.

  “It’s just us, Lex. Stay with me, babe.” His deep voice ran over me like sweet honey.

  “Ohhh,” I murmured the moment I felt his lips around my hard, tight bud. Everything was so slow and sensual and so far from what usually occurs. So I went with it. Every time a negative comment came into my mind, I threw it out and concentrated on Blake and everything he was doing. Pressing my breasts together,
he continued to worship them one at a time. I was panting from need with every flick of his tongue.

  Those strong hands gripped my sides as his mouth continued its voyage.

  I tilted my hips up so he could tug my skirt down my legs…and he did. Oh so slowly, his lips replacing where the silky material had once been. My hips received equal attention and his tongue ran over every inch of my skin. By the time he was near his final destination, I was in full need.

  His thumb brushed over my clit and what I thought was a moan that escaped my lips was nothing more than a whimper. His fingers ran along the top of my panties, teasing me while his mouth blew cool air at every tug.

  “Say you want me, Lex,” he whispered right before his lips pressed against my sex. I felt his thumb press against my most sensitive spot and slightly, oh with such slight pressure, massaged me. My eyes rolled back as I tried to press my hips up. Just a few more circles and I might be done for. It was like he worked me up and then took me out of it just a little every time. I was wound so tight by now that I could feel how wet I was.

  Right at that moment, he did too. His other finger slid in between the fabric and right where I needed him to be. Coating his fingers with my slick heat, I moaned and gyrated against him.

  “Tell me, baby.” I couldn’t say anything. I became so crazy with need. A couple of flicks of anything against my clit and I knew I’d be right where I needed to be. The pain of not coming for so long was almost making me edgy. Tears pricked my lids as I realized how close I was now.

  “Oh, Blake. Yes.” It was all the sound I could make and the moment he heard the one word he needed, the silk was pulled down as his tongue devoured my clit, pressing harder and circling as my hips began to undulate. “Ohhh, Oh, God, yeahhhh…” Stars flashed as the intense feeling flooded me. I cried out, enjoying every second his tongue brought more pleasure to my world. My breaths were ragged as he continued to make me come harder with just a couple flicks of his tongue. It was most certainly more than I’d had with any man before—on or off the set.

  Kisses against my now dampened skin continued until he was fully on top of me. Whispers flooded my ears; some of what he was saying was lost to me, but certain words I had I always longed to hear from a man. Tears continued to well up as his hands roamed over my body, almost coaxing me into another orgasm without even touching any of the usual spots. My body writhed with need as I felt his hard cock against my wetness.

  I’d never had such an intense build-up, or so quick, but right then if he didn’t slip inside of me, I felt like my world would shatter. His mouth was on mine, making love to me as if he were already inside of me. I moaned with desire hoping he’d fulfill me soon.

  Just as I had thought that, the tip of his cock pressed right against where I needed him. I tried to raise my hips up, but he remained still.

  Until I opened my eyes.

  The moment I did, he slid hard and fast into me thrusting all of the breath out of me as I called out in pure pleasure. His hand reached down and pulled my thigh up against his torso as he thrust into me hard at first and then slow. The torment of trying to figure out which one I wanted more was dizzying. That sensation continued and before I realized it, stars flashed beneath my eyelids as a wave of amazing intense pleasure rushed through me. “Oh God,” I cried out as I came so hard while trying to remember to breathe.

  I hadn’t even paid any attention to Blake or his needs, which was a definite first for me. His mouth devoured mine as I came down off my high while his thrusts allowed me to continue pure bliss.

  With his mouth on mine, he continued to ravage me. With every moment that slipped by, he continued to be sweet as his kisses drew back. Finally, small pecks peppered along my jawline and I opened my eyes and remembered where I was.

  As he pulled back, he threw me a sweet smile.

  “And cut!” Viviana called out.

  Blake’s lips landed on mine for a final peck. “Glad you stayed with me and decided not to walk out on this one.”

  I swallowed as guilt ran over me.

  “Don’t blush now, your ass looked amazing as you walked out. Not to mention, you hating me only increased the intensity for you.” Another kiss to the side of my mouth before he stood up and threw me a wink.

  As naked as I was right now, he made me feel even more vulnerable. I pulled the soft comforter over me as I watched Blake walk to the nearby bathroom and close the door. Dumbfounded, I couldn’t figure out if I really felt something for him or if those were all fake too. But, At least this time my orgasm wasn’t.

  “So tomorrow will be pretty much the same. If you’re still up for it?” Viviana asked pulling me from all my thoughts.


  “Tomorrow. We continue the series.”

  “The series?”

  “Well, yeah. Didn’t you read the contract? You and Blake have at least twelve more scenes to film. That is, unless this series makes it big. In which case, you’ll be making a lot more. And touring, of course.”

  “Touring?” I asked as I watched Blake walk back to me. Mesmerized by his hard body as his muscles flexed while he pulled his briefs back on, I barely heard what Viviana was saying.

  “Well, yeah. If this goes like I think it will, you’ll be a bigger star than if you hadn’t walked off Harvey’s film.”

  My eyes flicked to his emerald gaze as my whole body warmed to the idea of having Blake again.

  “I’m game if you are.” Just the sound of Blake’s deep baritone voice made me want to orgasm again.

  I swallowed as my heart began to beat faster. Making more films with Blake. Orgasms like that. With Blake. Faking love might be easier than I had thought before. Not to mention, oh so much more fulfilling.

  About the Author

  Josie Bordeaux is the author of the Alluring Promises series. Her romance novels revolve around friendships, sizzling attraction and steamy sex scenes. Lust, passion and love are all entwined with a lot of drama and fun-filled friendships. Josie lives in the sunshine state with her best friend (AKA - husband) and two sweet, and very creative daughters.

  When she's not driving her kids around town, she's usually clicking her fingernails on her keyboard or down at the beach where her eyes are glued to her kindle app reading.

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  Also by Josie Bordeaux

  Check out the Alluring Promises Series!

  The first book, Promises, Promises, is FREE for a limited time only!

  Promises, Promises

  Romantic Promises

  Breathless Promises

  Love Free Stuff? Sign up for Josie’s Newsletter and receive The Naughty Au Pair, an erotic romance novella for free! Newsletter Signup Link: http://eepurl.com/2FsfH

  Thank you so much for reading!

  ~ Josie




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