Lawfully Treasured

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Lawfully Treasured Page 8

by Jenna Brandt

  “It’s not because of you, Connor,” Nora stated with a sad tone in her voice. “It’s my fault. When her father left, I did nothing to encourage her to have a relationship with him. I bad-mouthed him and blamed him for everything, telling her he had abandoned both of us. The truth was, I was awful to deal with after William’s death. I didn’t cope well, and I took it out on my husband. I regret the choices I made—and it’s become clear, I made it impossible for her to have a healthy relationship because of it.”

  “To be honest, I’m surprised you’re admitting all of this to me,” Connor stated as he shifted the phone in his hand. “You didn’t seem overly happy with Hayley’s choice to date me.”

  “Like I said, I was wrong about a lot of things—God for instance. I started praying again after going to church this past Sunday. I gave my life to God and realized I needed to make some things right. The other thing I was wrong about was you. I can see now, you’re good for my daughter. It’s why I’m calling. I have her flight information, and I think you should go after her.”

  Connor stood up from his chair and grabbed his coat, wallet, and keys before heading out the door. “What if she doesn’t agree? What if she doesn’t trust we can be together?”

  “Convince her,” Nora stated firmly. “Go get her and bring her home.”

  As Connor headed out the door, he hung up with Hayley’s mom. He glanced at his watch and took in a deep breath.

  He wouldn‘t make it without some help. Connor dialed his sergeant’s phone number.

  “Hey, Sarge, I have a huge favor to ask. It doesn’t exactly follow protocol, but I’m hoping you’ll bend the rules for me. It’s important.”

  “What is it, Bishop?”

  “You guys know I’ve been seeing a woman from Clear Mountain, right?”

  “Sure. Jim loves busting on you about her, so we all know.”

  “Well, she’s taking off from the airport in less than a half hour, but I need to stop her and tell her how I feel,” he said as he got into his car and started the engine. “There’s no way I can make it there with the way traffic is, so I was hoping you guys could give me a police escort.”

  “Is she that important to you?”

  “Yes, she’s the one, Sarge.”

  “Then of course we’ll help you. The rest of the guys are already here getting ready for their shift. We’ll meet you at the exit from your complex to guide you to the airport.”

  Connor arrived just as the SWAT truck pulled around the corner with lights and sirens on. He pulled up behind them and the two vehicles sped towards the airport, blowing through every intersection, and making their way through town.

  The truck’s lights and sirens turned off just as they entered the airport terminal area. His team parked the truck in the red zone with Connor pulling his vehicle right behind them. He jumped out of his truck and threw the keys to Jim through the window.

  “Can you move it for me?”

  “Sure thing, Bishop. Go get your girl,” he said with a wink.

  Connor glanced at his watch, and realized he had exactly fifteen minutes to get to her gate. Luckily, he was in a uniform, which allowed him to bypass security and head directly there.

  Just as he arrived, he saw her heading to the gate with a carry-on bag and a ticket in her hand. She was about to hand the ticket to the flight attendant, when Connor shouted, “Wait, Hayley. Don’t go.”

  Several heads turned towards him, including Hayley’s. Her eyes grew wide with shocked recognition.

  Connor rushed up to her and pulled her away from the boarding area.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked in confusion.

  “Your mom called me and told me I should come find you. She said we’re good together and I shouldn’t let you leave without you knowing that.”

  “She said that?” Hayley asked with surprise.

  “She did, and she’s right. I came here, because before you get on that plane, I need to tell you something.”

  Hayley glanced around at everyone watching them. “This really isn’t the best place and time.”

  “No, it’s exactly the right place and time. I should have told you the other night when I was talking about the future. I should have told you the reason it was so important that we make this work is because I love you, Hayley Hall. You are so amazing, from your independent spirit, to your wicked sense of humor, to your stubborn streak. Not to mention you’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I’m not telling you to stay. I wouldn’t ever want to keep you from your dreams, but I know that I can’t let you leave without telling you how much I care.”

  Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she laughed and shook her head. “I can’t believe you rushed through the airport in uniform to find me.”

  “Not only that, but I had my team escort me here with lights and sirens.”

  “You didn’t?” she asked in shock. “You guys won’t get in trouble, will you?”

  “No, Sarge, will take care of it. Besides, you’re worth it, Hayley Hall. Being with you is worth any risk,” he said as he reached out and gathered her into his arms, placing a firm and passionate kiss upon her lips.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as she leaned into his embrace. The claps and cheers of the strangers watching their exchange echoed around them.

  Hayley leaned back and looked up into his eyes. “So, how exactly are we going to make this work?”

  “You can travel all you need to for your job, as long as you always come back to me. If you do, I promise I will treasure you as long as you let me.”

  “I can live with that,” she said with a smile. “I want to take the position at the Gazette my mom offered, but first I have to finish what I started. I need to go help Victor find Paul’s letter. It will be nice to come home to you when we’re done. And for the record, I love you too.”

  He leaned down and kissed Hayley a second time, taking in the feel of her in his arms, realizing that he had found the greatest treasure of all when he discovered how much he loved her.

  It’s not quite the end!

  Did you enjoy — Lawfully Treasured? You won’t want to miss the rest of the books in the series from — Ginny Sterling, Elle E. Kay, Evangeline Kelly, and various other authors.

  Turn the page for a sneak peek of the next K-9 stand alone book, Lawfully Found, by Natalie Middleton!

  Still want more? Lawfully Dashing is available now and is a Christmas romance. Don’t miss the epic story of about a female cop who finds love at a ski resort while solving a crime during a blizzard.

  Sneak Peek of Lawfully Found by Natalie Middleton

  Lawfully Found by Natalie Middleton

  10th September 1853

  Somewhere in Texas

  Susanna Miller ran for her life. Her breathing was hitched, and her feet were cramping. She looked behind her at an unknown assailant and continued running. Thankfully, she had no suitcase to get in her way. She had a small fabric pouch across her shoulder, in which she carried whatever she could from home. Home. What an alien concept it was for her now. After everything that happened earlier that day, she knew she didn’t have a home.

  She didn’t have much time. It would be dark soon. She needed to get someplace safe.

  She stopped and listened for sounds, especially a carriage. Carriages tended to be loud. But there was silence all around. Her feet slowed down to a walk. She looked around, trying to make sense of her surroundings. She was miles outside town and far away from home. She didn’t know how far the next town was. Texas was only just getting occupied with new towns being formed every other day. But it was no saying where the next town would be. It could probably take her a day to get somewhere civilized. But, Susanna didn’t want to spend the night in the open. Not in this lawless land. She turned to look behind her once again.

  “Civilized ladies don’t step out of their homes this late in the evening.” She could hear her stepfather’s voice. But for now, she pushed any thought of him out of her mind and kep
t up a brisk pace. She wiped the sweat off her brow. Her white cotton dress clung to her body, making it difficult to walk. Yet, she persevered.

  The setting sun left deep shadows, and that worried her. To her left was a thickly wooded forest and to her right were fields, thick with the cotton crop. There was no break for miles. She groaned.

  “I need to get to the nearest town. Fast.” She picked up her skirt and hurried. Just when she thought she was making good speed and going in the opposite direction to where she had come from, she twisted her ankle and fell. A sharp pain made her cry out. She tried moving her ankle, but it wouldn’t take her weight. Tears stung her eyes. Before she could stop herself, a sob escaped.

  For the hundredth time that night, Susanna wondered if she was lucky to be alive, or terribly unlucky to be out alone in a place she didn’t know.

  Samuel Davis was returning home from his patrol. It had been a relatively quiet week with no bandits, Indians, or thieves running amok. Some Rangers would have called it boring, but Samuel was glad for the respite. The last few months had been a continuous dance to stay alive as he battled the Cherokee tribes and lawless bandits who laid waste to town after town. He was a Texas Ranger, and it was his job to keep new towns in Texas safe. But these long-drawn battles were wearing him out. He had just about stayed alive while the United States fought Mexico for Texas, and now he was back in action.

  He was nearly done with his patrol when his horse neighed and led him on a deserted road.

  “Heel, boy. That road’s not ours to patrol. Where are you taking me?” Samuel tried to get his horse, Thunder to stop, but he continued walking into the narrow road. Samuel’s senses were heightened. He hoped it was not a trap. His eyes darted from side to side as he took in these new surroundings. His lantern illuminated a few miles ahead, but the rest of the road was shrouded in darkness.

  Thunder suddenly stopped. Samuel peered, but he couldn’t see anything. He got off and walked with the lantern in hand. One hand cautiously fingered his revolver in case a robber or bandit was lying in wait. His light shone on a woman who immediately covered her face.

  “Ma’am, are you all right?” Samuel called out. The woman said nothing. He debated going up to her, his mind thinking of different ways this could be a trap. Having a woman accomplice was not unheard of. He cautiously took one step closer to her.

  “Can you help me, Sir? I’ve twisted my ankle. I can’t move.” He heard a weak voice call out. He walked towards the woman and saw she was massaging her feet. She was wearing a white dress, and a bonnet covered her hair. Her face was pale and pinched. The woman looked at him beseechingly. Samuel stared into a pair of blue eyes and swallowed. His heartbeat sped up. He had never seen such intense eyes before. Even though she looked in pain, her smooth porcelain skin and feminine features stood out. He gulped and straightened his shoulders. As quickly as she looked at him, she looked down to her ankle. She started tenderly stroking her ankle again. Samuel looked down and noted a swollen ankle.

  Once he noticed the ankle, Samuel quickly got to work. He examined her ankle and noted the swelling. He pulled out a kerchief and tied the ankle. He put his hand out to her so he could help her up. The woman just stared at him.

  “Ma’am, take my hand. I will take you to the nearest town on my horse.” He pointed at Thunder who stamped his foot.

  The woman looked away. “Is something the matter?” Samuel pressed. Her ankle needed attention, and that would not come if she didn’t move from where she was.

  “It hurts. It hurts to move.” She whispered.

  Samuel looked into her eyes. “It will be all right. Trust me. I’m a Ranger. I’ll keep you safe.” She looked at him for a moment, firmed up and gave him her hand. She bit her lip and put her weight on him. He helped her up Thunder and mounted after he had made sure she was sitting properly.

  “Come on, boy. Let’s go home.” Thunder broke into a trot at Samuel’s command. It didn’t take them long to reach the town of Abilene. The woman was silent, and Samuel didn’t want to press her. He would drop her at the Church in town, and she could stay with the Pastor and his wife. They helped all newcomers in town, especially women. He felt content knowing he had done his job.

  Samuel stopped in front of the Church. The woman he was traveling with had not said one word since they started. He didn’t even know her name. He stole a glance at her, caught himself staring and cleared his throat. He knocked once, waiting for the Pastor’s wife to open the door.

  “That’s odd. I thought Pastor Henry was in town.” Samuel was confused. He knocked again and waited.

  “It doesn’t look like anyone is at home, Sir.” Samuel turned to the woman. She was trying to avoid looking at him. As any lady should, he thought.

  “So, you do have a voice. I was a little confused. Thought I’d rescued a lady who did call out to me.” Samuel smiled as he walked towards her. The woman blushed fiercely and looked down.

  “I-I, why yes. Thank you for rescuing me when you did. I am forever in your debt. You did me a huge favor by helping me when you did. Thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done.” This time, her gaze didn’t waver, and she gave a small smile. Samuel nodded, a weird sensation spreading in his chest. Every time someone thanked him for his help, a small part of him soared. That feeling never got old. He loved helping people out. That was the only part of his job he loved.

  “Like I said, I’m a Ranger ma’am. It’s our duty to protect and serve.” He fingered the badge sewn on his uniform. He turned around to look at the Church doors. It didn’t look like anyone was home. Someone must have summoned the Pastor and his wife. Either way, I can’t leave her here. I have no choice. He made up his mind.

  “Ma’am, I’m going to have to take you home with me. Tomorrow morning, I’ll take you to the town’s boarding house. They must have a room available. All newcomers to the town stay there till they find a place to call home.” He expected her to protest, but she nodded.

  “Thank you.” Her face looked determined. Samuel looked at her in wonder. Who was this woman and what was she doing out in the dark? He guessed those questions would have to wait.

  It didn’t take long for them to reach Samuel’s house. It wasn’t much, but he was proud. He had built the house himself. Even though he had to travel for days at a time, it was comforting that he had a place to come home to. Thankfully, he had been assigned protection duty in the towns around Abilene. And there was a lot to keep him busy. Abilene bordered Comanche territory, and skirmishes with the Comanche Indians were frequent. The area was hilly which meant it was a hotspot for bandits and thieves to hide from other Rangers.

  “Well, this is home,” Samuel said. The mysterious woman on his horse nodded. She tried to get off Thunder by herself but winced when her ankle hit the ground. Samuel quickly went to her side and offered her his hand. She gratefully accepted.

  “Before I take you into my home, I have to ask. Who are you? What is your name? Why were you out there on that lonely road?” Samuel quizzed. The woman nodded.

  “My name is Susanna Miller. And I was running to save my life.”

  Releasing October 30th, 2018!

  Also by Jenna Brandt

  Most Books are Free in Kindle Unlimited too!

  Billionaires of Manhattan Series

  The billionaires that live in Manhattan and the women who love them. If you love epic dates, grand romantic gestures, and men in suits with hearts of gold, then these are books are perfect for you.

  Waiting on the Billionaire

  (Also on Audiobook)

  Nanny for the Billionaire (coming May 2019)

  The Lawkeepers is a multi-author series alternating between historical westerns and contemporary westerns featuring law enforcement heroes that span multiple agencies and generations. Join bestselling author Jenna Brandt and many others as they weave captivating, sweet and inspirational stories of romance and suspense between the lawkeepers — and the women who love them. The Lawkeepers is a world like
no other; a world where lawkeepers and heroes are honored with unforgettable stories, characters, and love. Jenna’s Lawkeeper books:


  Lawfully Loved-Texas Sheriff

  Lawfully Wanted-Bounty Hunter

  Lawfully Forgiven-Texas Ranger

  Lawfully Historical Box Set


  Lawfully Adored-K-9

  Lawfully Wedded-K-9

  Lawfully Treasured-SWAT

  Lawfully Dashing-Female Cop/Christmas

  Lawfully Devoted-Billionaire Bodyguard/K-9

  The Rockwood Springs Series-a spin-off series from Jenna Brandt’s historical lawkeeper books, centering around the fictional town of Rockwood Springs, Texas. The first two books take place during World War I and follow the love stories of two of the town’s families.

  Promised to a Soldier

  Courted by a Soldier

  Second Chance with You Series is written by a group of sweet, clean contemporary romance authors connected by the idea that past loves, broken apart for a myriad of reasons, can be brought back together--some by chance, some by circumstance, some by choice. Jenna’s Second Chance book:


  Match Made in Heaven Series-standalone stories that are sweet, clean romances designed to whisk you away. Not every man has six-pack abs, nor every woman the model of femininity, but everyone needs someone. We believe in building a world that begins at the very core of what makes romance stories work—faith, hope, and love. Now it’s your turn to find love. Set your imagination and heart free with us. The next happily-ever-after is at your fingertips, just waiting to be told…Jenna’s Matched books:


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