The Logan Files - Pain Center: The Logan Files

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The Logan Files - Pain Center: The Logan Files Page 6

by Marshall Huffman

  Logan went back to his desk and sat thinking about Kinshaw. He had been such an eager young detective when he first arrived, full of crap and vinegar. He was going to solve all the crime in the city single-handed. Logan had watched him mature and become a good detective but a couple of years ago he saw changes starting to take place. There was some sloppy detective work, arguments with other officers, and a running feud with CSI. Several detectives noticed it and attempted to talk to him about it but he shut them down. Even Sorenson tried to talk about it but he blew it off as difficulties at home but wouldn’t elaborate.

  His partner tried to get him to talk to the department shrink but that only made him angry. This latest blow up that led to his suspension and a reprimand by the Commissioner had shoved him over the edge. Even knowing all of that, Sorenson still felt guilty. He felt like he had failed his partner.

  * * *

  JJ was experiencing no such guilt. He was pleased with his work. In both cases he had worked out every detail. Now he could concentrate on his real challenge. Satisfied that the police had written off Kinshaw’s death as a suicide, he set his next diabolical plot in motion.

  Amy Belker had been coming to the club for several weeks and had participated in several of the club’s spontaneous entertainment shows. She was young with bright blue eyes and was what they called a ‘bottom’ in the B & D world. She enjoyed the pain inflicted by her partners and thrived on it. Her tolerance was remarkable to JJ as he watched from the back corner, making notes on each of the people that frequented The Cave.

  He had set up an elaborate system of cameras that captured each performance. He had brought in some professional B & D groups but the ones enacted by the audience were more real. They didn’t seem as contrived. Their main value was getting the crowd loosened up and in the right frame of mind.

  It was a sinful place full of deviant people that lived only for the moment’s pleasure. They didn’t worry about the morality of what they were doing or even the potential physical harm they could be incurring. It was all about the moment.

  JJ considered it a service that he was providing. The fact that he was getting rich off of it was just an incidental benefit. With Aaron out of the way he had expanded the building and added private rooms that would cater to couples or he would supply the necessary ‘Top’ or ‘Bottom’ as requested.

  News of the club spread like wildfire among that alternative community and he soon had more members than he could accommodate. He started a waiting list and the price of membership took a huge leap but the numbers continued to climb. With things going so well, he hired a manager to actually oversee the place which would free him up for what he was really interested in, experimenting on subjects.

  That’s when he started on his next plan. He had become interested in Amy Bleker and after checking into her background, he decided that she would make the perfect first experiment. He knew she was single and lived in a small house not far from the club. She worked as a waitress in a casual theme steakhouse. She kept her blond hair pulled back most of the time and would sit by herself until the action started. Then she became a totally different person. JJ had noticed her shy nature and was taken aback the first time she joined in a spontaneous group activity. He was sure she was just a lurker, a person that just liked to watch, but he was totally wrong.

  One night after a particularly rousing session he came out of his corner and sat down at her table.

  “Hi Amy, I’m Jerome. My friends call me JJ. I own the place,” he said, sweeping his hand around the place.

  “Hi,” she said, sweat rolling down her face and dripping onto the table.

  “Some performance,” JJ said.

  “Performance? It’s a way of life with me. I can never get enough,” she said, slipping her shirt on over her welted skin.

  “A way of life? You really enjoy being abused like that?”

  “It isn’t abuse unless you don’t want to participate. If it is involuntary, it’s abuse. What I experience isn’t abuse,” she said using a napkin to wipe some of the sweat off her face.

  “Interesting. Listen, I know this may seem strange but I am starting a newsletter, sort of a club paper featuring interviews with the most active and interesting patrons. Would you mind if I used you for the first edition?”

  “What would you want me to do?” she asked, looking at him suspiciously.

  JJ waved a topless waitress over, “What would you like to drink?”

  “Water. Bottled, if you have it,” she said.

  “Get Amy a bottle of water,” he said, laying a twenty on the tray.

  “Actually, you don’t have to do very much. I would ask you a list of questions and I would want you to answer them honestly. You go by the name ‘Sublime’ when you’re here. I would only refer to you in that way, nothing about your real name or anything like that,” he assured her.

  A couple had gone up on the stage and the room became hushed as people turned their attention to what was going on. A beautiful tall redhead had led a man up on the stage by a leash. He was on all fours and not allowed to move until she gave the commands. They both watched as the woman tormented and abused her slave. He was a mass of welts and bright red marks as she continued to work him over. His punishment was harsh and JJ wondered how or why he would stand for such a beating? When it was over the noise level picked up again.

  “He is tough. She really gave it to him,” Amy said appreciatively.

  “Really? You understand why he allowed her to control him that way?”

  “Oh, yes. It really was beautiful. She must love him very much.”

  “I don’t get it. She beat the crap out of him. He was totally humiliated in front of these people,” JJ said.

  “Yes,” was all she said, her eyes sparkled.

  “So, what do you think?”

  “I’m sorry. About what?”

  “The Club paper interview.”

  “Why me?”

  “You’re a regular; you are known by the patrons and understand the philosophy behind the alternative life style. You are obviously intelligent and beautiful. You would make the perfect first interview to introduce the paper,” he assured her.

  “That’s very flattering but I’m sure there is some hitch. Don’t worry, you can’t shock me,” she said.

  “You have it all wrong. I just want to get inside of my patron’s heads and find out what they like, dislike, and how they live day to day. No hidden agenda,” he said.

  “Like sex?”

  “Nothing like that. I would like to get a few shots of you in the costumes you wear when up on stage but that would only be if you are comfortable with it,” he said.

  “Let me think about it. Right off hand it seems okay but I would like to sleep on it,” she said.

  “Sure, take your time. I’m in no hurry and if you decide against it, that’s cool too. You just happened to be the first one I approached,” he said, standing up, “Excuse me, I have work to do.”

  “Where would we do this interview?” she asked before he could walk away.

  “Almost anyplace. I have a photography lab at my house but if you are uncomfortable with that we can do it here or wherever you are comfortable,” JJ said.

  “Okay then, I’ll let you know,” she replied.

  He nodded his head and went back to his office in the back after stopping by to have a quick chat with the manager.

  “Anything she orders, put it on a tab. I’ll take care of it,” JJ said.

  “Got it Mr. Hanson,” he said.

  JJ went back to his office and turned on the bank of closed circuit TVs. He zoomed in on the table where Erin was setting but she was getting up and putting her coat on. She was obviously calling it a night. That was alright with him, he had already set the trap, and all she had to do was walk into it. That wouldn’t take long.

  * * *

  “This definitely on the up and up, right?”

  “Amy, don’t do it if you are uncomfortable. We do not have
to go to my house. I can lug my gear in here for the pictures. I just don’t keep it around in case it might make the customers uptight,” JJ said.

  “I can see that. It will be okay I’m sure. It’s just that it’s hard to trust anyone now days,” she said.

  “I hear you. People are so weird. Every time you pick up the paper someone has killed someone over practically nothing,” JJ replied.

  “When do you want to do the interview?”

  “Sunday, if that works for you. We aren’t open at the club and I have some extra time on my hands. You can even help edit the final version if you want. After all, it is about you. I don’t want to use anything you don’t want me to,” he said.

  “Wow that sounds cool. Can I choose the photos as well?”

  “You can certainly give your input. I want to make sure this first issue really grabs the customers,” JJ said.

  “Where do I go?”

  “Here is a map. It is real easy to get to. I’ll park my car up by the entrance because it is kind of hard to see. It’s at the top of a hill. You really shouldn’t have a hard time if you just can get on US 51 and follow south.”

  “I’m pretty good with directions. I don’t think I’ll have a hard time finding it,” she said.

  “Good, my cell number is on the bottom of the map. If you get lost just call.”

  “What time?”

  “Let’s say noon. I’ll be looking for you,” JJ replied.


  Amy arrived shortly after noon and found the place with no problem. He came out to greet her as she came up the drive.

  “Welcome to my humble abode,” he said.

  “This is nice. I really like it. I didn’t see many other houses. How much land do you have?”

  “Approximately twenty acres, more or less.”

  “Wow, that’s really cool.”

  He gave her a quick tour of the buildings and of the house. It was spotlessly clean which seemed to surprise her.

  “Why? Do you think I’m a slob or something?” he asked.

  “You live out here alone. Most guys I know would never keep their place this clean,” she said.

  “I like everything nice and tidy. Now, do you want something to drink before we start?”

  “Got a Coke?”

  “Sure do,” he said and returned a few minutes later with a glass of coke.

  “It might taste just a little funny. My water comes from a well and that makes the ice cubes taste a little strange. I have had it tested though and it is quite safe,” he told her.

  “I’m sure it will be fine,” she said taking a sip.

  It was a little weird tasting but not so much as to make it undrinkable.

  “Let’s do the interview first then we can go to the photo room and shoot the pictures. This may take a while. Is anyone waiting for you?” JJ asked.

  “Nope. You can have as much time as you need,” she said, taking another drink of the Coke.

  “Good. I was hoping we wouldn’t have to rush. This way we can do the layout as well,” JJ said, “Let me get my tape recorder and a pad of paper. I’ll be right back.”

  I’ll be right here,” she said, raising the glass.

  We walked into another room with a mirrored window placed in the wall so he could watch her. She took two more drinks before he returned. When he came back he could see that her eyes were starting to glaze over.

  “Hey, I feel strange,” she said with a slight slur.

  “Strange? What do you mean? Because of the interview?” JJ asked.

  “No strange. Weird. Did you put something in my drink?”

  “No. Just the ice cubes. I don’t think they can make you feel strange,” he said.

  “Something is making me lightheaded. You drugged me didn’t you?”

  “I just gave you a little something so you wouldn’t feel so uptight. It will just relax you so you can talk freely,” he lied.

  “Well I don’t like it,” she said, her words becoming more incoherent.

  She tried to pick up the glass of Coke but knocked it off the table instead. JJ just sat and watched until she finally fell over on her side.

  When she woke, her head felt like she had the world’s largest hang-over. She tried to look around but it hurt to even open her eyes. Finally she was able to squint enough to see but didn’t recognize her surroundings. She could make out faint shapes but nothing made much sense.

  She sat up on the edge of the cot she was lying on and slowly stood up. She was in a cell. It was really more like a cage than a cell she decided. Her eyes were suddenly filled with a bright light. She held up her hands and turned her head.

  “I see you’re among the living,” a hollow voice said.

  “Is that you JJ?”

  “Who else?”

  “You son of a bitch. What the hell are you doing? Let me out of here right now,” she yelled, looking between the fingers of her hand.

  “But I have so much to ask you. I just wanted to put you in the proper setting,” he said, with a cruel laugh.

  “Get me out of here. Look, I’ll tell you everything you want to know but this shit isn’t going to cut it.”

  “Don’t worry. Everything in good time. I am going to turn on the lights now,” he said.

  They slowly came up and while her eyes were not totally adjusted, she could start to make out the rest of the surrounding area. It held many of the same devices that were used at The Cave. It was a small dungeon like setting in most of the room. One wall had what she thought looked like medical instruments.

  “What the hell?” she said.

  “For the photo shoot later on,” he said.

  “What? You think I am still interested in an interview and photo shoot? You must be out of your mind. I’m out of here as soon as you open this stupid cage,” she said, almost screaming.

  “Easy. Don’t get so worked up. Everything will turn out fine. I have some things to take care of. We will talk later,” he said over the speaker.

  “Hey, don’t you dare leave me in here. Do you hear me? JJ you hear me? Damn it I mean it.” she yelled but her voice was only met with silence.

  “Come on JJ, you don’t have to do this. Just tell me what you want. You know me; I’m up for almost anything. JJ? JJ?”

  Nothing. She was alone. She felt around and found the small toilet. She was actually glad she was alone as she emptied her bladder.


  Amy Belker had drifted off asleep again. She was dreaming that she was a teenager at home again and her father had discovered her stealing money from her mom’s purse. He was looming over her. She was being sent to the yard to select a switch from the tree in the backyard. She handed it to her father. She was made to bend over the arm of the couch and she felt his hands pulling her panties down to her knees. Whack. The switch fell across her bare buttocks. Again and again he lashed her tender behind with vicious blows. She knew if she cried out he would only continue so she learned to endure the pain and never yell out. Finally his blows became less forceful and he tossed the switch on the couch.

  He was saying something to her but she couldn’t hear the words. She could see her mother, watching with a disinterested look on her face. She turned and walked off when he finished. Suddenly she was awakened from her sleep by the bright lights being switched on. She rolled over and covered her head.

  “Time to get up Amy,” the voice on the speaker said.

  “Screw you,” she mumbled.

  “Come on. We have work to do. I want to get this interview done,” JJ said.

  “The only way I am going to talk to you is through an attorney. You kidnapped me you bastard,” she said, rolling over and getting to her feet.

  “I’ve seen you perform in a smaller cage than this one. It didn’t have all the amenities either. No sink, bed or toilet. I would say you have it pretty good.”

  “That I do because it is my will. This isn’t the same thing. I want you to let me out of here,” she s
aid shaking on the bars.

  “After you eat. I know you must be starved.”

  “The hell with eating. I just want to go home,” she insisted.

  “You eat, we talk, then you go. You don’t do it my way; you stay in here until you do. You will do as I demand or you will be here for a very long time,” JJ said.

  “Prick,” she yelled.

  “Yes. I suppose from your point of view.”

  “Bring the damn food. I want to get this over with as soon as possible,” she said.

  “Good. Good. I will bring you something to eat in just a few minutes. Don’t go away,” he said and laughed.

  “Real funny, jerk,” she muttered.

  Thirty minutes later JJ showed up with a plate of fruit, scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. He had hot water for tea or instant coffee. He sat it on the floor and slid it under the bars. She stood back and just glared at him.

  “I didn’t know if you wanted tea or coffee so I brought both,” he said.

  “I don’t eat eggs,” she said.

  “I really don’t care. Eat what you want. It will be a long time until your next meal so I wouldn’t be too fussy,” JJ said.

  He went back the way he came and she waited until she was sure he was gone before she picked the tray up and sat on the bed. She ate all of the fruit, bacon and toast but refused to eat the eggs. She didn’t really hate them; she just didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that she ate them.

  She drank the tea with a packet of sweetener he had brought. Everything really was quite good but she would be damned if she would say so. Another twenty minutes went by and she sat the tray on the floor and lay back on the bed. Her eyes were getting heavy and a few minutes later she was sound asleep.

  When she awoke the room was light and she was no longer on the bed. She wasn’t even in the cell. She was suspended by her wrists with cuffs that were held in place by chains. She wiggled and they rattled but she was going nowhere. Her feet were a good six inches off the floor. Her arms ached and she wondered how long she had been there. Something else was strange but she couldn’t put her finger on it. She tried to look around the room and that is when she saw her reflection. She stared in disbelief. Her long blond hair was gone. Not just cut but totally gone. Little pads were stuck all over the top of her head and they had wires attached to them. They trailed behind her but she couldn’t see where they went. She looked more closely and realized her eyebrows were gone as well. She couldn’t see her lower half in the reflection but she knew she had been shaved there as well.


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