Twice the Dirty (Dirty F**kers MC Book 4)

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Twice the Dirty (Dirty F**kers MC Book 4) Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  As an MC, the Dirty Fuckers were a bit different. They didn’t do drugs, nor did they run guns, or try anything else that was illegal. Their one connection to each other was the fact that they had all served under Ned Walker.

  Ned Walker was an interesting man. Deadly, vicious, and attached to such a shitload of MCs that it could give someone a headache just thinking about it. Leo had fought his battles, fucked his way through countless women, and relished every single moment of his time as a fighter. From the moment he’d met James and Pixie, Leo knew deep down to his very soul that they were likeminded.

  Dirty Fuckers MC was born, and he was a proud member.

  They were a club that loved to fuck, that loved to fight, and if anyone got in their way, they would smash them into the ground. Along the way, they’d picked up other people, Teri being one, and Kitty Cat being another, even though she had been close to them a lot longer than anyone else.

  Her relationship with Caleb was a bit fucked up. They were a Dom and sub, but slightly more damaged.

  Then there was the rest of his club brothers. Leo saw Randy already had a woman between his thighs, sucking his dick. What was interesting about that was the fact Randy had another woman sitting on his face as he licked her pussy.

  Daniel, their prospect, was partying it up as well. What that guy didn’t know was they had all come to a decision that he had earned the right to call himself a Dirty Fucker. Every time Leo thought about the term “dirty fucker”, it always made him smile. He couldn’t help it.

  Sipping at his beer, he heard the cheer as Teri walked in the door. Right behind her was Skylar. He saw her blush from where he was standing. Even as she smiled and said her goodbyes, he watched as she made her way toward him.

  Many of the club guys thought he still had a thing for Stacey. What they didn’t know was that he had long gotten over Stacey. Well, it was not even the real Stacey they fell for. The woman they had come to see was selfish, jealous, vindictive, manipulative, and wanted them to compete for her. He and Paul didn’t work like that. He had cared for the Stacey he thought she was, the illusion she had created, not the woman she actually was, the real her. Knowing the Stacey he thought he cared for didn’t exist had made getting over her real fucking easy.

  Leo and Paul had been friends for a long time, even back before their time together with Ned Walker. They shared a bond that would never be severed.

  “Hey,” he said, when Skylar was right in front of him.

  Her cheeks were really red, and he saw that she was trying to look everywhere but at him.

  “Hey. Did you enjoy your steak?” She frowned, shaking her head. “Forget I said that. I’ve never been good at making small talk, and it looks like I’m still cursed with that.”

  “The steak was delicious.” He looked past her shoulder at the crowd. “Not your scene?”

  “I don’t feel comfortable with people having sex. It’s … yeah, I’m weird I guess. Some people would love the display that is on. I’ll be in my room.”

  He offered her his beer. “Why don’t you come outside and we can talk? You always escape to your room, and you don’t need to do that.”

  “You don’t have anyone waiting for you?”

  “Nope. Can I tempt you with a candy bar?” he asked, pulling her favorite out of his pocket. He had heard Teri bribing her the other day with one. It was full of peanuts.

  She shook her head. “No to the candy bar, yes to the company. I think I need to go to a library or something. I’ve got nothing else to do right now.”

  He led the way outside to one of the benches in the far garden of the clubhouse. There were quite a few flowers around, and it was a beautiful sight. He loved it.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “This is beautiful.” She took a seat, and had a sip of his beer.

  “We wanted this place even though it was rundown. This house was connected to the diner, and we think this could have been an old whorehouse,” he said.

  She burst out laughing. “Really?”

  “Well, I like to think it was an old whorehouse. It was a huge home, lots of bedrooms, and we extended it out, and we’ve got lots of land here as well, which is good. We’ve got the room to build if we wish to extend further. The garden rocks as well. Pain in the ass to keep on top of though.”

  “It’s a beautiful home. Teri must love it here. She loves anything that allows her to have her freedom. The diner, and then this place, it’s like her own personal dream.”

  “Teri’s a good girl.” He knew she could be a bad girl as well. “What’s your story then? In case you didn’t know, Teri’s very secretive.”

  “There’s not much to tell really.” She pulled the band out of her hair, letting all the raven locks fall around her face. “We were always close, you know. She’s older than me, and she’s always been my protective big sister.”

  He pulled out the candy bar. “Want to share?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m going on a diet.”

  Leo frowned, looking at her body. “Why?”

  “I want to. This is going to be a fresh start, you know. A new me. I’ve been thinking of looking into staying in Greater Falls long term. I’m hoping Teri won’t mind. I’ve got to talk to her about it. I figured I need a place to stay, so rent money and a job to get the rent money. Teri needed my help tonight, so maybe there’s something for me in town?” She shrugged, handing him the beer. She released a sigh. “I think this could be good.”

  He noticed she avoided talking about anything to do with growing up, which again, he found really curious.

  “So, what’s your story? Teri told me you and Paul are together? Are you boyfriends?”

  Leo burst out laughing. “No, we’re not boyfriends.”

  “But she said that a woman had to settle for the two of you. Doesn’t that mean what I think it means?” she asked.

  “Nope. It doesn’t. Paul and I share women. It’s not conventional, but who gives a fuck about convention?”

  “What about if one of you falls in love with one, and another falls in love with someone else?”

  “That won’t happen.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Just do. We’re partners, Sky. We may not fuck each other, but we know what we want.”

  “You’ve never had a woman independently?” she asked.

  He saw she was curious about this. Sipping the beer, he handed it back to her, leaning in close. The scent of coconut met his senses, and he just knew it came from her. He suddenly had an urge to smear chocolate on her skin, and lick. “Yes, we have, but I can tell you in the last fifteen years with Paul, I’ve not been with a woman without him there.”

  Her gaze went to his lips, and then back to his eyes.

  “Not once,” he said. “There’s just something about a woman being between us that I can’t seem to get out of my mind.”

  She took a deep breath, and when he chanced a glance down at her chest, he saw that her nipples were erect, pressing against the front of her shirt.

  “Then you’re going to make a woman very happy. Teri told me that you had your heart broken by that woman I served tonight. Stacey?”

  Teri talks a lot.

  “I didn’t get my heart broken. Plans were changed is all. I’m not pining after her either. She wasn’t who we thought she was, and you can’t be heartbroken over someone who doesn’t even exist.” Stacey had turned into just another fuck, but he doubted Skylar needed to hear that.

  Suddenly, she pulled away and leaned back, sighing. “I love the sky at night. I really do. I love it when it’s clear, and it seems like a never-ending darkness, and I also love it when it’s dotted with stars, lighting our paths. It’s rather surreal how amazing it all is.”

  “Amazing what is?” he asked. He was far more interested in watching her.

  She chuckled. “Think about it. We’re one tiny world in an entire galaxy. I wonder if somewhere out there if there’s another world exactly like
ours, and right now there’s a bunch of people partying, with a couple on the bench, talking about exactly the same thing. It’s space, and I find it so fascinating.”

  “Do these people on this other planet look green with things popping out of their heads?”

  She laughed, and he loved that sound. He wanted to keep on hearing it.

  “I don’t know. But I’m not so narrow minded as to think we’re the only species out there.”

  “Do you believe in aliens, Skylar?”

  She winked at him. “Maybe.”

  Yeah, she was a different kind of woman. One he knew he would never get bored with. Her eyes held laughter, but it held something so much more appealing. She wasn’t a woman just after a fuck. He could sense that.

  Skylar didn’t even realize that he wanted her. Right now, his cock was so hard that moving was causing him pain.

  Still, he loved just being with her.

  It was refreshing.


  The following morning, Skylar rolled over and stretched. After her talk with Leo at the bench about aliens and space she had excused herself to bed. Working at the diner was exhausting. Her sister was a damn good cook, so it wasn’t hard to imagine a busy diner. Glancing at the clock on the bedside table, she saw it was a little after eight, and she already heard commotion downstairs.

  Climbing out of bed, she went to the en suite bathroom, which she loved more than anything else. She didn’t have to see anyone just to go to the bathroom to pee. After she’d gone to the toilet, washed her hands, brushed her teeth, she went back to the bedroom.

  Pulling her hair up into a bun on top of her head, she put on some slippers, and made her way downstairs. The big pajamas she had on pretty much hung off her body, which she liked. She never liked clothes that molded to her shape. She preferred to hide, to cover everything up so no one could see a thing.

  She entered the kitchen, and saw Teri at the table, looking like a monster out of a horror movie. Her eyes looked bruised from the makeup that had run, and she was holding her head.

  “You look like death,” Skylar said.

  “Bite me,” Teri said. “I refuse to believe that you’re in a good mood. It’s not even nine yet, and I’m ready to go back to bed.”

  “It’s all that partying you did last night.” She took a seat beside her sister, drawing a leg up onto the chair, and hugging it. “You do know that partying all the time will mean you have premature aging.”

  Teri rolled her eyes. “Sister, you’re supposed to be telling me how gorgeous I look in the morning, not how horrible.”

  Glancing around the kitchen, Skylar saw that they were the only two up. “You were making some racket this morning.”

  “It wasn’t just me. Suzy and Pixie have just left. Cora left as well. She likes to go out for a run. I don’t know why. I think she’s a crazy woman. One of those aliens you believed in when we were kids. Maybe that is what she is.”

  Skylar laughed. “You think anyone who’s happy or perky first thing in the morning is an alien.”

  “It’s part of my charm.”

  “Shall I get started on breakfast?” Skylar asked.

  “Well, yeah. It’s about time you did something around here. Everyone thinks I’m the only one that can cook. What they don’t know is that you’re just as good as me.”

  Skylar smiled, getting to her feet.

  The one thing she and Teri always had in common was their love of food. Growing up with their vicious mother, they had often found themselves at the library, looking through cookery books. They were weird kids, but she wouldn’t change the hours spent reading doing anything else.

  “There’s something I wanted to ask you, actually,” Skylar said, pouring her sister a coffee.

  “Let me drink coffee. A little warning to you. You start cooking bacon and they will be here. Make sure you make plenty.”

  Skylar nodded, going to the fridge. “Do you stock everything here?”

  “Yes. I also do a lot of the cooking. Most of the time they go to the diner though.”

  “Are you not opening the diner today?” Skylar asked.

  “Later I will. First I need to shift this headache, and I need to remember to stop drinking vodka.”

  “It’s usually not that hard to remember.”

  “Honey, when you’re in the throes of a potentially mind-shattering orgasm, you will do anything.”

  “You were drinking while having sex?”

  “Yep. It’s what I do, and I love it. You should give it a try some time.”

  “I’m not here to start any relationship, or to have meaningless sex.”

  She had been burnt in the past by boyfriends, and that was not happening any time soon.

  One heartless boyfriend was more than enough for her.

  “Shame. So, you and Leo spent some time together last night,” Teri said, sipping at the coffee.

  “He’s a nice guy. Sweet, charming.”

  “Sexy as hell,” Teri said, winking.

  She didn’t say anything. In a large jug, she started to crack eggs, and then began adding milk, a splash of vanilla as well. Next, she mixed the dry ingredients, and then matched the two. The bowl of pancake mix was huge, and in another bowl, she emptied out a bunch of packets of chocolate chips. Finally, she melted some butter to add into the mix, and that was all done.

  “I missed watching you in the kitchen,” Teri said.

  Skylar nodded at her sister. “It’s fun cooking for a large crowd, isn’t it?”

  “Yep. I do big massive chunks of brisket, spice it up with a delicious rub, and serve it with a spicy sauce. Yum,” Teri said. She kissed her fingers and lifted them in the air.

  “Now that I can see you’re able to think, and if you’re able to moan about food, you can listen.” Heading to the fridge, she pulled out the bacon, and began to lay the strips on the baking sheets. The only way to cook lots of bacon was in the oven. “I love Greater Falls. I know I’ve been here a couple of weeks, but I’d like the chance to live here. Do you think you’d be okay with that?”

  She hadn’t lived with Teri since they were kids. The moment Teri could, she had left their mother, and Skylar had missed her sister so much.

  Nibbling her lip, she looked toward Teri, and saw her sister smiling. “You want to live here?”

  “Yes. Not in this clubhouse though. I don’t think I can handle coming home to what I saw last night. I also don’t want to sit around all day. I’d love to have a job, and maybe set my life up here. If you don’t want me to do that, then that is fine. I know having one Davies sister is enough.”

  Teri got out of her seat, and walked toward her. “I couldn’t think of anything better. I’ve wanted you to come here for a long time. I love being here, honey, and I know the Dirty Fuckers will just adore you.”

  “I can work at the diner if there’s an opening as well. I’d like to do something throughout the day, and also at night.” Her mother had instilled into her never to be lazy. She hated it.

  When she was ill, she hated people fussing around her, and preferred to keep on working through her illness.

  To this day, she had never taken a sick day, and that was exactly how she wanted it to be. She wasn’t a lazy person.

  Never would be.

  She loved to work.

  If she didn’t work, then it always made her feel sick to her stomach.

  “She’s not here anymore, Skylar,” Teri said. “I’m happy for you to relax, and just have some fun.”

  “And I’ve done that for two weeks.”

  “You’ve been cleaning the clubhouse, not to mention that room. At the diner, you jump right in, and you work. You’re not lazy.”

  “Exactly, so keep me busy. When breakfast is done, I’m going to get dressed and head into town.” She glanced down at her bunny pajamas. “I do not want to be walking around like this.”

  Teri kissed her head, and then sat down. “Ugh, I feel sick.”

  “You smell like alcohol
.” Skylar wrinkled her nose.

  The scent of bacon started to fill the air.

  “I would start those pancakes if I was you, honey.”

  The noise of the club filled the air. Within a few minutes, the table started to fill up, and Skylar set to work, creating pancakes.

  She was amazed at how much they all ate, a large pan of scrambled eggs, warm syrup, and bacon with the pancakes. She also did some toast. In between feeding the crew, she took a couple of the chocolate chip pancakes.

  Feeding a huge crew made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. It was strange, but it was something she could get used to.

  Leo winked at her, and she smiled.

  He was a nice man, and talking with him had been fun. She could imagine being friends with him for a long time. She hadn’t spoken much with Paul, but he seemed just as nice. Oh well, the future at Dirty Fuckers MC sounded quite fun.

  Chapter Three

  “Where did she go?” Paul asked. He stood in the entrance to the kitchen. Teri had everything fired up, and turned to look at him.

  “Into town, why?”

  “Why has she gone into town?”

  “She’s looking for a job.” Teri released a squeal, and clapped her hands. “She’s going to stay. Finally, after so long I’m going to have my sister with me.”

  “You do know that sisters are supposed to hate each other, right?” Damon asked, taking a bite out of an apple he had just stolen.

  “Screw you, Damon. Not all sisters hate each other. I happen to adore mine, and will do anything for her.” She grabbed both of their jackets. “Now get out of my kitchen. It’s not sanitary to have you guys back here. Leave.”

  Paul left the kitchen, and looked around the large kitchen. Leo wasn’t around, and he had disappeared while Paul had been in the shower.

  Pulling out his cell phone, he dialed Leo’s number.

  It wasn’t that he couldn’t function without his friend.

  They could do other things without each other.

  “Hello,” Leo asked.

  “Where are you?”

  “I am with Skylar. Well, she’s inside the library at the moment. We’ve just been to three different places, and she’s given them an application. I think to be honest, she needs to work wherever she feels comfortable. I’m thinking the library though. There is an opening for a part-time person to help deal with customers and stuff.”


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