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Anarchy Page 16

by Brenda Trim

  “Coffee and some biscuits and gravy would be fantastic,” Zane replied as he laid his head on the pillow.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” Bart called out then left the room.

  Fatigue pulled at Zane, making his eyes heavy. He hoped Brenlee would come visit and told himself to stay awake, but his body was having none of that. The last thought he had before he fell asleep was that he needed to tell Brenlee he loved her no matter what. He’d almost died without her knowing how he felt, and he wasn’t wasting another minute.

  “I’ve never had a more agonizing car ride before in my life,” Zane complained as he climbed out of the car and stretched his legs. The night air cooled his heated skin. It felt as if a million ants crawled beneath the surface. His heart raced and he could barely stand still.

  “You nearly died,” Brenlee told him. They hadn’t had a chance to talk alone during the drive back from the city. There was so much Zane wanted to say, but now he doubted if he should. “Doctors operated on you last night. I…we nearly lost you.”

  “But you didn’t,” Zane murmured as he brushed a strand of hair behind one of her ears.

  “And, you feel the same as always?” Liv interjected as she walked around to their side of the Jeep.

  Zane forced himself to look away from the object of his obsession. “Yeah, for the most part. I suspect the rest is a result of the injury. Thank you for risking so much to come and save me.”

  “You’re pack. We will always be here for you,” Liv told him.

  “My mate is right. You might not be a full blood, but you have earned a place within the pack. And we protect our own,” Lawson added. “I think Ashley made some of her enchiladas. Let’s go eat.”

  “I’m going to walk to the loft and grab a shower and change of clothes,” Zane said. “I’ll be there soon. Save me some, would ya?”

  “Let us drive you over there. You shouldn’t be walking that far,” Brenlee interjected.

  Zane placed a hand on her shoulder, relieved she cared about him enough to look out for him. “I need the walk. If I don’t show up in an hour you can come looking for me.” Before waiting for her reply, he headed down the path that lead to the shop and small lake.

  His blood now fizzed like mint candies dropped in soda. Despite his severe injuries he had more energy than ever before in his life. His muscles carried him swiftly. And, he could hear every noise around him.

  There was a rabbit ten feet inside the tree line. A deer raced away from a coyote a mile from them. And, countless rodents scurried about searching for food. The growling was back in his mind.

  Something happened after he was injured, and he had no idea what it was. Part of him wished it was his wolf and that meant he would be able to shift. If he had an animal, then he could win Brenlee’s heart. Plus, part of him always wanted to be able to shift

  Ever since learning of his heritage as a little boy, Zane had dreamt of turning into a black wolf and racing through the woods around his home. There was something about it that had always resonated with him. It had been a disappointment when he discovered he could not. He hadn’t realized until recently that Brenlee’s rejection had brought back all of that unhappiness.

  “Zane,” Brenlee called out. Stopping in his tracks, he turned around and watched the sexy female run toward him. She was panting when she reached him. “I have something I want to tell you and I don’t want to wait another second.”

  Nodding, Zane quelled the flicker of hope burning in his chest. He couldn’t afford for it to bloom. If she wasn’t there to profess her undying love for him, he would be crushed. And he already hurt enough for one decade.

  “I have something to say, as well. You first,” he offered with a wave of his hand.

  Brenlee bit her bottom lip between her teeth before she threw her shoulders back and grabbed his hands. “I’ve been an idiot. You’re a great man. So kind and caring. And sexy. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  “Except a shifter,” he interrupted. He refused to allow her to say these things because he’d been injured the night before. That would do them both a disservice. They had to be true to themselves.

  “That’s true, but I realized something last night. And, before you argue. I have been thinking about how I feel ever since you returned to Safe Haven. Last night just pushed me a little harder. I love you, Zane. I thought it was impossible to share a bond like my parents had with someone who wasn’t a shifter like me, and I was wrong. I didn’t think I would get the chance to tell you how I felt and that was the first in a list of regrets. I wasted so much time and I’m done doing that. I’d love to mate with you if you’ll have me.”

  Zane’s jaw dropped and his heart soared. The growling in his head intensified. The combination was dizzying. “I never thought I’d hear you say those words. I’ve loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. You are everything I ever dreamed of having in my life. Part of me thinks we need to take things slow and make sure we don’t change our minds. Another says fuck that. I’m going with the second. It’s time I take life by the horns and make you mine.”

  Brenlee cupped his cheek and smiled up at him. “You won’t regret this.” She went to her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. Arousal stole his breath and hardened his cock. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

  She tilted her head and parted her lips. Taking advantage, he slipped his tongue inside to duel with hers. The fingers of one hand tangled in her hair and gripped her tight.

  The kiss was passionate and made him ache with need, but his body arched with pain making him break away. The buzzing increased and his muscles contracted and relaxed.

  “What’s wrong?” Brenlee asked as she ran her hands up and down his arms.

  “I don’t know. There’s a buzzing and my body…” Another contortion cut off his reply. Every bone in his body felt as if it was melting along with his skin.

  The ants multiplied like rabbits under his flesh and he felt his skin ripple then watched as fur sprouted along one arm. He looked up at Brenlee to see her standing there with her hands over her mouth.

  Lowering her fingers, she clapped him on the back and moved closer. “You’re shifting, Zane. Don’t fight it. Embrace your wolf.”

  His mouth opened and closed but no words came out. Holding the image of the black wolf in his mind, he stopped fighting what was happening. Before he knew what was happening, he’d shifted and landed on all fours.

  When he looked up, he noticed Brenlee taking off her clothes. The sight of her captivated him. He could see so many more details than ever before. In the blink of an eye she changed from human to wolf and nuzzled his snout.

  He tried to ask something and all that came out was a howl. Brenlee jumped around him in a circle then darted toward the trees and back toward him. He chased her and pounced.

  Tumbling in a tangle of limbs, they rolled together for several seconds before she jumped back up and took off running. Zane tried to follow suit but didn’t make it very far before he tripped over his paws.

  Laughter and joy bubbled inside with every painful landing. His side might be better, but it wasn’t healed. And, he didn’t care. He was running after Brenlee as a wolf. He marveled at the world around him. The scents were so complex it baffled his mind.

  After several false starts, Zane managed to get the hang of running on all fours and followed Brenlee’s sensual scent. He dodged around trees and crossed a small stream before he heard her paws trampling the leaves.

  Picking up speed, Zane finally spotted her and pounced. Landing on her, he held her down with paws. She nipped one of his legs and once again broke away. Her expression seemed to be grinning from ear to ear. He sensed how happy she was at the moment.

  This was what she wanted to be able to share with her mate. He was grateful she’d already told him she loved him, or he would have doubted her feelings. He wanted to give her everything she’d ever wanted and didn’t think he’d be able to.

  A rabb
it darted across their path distracting him and making his stomach rumble. He hadn’t eaten much that day, despite asking Bart for food. Now, he chased the bunny throughout the forest.

  When Brenlee ran in front of him, all he could focus on was her ass. She led him to the shop and shifted right outside the door then looked at him. Zane stopped and expected to change back to human, but nothing happened.

  Brenlee knelt in front of him and stroked his snout. “Calm down and think about your human form. You have to let the wolf go and the man will return.”

  Zane tried and again, nothing happened. He was terrified this might be a one-time thing and he wanted to share this with Brenlee. As if sensing what was stopping him, Brenlee kissed his forehead and pressed hers to his.

  “Don’t worry, love. I am certain you will be able to shift again. I have never heard of a shifter losing his wolf. And, even if you do it won’t change how I feel about you.”

  Her words melted any resistance he had and his heart along with it. He’d been holding part of himself back for so long with her that he wasn’t sure how to completely let go.

  “I love you, Zane. And your wolf has made me horny. I want you as a man right now,” Brenlee enticed. Sniffing, he growled when he caught her arousal in the air.

  Wanting to make love to his female, Zane forced the wolf back and pushed the man to the front. Skin replaced fur and bones shifted. Within seconds, he was wrapping his arms around a very naked Brenlee and hauling her against his body.

  “I love you, too. We will have to tell Liv about my shifting, but first there’s a bed inside waiting for us,” Zane told her. He wanted to carry her inside, but he must have pulled his stitches open during his run.

  “The bed’s going to have to wait. I’m going to have to call Liv now. You’re bleeding again,” Brenlee told him.

  Fuck that, Zane thought. He allowed her to help him inside. He’d put on a bandage, but he was going to fuck her before they left that loft. Even then his shaft stood straight from his need for Brenlee. Pain didn’t diminish how much he wanted his female.

  Chapter 19

  Zane grabbed her around the waist and stopped her from calling her sister in law for help. “Wait,” he implored her. His muscular chest pressed against her bare back, igniting her arousal. Her body went up as if it was dry tinder.

  Brenlee melted against him. She’d never wanted anyone more than she did Zane at the moment. It seemed that the fate of the Gods was to give her everything she’d always desired when they gave Zane the ability to shift. She had no idea why or how that happened, but she was grateful.

  She loved him and would have shared her life force with him regardless, but now she didn’t have to. Running through the woods with him at her side was perfect. It was everything she’d been missing and wanted.

  “I need to call Liv and have her make sure you’re okay,” Brenlee told him. She didn’t want to wait, but there was no way she was taking the chance. “I almost lost you. It’s more important that she checks and makes sure you aren’t bleeding internally, as well as externally.”

  Zane bent and kissed the back of her neck. A knock sounded at the door to the barn before he could respond. Snatching one of her brother’s jackets from the stool, Zane thrust it in her hand.

  “I think Lawson is at the door,” Zane murmured as he grabbed a pair of the sweats her brothers left in the shop.

  “You’re right,” Brenlee told him, impressed by his increased sense of smell. “Come in, Law. I was just about to call you and Liv.”

  The door opened and her brothers both entered followed by Liv and Cassie. “We sensed a new wolf on the property and followed it here. What’s going on?” Lawson demanded.

  “It wasn’t a wolf. It was Zane. He shifted on the way back here. Can you check him out, Liv? His side started bleeding after he transitioned, and I want to make sure he didn’t tear something inside.”

  “You shifted?” Lawson blurted at the same moment Liv raced forward with wide eyes saying, “It had to be the blood. I bet it activated dormant genes.”

  “I did shift. Did you know that would happen? Bart told me about the makeup of my DNA, but never said it was a possibility. It would have been nice to be warned it could happen,” Zane retorted as he moved closer to her side.

  “I had no idea what would happen when I gave you the blood beyond it saving your life. Through my research I’ve learned there’s a mystical quality to your existence as anything else. Thoughts and feelings have as much impact on your bodies as blood and other substances. My only explanation is magic is involved,” Liv explained.

  Liv poked Zane’s side and pressed her fingers around the area where the stitches were still sewn through his skin. Zane had been right. The bleeding had stopped, but the area looked painful and hadn’t healed completely.

  “I’m not a physician, but I don’t feel any fluid under the surface. Based on the stage of healing the skin is at I’d say there’s no internal bleeding. Your genes heal the worst injuries first to ensure survival. It’s fascinating really. And is further proof there’s magic behind how your bodies operate. No other systems can prioritize healing in such a way.”

  Lawson smiled at Liv and leaned down to press a kiss to the top of her head. “You’re sexy when you share your theories. But that can wait. Now that we understand what’s going on, let’s get you some food. You’re eating for two and it has been a very long day.”

  Liv returned his smile and wrapped her arms around Lawson’s neck before kissing him soundly. Brenlee shared a look with Zane. His eyes blazed with his desire her for, giving away his impatience to have everyone gone.

  “Alright. Time to go,” Ryan interrupted. “Before this devolves any further.”

  Cassie laughed and grabbed his hand. “We can take the long way back.”

  “You hate when I take you outside,” Ryan countered as he opened the door and ushered his mate out.

  They heard Cassie tell her brother, “Not when I’m on top.”

  Lawson broke away from Liv and laughed. “We will see you guys soon for dinner. Welcome to the pack, Zane.”

  “Thanks. I guess I have an even bigger stake in getting this bill passes now. Good thing I emailed the draft to the Senator yesterday,” Zane replied.

  Lawson and Liv said their goodbyes and headed out. The second the door closed behind them, Brenlee stalked toward Zane. He backed up to the stairs and darted up them before she could reach him.

  “You wanna play it that way, huh?”

  His dark chuckle came from above her. “I want the moonlight bathing you while I take you.”

  Brenlee climbed the stairs and removed the jacket on her way up, letting it drop to the floor below. Anticipation made her blood bubble in her veins. Her relief over his injury lightened her mood and made her giddy.

  When she reached the top of the stairs, she saw him lighting candles on the side table. “We don’t need that to see, you know,” she pointed out as she walked toward him.

  Turning his head, he devoured her with his green eyes. It made her desire flare higher and her body loosen. Her hips swayed just a bit more and her breasts bounced with each step.

  “I do know that, but you deserve a romantic setting. This is all I could manage on short notice,” Zane said from next to the bed.

  She heard his stomach rumble and almost stopped her approach. He needed to eat and rest. Sex was the last thing he should be having so soon after his attack. One look at the bulge in his sweats and she dismissed the idea. He was very clearly hungry for more than food. And, she would never reject him or deny his body’s needs.

  Zane smiled and shoved the pants to his ankles. When he stood and stepped from the fabric, her mouth went dry. He was sin embodied. Hard muscles flexed in his arms as he clenched his hands. His shaft stood out, erect and ready for her.

  “You left me aching earlier,” he growled as he knelt one knee on the bed. “Besides, I have a lot of time to make up for. Do you know how many nights I lay here je
rking off to thoughts of you beneath me?”

  Heat flushed her entire body and her core fluttered, reminding her she was empty and needed him. “Show me,” she demanded. “And I want you to tell me what you’re imagining when you touch yourself.”

  He remained in the same stance and wrapped his fingers around his thick cock and stroked it from root to tip while his eyes traveled over her body. “I picture you on your hands and knees while I stroke your clit from behind. When I look down, I see your arousal glistening on your folds.”

  The image he painted in her mind was one she could get on board with. She took several more steps toward him, pausing when she was mere inches from him. His body heat bathed her in erotic sensation.

  Zane thrust his hips toward her and his grip on his shaft tightened. It made her roll her hips toward him. The sight of precum beading on the head of his erection was enticing. “What do you do next?” She asked and crawled on the bed on her knees, trailing her hand down her abdomen, she enjoyed the way his eyes flared.

  Zane’s mouth watered at the sight of her fingers approaching the small thatch of brown curls between her legs. Her fresh pine scent filled the room, making Zane inhale deeply. Never before had he experienced the complexity of her fragrance. And it made him crazed with need. He needed a taste.

  “Lay down, love. I don’t need to live in fantasy anymore. You’re mine now,” Zane husked as he traced a finger over one of her breasts. She took a shuddering breath and placed her hands on his shoulders.

  He leaned down and nipped the side of her neck before he kissed a path up to her ear. Grabbing the flesh between his teeth, hit bit down gently. A moan left her, and she arched against his chest. Lifting his head, he loved watching her eyes glaze over as she looked at him, pausing when his cock jumped.

  “It’s your turn, Z. Sit down on the bed,” she instructed and patted the comforter next to her. Curious about her plans for him, Zane did as she instructed, and sat down. She said nothing about keeping his hands to himself, so he ran a hand down her neck and cupped one of her breasts.


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