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Hotstreak: A Bad Boy New Adult Romance (Chaos, Nevada Book 2)

Page 68

by Liz K. Lorde

  Gabriel pumped his hips, and in turn, I gyrated mine against his cock, that was so full of life and sexual vigor.

  He slammed into me, into my wet little pussy, and he groaned and groaned some more; the first sheen of glistening sweat forming along our bodies. He told me between hard breaths how he would fuck me like this every day, that there wouldn’t be a morning that would go by without me being eaten and then promptly fed afterward, before being taken a second time and then thrown over his shoulder and brought to the shower.

  “Gabriel,” I cried, “I want you to fill this naughty pussy, only your cock will do,” I whined, I begged and I pleaded. “This pussy has to have your cock, please,” I said, “please, don’t ever stop fucking this cunt.”

  “Never,” he responded now, like some kind of animal unleashed. Feeling him raw and unprotected, it was miles beyond better than what we’d been used to. Every delectable, hard inch, moved through me effortlessly – all of my juices coated that glorious cock of his, and with each penetration, I could feel him getting closer and closer inside of me. The way that he bucked his hips, the way that his firm cock twitched inside of me. I had him now, he was mine. And so I moved my hips even faster, to better match his aggressive rhythm - my throat strangled by devil’s love, all I could do was howl out these sexual noises from somewhere deep within my chest.

  When I felt his hands squeeze hard on my backside, and his cock lurched forward to the furtherest point it could reach; that was when my body began to shake like a leaf, and all of my muscles contracted. Feeling his seed shoot inside of me, feeling my walls tightly hug the shaft of his unleashing cock, it pushed me over my edge and sent me into a blissful spiral of a climax. Each wave of pleasure cascaded into another, and Gabriel rose to meet me, holding me tightly in his arms.

  I made certain to not let his cock leave me. And I could feel each and every part of his cock juices, as they slid out of me and down his shaft, as they dripped down, down, down.

  “Fuck,” Gabriel susurrated, “you just felt so damn good.”

  Coming back down to earth, my whole body broke free form some unseen spell, and all of the energy that I used to keep myself on him vanished. So I collapsed into him, and in turn, Gabriel slowly brought us down to the mattress of the bed; even still, I was careful to not let him leave the embrace of my cunt.

  “I love feeling you inside of me,” I confessed, “it always just feels, I don’t know. Satisfying?” My lips curled into an impish smirk. “Hey,” I said, wiggling against his still mostly erect cock.

  “What?” He smiled brightly at me, and rubbed at my ass with his free hand.

  “I’m going to talk with my parents, make up with Dad and everything,” I felt my heart tug at the thought of making up with him. Having that conversation wouldn’t be fun, but I’d been gone for long enough. I never wanted things to be so bad with him anyway. “Would you be willing to meet them later?”

  “Meet your parents?”

  I nodded my head, “I really want them to at least, you know, start to know you. Please?” I could sense the doubt in him, could see the fear in his beautiful eyes. “It’s okay,” I told him, “you won’t screw it up, I promise. They’ll love you.”

  “What they will think, is that I’m stealing their daughter away,” his eyebrows briefly glided upward, “if they see me, they will see me as nothing more than a bad influence. They won’t approve.”

  I tilted my head and ran my fingers along Gabriel’s jaw, “Well you are a bad influence. Or at least, a naughty one.” I grabbed his chin tightly, and forced him to look into my eyes. “I don’t care if they don’t approve. You can win them over, I know you can - maybe not today, or tomorrow, or a year. But we have to start, don’t we?”

  Gabriel grumbled at the prospect of having to meet them, but I could already see he was having a change of heart. “As you wish, princess,” Gabriel said softly and my heart warmed.

  “Good,” I smiled, though not for very long.

  “There is… ONE condition, though,” Gabriel said.

  “You know that I hate conditions.”

  “Once I meet your family, you have to meet with mine. Okay?”

  I rolled my eyes, “Done deal.”

  “You want me to drop you off and go now?” He asked.

  “No, no,” I insisted, “I’ll take the bus and call you later. You get your beauty sleep,” I sat up and made my way to the edge of the bed, and just as I was rising, Gabriel snaked a hand around my midsection

  Today was going to be a very interesting day.


  Part of me was dreading it the whole bus ride, and part of me couldn’t feel any more relieved in getting all of this off of my chest. I felt like a fool. Inside, I wanted to cry at the thought of my own parents judging me, scolding me and humiliating me for getting pregnant.

  The thorns of anger roped their way around my heart, when I thought about Damien. It wasn’t too late to go back, but in the back of my head and heart – I knew that I’d never forgive myself. This was a choice that I never should have had to make; no woman should. I tilted my head to the side as the bus ran along the street, spying outside the window all of the people and the buildings and the trees. My life was starting to have a sense of direction, albeit unexpected directions at that, but it was a start. I’ll finish this semester of college, but I can’t do any more of it - it just wasn’t what I wanted right now, and Mom and Dad will just have to understand.

  Once I got on to my familiar home street, I walked down the sidewalk with the still not-even afternoon sun baring down on me. Each step that I took was exhilarating, and it made my heart pump heavy in my chest. I’d been clean from drugs for a longer period than ever before, and with Gabriel as my pillar of love and protection, maybe, just maybe I can stay strong this time.

  I didn’t have my key on me, but I saw Mom’s old yellow punch-buggy sitting in the driveway. Knocking on the door hard three times, I pulled in a nervous breath to try and calm my ever present nerves. There wasn’t a noise to be heard, save for the wind cutting against me and whooshing at my ears. Each heartbeat of time was like another stab at my chest, the waiting was killing me.

  And then there was a noise, of locks being undone. The handle moved and the door opened, revealing my mother’s teary eyed face. Her lips curled into a huge smile, and her face crinkled with delight. “Madeline!” She couldn’t restrain herself, and she immediately went for me - wrapping her dainty arms tightly around me for a big hug.

  “Oof!” I said, “I missed you too, mom.” I couldn’t help but give a little laugh, as the warmth of seeing her again ignited happiness all through my body. Coiling my arms around her, I leaned my head against her person, and for a peaceful moment we embraced; all was well, and all was right.

  “Your father thought that you were never going to come back,” her voice quivered, “he feels so bad about what he did, honey.”

  “I know Mom. I know.”

  She pulled away from me and hastily ushered me inside, closing the door behind us. “Honey!” She yelled, “MJ’s home.” Not a moment later, I heard the sound of a door above me being hastily opened, and Dad’s feet shuffling against the floor as he made his way to the staircase. He peeked out from the corner, and even from this distance I could see the pain and joy in his eyes; Dad was dressed up in a yellow button up shirt and dark brown work slacks.

  Dad took a moment to compose himself, his nostrils flaring and his adam’s apple bobbing. He didn’t move for that moment, no, just stood there looking at me - trying to speak something through the silence; maybe he couldn’t formulate the words that I knew he wanted to tell me. Or at least, I hoped he wanted to tell me something good.

  Instead, I said, “It’s okay, papa,” I stepped forward, “I’ve forgiven you for what you did. Can you—”

  And for the second time in my life, I saw my father break in the time it would take one to snap their fingers. His face scrunched up, and his thick brows sank down. “Maddy!” H
e said in a broken voice, his body moving in such a way that it looked like he was about to fall to his knees. Not a heartbeat later and he was flying down the stairs, the color of red gracing his cheeks as he took the stairs two steps at a time.

  Mom made certain to get out of our way, and I in turn, moved to meet papa.

  Our arms found one another, and he hugged me so tightly and so greatly I thought for sure that this was the end. I’d never live to see another day. It would be an alright way to die though, I suppose.

  Dad spoke again, hugging me tighter, “I’m so sorry honey,” his voice was full of honesty and emotion, and just hearing him so broken made little bits of glass burn through my blood. I sank into his embrace more, and rubbed at his back. “I’m so sorry,” he said, “I’m so sorry,” his sobs came and went, and his fingers dug into my scalp, “I didn’t mean it, you know I didn’t.”

  “I know,” I assured him as mother watched us with her sad, doe eyes.

  “I’ll do anything to make us right again, please,” he begged and pulled from me, locking eyes with me. “You’ve been my world since the day you were born, since before. I was a fool, and I promise you anything stupid you do,” he cracked a small laugh and wiped away the wetness of his eyes, “you get it from me! Not your mother.”

  We all shared a small laugh then, “Mom does plenty of silly things, Dad. I forgive you, please, don’t cry it hurts too much,” my heart felt a terrible pressure still at seeing him like this. “There’s a lot I want to tell you… and I have to ask… for your forgiveness as well.”

  They both looked at me with pensive gazes, and Dad spoke, “Alright, MJ. I promise I’ll be patient, you know we both love you so much - the house just wasn’t the same without you.”

  That made my insides warm and fuzzy, to hear something so simple. It made me feel loved and good, something that Gabriel made me feel on the daily - something I thought I’d never be so blessed to have in my life.

  In my head, I silently thanked him for taking care of Damien for me; a part of me regretted not giving into hate, and simply letting my dark savior rid the world of such a terrible creature. But, at the end of the day, forgiveness was what got everyone through this wicked, wicked world.

  The world needed more understanding, and today, the three of us would try our best at accomplishing that.

  Sashaying towards the kitchen, I brought the three of us to the breakfast table and we all sat down. Before I had a chance to start anything serious, Mom was quick to put her hand on mine and squeeze; I was then given an earful about how creepy Damien had been acting from before, and that Dad didn’t eat for days after he’d struck me.

  When I was good and caught up on their activities and doldrums of day to day living, I announced, “I’m clean, and I’m staying clean. For good this time.”

  Mom’s eyes lit up, “That’s great to hear, MJ.”

  Dad’s lips curled into the tight smile that I always knew him for, “Do it,” he said, “don’t just say it. But I’m proud to hear that, MJ.”

  Still, even through their smiles and congratulations, I could sense their doubt. “Yeah, while I was gone, I was staying with a friend,” I explained.

  “Who?” Dad asked.

  “You two haven’t met him before,” I continued, “but I’d like for you guys to meet him. He saved me a while back, when I was coming home one night – I got attacked, but he was there to help me. He’s good, and he’s kind and funny, and he’s the father of my unborn child.”

  When I dropped that last bomb on them, their jaws went slack. Well, at least it wasn’t shouting.

  “Your child?” Mom asked, recoiling in her chair an inch.

  “Madeline…” Dad said in shock.

  “I was just as shocked as you guys, and I’m going to keep it. I’m going to keep it, because I don’t think I can live with myself if I terminated.”

  I could see the hurt and the confusion in Dad’s face, “M-Madeline, that’s – that’s something we need to discuss.”

  Mom’s lips trembled, “Come here, honey,” she said, starting to get out of her chair.

  “No, it’s okay,” I told her, “thank you though, mom. We’re talking about it right now, and it’s my body, and it’s what’s happening.”

  “But, MJ—“ Dad started.


  “T-this could ruin your life! No, no, no. This will ruin your life, sweetheart. You can’t do this,” he went on a tirade, bringing his hands up to the table, and already priming to get out of his chair.

  “No dad, this isn’t going to ruin my life. It’s going to save it,” the hurt stabbed at me from all ends, it was so sudden. “This is a gift, I’m coming to realize,” I sucked in a breath, “and that’s not something I thought I’d ever think or say. Loving Gabriel, taking care of this,” I placed my hand on my belly, “it’s going to keep me clean, keep me focused, and cut out all that pain I’ve carried since Brandon died.”

  Mom bowed her head, not saying anything. She clutched at her white dress.

  Dad shook his head, “You haven’t even known the man for very long, we haven’t even met him!”

  “It’s complicated,” I admitted, “but I’d like for the both of you to meet him. He ran Damien out of town for me,” I added.

  “Good,” Dad snorted, “he was nothing but bad for you anyway.” Finally something we could agree on.

  “Yes. I’m going to finish out the college semester too, and then I’m dropping out; there’s nothing for me there, I just don’t have the drive for it.”

  Now it was Mom’s turn to be upset, “MJ, this is too much. Change should be gradual, this is, this is like flipping over the table board and calling it progress!”

  “I’m just not happy,” I told them, shrugging my shoulders and looking between them, “I’m just not happy here. I’m not happy with what I’m doing, please, just meet with my boyfriend – I promise you, even if you don’t like him initially—“

  Dad looked incredulous now, “That sounds promising,” his sarcasm was scathing.

  “He’ll win you over…”



  I’d gotten maybe another hour or two of sleep at the most, and as I stood before MJ’s home, I couldn’t help but look at it with a new appreciation – a new sense of wonder. This was her home. The place where it all started for her, in those walls, and in those rooms, so many moments must have unfolded.

  Something curious arrowed through my chest, and I banged on the front door. Seeing such a nice, normal house – if I hadn’t known about the tragedy she suffered here, I found myself a touch envious of the clearly nurturing environment her parents had raised her from.

  When the door opened to reveal Mads, my heart dropped in my chest. It amazed me, every time I looked at her, at just how much my body responded to her natural beauty. Taking in those lips were a feast in and of themselves, witnessing the blue of her eyes – drinking in the view of her black and red hair; all the curves that made up her hour glass body.

  I was smitten. I was smitten and for once, I didn’t feel afraid.

  “So nice of you to finally show up,” she japed, moving to the side and flourishing with her hand to invite me in.

  “An outlaw arrives exactly when he intends to arrive,” I replied, flashing her a smug little smirk.

  “Which would be late,” she tried to clarify.

  I raised my eyebrows and stepped through the doorway, turning my head to face her, “Makes it all a bit more dramatic, no?”

  Madeline looked like she wanted to rip my throat out right there, so instead of letting her do such a foolish thing – I smiled and pulled her to me, planting a long, aggressive kiss on her lips. It was wet and smooth, and god did she taste fucking divine. Felt it straight in my balls, at how badly I needed to be inside of her again – even if it had only be just hours ago since I was there. The memory of it was on my cock. The way I filled her. The way that my seed pushed inside of those delectable walls, and leaked
out as we embraced each other naked.

  I pulled away and pointed with my head inside the house, “Did you butter them up for me, baby?”

  “Well I made them pretty confused and mad with me,” Madeline blessed me with a sly grin. “It’s the best that you are going to get, wonderwall.”

  “Say what?”

  “Nothing,” Mads replied, and pushed a short, amused breath from her nose. She then grabbed me by the hand and pulled me along into the kitchen. The kitchen itself had simple white tiles, and there was a cool looking breakfast table, which her father and mother occupied. Their family definitely wasn’t poor. Beyond the table was a tremendous silver fridge, sleek and no doubt loaded with various delectable goodies. Hell it made my stomach churn with wonder just looking at it.

  “Mom,” Madeline said, letting go of my hand, “Dad. This is Gabriel.”

  Scanning their faces, I could tell that they were obviously taken aback by my looks. To them, it was clear that I was trouble – but at least I was good trouble. “Nice to meet you,” I clipped more harshly than I intended, extending a hand towards the father.

  The father got up from his chair and squeezed my hand. For a quick moment, we had a silent war of who could grasp whom the strongest. Come on now, pops, don’t play that shit with me. “Hello,” he said in a deep voice, “we’ve heard… so little about you. I’m Cedric.” Well he was rather blunt.

  Madeline’s mother gave word, “Cedric!”

  Cedric turned to his wife, “Sorry,” he then looked back to me and mouthed the apology, and our hands went back to our sides.

  “S’all good,” I rolled my shoulders and give a curt, stiff laugh. Maybe this wouldn’t go quite so well as Madeline had been hoping.

  The mother shook my hand next, using both of her hands and being gentle about it. “Don’t mind my husband, sometimes he just stuffs all of his manners right up his humongous ass. You can call me Marlene.”


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