The Navy SEAL's Secret Baby: A Second Chance Romance

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The Navy SEAL's Secret Baby: A Second Chance Romance Page 1

by LK Shaw

  The Navy SEAL’s Secret Baby

  A Second Chance Romance

  LK Shaw




  1. Sofie

  2. David

  3. Sofie

  4. David

  5. Sofie

  6. David

  7. Sofie

  8. David

  9. Sofie

  10. David

  11. Sofie

  Secrets of Submission

  12. Penny

  13. Penny

  14. Penny

  15. Marcus

  16. Penny

  17. Penny

  18. Penny

  19. Marcus

  20. Penny

  21. Penny

  22. Marcus

  23. Penny

  24. Penny

  25. Penny

  26. Marcus

  27. Marcus

  28. Marcus

  29. Penny

  30. Marcus

  31. Penny

  32. Penny

  33. Marcus

  34. Penny

  35. Marcus

  36. Penny

  37. Marcus

  38. Penny


  A Note From LK


  Other Works Con’t

  About the Author

  COPYRIGHT: The Navy SEAL’s Secret Baby: A Second Chance Romance (c) 2016 by LK Shaw

  Cover design (c) 2016 by EmCat Designs

  All rights reserved. No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the Author. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then technically, you have stolen it and/ or pirated it and are a despicable human being. Return to an ebook retailer and purchase your own copy.

  Available in ebook only


  I have an amazing group of people in my life who deserve more thanks than I can ever give.

  Julia Sykes for being an awesome critique partner. Thank you for pushing me outside my comfort zone with this book. I’m probably gonna have a nervous break down, but I’m sure it will be worth it. I’ve missed our weekly Starbucks writing sessions. While I hate the reason they’ve started up again, I’m so glad I’m able to hang out with you on occasion. You’re the best!

  Linda Soto, my extraordinary PA, who has been a godsend. I have no idea how I got so lucky the day you showed up in my life. I thank you for the daily laughs, the daily dose of Deen (oh my god, we need to make that a thing!), and for always looking out for me. I’d be absolutely lost without you!

  EmCat Designs for the sexy as hell cover! I truly “squeeeeed” when I saw it.

  Editing by Rebecca for her comments and critiques.

  The Luscious Ladies - you completely and utterly rock my world! Thank you all for your continued support and desire to read my books. None of this would be possible if not for you. I hope I can continue to give you stories that you love and characters you’re dying to read about (I know. I know. Donovan is coming).

  LK’s Dirty Bitches - you know who you are. I can’t even with the gifs. Seriously.

  To all the readers whom I’ve met on this crazy journey. Thank you for continuing to read and share your love of books. Reading is what brings us all together.


  “You son of a bitch.”

  Fury rushed through me at the sight of the lily-white ass pumping away at the whore beneath it. Okay, if I were being honest, she probably wasn’t a real whore. Nevertheless, that bitch was in the process of fucking my boyfriend so, in my mind, she was a whore.

  The couple on the bed quickly jumped apart at my growled words, but it didn’t change anything. I’d already seen more than I wanted. Devastation would overwhelm me later, but right now, I was pissed off. Five years wasted on this pencil-dick cheater.

  “So—Sofie, what are you doing here?” The asshole, and now ex-boyfriend, stuttered. The woman next to him had the courtesy of not making eye contact with me, staring shamefacedly into her lap, sheets pulled up to cover her giant, and no doubt fake, tits.

  “I live here, Stuart. I got off work early and wanted to surprise you. I guess I’m the one who got the surprise. Now, get dressed and get the hell out of my house. Don’t forget to take the tramp with you.” If looks could kill, they’d both be dead.

  “But, Sofie, baby, I’m sorry. It was just this one time. She means nothing to me.” At this, the brunette turned to gape at him. Tears sprung to her eyes, and for the briefest moment, I felt a spark of sympathy for her, but I quickly squashed it. This chick was screwing a man who was already taken. She deserved what was coming to her.

  “Save it, Stuart. Nothing you can say will make this okay. I’m going to say it one more time. Then, I’m getting my gun.” Apparently, that was the magic word, because before I could blink, the two of them dove out of the bed and began dressing faster than I’d ever seen anyone get dressed. The woman was the first to finish, and as she slunk past me, she quietly whispered, “Sorry, he didn’t tell me he was married.” I only nodded as she continued out the door, closing it sharply behind her.

  Stuart, the idiot, was slower to move. He’d better hurry the hell up, because even I didn’t know if I was bluffing about the gun or not. My uncle used to take me hunting when I was a kid so, yes, I owned a gun and knew how to use it. Whether I would actually follow through on my threat, I wasn’t sure about. I don’t think either of us wanted to test me to find out.


  “Get. Out.” My patience had run thin. I headed toward the closet where I kept my gun. Stuart didn’t need to know that it wasn’t loaded. I had just reached the lock box when I heard the front door slam shut. I smiled smugly, but it quickly left my face. In its place, tears began to fall. I cursed at myself for letting Stuart reduce me to crying. I swore after my dad left us, I’d never let another man make me cry. I hastily wiped the wetness away and inhaled a deep breath, slowly letting it back out. I refused to shed any more tears on a man not worth their salt.

  I needed to get out of this house. Away from the tainted memories of what I’d just witnessed. Of my life shattering into a thousand pieces. Pieces I knew I’d have to pick up later. Tonight, I wanted to forget. To drown my sorrows in the bottom of a tequila bottle.

  I was glad it was Friday, and I didn’t have to work in the morning. I grabbed my phone out of my purse and called my best friend.


  “We’re going out. I don’t care where, but we’re going out, and I’m getting shit-faced.”

  “What happened?” I heard the concern in Callie’s voice.

  “I just caught Stuart in bed with some woman. I don’t want to talk about it right now. I just want to get drunk and forget about it for one day. Can you help me do that?”

  “Oh my god, Sofie, I’m so sorry. Of course, I’m on my way. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” We each hung up, and I headed straight for the kitchen. I wanted a drink now. I needed to get the pictures out of my head. How ma
ny women had he slept with before this one?

  I wasn’t stupid. Our sex life had never been that great to begin with, but I had noticed in the last six months that it had gotten even worse. Now, I knew why. I thanked the Lord we still used protection, because god knows what kind of disease he could have given me. I’m sure the woman today was not the first woman he’d cheated on me with. Enough. Stop thinking about it.

  I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and opened a bottle of wine, pouring myself a hefty portion. I quickly chugged it before refilling the cup. This one I sipped a little slower since I was already feeling the effects of the first one. I didn’t drink often, but when I did, I drank a lot. There were some benefits to being a bigger woman. I wasn’t obese, but I was definitely overweight. And I could hold my liquor. I’d drunk several college boys under the table. The secret was a glass of water between drinks. Or at least that’s what my gran taught me.

  My gran always told me I had the curves of a 50’s pinup model. I could kiss her for her sweet words. Because I knew what I was. I was a thirty-six-year- old, plump as a pigeon, newly single woman who was now halfway to becoming a crazy cat lady. I just needed the cats. Maybe I’d go to the shelter tomorrow. Tonight though, tonight I was getting rip-roaring drunk and forgetting all my troubles.

  Chapter One



  I cuddled Mia in my arms, inhaling her almost-gone baby smell. Even after thirteen months, I couldn’t believe I had given birth to this sweet baby girl. I thanked God for her every day. Was being a single mother the greatest struggle on earth? Yes, but it was worth every second. I had created this tiny little miracle, and I didn’t know what I would ever do without her. I hated leaving her for the week, but I knew she was in good hands.

  My Uncle Walter and Aunt Charlie were the closest people I had to parents. They had been watching out for me since I was twenty, and I couldn’t love them more than I did. My dad took off when I was twelve and my mom died when I was twenty. Not that she was really a mom to me, but you took what the good Lord handed you. And He had handed me Maureen Chambers. My gran and Aunt Charlie had pretty much raised me, and Uncle Walter had his shotgun at the ready any time a boy came to the house to pick me up for a date.

  Leaving for the beach to meet with Callie was something I needed this year. Well, I needed it every year, but I’d had to miss last year because I’d just given birth to Mia. Every year for the past umpteen years, Callie and I have met for a weeklong getaway, this year at a small house on the beach in Miami.

  It was a week where we could get together and reminisce about the old days and to get away from real life for awhile. Both of us were in healthcare, with highly demanding jobs. I was a physical therapist who worked at my local Veteran’s Administration hospital. It was a rewarding career, but also a tough one. Especially with the soldiers who came back with fewer limbs than when they left. It was also physically demanding and my back always appreciated my yearly ladies’ retreats.

  I looked down at Mia who returned my stare and added a happy, slobbery smile, a bubble escaping. God, she looked just like her father. I tried not to think about that night, even though it resulted in the best thing to ever happen to me. Plus, parts of it remained fuzzy. It was definitely not one of my finer moments. A few shots too many and I was grinding against this sexy-as-hell man with the brightest green eyes, gorgeous dimples, and a bald head I couldn’t help but rub. Not all men could pull off the shaved head, but on him it worked, and it worked well.

  I remembered the whispered words that tickled my ear and the soft kisses in the crease of my neck. I vaguely recalled Callie cautioning me against doing something I’d regret later. That’s where the night got blurry. I remember heated kisses and moans of pleasure, both from him and me. I remember feeling more cherished than I’d ever felt in my life. Oddly, it hasn’t felt like a one-night stand. I remember staring into forest green eyes all night and feeling as though there was no one else on the planet but the two of us.

  He gave me orgasm after orgasm that had me languishing in exhaustion. Soft words of how beautiful I was resonated in my soul. I fell asleep in his embrace. When I woke, he was still sleeping, our limbs tangled around each other. That was when mortification crept in. What had I done? This was so unlike me. I’d never had a one-night stand before; it was a testament to my emotional state the night before that, after thirty-six years, I’d managed to do the dumbest thing I’d ever done. There was only one option left. Get the hell out of there. Fast.

  I gingerly uncoiled my legs from his and slid out from under his arms. He shifted in his sleep and I held my breath, praying he didn’t waken. When a soft sigh escaped, I pulled myself the rest of the way away from him and hurriedly dressed. I recalled slipping out of the hotel room and calling Callie to come pick me up. She arrived within ten minutes and whisked me away.

  Three months later, I cried on her shoulder when the first pregnancy test came out positive. I’d bought three of them, because damn it, those stupid blue lines had to have been a figment of my imagination. After the third test, I knew then that I was screwed. Both literally and figuratively. Looking back, I couldn’t say that I regretted what happened between me and the man whose name I couldn’t remember. Because he gave me Mia, and I’d never wish that I hadn’t given birth to her. I shook off the memories and focused on my daughter who I was leaving with family for the first time in her life.

  We’ve never been apart since the day she was born, and I hugged her close to me, savoring the feel of her in my arms. I would miss the daily kisses, bath-time, bedtime stories and prayers, and the constant yapping that she did as she learned a new word. Maybe it was bias... fine, it was total bias, but I swore there wasn’t another thirteen-month-old as smart as my Mia.

  I set her down, and she toddled next to me, “helping” as I packed for my weeklong getaway. I spoke to her about all the fun things her “aunt” and I would be doing like the Fourth of July fireworks the city had planned, walks on the beach collecting sea shells for her, and all the sleeping in I could handle. I was a mother. The words “sleeping in” had left my vocabulary a long time ago.

  Packing took far longer than I’d planned, but after another hour or so, I zipped up my bag and picked Mia up in my arms, dragging the suitcase behind me as I headed into the living room where Aunt Charlie sat in her recliner. She got up when I came in and took Mia from my arms.

  “Thank you so much, Aunt Charlie. I have been so wishy-washy about leaving Mia alone, but I know you and Uncle Walt will take great care of her. I have a bunch of bottles made up in the fridge, and there is a can of formula in the cupboard. I have all the emergency numbers you’ll need, including my cell, the pediatrician’s office, and the house phone at the beach house tacked on the fridge. There is a first aid kit under the bathroom sink. There—”

  “Sofie, sweetie, you’ve been over this three times already with me. I know where everything is. Just go, relax with your girlfriend, and have a great time. Little Miss Mia will be fine. I know I never had my own children, but I’m certain your uncle and I can handle one small toddler. She always has fun at our house, and there’s no reason this week will be any different. You can call and check in on her any time you want, but you’re going to have so much fun while you’re away that you won’t even remember to worry about what we’re doing back here.”

  I could only nod absently and pray she was right. I kissed them both on the cheek, grabbed my bag, and said my goodbyes as I walked out the door, trying not to cry about leaving my baby behind.

  Chapter Two


  The sound of the ocean always calmed my nerves. And I had plenty to be nervous about. After twenty years, I was finally retired from the Navy. I’d lived and breathed the Navy since I was eighteen years old. I didn’t know how to be anything but a Navy SEAL. To be finished with the only career I’d ever known was nerve-wracking as hell. Not knowing what I was going to do with myself now was a topic I avoided thi
nking about. At least for the next two weeks, anyway.

  Instead, I was going to spend that time hanging with my buddy, Kyle, enjoying the salty water of the Atlantic Ocean and relaxing while I forgot about everything else around me. Kyle and I had served in the SEALs together, and once he’d been medically discharged after having his leg blown off, he’d settled back into his hometown of Miami.

  I pulled into the drive of Kyle’s bungalow on the beach and cut the engine. I grabbed my bag from the backseat and bounded up the sidewalk, before pounding heavily on the door, making sure I was heard over the blaring music coming from inside.

  After a minute with no answer, I rapped another staccato of beats onto the wooden door and added a kick for good measure. Thunderous footsteps bounded closer to the door, and a deep voice called out, “Hold the fuck on, man, I’m coming.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at the gruff sound. Damn, I missed this guy. The minute the door cracked open, I shoved it open farther and half tackled the bastard behind it. I shoved my shoulder into his gut and slung him over my back like a sack of potatoes. Christ, he weighed more than I remembered. I quickly set him down, and he proceeded to punch me in the arm.

  “God, you’re such a dick, Marshall. I should kick your ass for pulling a move like that.”

  I threw my head back in laughter at the tone of disgust in Kyle’s voice. I loved the man like a brother and still counted him as one of my best friends.

  “Dream on, old man.”

  “Whatever. Come in and join the party.” He grabbed my satchel from my hand as I followed him inside.


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