Beyond Prophecy

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Beyond Prophecy Page 6

by Lucia Ashta

  Marian looked from Lena to Paolo and back to Lena again. Multiple pillows propped up their heads, their faces displayed varying shades of purple and blue, but even bruised and battered, the shock was evident on their faces.

  Marian had stunned them both again. She revealed to them what they were only beginning to see and accept as if it were an inescapable conclusion. Lena and Paolo were angels and twin souls who’d incarnated into human bodies to find each other and do their part to change the world.

  Lena spoke with a voice that was shaky from the trauma of the tube the doctor had removed from her throat. “This happened to me. This is how I met Victor.”

  “It happened to me too,” Paolo said, surprising Lena because they hadn’t spoken of it yet. “But I was more aware as a child than Lena, and I could feel the darkness trying to influence me. I found a way to rid myself of it.”

  “Yes,” Marian said and nodded knowingly at Paolo. Lena had no idea how Marian could know so much. “You’ve kept your light a constant in your life, except for the time that followed the death of your sister. It’s quite difficult never to succumb to lower emotions. Those ups and downs are a recurrent theme of human life and a great challenge to avoid. It’s understandable that you would have eventually found yourself vulnerable to attack.

  “Lena, you’re only now beginning to awaken after falling prey to a demon early in life, and it’s all happening too fast for you to integrate the new perspectives you’re learning.”

  But Lena knew she would understand. She could feel it. She now accepted ideas of herself and the world that an earlier version of herself would have rejected. She was in the process of acknowledging who she was and what she’d come here to do. She had faith now that she would know what to do when it was time. She would step into the role she’d come to fulfill. She’d make sure of it.

  “Here’s the catch, light warriors,” Marian said, “you can’t focus on fear or on the threat of darkness that’s everywhere because that very fear and apprehension will lower your vibration and make you vulnerable to attack. I told you all of this because you’ll be confronting the darkness during your stay on earth.”

  Who was this woman? Marian spoke with such a depth of knowing and wisdom that Lena wondered who she was, or what she was, that she could know all of this. Was she even human? At that instant, Marian looked at Lena and Lena was certain that Marian knew her thoughts. Marian smiled at Lena before continuing. Lena was stunned. This woman was amazing. She’d known what Lena was asking herself silently! Lena forgot that her body was sore and aching; she was intrigued and alert now.

  Marian continued, “You’ll help others, especially other light warriors that have been held back, to rid themselves of the demons that affect them. At this time on earth, humanity needs all of its light warriors. They must awaken to their purposes and step into the roles they have come to play. You’ll be called on to combat demons.”

  Lena felt a shudder run through her at the forecast because it rang true. She and Paolo would battle demons. How they would do that, she didn’t know, but she could feel the truth of it in her body. Lena decided to accept her role in life quickly and begin doing everything she could to prepare. The time for any kind of doubt was over.

  “If you focus on the light, you’ll grow in it. Grow in the light and grow together. That’s your true defense against darkness. Darkness will always fall away before the true power of love and light. There’s nothing more powerful in this world than the love and light that spring forth from our hearts. That’s because this love and light are the very essence of God. They’re divine, so before them everything that doesn’t match their frequency must ultimately fall away. No matter what experiences this life brings to you, always know that love and light are the most powerful in this world and in the next.”

  The words Lena heard up on Cathedral Rock came back to her. You are a light warrior. You are here to show that love and light are more powerful than any other weapon before the threat of darkness. Light will always prevail. You’ll show the world that. Everything was coming back full circle.

  “As you become more aware, you’ll see the influence of the dark forces in people, in organizations, and in governments, and you’ll be able to recognize the source of motivation. You’ll grow stronger. It will become easier for you to see past the threat of darkness and realize that all is ultimately well in the world.

  “And one day, you’ll stand against demons and feel only love. There will be no fear. The demons will melt away before the purity of love and light in your hearts. At that exact moment, you’ll know your true selves and your angel wings will sprout forth while you’re still on this earth.”

  This sounded like a prophetic statement. When Lena looked at Marian, she saw that Marian’s eyes were different. Marian had connected to something greater than herself, and Lena knew that Marian had just foretold the future: Lena and Paolo would battle demons with only love in their hearts, and they would become angels on earth.

  An unintentional shudder ran the length of Lena’s body, rattling her against the bed. Lena and Paolo would fulfill their purpose, and they would see the prophecy that Marian had just delivered come true. They would grow in love until they were so firmly entrenched in it that nothing could interfere with them again. Lena had a passion for love and for life. She would love and love until there was nothing but that within her.

  Lena turned her head on the pillow slowly and cautiously until she could see Paolo’s face. She loved this man. She’d loved him before with a searing intensity, and she would love him so again.

  The time returns.

  Chapter 16

  Immediately, the twins saw signs of violent bloodshed. Someone had carelessly strewn dead bodies and body parts just outside the city walls, as if they’d undertaken the task solely to allow more room for battle. There was no respect for the lives that had been lost or for their remains. It was a gruesome scene.

  Once inside the city, they found more cadavers. Blood pooled under the bodies and flowed into the streets and gutters. Asara and Anak had never seen anything like this before, and were shocked that humans could do this to one another. The sounds of swords clanging and explosions rang through their ears.

  As the twins walked through the city, none of those engaged in battle paid them any notice, but continued fighting in an unconscious frenzy, without pausing a single moment. And though no one fighting appeared to see the twins, those that peeked out from behind cracked doors and windows did. Women, children, and the elderly stared out at the terror that was all around them, unable to do anything but pray.

  When they saw the twins walking past, enveloped within a golden glow, they thought they were angels, who’d come to save their people. But Asara and Anak didn’t know what to do to help, so they prayed for peace as they continued on their way. They prayed with every breath and every step they took. Asara could see Anak’s glow expanding even further with his prayers and she knew that hers was too.

  They walked through the middle of fighting protected by a divine shield, with no concern for their safety. They made eye contact with those in hiding, and offered reassurance, even though the twins knew that many of these people would perish before the day was finished.

  They walked with light in their gaze and transmitted it to whomever offered them their unguarded souls. With each step, more prayer and light went out into the city. Another step, and another. Finally, after the longest two hours the twins had known in a very long time, they exited the town. They climbed atop one of the surrounding hills, from where they had a clear view of the city, and the sounds of metal clinking were almost inaudible. After witnessing the cruelty of humans possessed by darkness, they only found peace in knowing that, deep within, everyone’s soul was truly perfect.

  They sat, closed their eyes, and centered themselves. They connected with Creator and then, without premeditation, extended their hands, palms facing toward the city beneath them, and directed healing to the settlement below. As
ara and Anak sat like that for quite some time. They visualized the possibility of ideal human existence for these people, of peace and love for their fellow humans. Those people that still peeped out of the shadows from their homes could see light beaming toward them from the hilltop.

  The faint sounds of clashing swords diminished, and the twins stirred. The harsh sounds of war softened even more as Asara prayed that the people would allow their hearts to feel, that they would take the opportunity to reflect on what they were doing. When the twins stood to walk on through the hills, they noticed that the city had fallen silent, as if the battle had halted. They prayed for this reality as they abandoned their perch and the city.

  Chapter 17

  The twins were only on the second day of their journey and already it felt as if they’d been traveling for ages. That was the toll ugliness took; it caused weariness and exhaustion. Though it wasn’t yet dark, Asara suggested they stop where they were to rest for the night.

  She wanted to be in nature, alone with Anak, so they might have the opportunity to heal from the memories of what they’d seen that day. If they continued walking, they might encounter more pain and sadness. Asara didn’t wish to take that risk. She was already looking forward to the day when they returned to their home at the temple.

  It was easy to collect firewood from the fallen branches and twigs that covered the ground. Anak was building a fire in anticipation of the night’s chill. The flames licked upward, mesmerizing Asara, drawing her to them with their hypnotic dance. She let herself get lost in the entrancing fire and dream.

  Asara was a daydreamer, floating off to other places that nourished her heart. Throughout her life, her imagination would be one of her strongest tools. She didn’t bind herself to her current reality—what she viewed as possible in her life was ever expanding, limited only by beliefs which she outgrew each day. She could influence her reality, though she still didn’t know how powerful her ability to manifest was.

  Asara shook herself free of the hold of the flames and went to collect leaves that would serve as bedding. She spread them on the ground where she and Anak would sleep and patted them down, compacting them. She spread her blanket on top of the leaves and folded Anak’s blanket as their cover in readiness for nightfall.

  She finished preparing their sleeping area, and time still remained before sunset. They set out to explore their surroundings, hoping to replenish some of their food supplies. Before long, they found berry bushes. The twins offered a prayer of thanks, and then picked a basketful of the black and red berries, being careful with the thorns that protected them. The berries were delicious and an exquisite reminder of Creator’s perfect supply. When the twins had filled their basket, they walked back to the campsite and sat to watch the sun go down.

  Asara and Anak stretched out their legs and took in the spectrum of color that unfolded before them. It was an explosion of magnificence. That was one thing about Mother Earth; she gave resplendent sunsets despite humanity’s exhibitions of cruelty. It was a perfect end to a day that could have seen more peace. The sunset wiped the memories of violence away. Before such a display of Creator’s brilliance, everything became distilled and perfect.

  Chapter 18

  Lena and Paolo’s bodies healed quickly as they learned how to control their thoughts and how to use them to bend the reality of this world—the way of magic. They saw glimpses into the extent of their powers and they grew stronger.

  Paolo, who didn’t need to reprogram his thoughts, found it easy to assimilate the concepts they were taught. Lena also did well, though she had to accept ideas that had been foreign to her up until just a month before. But she believed wholeheartedly in the mystical world they were shown, and learned to be patient with herself as she adjusted to a completely new way of seeing and being.

  Lena and Paolo learned together with two extraordinary teachers. Marian taught them by herself until Victor appeared one day and set up residence at Marian’s house.

  Marian also spared Lena and Paolo any concern for expenses so they could move from the realm of matter to that of spirit. Once Paolo began to regain his health, he broached the subject of payment with Marian. She wouldn’t hear of it. She told them it was her mission to support them, so Lena and Paolo simply thanked her.

  They completely focused on their training as nothing else was as pressing. Within the walls of Marian’s secluded compound, they also let themselves forget about the threat of the dark forces. Hidden within plain sight, just off one of the main roads of Sedona, they felt safe.

  Marian and Victor were usually there. Whenever one of them did leave the complex, the other always stayed behind to protect Lena and Paolo while they completed their physical healing and grew in the ways of the real world; they weren’t yet safe on their own.

  Lena felt amazing with an inner peace she’d never before experienced. She had high regard for her teachers and their tenacity and resolve. Marian and Victor stood in integrity and were committed to what they were led to do in this life. They set a good example for Lena and Paolo to follow as they stepped into a new phase in their lives.

  Although the teachers shared a similar understanding of life, they each presented the information in different ways. At times, Lena resonated deeply with what Victor said, and at other times, it was Marian who swept Lena off her feet. Whatever situation inspired her on a given day, Lena felt supported; this environment encouraged her to blossom.

  If those from Lena’s past were able to see her now, they wouldn’t recognize her. She was nothing like her former self who’d compromised so much. She would never undervalue herself or her life’s purpose again.

  Chapter 19

  The twins awoke refreshed with the rising of the sun. The dawning light that roused them also woke their four-legged brothers and sisters, and nature began making her morning sounds. Rabbits peeked out of their holes, and bushy-tailed squirrels scurried up and down trees. Birds chirped while leaves stretched and rustled.

  The twins paused before starting. They sat on the blanket and floated off into a space of stillness where they connected to their spirit guides to ask for guidance. They received an immediate response directing them to turn south, across the hills, to avoid any more settlements that might delay them. They would need two full days to arrive at their destination.

  After receiving the requisite guidance, the twins allowed their awareness to return to their surroundings. As soon as they were rooted in their physical bodies, they began to ready themselves. Quickly, they folded their blankets, repacked their bags, and fastened their swords onto their belts. They grabbed the basket of berries and ate as they trekked.

  The twins walked deliberately, with prayer in each step, transforming the march into a walking meditation. It became a process for peace with and for the world.

  They walked all day, at a good pace, with very few breaks. When they finally grew too tired to continue, they made a quick bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

  Chapter 20

  At least a month and a half had gone by, and it was difficult for Lena and Paolo to be patient with their physical recovery.

  They’d both received serious injuries. Thanks to the angels’ intervention, Paolo’s leg was healing nicely and he was only burdened with a slight limp. His cuts and bruises had mostly healed and his face was regaining its normal color. Lena’s injuries had also improved. Though responders had interrupted the angels from completely healing her collapsed lungs, the angels had done enough to free Lena from the worst of complications. Like Paolo’s, Lena’s face was losing traces of the accident.

  To recover from so many days of bed rest, Lena and Paolo were doing daily yoga, strengthening exercises, and going on walks through the forested area behind Marian’s house. Their bodies were beginning to feel limber and agile again. Victor announced that in a week they would begin physical training.

  The plans sounded exciting. Lena couldn’t help herself. There was something exhilarating about the thought of
it. Then she realized that, if they were ready for weapons training, they must be physically able to make love again. Lena turned to Paolo, who was holding her hand in quiet companionship as they walked. When she saw the expression on his face and the spark in his eyes, she knew he was thinking the same thing.

  They galloped back to the room like children. It felt so good to sense life streaming animatedly through them again. And when Paolo merged with Lena again after so many weeks, Lena felt that there couldn’t possibly be anything better in the world than the connection they shared. The breath left Lena’s body as if all she needed was to draw breath from him.

  Lena was amazed at how she could feel so complete and happy within herself and yet, when Paolo connected to her in this way, she couldn’t imagine herself without him. Lena had found her divine counterpart. She knew it; that was the only explanation.

  Lena gave herself over to the sensations completely. As Paolo moved within her, his breath hot on her neck, she felt joined to heaven and earth. He stared into her eyes as he reached deeper within her as if that was the way he could touch her soul.

  Lena couldn’t think about anything but him and the ultimate oneness they shared. She couldn’t identify where the one began and the other ended. They were a swirl of ethereal love, of human passion and desire, and of the masculine and feminine aspects of the Divine. Maybe they’d ceased to exist as separate individuals. If that were the case, Lena wouldn’t care. There was nothing left but bliss.

  In that culmination of shared oneness and release, when the soul had given and received all it could, they spasmed together in an almost painful experience of physical pleasure. They clutched each other, gasping for air, when Lena felt the vision begin to come over her.


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