Highland Deliverance (Blades of Honor Book 3)

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Highland Deliverance (Blades of Honor Book 3) Page 14

by B. J. Scott

  Roslyn smiled. He’d called her ma gaol, his love, and leannan, sweetheart, on more than one occasion. Dare she hope these terms of endearment meant he truly cared for her and was starting to think of her as his woman? She’d always vowed no man would own her, but for the first time in her adult life, she was ready to open her heart to a man she thought might be different from all the others she’d met in the past.

  She’d overheard the woman in the keep talking about the difference between bedding a man one loves and someone one doesn’t. And while she’d never been with anyone in an intimate way, and was not quite sure what to expect, she believed being claimed both body and soul by Ian would be amazing.

  As Ian laced the back of her gown, his knuckles caressed her shoulder. His touch sent a rush of warmth coursing through her, unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. When they shared a kiss in her chamber, her body reacted to his presence, but it dinna compare to the intensely of this moment.

  “All finished. Now try to get some sleep. I’ll go and fetch some water from the stream, then make a tea while you rest. I’ll also see if I can find some berries. Perhaps when you awaken, you’ll be hungry.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek, then strode toward the door. “I willna be gone long,” he promised and left the croft.

  Roslyn woke with a start and glanced around the hut, searching for Ian, but she was very much alone. She could tell by the cloak of darkness shrouding the room and the crescent moon hanging outside the window, that night had fallen.

  She scrubbed her fist across her eyes, yawned, then stretched. “How long have I been asleep, and why has Ian not returned?” she muttered aloud, concern for his safety tugging at her belly. Perhaps he’d reconsidered and done as she requested—left her here alone and went on to warn his clan of Roderick’s plan.

  The idea he would desert her left her feeling chilled and empty inside, but she really could not blame him. Ian was a free-spirited man with no ties. She’d gotten the impression from what little he’d shared about his life that perhaps he might like things to stay the way they were. Always living on the edge, a new adventure every day, and with no commitments other than to his clan, Ian had never taken a bride. How foolish she was to think she might be able to change his mind.

  Roslyn stared at the ceiling for a moment, then slid to the edge of the bed and sat. She’d never been one to wallow in self-pity and was not about to start. She sucked in a deep breath and swung her legs over the side. Thanks to a low-burning fire on the hearth, the room was warm, not cold and damp as she expected. However, when her bare feet touched the wooden plank floor, a shiver ran up her spine.

  She stared down at her attire. Clad in nothing more than a thin cotton night rail, she didn’t remember changing from her gown. When Ian tended her wounds, she was feeling groggy, so perhaps her memory was not serving her as well as it once did. Pleasantly surprised to find no pain upon rising, she padded to the window and peered into the blackness. Lost in thought, she didn’t hear the door open or the sound footfall approaching.

  Strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind, then hauled her against a solid wall of muscle. “I’m glad to see you’re feeling better, ma gaol,” a deep voice rumbled. The man swept her hair aside, feathered kisses along her neck, and paused to nibble on her earlobe. “You look so beautiful, your flaxen locks glistening in the moonlight like spun gold,” he rasped.

  Roslyn turned in his arms, but before she could speak, he captured her lips with a kiss that made reality fade into a fog of utter euphoria. A moment of bliss she didn’t want to end.

  His tongue danced across her lips and when she gasped with delight, he deepened his kiss, stealing her breath and mercilessly ravaging her mouth until she felt as if she might faint. Her knees weak, she clung to his tunic for support.

  “Ian,” she said, but she didn’t push him away. Instead, she laced her fingers through his raven hair and returned his kiss with equal enthusiasm.

  “I want you, leannan, more than my next breath,” he declared, then scooped her up and carried her to the bed. “I have never craved anything or anyone as much as I do you. Will you have me, Roslyn?”

  Roslyn offered a hesitant nod. She knew Ian was not the marrying kind, and this might be nothing more than a dalliance, but she ached for his touch, and more than anything, she longed to feel him buried deep inside her.

  They were hunted by her brother’s men and if Roderick caught them, they’d surely be executed, so this night might be their last. At least she’d have this sweet memory to carry with her to the after-life. “Aye, Ian, I desire nothing more than to be claimed by you.”

  He dipped his head and captured her lips again, but this time as their tongues tangled, he slid her night rail up her thighs, then broke the kiss long enough to tug the garment over her head.

  She stood before him naked and at his mercy. But instead of fearing the unknown, an exhilarating rush of excitement and anticipation of the wonders to come washed over her. “Make me yours, Ian,” she said on a strangled breath.

  “Your wish is my command, m’lady.” Ian hoisted her into his arms one more time before placing her in the center of the bed. He removed his clothes and quickly climbed in beside her. Using the pad of his thumb, he lightly traced the contours of her mouth, then nipped at her lower lip. “You’re ravishing, Roslyn. You stole my breath away the first time I saw you, and I have dreamed of this moment since that day.”

  Roslyn glanced away. She was certain Ian had been with many women in his life, but she was untried and wasn’t sure she could satisfy his needs or knew how to please him.

  He caressed her bare shoulder and kissed her cheek. “What’s wrong, leannan? Why do you look away?” He placed his fingers beneath her chin and raised it until their gazes met.

  She stared into dark eyes filled with passion and desire, and swallowed hard, fighting back tears. “I have never been with a man before. I dinna want to disappoint you.”

  Ian smiled. “You could never disappoint me. And knowing I am to be your first. And your last,” he quickly added, “pleases me immensely. I promise to take my time and we’ll only go as far as you wish.” He drew her closer, his rock-hard shaft pressing against her thigh. “As you can see, I want you very much. And it willna be easy to stop once we start, but I give you my word, I’ll abide by whatever you want.”

  She gazed up at him. “Then make me your woman, Ian. It is what I want.”

  He rolled her beneath him, used one of his arm to support his weight, then slid his other hand between their bodies and began to caress her most intimate place. He lightly stroked her bud of arousal until moist heat pooled between her thighs and she squirmed beneath his touch. When he dipped his fingers past her feminine folds and entered her body, she thought she might perish from the purest form of ecstasy.

  “You are wet and ready to receive me,” he rasped. “Are you certain this is what you want?” He positioned his arousal at the opening of her core. “Tell me now or I may na be able to turn back.”

  “Aye, Ian, make me yours,” she said against his shoulders, then thrust her hips skyway, burying him to the hilt.

  “Are you ill?” Ian whispered in her ear. “I heard you whimpering in your sleep.”

  Roslyn fought to catch her breath, to calm her racing heart, her entire body lost in the heat of passion. She sat up, clutched at her throat, and stared down at Ian. He lay on the bed beside her, but he was fully dressed and resting atop the pelt, not beneath it. Her gaze darted under the covers, then she slowly lifted her head, shocked to find she was fully dressed, wearing the same gown she had on when they left the castle.

  Propped on one elbow and resting his head upon his hand, Ian stroked her back. “Did you have a nightmare?”

  Roslyn swallowed hard, then shook her head. “Nay, it was not a bad dream. What are you doing on the bed?” she asked, quickly changing the subject.

  “You were sleeping so soundly when I returned with the water and berries, I hated to wake you,
” Ian replied. “I started a fire, but had to keep it small. I dinna want to draw attention to the hut should someone pass by. The room was chilly and I noticed you were shivering, so thought perhaps if I laid beside you, you’d be warmer.” Ian sat up and slid to the edge of the bed. “I dinna mean to frighten you or to do anything inappropriate. I apologize if I did.”

  He went to stand, but she clasped his wrist. “Dinna leave, Ian. Please lay beside me. I like the feel of your arms around me and will sleep much better knowing you are near.

  Ian laid beside her. “I made some tea and there are some oatcakes and berries if you are hungry and thirsty.”

  She shook her head. “I’m na hungry. Just stay with me.”

  He slid his arm beneath her shoulders and tugged her into his embrace. “That suits me just fine, leannan. Try to rest. The dawn will be here before we know it. We still have a long journey ahead of us on the morrow.”

  Roslyn snugged against his side and rested her hand on his chest, but she didn’t close her eyes, her dream still as vivid in her mind, as if it truly happened. She bit her lower lip, stared out the window, and wished upon the moon. She wished they’d live to see another day and perhaps that her dream would come true.

  Chapter 18

  As the first warm rays of morning sunlight caressed Roslyn’s cheek, she snuggled beneath the covers, wishing for just a little more time to sleep. When a lark began to sing outside the window, she shot up in bed, suddenly remembering she was not in her chamber at Morgan Castle. “Ian!” Panic squeezed her chest when she found the bed empty beside her.

  “Aye. I’m here, Roslyn.” He approached with his arm outstretched. “I was about to awaken you. Let me help you up.” He clasped her hand. “I hope you’re hungry. Along with an herbal tea Fiona recommended, I heated the oatcakes and have some fresh berries waiting.”

  “Aye. My appetite seems to have returned and I am thirsty,” she replied as he helped her to stand. While she still experienced a little discomfort across her back when she moved quickly, she was indeed feeling better than she had since her ordeal in the dungeon.

  “I put some heated water in a bowl on the table by the bed. I thought you might like to wash up before we eat.” Ian went to the hearth and stirred the contents of a pot hanging over the fire. “Fiona told me to be sure you drink as much of this brew as possible. You can have some when you break your fast, and we’ll take the rest along with us.”

  Roslyn dipped her hands into the basin of water and splashed some on her face. “I’d give about anything for a hot bath or a dip in the stream.” She used a linen rag to rid herself of some of the dirt and grime she’d acquired during her stay in the dungeon, then combed her fingers through her tangled hair.

  “Once we reach Fraser Castle, you can bathe as long as you like. I’m sure the other ladies of the clan, Cailin, Fallon, Edina, Arya, and Sheena, will be fussing over you like mother hens.”

  “My, so many of them. I look forward to meeting your family.” Roslyn had no sisters, Fiona being her only female companion. However, after her brother took Quinn, and still posed a threat, she was not so sure the ladies of Clan Fraser would welcome her with open arms.

  “Aye, and they’re all different and very special women, each in their own way. My four cousins and Garrett, he is married to my only female cousin, Arya, are very lucky men. I’m sure they’ll all make you feel at home.” Ian motioned with a flick of his hand. “Come and eat.”

  Following their meal, Ian gathered the rest of their food and placed it in a canvas sack. “We’ll be glad of this later today,” he said, then threw some water on the hot coals in the hearth. “We dinna want the smoke to alert Roderick’s men as to where we spent the night.”

  “My brother’s men are as dogged as their lord and master. How far is it to Fraser Castle?”

  “By foot, three days, maybe four. And on horseback, perhaps a day and a half.”

  “If only we had a steed to carry us,” Roslyn replied.

  Ian held the door open. “Can you walk or do you need me to carry you?”

  “I’m feeling much stronger and am sure I can walk,” she said and stepped outside.

  “Well, you dinna have to pad too far.” Ian grinned and pointed to a horse tethered to a tree outside the hut.

  Roslyn couldn’t believe her eyes or their turn of good fortune. “Where did you get him from?”

  “When I was out gathering berries, I backtracked a little and borrowed him from one of your brother’s men.”

  Roslyn gasped and clutched a hand to her throat, her heart hammering. Furious that Ian had taken such a risk, she glared at him. “I canna believe you went into their camp and stole a horse. You could have been captured or killed.”

  “I dinna go anywhere near their camp. This fellow was out patrolling the path when I relieved him of his mount. I’m afraid he willna be needing it anymore.”

  “You killed him?”

  “I had no choice,” Ian answered. “He came upon me when I was gathering the fruit and challenged me. I dinna kill men for sport. In fact, I despise taking another man’s life for any reason. But he wouldna yield and I’ve no doubt if he’d gotten away, he would have told the rest of the search party where he’d seen me.” Ian hung his head. “I made it as swift and merciful as I could, then buried him off the trail under some rocks.”

  Roslyn caressed his forearm. “Why did you na tell me this last night?”

  He stroked his knuckles along her cheek. “There was no point. The man was already dead and buried, I was sure your brother’s men had made camp for the night, and I wanted you to get a good night sleep.”

  “I would have understood.” She launched herself forward, then wrapped her arms around Ian’s neck and hugged him.

  Ian enveloped her in his arms and lowered his head, kissing her soundly. “You are an amazing woman, Roslyn.” He curled his hands around her waist, placed her upon the horse’s back, and mounted behind her. “Let’s be away before they find us.”

  They traveled for several hours before stopping in a small clearing beside a swift moving stream. “Your legs must be cramping, Roslyn. I know mine are. This looks like a good place to rest and water the horse. Once he’s had his fill, he can graze a little while we finish the oatcakes and ale.” Ian dismounted, then helped Roslyn down.

  “Are we still on Morgan land?” she asked.

  “Aye, I believe so.”

  Roslyn glanced around at their surroundings, then kicked off her slippers and wiggled her toes in a patch of soft, green grass. “It is so lovely and peaceful here.”

  Ian had to agree as he took in the scenery for himself. Fragrant wildflowers dotted the meadow, large shade trees lined the riverbank, and sparkling water babbled over weatherworn rocks and boulders. “Aye, it’s very pretty here. Too bad we dinna have time to enjoy it.”

  “I’ve lived at Morgan Castle my whole life and I never knew this place existed.” Roslyn padded to the river’s edge, then dipped her foot in the water. “Of course my father seldom allowed me to go beyond the castle walls.” She inhaled deeply, then giggled. “The air is so crisp and cool. It tickles my nose.”

  Ian came up from behind, slid his arms around Roslyn’s shoulders, then rested his chin on her head. For a moment, he allowed his mind to wander, almost forgetting they were being followed and in great danger of being captured and dragged back to Morgan Castle.

  “If you think this is beautiful, there is a waterfall a little farther upstream, the view from the top is breathtaking. Like you, leannan,” he murmured in her ear.”

  She turned to face him. “You flatter me, Lord Fraser. I—”

  “The tracks lead this way. They must be headed to the river.” A man’s voice echoed on the breeze. “They’ve led us on a merry chase, but we’ll catch up with them soon enough.”

  Ian grabbed Roslyn’s hand and dragged her into a nearby thicket. “Squat down and dinna make a sound,” he whispered.

  “The horse.” Roslyn tried to
go for the animal, but Ian yanked her to the ground.

  “We’ll have to leave the mount behind and go the way on foot,” Ian whispered.

  “But, Ian, our supplies and your sword are attached to the saddle.”

  “Your brother’s men are closing in fast and any second will be in the clearing. If we dinna flee now, they’ll capture us and send you back to await your brother’s return. And I canna abide the thought of you spending one minute alone with that bastard.” Ian tried to remain calm for Roslyn’s sake, but found it impossible to hide the urgency in his voice.

  “Then best we hurry,” Roslyn said. “I never want to go back to Morgan Castle.”

  “Dismount men and search the area. They canna have gotten far,” one of the warriors shouted. “Their horse’s flanks are hot and his chest is sweaty from being pushed for a long time.”

  Ian peered through the bracken in order to assess the situation. He counted a dozen men on heavy horse. Each warrior carried a broadsword and two of them toted crossbows. He was known to be a fine warrior and quite proficient in battle, but he was sorely outnumbered and he had to think of Roslyn above all else.

  “What do we do when we find them?” another man asked.

  “If the man who absconded with Lady Roslyn doesna come peacefully, kill him,” the leader replied. “Just be sure and bring the lass back unharmed if you can. Lord Roderick will be irate when he finds out about her escape. If he isna allowed to punish her properly, he might just take it out on us.”

  Ian recognized the man who appeared to be in charge, having seen him around the castle and in Roderick’s company on more than one occasion. “There are too many of them to fight. Our only chance is to slip away unnoticed and lose them in the woods.” He caressed Roslyn’s cheek. “Are you ready?”


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