Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4

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Aftercare: General's Daughter, Book 4 Page 19

by Breanna Hayse


  Sam and Rich giggled while making dinner that night, enjoying the first domestic adventure they had undertaken together. Rich was very efficient in the kitchen and cleaned everything that Sam messed up. She liked that arrangement.

  “If we end up ever living together, at least we’ll have a clean house,” Sam informed him happily.

  “Oh, you’ll learn how to clean. There are strict consequences to not doing chores, little girl,” Rich whispered, chewing on her earlobe and sending her laughing hysterically to the floor.

  “That tickles! Stop it!” she shrieked.

  Dr. Quimby walked in. “I thought you were making chicken cacciatore, not Sam Catchachewie.” He laughed, watching Rich sink his teeth into her neck.

  “Get him off me!” she yelled.

  Dr. Quimby shook his head, leaving the room. He beckoned to his son. “Go save your sister. Jen, darling, let’s have a tiny chat, okay?”

  “Am I in trouble?” she asked fearfully.

  Dr. Quimby laughed. “You sound like Samantha. Are you feeling guilty about something?”

  “Not really, I mean, well, I know she already told you guys what we did, but it was taken care of and Mike and Rich said we didn’t have to ‘fess up or anything,” she blurted out quickly, not looking at him.

  “We always would like to know what’s going on. I know you’re afraid of a repeat of what happened with you and Scott, but this is different. We aren’t total beasts. At least, I’m not. I always want to know if one of the boys has a need to discipline you. It lets me know what’s going on and that you are being watched out for.”

  “Oh, I was watched out for, all right. I’m not pissing Mike off again anytime soon.” Jen shuddered.

  “You could always deal with Rich,” Dr. Quimby teased.

  Jen’s eyes widened. “You’ve got to be joking; Rich makes Scott look nice when he’s pissed. No thanks.”

  “Poor baby. Are you going to tell Scott about your little adventure?”

  “Do I have to?”

  “No, but you should.”

  “Will he punish me again?” Jen gulped.

  Dr. Quimby shrugged. “I can’t honestly answer that. He didn’t with Sam, but then, I suspect she’s got some evidence to indicate there was no need.”

  “I’ll say. Oh, all right. Wish me luck,” Jen groaned.

  Dr. Quimby hugged her. “Just remember, you wanted to be part of this family. Be careful what you wish for.”


  “Where’s Jen?” Michael asked, returning with Sam over his shoulder and Rich trailing behind. He dumped his sister on the couch, looking around.

  “On the deck talking with Scott about her adventure.”

  Michael glanced outside, seeing Jen standing, hands folded in front of her, being scolded like a little child. He chuckled. “Did I look the same way when Uncle Scott reprimanded me when I was little?”

  “You STILL look that way when he scolds. Uh oh,” Dr. Quimby said, seeing Scott point to the railing.

  “He’s not mad, he’s just screwing with her. Look at his jaw,” Sam said, seeing Scott push Jen to lean over the rail. He suddenly grabbed her by the waist and was hanging her over it, like he was going to drop her into the water. She was screaming by then and laughing. The two walked in shortly afterwards, Jen slapping Scott on the arm before hiding behind Michael.

  “He’s picking on me. Protect me.”

  “Hell no, I’m not stupid,” Michael teased, ducking away from her.

  Sam stood up and positioned herself in front of her friend, hands on her hips, looking up well over a foot above her into her uncle’s face. “Unlike my big, burly brother, I’m no chicken shit. I’ll protect you, Jen.”

  “Oh, look the big bad WM is going to be a roadblock.” Scott snickered, taking an identical pose, only looking way down at his niece.

  “Woman Marine or not, I can be a very effective roadblock, as you know,” Sam insisted defiantly.

  Scott pretended to look afraid, holding his eyes wide and placing his hands on his cheeks. “I’m scared,” he teased, pretending to shake.

  Michael whispered to Rich, “Watch her eyes. She’s going to make a move.”

  “You look like that painting, ‘The Scream’. And you should be very much afraid of me,” Sam announced, suddenly dropping to the ground and sweeping her leg under the back of his knees, making him fall clumsily like a sack of potatoes.

  Scott was completely taken off guard and had the wind knocked out of him. “You little… get her!”

  “This is your fight, Scott,” Dr. Quimby said, moving furniture with the boys.

  Scott looked around, she was nowhere in sight. “Where is she? OW!” he yelled as she jumped him silently from behind, catching his neck in a thigh hold and flipping him to the side. He growled, slipping out and went to grab her. She was gone again.

  “She’s been practicing. I’m impressed,” Dr. Quimby said, arms folded as he sat on the back of the couch with the other three. Scott’s face reddened as he continued to grab air and get knocked down.

  “So am I. I don’t think even I would see those moves,” Rich said, watching them carefully. He frowned, noticing Scott kept reaching for where she wasn’t. The brat. She was cheating. Again. He elbowed Michael, who nodded.

  “She’s swirling. The little stinker. Dad, watch them carefully. Look at what your little angel is doing.”

  “I’m seeing it. It’s almost like Scott is getting illusions of where she is. Ohhh, I get it. Should I call it a match?”

  “Nah, let her beat him up a little more. All’s fair when it comes to wrestling with Scott. Especially if it makes him lose.” Michael grinned.

  Dr. Quimby looked doubtful. “How quickly you forget that we still need to live with him. Are you sure you want that?”

  “Chicken-shit,” Michael and Rich said together.

  “Damn right. Self-preservation has its rewards, gentlemen.”

  Scott finally lay on the floor, out of breath, when his niece pounced on his stomach, and held his arms down over his head. She kissed his cheek.

  “I won,” she said simply.

  He growled. “You cheated.”

  “I learned about cheating from the best. Did I hurt you?”

  “Just my ego. How did you do that?”

  “I cast images to confuse you. It’s a cetacean decoy method from possible predators.”

  “Killer whales have no predators,” Scott said, sitting up and grabbing the base of his spine with a groan.

  “No, but dolphins do. Killer whales. Is your back okay?”

  “You got me good. I landed badly. My fault. You need to practice more,” Scott grumbled standing slowly.

  She hugged him. “I know. I need to work in multiples so I have more control if I’m ever outnumbered again. Lay back down, I’ll rub your back.”

  He hugged back, kissing her lovingly on the top on her head and complied. “That’s still bothering you, huh?” he asked softly, humming under her skilled fingers.

  “I don’t think it will ever go away. So, what did you think, commanders?” she asked her father and Michael. They both held up ten fingers. She looked at Rich. “Lieutenant Lewis? Any comments?”

  “I want to work with you on some other moves. I saw some openings that, had you lost your concentration, you would have fallen,” Rich said seriously.

  She nodded. “Sure! I am open to anything that helps me kick your butts.” She then turned to Jen. “I’m your hero now, huh?”

  “Better than my chicken-shit boyfriend,” Jen complained, scowling in Michael’s direction.

  “Like Dad said, self-preservation.”

  “Well, you can self-preservate yourself for a while, mister. You aren’t going to get any help from me,” Jen huffed. The other men laughed as Michael pouted.

  “Looks like you’re not getting laid for a while, my boy. Too bad, so sad,” Scott teased.

  “At least I don’t have to pay someone to do me
,” Michael grumbled back. That started another match, one that left Scott in a better mood. He had Michael face down on the ground, knee in the back of his thigh and knuckle in his kidney.

  “I give!” Michael yelled, wincing. He had forgotten his uncle’s cheating techniques.

  “Why did he quit?” Jen asked.

  “Heavy duty pressure points. Not a fair fight, but realistic. I’ll teach you some of those too,” Rich answered her.

  Sam joined them, climbing to sit on the back of the couch. “Scott’s terrible if he pins you. He’s real good with those trigger points. They leave us feeling that area for days like a real deep bruise. In the right place it can temporarily paralyze you. So this is what you were talking to me about, Jen? No sex?”

  “Use it as needed. It’s a powerful weapon,” Jen said, pretending Rich wasn’t between them.

  “Don’t you go teaching her any nasty little female games, little sister. If I want it, I’m getting it,” Rich snarled.

  “Not if I don’t want to give it to you,” Sam announced, seeing the shocked look on his face. She grinned and high-fived her friend. “You’re right, it is powerful.”

  “Bitches,” Rich muttered.

  “Daddy, Rich is swearing,” both girls announced at the same time. They looked at each other and started laughing.

  “That’s nice, ladies. No tattling,” Dr. Quimby reminded them, helping his son off the floor.

  “So not fair,” Jen whined. “If it were us swearing, we’d be getting spanked.”

  Dr. Quimby grinned. “I don’t think Rich would fit across my knee. I could make him stand in the corner.”

  “I don’t think so, doctor. You two, cut it out. I mean it,” Rich ordered, pulling himself to his full height and staring down at them. They both swallowed, nodding.

  “That’s one way to shut them up,” Scott said, hand on Rich’s shoulder. “No swearing, damn it. You need to work on being a better fucking role model and not so much of an asshole.”

  “Enough, Scott. Don’t antagonize,” Dr. Quimby ordered.

  Scott met his eye, still in a mood. “Are you going to try to stop me, teeny bopper?”

  “I’m not 12 anymore. You don’t scare me. Much,” Dr. Quimby said, eyes twinkling.

  “Two on two. You pick your team. NO girls.”

  “I’m not fighting you tonight, Scott. Your testosterone is out of control.”


  “Not at all. Tired, yes. And we have work tomorrow.”

  “Go on, Mike or Rich.”

  “Fine.” The man took off his shirt, revealing large, solid muscles. Jen held her breath; he was built like Michael. “Mike, you’re with me.”

  The other three stripped off their shirts as all the furniture was pushed to the far walls. Sam nudged Jen, “I’m going to get it for this, but Daddy’s going to win.”

  “They did say you needed more practice, right?”

  “Yep. I’ll be subtle. They won’t even guess it is happening.” Sam snickered. As she focused, she found it interesting that Rich seemed to be able to ignore the illusions. Scott was completely confused, but it took both Dr. Quimby and Michael to bring Rich down.

  “She cheated again,” Rich accused, pointing at Sam.

  “How? I didn’t do anything. I was just sitting here and watching you guys,” the girl said innocently.

  Rich stood up, brushing himself off. “We will talk about this after work tomorrow, little one. Gentlemen, this is dangerous, what she is learning to do.”

  “I didn’t feel anything,” Dr. Quimby said.

  Michael raised an eyebrow. “Me neither. What did she do?”

  “She was throwing the illusions out again and I sure felt it. Just like the first match. How did you break through?” Scott asked Rich.

  “I don’t fight with my eyes; I fight with my senses. I was trained blindfolded and in sensory deprivation units.”

  “You’re kidding me!” all three said.

  “Why do you think I was placed in Recon? I went through basic assassin training.”

  “Holy shit,” Scott announced. “I need to do some more research on you, boy.”

  “You’re not a spy, are you?” Jen asked timidly.

  Rich laughed. “Even if I were one, I couldn’t tell you, could I? But no, I’m not.”

  “How do we know that?” Jen looked nervous.

  “He’s not. The cetaceans can always sense deceit. I am impressed, though. And a little turned on. Mike and I received a little of that training, it was intense. I hated it,” Sam stated.

  “That is because you are a little control freak and always need to know what’s going on. Now, this is enough chatter. All of you, to bed. Rich, are you staying here tonight?”

  “No, Scott, I’m going back to my place. Thanks again for the trip. I’ll see you tomorrow. Sam, walk me out,” Rich requested, hand out for her. She obediently took it.

  “Tried to swirl me, huh?” he tsked, walking to his jeep.

  She shrugged. “I couldn’t let my father lose, could I?”

  “Hmm, we had a deal about that swirling thing, didn’t we?”

  “About the seduction, not sparring.”

  “Same thing in my eyes. No, young lady, you will be paying for this. Dearly,” Rich said sternly. “And if I want sex, then I’m taking it.”

  “You wouldn’t!” She sounded shocked.

  Rich reached to kiss her, feeling her buckle in his strong grip. “I would. And you would not be able to resist me and you know it,” he murmured in her ear, hearing her groan. Yes, she had power, but he had even more. Sam was panting with desire by the time he released her and entered his jeep. She watched him drive away, feeling a sense of emptiness, and then shivered. What would the coming day bring her?

  Chapter 16

  “So, what did Rich say to you?” Michael asked his sister as they sat at his desk the next morning, planning the agenda for the week.

  “Nothing much. He was annoyed that I swirled him. He seemed to think it was the same as when I seduce him. It’s not, you know.”

  “Actually, I don’t. I want to try to break that down some more this week. Do you know how you do it?”

  “Not yet. All I can figure is that I’m touching different areas of the brain to gain different results. Ton has been trying to teach me, but our brains are so primitive, it’s frustrating to him.” She giggled.

  Michael grunted. “Primitive? Jerk. If Dad could get us into a C.A.T. scan, we could image what part of the brain is being used and directed. You could do me as he shoots both of us.”

  “That sounds good. You talk to him about it. How’s the weapon detection going?”

  “Your pod is not cooperating much. I need your help. They seem to think everything is a game.”

  “That’s dolphins for you. I’ll talk to the bull and see if I can get his help. Ton refuses to test anything. He can be a real asshole.”

  “Tell me about it,” Michael agreed. “We should win the Nobel prize once we figure out how to get an eight ton killing machine with teeth to do something it doesn’t want to do.”

  “Yeah, he is a bit stubborn. But he is my little fishy and I love him.”

  Jen waved to them as she walked by the office, a huge smile on her face.

  “She likes working here,” Michael commented. “How’s she doing?”

  “Great. She’s attentive to detail, never complains and is always ready to learn something new. I’d like to keep her onboard after school starts. She’s a huge help and the crew really enjoys her.”

  “Let’s ask Dad about it. He might be able to make this into a GS position instead of an internship. Think you could stand not being the only woman in the outfit?” Michael teased.

  “As long as she remembers I’m her boss, no problem.”

  “And when are you going to remember that I’m yours?”

  “That’s different. I’m the birthday present. Speaking of which—”

  “I don’t know. It’s my 2
3rd. You’d think the folks would really have to accept my adult status by now.” Michael laughed.

  Sam shook her head. “Don’t count on it. You know they never will. Do you think we could talk them into going more low key this year? I’m way too old for party hats. I’ve always hated the things.”

  “The only reason they did that is because Mom loved them. Especially making Scott wear them.”

  “To harass him?”

  “Probably.” They were both quiet for a minute. “You know that day is coming up too, don’t you?”

  “Yeah. I hate when it does. It’s always so sad,” Sam answered. “I’m the lucky one, I don’t remember her at all, so I don’t feel it like you guys do.”

  “I have some memories, but, like you, Dad and Scott have been my parents. It’s them that really hurt. Scott always gets shit-faced too. I hate that.”

  “Maybe this year, with Rich and Jen, things will be different. He has something to look forward to and more people to annoy.”

  They quietly watched the lab’s activities for a while, and then returned to their planning.


  Rich frowned, going over the diagrams given to him by the engineering designer for the portable sonic device. He had trouble concentrating, thinking about the previous night’s sparring match and his ability to break the imaging his bratty girlfriend tried to distract him with. Even with sensory deprivation, what gave him the advantage? He recalled Dr. Quimby saying something about REM sleep, and how the older man could easily disrupt the pattern. He picked up the phone.


  “Doc? I have a question. What chemical is responsible for the REM state?”

  “Well, a better question is what happens chemically. The monoamines shut down the neurotransmitters. Why?”

  “More please.”

  “Serotonin, adrenalin, those are monoamines. The neurotransmitters are dependent upon those.”

  “That’s in the pons of the brain, right?”

  “Yes. What are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking that your kids might have increased levels of monoamines which they can alter at will. You too, possibly me as well. Can we check?”

  “Yes, but why?”

  “You commented on how the swirling felt like REM sleep. What if Sam is virtually inducing a dream state? If so, we can find out how to reproduce it or dissuade it chemically.”


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