The Navy SEAL's Secret Baby: A Second Chance Romance

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The Navy SEAL's Secret Baby: A Second Chance Romance Page 19

by LK Shaw

  “When I was young, I fell in love. I met her our junior year of college and we dated for almost a year. She stopped coming to class one day. She moved out of her dorm, and when I tried calling, I heard only a recorded message telling me that the number had been disconnected. She had kept her family life quiet. Not once in the entire year we dated did I meet either of her parents, although I tried to push the issue a couple of times. It upset her so much that I eventually stopped asking. So I had no way of finding her.” I paused for breath and took a sip of water to wet my dry mouth.

  Penny had relaxed since her initial stiffened posture when I first began my story. “I gave up ever hearing from her again until about seven years ago, when, suddenly, I received a phone call. It was Grace asking me if I would please meet her for dinner. I should have said no, but I didn’t. I mean, she had been my first love, and I never forgot her. I had even started searching for a ring. I had wanted to marry that girl, and I thought she owed me an explanation. Two days later, I met her for dinner at this hole-in-the-wall Italian restaurant about an hour from where we went to school. She didn’t even look like my Grace. She was a ghost of her former self. She’d lost so much weight to the point she was almost skeletal. She proceeded to tell me about her billionaire businessman father and how he knew she’d been involved with someone. He didn’t know it was me since she had kept me away from them. He’d gone ballistic, wanting to know who had been defiling his daughter.”

  I peeked at Penny to try and gauge her reaction. When I didn’t notice a change in her posture, I continued. “You see, I’d already been experimenting in BDSM back then, and Grace was interested in it as well. Apparently, her mom had seen some crop markings on her one day and told her husband. Grace freaked out when he threatened to kill the man she’d been seeing so she left, trying to protect me.”

  After this statement, Penny moved to the edge of her seat in rapt attention now. Her gaze was fixated on me, and she was wringing her hands in her lap. She nodded for me to continue.

  “She told me how within a year after she left me, she married the son of one of the men who worked for her father. Soon after the wedding, her husband began changing. At first, it was verbal abuse. Then it escalated to physical abuse. She lived in fear for her life for ten years. She wanted out, but didn’t know how to get help. I was the only person she thought to turn to. Coincidentally, Donovan was familiar with several battered women’s shelters through his work at the District Attorney’s office, so I put her in touch with him to get the help she needed. I didn’t see her again until two years later when she reached out to me again. She’d gained confidence and was more like the Grace I had fallen in love with. She’d reconciled with her parents and had filed for divorce. We began an affair. It wasn’t a true love affair. We’d both changed too much for it to be anything more than a comfortable relationship. She agreed to try a D/s relationship again, but after living through Evan’s abuse, she wasn’t able to submit to me. I didn’t push her, especially after everything she’d suffered. It was the only time I maintained a vanilla relationship. About two years into our affair, she came to me one day and told me she was pregnant.”

  Penny gasped softly at hearing this. I had a child she didn’t even know about. I knew she’d always wanted children and my heart ached because of the hurt she must be feeling knowing I had kept my child from her. I avoided looking at her, because I didn’t want to see the expression on her face. I had slowed in my telling of the story as I began to tire.

  “Shortly after we found out she was pregnant, her ex-husband, Evan, happened upon us together at a restaurant. He began stalking her and threatening to kill us both. He became so completely obsessed with Grace that she was forced to get a restraining order against him. One night, he found her and beat her so badly she almost lost the baby. The police arrested him for criminal domestic violence. I don’t know how, maybe a payoff somewhere, but he spent less than a year in jail. While he was in jail, I would get threatening letters. They weren’t specific enough to be traced back to him even though I knew that’s where they were coming from. When Hailey was born, I sent them both into hiding. I’ve been doing everything possible to protect them from Evan and his obsession since then. The entire time he’s been out of jail, he’s kept a low profile and stayed out of trouble.”

  “About four months ago, shortly before I met you, I discovered someone following me. I suspected Evan, so I hired a private security firm to confirm it. However, he went to ground and disappeared. Then the letters started arriving. They were vaguely threatening until he sent me pictures of you. I knew then that he’d switched his focus from Grace to you, and I was afraid of what he might do to you. Since Grace was out of his reach, you were the next best thing. Grace was always his target, but he’d do anything to hurt me in anyway possible. He’d already tried to kill Grace once before, and he blamed me for her leaving him. I’m also positive he was the one who almost ran you down the day you and Bridget went shopping. I knew that the only way to protect you was to show Evan that I didn’t care. He needed to see that you were replaceable, especially after that day at the coffee shop when he was within striking distance of you. So I took the only available option. I let you go.”

  As I finished speaking, a stunned Penny moved from her perch on the chair and came to sit next to me on the bed. I reached for her hand and laced our fingers as the tears spilled down her cheeks. I didn’t even know who she was crying for. Was it for Grace and her escape from an abusive situation? Was it because at some point, I had loved another woman? Did she cry because all the hurt I had caused her by not telling her about Hailey? Or was she crying because I loved her enough to try and protect her even knowing that I was breaking her heart in the process?

  “I know you’re exhausted, but I need to know. You said you were coming to see me the night of the accident. If you left to protect me, then why were you coming back?”

  With her question, my entire demeanor changed. Up until this point, I had been serious, but occasionally smiling, especially when talking about Hailey, but then, true grief hit me. My eyes closed against the tears. I didn’t want to talk about this anymore, but she deserved the full truth. I fought the grief that threatened to consume me. I coughed to clear my throat as I continued.

  “Evan found Grace. He had an informant working at Connor’s security firm who shared the location of the safe house where I’d housed Grace and Hailey for the last two years. Evan watched the house and discovered the routine of shift change. He broke in one night about a month after I left you and confronted Grace. During their argument, Evan pulled out a gun. They struggled for control of it. During the melee, Grace was shot and killed. When the security guards rushed in, Evan turned the gun on himself. I have spent the last month focused so much on Grace’s parents, Hailey’s grandparents, that I didn’t have time to truly grieve. I needed you. I needed your strength to help me grieve or it would have overwhelmed me. That’s why I was coming to see you.”

  Penny let out a horrified gasp. “Oh my God, Marcus. What about Hailey? Is she alright? Where is she?”

  “She’s staying with Grace’s parents right now. Thank God, she was asleep when everything happened. I don’t know what I would have done if anything had happened to her. I’m devastated that Grace is gone. While our intimate relationship was over long ago, she was still the mother of my child, and at one time in my life, I did love her. I’m saddened by the fact that Hailey is going to grow up not knowing what an amazing woman her mother was. That her mom died protecting her.”

  Between my fatigue and grief, I was utterly spent. Telling her my story had me completely wiped out. I had nothing left in me today. I tried to ask Penny to stay, but the words wouldn’t form. I thought I heard her tell me to get some rest, but my eyes were already closed and I fell asleep instantly.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  A week after the accident, Marcus had been released from the hospital. He had been going stir crazy lying in t
hat hospital bed and told the doctor that if he didn’t let him leave, he’d walk, or crawl if need be, out of there on his own. Knowing how stubborn the man was, I knew he was serious. Marcus wasn’t one to remain idle for long. He had contacted Grace’s parents the second day after he’d awakened to let them know what had happened. They were sympathetic and offered to keep Hailey for as long as he needed them. Marcus had been lucky in that Grace had made sure that her parents realized he was, and always would be, a part of Hailey’s life. They shared custody of Hailey, and for now, it worked for all of them. I’m not sure where I fit in the puzzle though. I was still so angry that he’d kept so many secrets from me. The second day after Marcus awakened, I returned to my regular life and routine. I went back to work, only stopping in to visit either during a break or for a short visit after my shift. Whenever he attempted to bring up the topic of our relationship and why he returned, I’d change the subject. Our relationship was on rocky ground, and I was unsure if continuing on this route was the right choice. Regardless of his reasons for leaving, Marcus had broken my heart and shaken my trust in him.

  After Marcus left the hospital, the phone calls started. I was a coward and ignored them all knowing he wasn’t able to drive over and start banging on my door when I didn’t answer. I was still processing everything and wasn’t quite ready to deal with it. I recognized why he left and even appreciated that he’d been trying to protect me. Regardless, it still hurt. In a real partnership, the couple communicated with each other. That was the first rule he ever taught me. Communication was the key to every relationship. Yes, I knew I’d currently broken that rule by ignoring his calls. He shouldn’t have been keeping secrets from me and told me what was happening. I would have understood and made sure I was careful. He didn’t, and now it had been three weeks since I’d last seen or talked to Marcus.

  I talked to Bridget daily. She said she’d been to his house a few times to drop off some food and to help with anything around the house. Marcus was using crutches and tired easily trying to hop around on one foot all the time. I hadn’t even been to the club after those first few weeks since Marcus first left me. There was no reason to. I wasn’t going to scene with anyone. Instead, I sat at home on a Saturday night drinking a glass of wine and reading the latest release by one of my favorite authors. I’d just started a smoldering hot ménage scene, when someone knocked on my door.

  Slightly pissed off at the interruption, I ignored the knock. I wasn’t expecting company and if I didn’t answer, maybe they’d think no one was home and go away. I went back to reading when the knock came again.

  “Son of a bitch. Go away, asshole, nobody’s home,” I huffed, and after putting my wine glass and Kindle down on the coffee table, I walked over to answer the door since whomever was on the other side wasn’t going to stop knocking. I didn’t even care that I had on no makeup, no bra, my hair was in a messy bun on top of my head, and I wore my lime green with bright green frog print pajamas. “What do –” I swung the door open, ready to give whoever it was a piece of my mind for interrupting what I knew was going to be a sex scene so hot it already had my underwear wet. I stopped mid-sentence when I saw who was on the other side.

  “Marcus, what are you doing here?” I was shocked as my gaze moved over him from his wavy brown hair to his blue and red striped Henley and dark blue jeans, and then at the crutches I finally noticed he was holding. God, he was gorgeous, broken leg and all. “How did you get here?”

  He practically pushed me out of the doorway as he hopped past me on his crutches. The anger rolled off him when he barked, “Do you mind if I come in and sit down? My damn leg is killing me.”

  Déjà vu. I remembered that first time he came to my house only a few short months ago. Like then, I had no idea what I was in for.

  “Can I get you anything?” I asked as I joined him in the living room. I was plucking at my pajama bottoms in nervousness. I knew I should have been prepared for him to show up one of these days. Except I still wasn’t quite ready to face him and our uncertain future even though it was all I had thought about for almost a month.

  Shaking his head, he made himself comfortable on the couch, where I followed him. When I tried sitting on the other end, he reached for my hand and with no resistance from me, pulled me down onto his lap. He interlaced our fingers, and with his other hand, he brushed the hair off my face. His forest green eyes zeroed in on mine. “I’ve given you your space because I know that I fucked up, and you needed time to think, and I needed my time to grieve. I get it, but I’m done waiting. This shit ends now. I’ve apologized for leaving the way I did. It was wrong of me, and it won’t happen again. You’re mine, and I’m not letting you go. I love you, Penny. I think I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want Hailey to grow up to be as smart, funny, kind, and beautiful as you are. I want you to wear my ring. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you.”

  I knew I was going to forgive him, and this was where I wanted to be. I felt the same sizzle I always did when Marcus touched me as he interlaced our fingers. I leaned into his hand when he brushed my hair back and tucked it behind my ear. I’d always felt safe and secure in his arms, and I knew that would never change. When he started speaking in his “Dom” voice, a shiver raced down my spine.

  I perked to attention when the words I love you fell from his full, sexy lips. My eyes grew wider, and my heart rate continued to accelerate the longer he spoke. The most amazing feeling washed over me when he said the words I never thought I’d hear from anyone. This gorgeous, sexy, loving, intelligent man wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. Me, the perpetual overweight wallflower, who was lucky enough to catch the attention of this wonderful man. This man who spent endless time, energy, and an abundance of love on worshipping this wallflower so she bloomed. Realizing I was squeezing his hand tightly, I loosened my hold slightly as joy filled my heart. With tears of happiness, I whispered, “Yes.”

  Marcus let go of my hand and with both thumbs brushed the wetness off my cheeks. He cupped my face in his hands as he leaned in and brushed his lips across mine. It had been so long since I’d felt his touch, I felt like I was coming home after a long vacation. He feathered kisses across my cheeks, licking my tears away before kissing each eyelid, then my nose, before making his way back to my mouth. His kiss was a benediction. Deepening the kiss he tilted his head so we fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. His tongue swept through my mouth, and his taste was like the finest chocolate. Unbelievably, I was going to be able to kiss this man for the rest of my life. It was the best feeling in the world knowing he was mine.

  I changed positions so I straddled him, taking care not to jar his injured leg with my movement. I needed to be closer to him. I pressed myself against his chest, running my hands through his hair, tilting his head back to gain more leverage as I took over control of the kiss. After everything I’d been through with Evan trying to kill me and then with Marcus leaving me, I felt like my world had spun off its axis and I needed to right it. This, right here and now, was something controllable.

  Marcus’ hands had moved to my ass, squeezing and kneading my cheeks as we re-learned each other’s taste. It had been so long. We briefly broke our kiss and Marcus drew my pajama top up and over my head before tossing it to the floor. Our mouths met again. We couldn’t stop tasting each other. Then kissing was no longer enough.

  “I need you inside me now, Sir. Please don’t make me wait,” I begged.

  “Stand up and take your pants off,” he ordered.

  I practically jumped off him in my haste to get rid of my pants and underwear. He unbuttoned his pants, and his gorgeous cock sprang free. I took a moment to admire it. Not wanting to waste another moment, I carefully climbed back on him, and taking him in my hand, I slowly lowered myself down until he was balls-deep inside me. Gasping at the fullness of finally having him inside me again, I relished the feeling of completeness.
br />   He gripped my hips tightly as I pressed myself down taking in as much of him as possible. As he thrust upward I slowly lowered myself onto him. I leaned forward against him as he took one of my nipples into his mouth and suckled, pulling it taut, applying pressure with his teeth before releasing it with a soft pop. He moved to my other breast, showing it the same attention. I grasped his face in my hand and pulled him off, because I needed to taste him.

  I continued to move over him, making sure my clit rubbed across his pelvis. I took his mouth with mine and put all my love into the kiss. I tasted his familiar flavor and finally felt like I was home. My body moved faster and faster, and his grip on my hips tightened to the point of pain, but I didn’t care. Then he reached around with one hand and, using my own juice, entered my ass with one finger. Nerve endings exploded, and with the slightest pressure of his finger inside me, my orgasm raced through me. I threw my head back and screamed his name as I felt him flood my pussy with his seed.

  Tiny aftershocks continued to pulse inside me as I fell against his chest, our heartbeats matching rhythms. He pushed my hair off my face and feathered light kisses across my brow. “I love you, Penny.”

  I sighed softly, basking in the amazing love that encompassed me. “I love you too, Sir,” I whispered as I dozed off, feeling safe and secure in the arms of my Dom.


  I’d been waiting for this day for six months. Six months in which my life had changed in ways I’d only ever dreamed. I never thought I would be a wife and a mother. Well, I was still approximately forty-five minutes away from being a wife, but it was close enough to count. I had never considered myself particularly religious, but I thanked God every day for the blessings in my life. Marcus and Hailey had brought so much joy into my life. They’d become the family I’d always wanted, but never though I’d have.


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