Discovering Alicia

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Discovering Alicia Page 3

by Tessie Bradford

  “She’s quite a character, isn’t she?”

  “You have no idea,” he said, handing her a filled glass.

  Ali took a sip. The wine was fruity but not too sweet. “Wow, this is delicious. I really appreciate you bringing it.”

  “It’s the least I could do considering you’re cooking dinner.”

  “Speaking of which, the potatoes are probably getting close to being done. I figured you’d be hungry after working all day, but I can pull them off the fire if you’d rather wait a while.” All of a sudden, she began questioning her dinner date etiquette. How much time should she have allowed for cocktails and conversation? Ali caught her lower lip between her teeth as her nerves kicked up a notch.

  “I’m starving. I was so preoccupied this afternoon, I forgot to eat lunch.” He grinned and patted his stomach. “Hopefully, you didn’t exaggerate your fishing skills.”

  Relief rolled through her. If things stayed on a light, playful level, she’d be okay. Ali moved around him and pulled the foil covered platter from the refrigerator. “Do you think this will be enough?” she asked.

  “Damn, I should have skipped breakfast, too.” They both laughed.

  “Hey, there’d better be leftovers. I’m planning on having a fish sandwich tomorrow. Come on, let’s go outside.” She took the fish, and he brought their glasses.

  “I’m glad to not see any visible scorching out here,” he said, sitting down at the picnic table.

  “It’s a gas grill with an electric start, barely different than cooking inside.” She used tongs to roll and check the potatoes before arranging the fillets across the grates and closing the lid. “But if charcoal and lighter fluid had been involved, who knows?” She turned and shrugged.

  “You know I’m just having some fun, right?”

  “Of course, Brad,” she said, perching on the end of the bench across from him. “Between my antics back in school and my causing you take an evening dip last night, you have every right.” She enjoyed another sip of wine. “So, tell me what you’ve been up to since graduation?”

  “Professionally or personally?”

  He asked the question with such a devilishly sexy leer; Ali had difficulty drawing a breath. “Either…I guess,” she managed to finally squeak out. Did she really want to hear about his love life?

  “Well, I’ve done research all over the world; South America, China, Canada, Australia and, of course, the US.”

  “Wow, that must have been incredible.”

  “It was. Every trip was an adventure, but let me tell you, being deep in the Amazon for six months really makes a guy appreciate even the smallest of creature comforts! I’ve been back for a couple of years.”

  “After all that, isn’t it a little dull for you around here?” When he raised an eyebrow, Ali quickly clarified. “I didn’t mean that like it sounded. It just seems to me small-town life might pale in comparison.”

  “It’s different, that’s for sure, but so far, it’s working for me. I love my job, and my family is all in the general area. Plus, I’m pretty good at making my own brand of excitement whenever the mood strikes.” He held her gaze.

  She was mesmerized by his eyes then the movement of his Adam’s apple as he swallowed then by her highly decadent thoughts. Heat surged through her as she imagined what Brad did for excitement. His deep chuckle snapped her out of it.

  “Your turn, Ali. What’s been going on in your world the last ten years?”

  “Well, um, let’s see, there’s my teaching, and I recently got my Masters. I spend as much time as I can helping out at the animal shelter at home and have been writing a young adult novel for way longer than it should be taking. I traveled a bit, but Disney World and the Grand Canyon now seem pretty lame in light of where you’ve been.”

  Alicia took a sip of her wine to keep from groaning. Despite her deep ponderings and Aunt Dottie’s pearls of wisdom, she was coming out of the gate holding back. There was no earthly reason to be uncomfortable with answering his question any way she wanted to. “My parents needed me for a good part of the time, Brad.”

  “Why, what happened with your folks?” he asked.

  Ali drew a deep, cleansing breath. “I’m an only child. My Dad suffered a mild stroke right after I graduated. Six months later, he had a fatal one. Mom and I barely had a chance to start dealing with the loss when she was diagnosed with cancer. She passed away a little over three years ago.” She got up and went to tend the fish.

  He followed her to the grill. “Jesus, Alicia, I can’t even fathom the hell that must have been for you.” His strong hands enveloped her hips. He turned her in his embrace and gathered her close. She wrapped her arms around him and laid her cheek against his shoulder. Brad stroked the back of her head.

  “It may sound weird, but we had a lot of good times during the bad. I still miss them both so much, and the situation forced me to grow up damn fast, but, as they say, life goes on. I’ve got to admit, even though they’ve been gone quite a while, it sure feels nice to get a sympathy hug.” Ali ran her hands along his back, loving the feel of his muscles and the way his much larger body cradled hers. She tipped her head back, thrilled to find him staring down at her with a sizzling gaze.

  “Ali, my reasons for hugging you aren’t completely selfless,” he admitted with a sexy grin.

  Lord, how she wanted him to kiss her again. Before he got a chance, she noticed the smoke which was starting to billow out around the edge of the closed grill.

  “Crap,” she cried out, pulling away to throw open the top. “I will not burn dinner.” She quickly transferred the food to the platter sitting on the grill prep table and turned off the gas. “Whew, saved in the nick of time. Are you ready to eat?”

  “Almost,” he whispered, taking her wrists and wrapping her arms around his middle. “I believe this is where we left off.”

  His lips came down on hers. Unlike their first kiss at the river, there was nothing tentative about the way he took possession of her mouth. The intensity was exactly what she craved. She ravaged his mouth in return as her body came alive. Her pussy ached, and her nipples hardened. Ali pressed against him, and they both moaned. Brad caressed up her ribs until his palms rested below her breasts, his fingers brushing the undersides.

  He ended their kiss and proceeded to lick and nuzzle down the side of her neck while gently brushing the pads of his thumbs over her nipples. Ali whimpered as each decadent caress sent heat straight to her core. When Brad nipped then sucked with purpose at the juncture of her neck and shoulder, her legs nearly buckled. She dug her fingernails into his back while shuddering from head to toe.

  Alicia’s mind whirled with vivid images of Brad taking control of her body and fucking her senseless, skillfully showing her what she’d been missing, and allowing her to please him. Her skin tingled, and her pulse pounded in her ears. Familiar insecurities, however, immediately followed. He’ll probably think I’m a sex-starved freak, too!

  A shrill ring sounded in the pocket area of Brad’s pants.

  “God damn it,” he swore, maneuvering to keep her securely in his hold as he jerked the cell out. “I gotta take this.”

  “It’s cool,” Ali whispered, resting her head on his shoulder, grateful for the interruption. She so needed a minute to get her shit under control.

  “Compton,” Brad barked into the phone. A few minutes passed before he spoke again. “At least no one was hurt, this time. No, not tonight, man. What shift are you on tomorrow? Okay, I’ll see you then.”

  “Sorry, sweetheart,” he said, kissing her forehead.

  “What happened?”

  “A drunken hunter missed his target but hit a bedroom window at the Macgregor’s. Luckily, the family wasn’t at home.”

  “No kidding,” Ali agreed. “I guess I don’t understand your job. Isn’t a situation like that more of a police thing?”

  Brad’s stomach rumbled loudly. He smiled and glanced over at the grill.

  “Look at me, being a
bad hostess.” She gave him a little squeeze before stepping back and grabbing the platter of food. “I’ll pester you with questions while we eat. Can you grab our glasses?”

  Chapter Three

  As he followed Alicia inside, appreciating the gentle sway of her hips and the shapely curve of her calves, Brad silently cursed himself for not giving Tom the head’s up about his plans for the evening. The dumbass hunter report could have waited until morning.

  He refilled their wine glasses while Ali pulled a salad, butter and sour cream from the fridge. They sat and filled their plates. The first bite of perfectly grilled fish had Brad’s eyes practically rolling back in his head.

  “This is delicious, Ali.”

  “And no one got harmed in the cooking process, well, except the fish,” she added with a giggle. “Okay, I wanna hear all about what it means to be a DNR guy.”

  Alicia gazed at him all wide-eyed and slowly licked a tiny dollop of sour cream from the corner of her mouth. She apparently had no clue as to her fucking hotness, and images of her running that tongue along his cock had Brad struggling to remember what the hell he did for a living. He shoveled a big bite of potato into his mouth then chased it with a healthy swig of wine before attempting to speak.

  “I’m in the law enforcement branch, a Conservation Officer. Due to the size of this region, and the state’s financial issues, we partner with the sheriff’s department on every level. We have full authority to enforce all of Michigan’s criminal laws, a fact most people don’t realize.”

  “I sure didn’t, but if you’re the police, what were you up to at the river last night?”

  “Collecting algae samples. My buddy Ken is in charge of the project, but he’s got his hands full with his wife and three of their kids being down with the flu. I figured it was the least I could do; plus, I’m still a science nerd at heart.”

  They reminisced a bit about their time at MSU, but the conversation quickly and easily flowed into the present. Brad couldn’t remember ever having such a great time simply talking with a woman. Ali was intense in the best sense of the word. Whether they were discussing current events in the news, Hollywood gossip, their favorite sports teams, or the unseasonably warm weather, she approached each subject with a passion Brad found more than a little intriguing. She also had a killer sense of humor, and when she laughed, the sound was almost musical.

  “I wouldn’t survive one day in a roomful of seven-year-olds,” Brad commented after Ali shared another hysterical teaching story.

  “The trick is to never let them see you sweat. If they know they’ve gotten to you, they’ll swoop in for the kill.” She pushed her chair back from the table and reached for his empty plate. “Would you like a cup of coffee? I’ve got some vanilla ice cream and berries, too, if you want some dessert.”

  “Thanks, but I’m happily stuffed.” Brad laid his hand on top of hers. “What I want is for you to go relax while I clear the table.” When she looked slightly confused, he gave her fingers a gentle squeeze. “Hey, you caught and cooked the best meal I’ve had in ages; the least I can do is take care of the dishes.”

  “Far be it for me to argue with such flawless logic,” she replied with a grin. “Maybe you’d consider coming over once a week or so to do some light housekeeping? I’m on vacation, you know.”

  “Sure, no problem.” Brad stood. “I’d love to show you my skills with a feather duster.” Despite the room being cast in late evening shadows, he didn’t miss the desire reflecting in her gorgeous eyes, or the blush staining her cheeks.

  His dick sprang to attention while his brain fought for control. He had no doubt she wanted him. Shit, earlier she’d shivered in his arms, dug her nails into his back, and started rocking his world with her hotness. She’d also seemed relieved when they’d been interrupted. Brad had every intention of discovering what was going on with Alicia, tonight. He was a strong believer in gut instincts, and his gut was screaming that Alicia was one hell of a special woman.

  “How about you go find us something to listen to on the stereo then make yourself comfy on the couch?”

  “There’s a stereo in here?” she asked, looking around.

  “It’s in that cabinet in the living room,” Brad said, pointing, before turning his attention to collecting dishes. “I can’t believe you haven’t rummaged through stuff in here yet.”

  “Snooping was on my schedule for first thing tomorrow morning.”

  Brad couldn’t help grinning into the sink full of suds as he listened to Alicia scanning through the radio stations, twice. Apparently the news, talk programs and selection of tunes didn’t meet her standards.

  “My stash it is then,” she announced, heading out the front door. He glanced over his shoulder when she came back into the cottage with her hands full of CDs. “Are you okay with classical?”

  “Sure,” he said, completely clueless as to what he was about to hear. Damn, talk about setting the mood, he thought when the sultry, hauntingly beautiful piano music began. Brad finished kitchen duty in record time.

  He took a couple of steps into the living room then stopped. Alicia sat nestled in the corner of the plush couch with her legs tucked up underneath her. She was slowly swaying her upper body, and her sexy-as-hell lips were slightly parted. At first he thought she was staring out the window, but as he walked toward her, Brad realized her eyes were closed.

  He carefully sat next to her. “Not going to sleep on me, are you?” he whispered as he rested his arm along the back of the couch.

  “Can’t, we’re not in the right position.” she responded with a smirk.

  “Good point,” Brad agreed. He gathered her close, and scooted back until he could recline against the armrest. “Better?” he asked after settling her to lie on top of him.

  “I’m not sleepy.”

  “Neither am I.”

  Brad cradled the back of her head in one hand, applying gentle pressure to bring her mouth down to his. When their lips met, Alicia responded with her entire body. As their tongues parried, her hands stroked along his arms, her legs moved against his, and her pelvis rubbed against his hard on with urgency. She was on fire, and he loved every second of it. He caressed her ass cheeks, purposely drawing up her skirt with each movement. Finally, the material bunched at her waist, and he touched naked skin. He ran a finger along the thin band of her thong, tracing it to where it disappeared. Damn if she didn’t press into his touch before shifting her knees and straddling him in earnest. He felt the damp heat of her pussy though the material covering his throbbing cock.

  Brad lowered Ali’s zipper down her back, then hooked his thumbs under the straps of her dress and slid them off her shoulders. She braced her arms on his chest and slowly sat up. His heart pounded wildly as the brightly colored cloth slid down, exposing her breathtakingly gorgeous tits. Her nipples were deep rose and already pebble-hard. He brushed his knuckles over them and felt Ali tremble.

  “Come here, Ali, let me taste you.” Brad cupped both her breasts. They filled his hands and then some. “Perfect.” He drew her right nipple into his mouth while teasing and gently tugging on her left.

  “That feels so good,” she whimpered, grabbing a fistful of his hair and arching her back. “Harder, do it harder.”

  Brad heard her quick intake of breath at the same moment he felt her freeze. The proverbial light bulb went off over his head. Beautiful, passionate Alicia was uncomfortable with what she wanted sexually? Well, that was just wrong. He nipped, pinched and fondled her breasts with more force. Ali let out a little squeal and wiggled her hips. She fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, and Brad attempted to shift to give her more room. He wanted her hands on his bare skin in the worst way.

  “This couch is cramping my style, sweetheart,” he said with a grin. “Let’s go get more comfortable.” He helped her off his lap. She started to pull up the top of her dress. Brad stood and took her hand in his. The dress slid to the floor.

  The undisguised lust shining in Br
ad’s eyes was staggering. Ali hoped her quivering legs continued to hold her upright. When he had eagerly and skillfully obliged her earlier demand instead of getting weirded out by it, she had to fight the overwhelming urge to grind herself to release on his still clothed person. She was so horny her skin felt electrified. Maybe it had been a bad idea to forego sex for so long.

  Brad held her tightly to his side as they walked toward the bedroom.

  “I feel the need to mention that this isn’t my normal first-date behavior,” Ali commented while popping open the buttons of his shirt.

  “This is our third date.”

  “Huh?” She pushed his shirt off and ran her hands over his muscled upper arms.

  “Our swim yesterday was the first, and what we did in my dreams last night was definitely our second.” Brad grasped her around the waist and easily lifted her onto the mattress.

  “You’re crazy.” Ali laughed.

  “Quite possibly,” he replied, kicking off his shoes then removing his slacks and underwear.

  His erect penis was a gorgeous sight to behold, jutting proudly upward, thick and long. Ali stared and licked her lips.

  “What’s on your mind, sweetheart?” he asked, leisurely stroking himself from base to tip. He made no move to join her on the bed.

  Alicia hesitated, wildly conflicted between how she wanted to behave and how she thought she should behave. Was he looking for an answer, or was she supposed to show him? Did he want sweet and demure, or bold and brazen? She silently cursed the men of her past who she’d allowed to mess with her head. Erring on the side of caution, she patted the mattress and smiled sweetly.


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