The Logan Files - Pain Center: The Logan Files

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The Logan Files - Pain Center: The Logan Files Page 4

by Marshall Huffman

  “It would be helpful if you could give us a statement of your whereabouts from Tuesday on. Just a timeline. Who you saw, where you were. That sort of thing.”

  “Sure. I’ll do the best I can. Where do you want that?”

  “Just let me know when you have it and I’ll either pick it up or send someone to get it,” he said.

  “Well just don’t send Kinshaw. He needs help. You need to get him some anger management classes before he crosses the line and ends up with his ass in a wringer,” JJ replied.

  “It won’t be him I send, I can assure you of that,” Sorenson replied.

  “I could fax it. I have a fax machine in the office.”

  “Sure, that would work just as well. Here is my number and our fax number. My cell number is on the back if you think of anything else,” he said, handing him a second card.

  JJ put it in his shirt pocket.

  “Anything else? I have to get a lot of work done in a short time if I’m going to have time to come to the morgue,” JJ said.

  “I think that’s it for now. Sorry about my partner,” he said shrugging.

  “Not your problem,” JJ said opening the door for Sorenson.

  “Sorry about your partner and thanks for coming to the morgue for the ID,” Sorenson said, stepping out into the sleet.

  JJ didn’t reply. He waited until he got all the way to his office before he smiled and let out a yell, ‘Yes’ he screamed.

  * * *

  Sorenson climbed in the car.

  “What do you think?” Kinshaw asked.

  “He doesn’t like you much but he knows it was a sham. He knows how it works,” Sorenson told him.

  “Smart little prick. I didn’t like him on sight. I hate smartass scumbags like that,” Kinshaw said.

  “No doubt about it, he is a calculator all right. Very careful with his words.”

  “I didn’t see any sorrow when we told him. No shock for that matter,” Kinshaw said.

  “You noticed that too? I don’t know what to think just yet. My guess is that if we talk to him again we had better have some hard facts. This guy will eat our lunch if we try to bully him.”

  “Then we have a hell of a lot of work if we are going to get anything significant. Right now all we have is our dick in our hand. It ain’t lookin’ too good,” Kinshaw replied.

  “Unfortunately, you’re right. We don’t have one solid piece of evidence and we are playing the only card we have. Unfortunately it’s a bluff card.”

  “We will keep digging, maybe something will turn up,” Sorenson replied, starting the car and edging it out into the traffic.

  “I may try to put a little fear of God into him,” Kinshaw said.

  “I think that will do more harm than good. Let’s just follow the few leads we do have and see where it takes us.”

  “It will lead us to this jerk-off; that I know for sure. I can feel it,” Kinshaw said.

  “Don’t let your personal dislike for this bozo get in the way of your judgment. You have enough on your plate without adding to it,” Sorenson warned.

  “I’ll be careful.”


  Jerome was just sure everything would go his way now with no stupid partner to have to deal with. Aaron died a painful death as JJ had shoved the ninety percent uncut heroine into is vain. JJ had just sat and watched as Aaron slowly went out of his mind and finally his heart simply gave out. It had been a while since he had had that much fun.

  Jerome made sure he kept his normal routine and made sure his few employees heard him worrying about how he was going to keep the place going on his own. Aaron had the bar knowledge and now he had no one to rely on was his decree over and over. His employees could see how lost he was without his partner. He was good. Not overacting but letting them see him at his weak moments. If the police questioned the employees they could testify about how distraught he was. He played it perfectly. When the two detectives did finally get around to talking to them, each was able to relate how upset JJ was about the loss of Aaron.

  * * *

  Disgusted, Kinshaw said, “I don’t get it. Either he prompted them to say how much he relied on his partner or he is one smooth cat.”

  “Or he had nothing to do with it,” Sorenson replied.

  “I don’t believe it for a minute,” Kinshaw said.

  “Look, the guy doesn’t even know if he gets the business or how he is going to run it.”

  “Yeah, sure. I think he is just a clever ass who managed to off his partner.”

  “Thinking it and proving it are two different things.”

  “I intend to. I’ll work this on my own time if you want to let this into a cold case file,” Kinshaw replied.

  “It’s your time, do what you want. Unless the ME say’s it’s a homicide, I’m incline to let it stand.”

  “I’m not. Something about that creep sets me off. I can feel the evil in that little prick. That smug look and fake positioning. He did it and I intend to get that ass.”

  “Like I said, do what you want on your time. David, you have had feelings like this before. You may well be right but each time the case never made it past the DA’s office. You get fixated and lose your objectivity. We have enough on our plate without spinning our wheels on cases that are ruled accidental or unknown. Let’s just concentrate on the ones that are ruled a homicide.”

  “Can’t do it man, I ain’t wired like you. If it smells wrong and tastes wrong, it’s got to be wrong.”

  “So says you.”


  * * *

  JJ was aware that he was being watched. Someone had even broken into his house while he was at work. He didn’t care. They wouldn’t find anything there no matter how much they looked. It was very dark as he opened the backdoor of The Cave after it had closed. A car parked across the street from his parking lot had fogged up windows. He was sure someone was waiting for him to come out. He laughed to himself and got into his car. He sat there for a few minutes. Let them wonder what he was doing, he thought.

  After a bit, he started the car and drove off in a different direction from his house. He drove for ten minutes in a random pattern, going no place in particular. Finally he turned toward the I-465 bypass and headed east. He could see the car several hundred yards back. The driver would change lanes occasionally and vary his speed but JJ knew he was being followed. He drove east until I-465 started south. He continued on south until the interstate headed west. He wondered if the guy would give up but he didn’t; he continued to follow. Finally I-465 curved back north. In a few more miles they would have circled the entire city.

  “That son of a bitch. He knows I’m back here. I will get that bastard,” Kinshaw said, slamming the steering wheel with his hand.

  He reached over and stuck his red light on the roof and floored it. JJ saw him coming in his rearview mirror. He knew his new Jaguar could leave him in the dust but that wouldn’t be near as much fun as screwing with this guy’s mind.

  He slowed and finally pulled over and stopped. He stayed in the car and watched as the guy got out and walked to his window.

  He lowered it and said,” Why I’ll be. If it isn’t Detective Kinshaw. How is it going detective?”

  “Hanson, where the hell do you think you are going?”

  JJ shrugged and said, “Just driving. This car makes you just want to get in it and go.”

  “You knew I was back there didn’t you?”

  “I didn’t give it a thought. I was listening to music and just relaxing,” he said smiling.

  Kinshaw looked at him. That smile. The little prick was playing with him. Losing his cool, he slammed his hand on the top of the car and reached through the window grabbing Jerome by the throat and pulling him up as far as he could.

  “You screw with me and you’ll wish you were never born.”

  JJ didn’t resist, he just continued to smile at Kinshaw.

  Kinshaw shoved him back in his seat, glaring at him.

  “You know detective, it is against the law to choke someone just because you think they may have done something wrong. You could find your tit in a wringer,” JJ said, still smiling.

  “I’ll do more than choke you jerk. Next time you leave that dung hole you call a club you may find someone waiting to kick the living shit out of you.”

  “My goodness detective, you need to take an anger management class. You seem to have quite a temper.”

  “Keep it up wiseass. I’ll yank you out of that car and kick your smart ass right here.”

  “I get the message detective. Physically assaulting me isn’t necessary. I get it,” JJ said.

  “Make damn sure you do jackass,” Kinshaw said.

  He started to walk away then turned back and kicked the door of the Jag.

  “Kinshaw, you made your point, you don’t have to dent my car,” JJ yelled out the window. Kinshaw just smiled and kicked it again. JJ rolled up his window and drove off. He smiled to himself and reached over and turned off the video camera he had sitting on the floor. The picture quality may not be great but the sound would be more than enough. He knew he had several options but he wanted to make sure it got the most damaging results. He thought about going to the local television stations or even the newspaper but decided there was an even more useful and damaging place he could use it.

  He smiled as he thought about how he would play the scared, innocent, brutalized citizen who was just trying to do the right thing. With all of his acting practice over the years, this role shouldn’t prove to be difficult.


  “Kinshaw, you are really lucky that Mr. Hanson is not pressing charges against you,” the Commissioner said.


  The Captain held his hand up for Kinshaw to shut up, and the Commissioner glared at him.

  “I don’t mean this to be a two way conversation,” the Commissioner said, “Just listen and keep your mouth shut. Kinshaw, I am suspending you for two weeks without pay and you’re damned lucky it isn’t a month. The Captain’s intervention and your past accomplishments are the only reasons I am letting you even remain a detective. They are what’s saving your sorry ass. Let me make this as clear as I possibly can. I have seen the tape Mr. Hanson has of your actions the other night. They are reprehensible and show the worst side of this department. You have sullied the detective force and the entire police force in general. We have worked very hard to refrain from lowering our standards like so many other police departments have. My reputation is potentially tarnished and no one, and I mean no one, will cause me or this department embarrassment. I am extremely grateful that Mr. Hanson came to me rather than taking this to the media which he had every right to do. Had he done so, you would no longer be a member of this force. You will write a sincere letter of apology to Mr. Hanson and I will see it before you send it to him. You will be removed from any further involvement with any pending case concerning this matter. The ME has ruled that it is not a homicide and that is the way it will be written up and closed. If you so much as drive near his business, house, or come within a hundred yards of any of Mr. Hanson’s properties or possessions, you will find yourself unemployed. Nothing had better accidentally happen to Mr. Hanson either. I know all about accidental falls, muggings, and the like. If it does, I will hold you personally responsible.”


  “Shut up Kinshaw. I am not through. Nothing had better happen to him this day, this week, this month, or in the next ten years. Your sorry butt will be out on the street. You had just better hope he doesn’t slip in the tub or I will come down on you like a ton of bricks. You will have the cost of repairing Mr. Hanson’s vehicle taken out of your pay in increments until you have reimbursed the city for the repairs. Now, I want that letter on my desk by tomorrow morning. Don’t even think about trying to contact him in any manner except by the letter that I will pre-approve. Now get the hell out of my office and don’t come back until that letter is finished,” slamming his hand on the top of his desk so hard his name plate jumped.

  “Mr. Commissioner, I believe Detective Kinshaw understands and will comply with everything you said,” his captain replied.

  “He’d damn sure better. Now get him out of my sight,” he said.

  Kinshaw and the captain left with the Commissioner still glaring.

  “You know you’re damn lucky? I had to give him my personal word that you would do as he directed to the letter. He is holding my butt responsible for your actions as well. He made it clear that if I didn’t keep you on the straight and narrow, I would find myself attached to some damned post that has a broken store window occasionally. You will follow his instructions, is that clear?”

  “Captain, I’ll do has he ordered but I can’t be held responsible for what happens to Hanson. If he has an accident, what the hell can I do about it?”

  “You had better hope nothing does happen, that’s all I can say. The Commissioner isn’t kidding. Hanson could have not only gotten you fired but probably me demoted and the Commissioner’s integrity questioned. You might be able to pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger and even piss into the wind, but you don’t mess around with the Commissioner’s integrity. I’m not going to repeat what he has already said but I will not come to your rescue again. Comprende?”

  “Loud and clear.”

  * * *

  “How did it go?” Sorenson asked.

  “I survived. Barely,” Kinshaw said, sitting with a dower look on his face.

  “Case closed?”

  “Oh you could say that. I was told in no uncertain terms that Hanson was persona non-gratis as far as I was concerned. He didn’t say anything about you however,” Kinshaw said.

  “Pal, you can just forget that shit. I wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole if I saw him holding up Girls Scouts selling cookies at Wal-Mart.”

  “You’re just going to let him get away with it?”

  “Let me put it this way. Get over it or get a new partner. You have been warned, you have to be certifiable to even consider looking in his direction. Whatever you do, you’re on your own on this one.”

  Kinshaw didn’t say anything but just continued to sulk at his desk. The captain came out of his office every once in a while and glared at Kinshaw each time. Sorenson did his best to keep from laughing.

  * * *

  JJ still had a score to settle with Detective Kinshaw but it could wait. He had other fish to fry. He decided to expand the size of the club to attract a more diverse clientele. He didn’t want to scare the regulars off but he wanted to lure some more deviant behavior clients. He wanted an even broader range of bizarre performances. He was looking for just the right participants for his special experiments he wanted to explore.

  He had decided he was going to go back to medical school even if it was his own school. He bought a small farmhouse out on the edge of town with twenty acres of land. Trees surrounded most of the house and it had two outbuildings. He decided one could be used as a tool and work shed where he could make any equipment he needed for his lab in the basement of the house. He spent every spare minute working in the shed and making the lab ready.

  Soundproofing was one of the most important items along with his containment cells. It took him longer than he had hoped because he didn’t have the skills to weld. Everything had to be drilled and bolted together. He learned that to tighten them properly but not break them off he had to use grade 8 or better bolts and nuts. He built three cells and equipped each with a steel framed bed, a sink and toilet. He was quite pleased with himself when he finished.The audio and video system also took a great deal of time because he had to learn as he went along. Once everything was to his liking all he had to do was find just the right subjects. The Cave would be just the place to find them. He still had one little detail to take care of before he was ready for the next part his plan.


  “What are you going to do this weekend?”

  “Just kick bac
k and do nothing. Consider my options.”

  “What do you mean?

  “Options. What the hell I want to do with my life.”

  “Look man, you survived. It will all blow over in a few weeks,” Sorenson said.

  “Like hell. The Captain still gives me the look every time he goes by.”

  “You need to lighten up. You can’t keep beating yourself up like this.”

  “Easier said than done. It ain’t your career gone up in smoke. I’m finished. I won’t advance one grade beyond what I am right now.”

  “And is that so bad?”

  “It’s sure the hell not what I wanted.”

  “You don’t know that for sure. We just need to break a big case and you will be right back on track. What else is bothering you? It has to be more than the next pay grade.”

  “Trish left. She took the kids and left. I came home and found a note. He went to her brother’s place in Montana.”

  “She went once before. She just needs some space. She will be back,” Sorenson said.

  “I don’t think so this time. She cleaned out our savings, checking, and everything of value.”

  “Ouch. Do you need some money? I can loan you a few hundred until you get back on your feet,” Sorenson offered.

  “I appreciate the offer but I’ll get by.”

  “I’m serious man. I have a small savings tucked away. You’re welcome to it.”

  He patted Sorenson on the shoulder, “You’re a good friend. Don’t worry about me. I got my head together. I’ll get through this as well,” Kinshaw said.

  “Want to go get a beer?” Sorenson asked, closing the door to his locker.

  “Nah. I’ve got a few things to do. I’ll see you on Monday.”

  “Call if you need anything, or just want to talk.”

  “Sure, you bet,” Kinshaw said.

  * * *

  JJ was ready. He had been able to prepare long before Kinshaw got home. He was already in the house. The phone call to Kinshaw’s wife had gotten the desired results. He’d had one of his female employees call the house repeatedly and ask for David several times a day. Sometimes they would just hang up. One of his employees donated a pair of her panties which JJ planted under the seat of the family car. They were fighting constantly but the panties pushed Trish over the edge and she simply walked out.


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