Edge of the Heat 3

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Edge of the Heat 3 Page 5

by Lisa Ladew

  Everyone was silent for a few minutes. Vivian looked like she was going to cry. Emma’s face registered shock and dismay.

  Finally, Craig spoke. “I’ve got a few thousand I could lend you Hawk. We could buy you a car with cash and you could just head south, or north, or wherever. Find a hotel room somewhere and do what you can. I can investigate from here.”

  Emma nodded. “I have some money too. It’s yours.”

  Vivian finally spoke in a soft voice. “So they aren’t investigating Craig too?”

  Again, Hawk and Craig exchanged glances. “I don’t think so,” Craig finally said. “I’m not on even on the books as investigating this case yet, only Hawk is.”

  Hawk nodded. If the DEA was trying to pin this on both of them they were sunk, but if it was only him, they might have a chance. But he had to disappear, and quickly. Tonight even. He didn’t even dare go back to his place to get clothes.

  “Can you guys get access to your cash tonight?”

  Craig nodded. “I can, well at least some of it. I think I can only take $400 out of any atm at a time, so we will have to spread it around to a few different banks. I don’t know if there’s a total limit. But I can wire you money tomorrow, wherever you are.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Emma said.

  “Do you know of any car lots that will still be open?” Hawk asked.

  “No, but we can look on the Internet. Emma do you mind getting your computer?”

  “Sure,” Emma said, and started to stand up.

  “I have a better idea,” Vivian said softly.

  Everyone turned to look at her. She looked Hawk square in the eyes and said “I can take you.”

  Chapter 10

  In the bathroom, Vivian sat on the closed toilet lid and took some deep breaths to steady her nerves. Had she really just volunteered to run away with Hawk, that big, sexy bear of a man who made her knees weak just by flashing those smoldering eyes her way?

  She got up and splashed her face. It really did make the most sense. She played back the list of why it was a good idea in her mind, trying to convince herself that she didn’t just do it to be in the same hotel room with Hawk, at night, alone.

  They wouldn’t have to go buy a car right now, which would take a lot of time, they could just take Vivian’s car. If the DEA wasn’t investigating Craig, then they wouldn’t know about Emma, and they certainly wouldn’t know about Vivian. They could just drive off right now. Vivian had money, lots of money, and they wouldn’t have to run around to 10 different banks and tip off the DEA that way. If they had to check into a hotel, Vivian could go inside and get the room, Hawk would never even have to show his face to anybody. And it’s not like she was in any danger. If the DEA did manage to find and arrest Hawk they weren’t going to arrest Vivian. She could just pretend to be his girlfriend, and not know anything about the DEA following him.

  When she’d recited these reasons to everyone, Craig had nodded vigorously and said it was a great idea. Emma hadn’t said anything, but her eyes had bored into Vivian’s brain, as if trying to see her thoughts. Hawk had shook his head immediately and said no way. Vivian excused herself and ran to the upstairs bathroom, practically crying. Her face burned at the memory. Fine, if he couldn’t stand to look at her, touch her, or be in the same darn room with her for 2 seconds then he could just find his own way out of this mess. Why in the world had she wanted to help him anyway?

  She checked her face and took a few more deep breaths. She looked ok, but she felt horrible. She needed to stay far away from Hawk Kinkaid. In fact, she’d be perfectly fine if she never saw him again.

  She left the bathroom, hoping Emma had come upstairs. She hadn’t. She tiptoed down the stairs and peeked around the corner, hoping to get Emma’s attention. Emma was still sitting on the couch. Hawk and Craig were behind it, talking intensely, but quietly.

  She waved her arm, catching Emma’s eye, and motioned her over, backing up a few steps so the men couldn’t see them. “I’m going to go home,” she whispered.

  “No wait,” Emma whispered back. “Craig thinks it’s a good idea and he’s almost got Hawk talked into it now.”

  Vivian snorted out a derisive laugh. “Great, just what I want, Hawk to be convinced that he’s not going to die if maybe he talks to me or gets in the car with me. Tell Craig forget it. I don’t know why I wanted to help Hawk in the first place. He thinks I’m a jerk or something, that’s obvious.”

  Emma put her arm around her sister and pulled her up two steps. “Sweetie, he doesn’t think you’re a jerk. He’s just got some … issues. You know, like all guys? Craig thinks he actually likes you and that’s why he acts like that.”

  A bolt of sweet longing shot through Vivian, tempered by the reality of a man Hawk’s age still playing playground games. Her eyes opened wide. “Craig thinks he likes me? And that’s why he treats me like crap? What are we, 8?”

  Emma laughed. “That’s what I said. Craig thinks he’s got some deep dark secret that he just won’t face or something, but none of that matters right now. What does matter is that he really does need your help, and you were such a sweetheart to offer. Maybe you could see past his little boy actions and still help him out?” Emma peered into her sister’s eyes, hoping she would say yes. Hawk was becoming like a brother to her. She couldn’t bear to see him hurt. And if what they were saying was true, he could be hurt pretty badly if the DEA managed to arrest him.

  Vivian sagged against the wall. “Ok, you’re right. If he really needs and wants my help, I’ll take him, but I’m not going to beg him.”

  Emma nodded. “Of course.”

  Vivian had time to wonder if she was making a big mistake, when Hawk pushed into the stairwell and locked eyes with her. The contact scorched her brain. For a moment, his strong brown eyes held her gaze like a magnet.

  Right then, she knew she was making the biggest mistake of her life, but it was one she wanted very badly to make.

  Chapter 11

  Hawk locked eyes with Vivian, and immediately felt his mistake, but he couldn’t drag his eyes away. This woman was all his greatest fantasies rolled up into one. He loved flowing, wavy brown hair that begged to be touched. He loved olive-kissed skin and exotic blue eyes and full lips. He even thought the little scar over her eye and her slightly-long nose were sexy as hell. He longed to touch her skin, run his fingers through her hair, and strip those smart casual blouses she always wore right off her body - damnit man get yourself together! Hawk gritted his teeth and mentally shook himself. What was he thinking?

  “Thanks for offering to, uh, escort me and get me a hotel room and money Vivian. I know I said no earlier, that was because I didn’t want to drag you into this mess that I’m in. And I didn’t want to inconvenience you. And I, uh.”

  Hawk stumbled over his words, not sure how to tell her he didn’t want to take her money and not have it sound rude. But he didn’t! She shouldn’t be paying for him.

  Vivian interrupted his hemming and hawing. “There’s no danger, right?”

  “No, it’s not like the DEA is going to come in guns blazing. If they manage to find me I’m not going to fight or run. That would make me a criminal.”

  “Well then, you won’t be pulling me into any mess, and you won’t be inconveniencing me either. I don’t have anything going on right now except trying to find my family here in Westwood Harbor, so I would just be sitting around waiting for the results of my DNA test to come back anyway.”

  “Ah, ok, and uh Vivian, I’ll pay you back, every cent, as soon as I can access my accounts again.”

  She smiled gently. Hawk felt the force of that smile in his every cell. Suddenly he knew he would do anything to see it again.

  “I know you will Hawk.”

  All thoughts fled out of his mind. He couldn’t hold on to them. He had tried so hard, until now, to never look at her, so he could never be entranced, enthralled, enraptured by her looks. The first day he had seen her he had loved everything about her, and hate
d it at the same time. Her looks reminded him so much of Gianna. Gianna who was both the love of his life and the cause of the greatest pain he had ever suffered.

  Hawk stiffened. What was he doing? What was he thinking. He tore his gaze away from Vivian and found his gruff, business voice again.

  “Great, I appreciate it. We had better get out of here. I don’t want to be in Westwood Harbor if the DEA decides to come for me.”

  He motioned for everyone to head upstairs, then, looking at the steps, added, “When we get upstairs, don’t talk about any of this. I doubt the house is bugged but they could have a parabolic mic on the street. The plan is for you, Vivian to get in your car and drive away. Craig is going to follow you in my truck. Drive to the gas station on 4th street and park by the bathrooms. If Craig parks next to you that means you’ve been followed so you should go inside, buy something, and then drive back here. If he drives past, that means you haven’t been followed. Leave your doors unlocked. I will slip inside and then we can go. Any questions?”

  Vivian shook her head no.

  “Let’s go.”

  They all climbed the stairs. Vivian went to the table to get her phone and purse. Silently, Hawk put his hand over hers, gritting his teeth against the electricity that crackled between them. He mimed emptying her purse out on the table. She did, questions filling her eyes. He examined every item one at a time and gave them back to her. All except her cell phone. He put that on the table and shook his head no, hoping she would be OK with leaving it.

  He looked at Craig and nodded his head. Craig nodded back, kissed Emma on the cheek, and went to the garage.

  Hawk looked at Vivian and gave her a nod and motioned her towards the door. She walked out and started her car. He waved goodbye to Emma, then stepped close to her and gave her a bone-crushing hug. He hoped he’d see her soon and this would all be a bad dream.

  He opened the back door into the yard and ran into the night, silently vaulting the back fence and running through the neighbors’ yards towards the gas station.

  He hoped they weren’t being watched at all, but if they were, he hoped their plan was good enough to let him and Vivian slip out of Westwood Harbor unnoticed. Craig, wearing Hawk’s baseball cap and driving Hawk’s truck, was going to drive back to headquarters, leave his truck there, and then slip out, hopefully unnoticed, and have Emma pick him up in the neighborhood. That way whoever was watching would think Hawk was there all night.

  It took him almost 7 minutes to reach the gas station. He hadn’t seen any sign of DEA on his way. Approaching from across the street, he immediately saw Vivian’s car near the restrooms, exactly like he had said. He went straight to the car and got in.

  “Ok, let’s go,” he told her.

  “Which way?”

  “Take a right, I’ll direct you. We are going to take side streets out of town.”

  She pulled out onto the road, then said, “I have an idea. I didn’t want to tell you in front of Emma and Craig because I know you didn’t want them to know where we were going in case they got questioned - so they wouldn’t have to lie. We could go to my summer cabin in the Tetam Woods. There’s dedicated Internet there and everything.”

  Hawk thought about it for a second. Would it be better if they kept on the move? Or would this work? This whole plan was hinging on the DEA not knowing Vivian existed, and if they did know who she was and figure out that Hawk was with her, being on the move wouldn’t help them much. Yes, maybe they should try it.

  “Ok, good idea,” he said, without looking at her.

  It really was a good idea. Admiration was beginning to bloom in his chest for this woman. She was smart. Well, of course she was smart, she was a scientist. But she was street smart too. After Norman had kidnapped her and Emma, Vivian was the one who got them out of the RV. Besides being smart, she was caring and thoughtful too. She didn’t have to volunteer to do this. And she didn’t have to offer up her cabin. Hawk felt his determination to hold her at arm’s length slipping. Which scared him. Scared him badly. It had been a long time since he’d let himself feel anything for a woman. He thought back at just how long. 10 years? Had it really been over 10 years since Gianna had … Hawk mentally ground that thought into the dust. He was done thinking about that.

  He looked out the window, and mercilessly switched his thoughts to what needed to be done now.

  “Once we get out of town, we’ll need to stop at a mall or a Target or something and pick up some things. I’ll need clothes and a computer and some food and cell phones.”

  “OK, but I have a computer at the cabin. A nice one.”


  The drive took almost 6 hours. The silences became more and more uncomfortable. By the time they got to the cabin, Hawk was ready to jump out of his skin. It was after 3 in the morning, so there was nothing for them to do but get some sleep. After they brought in the groceries and bags, Vivian showed Hawk to the guest room. He was careful not to touch her or look at her.

  In the guest room, Hawk lay awake on the bed, unbidden images of Vivian on a bed just a door away filling his brain. He did his mental trick of destroying the thought, but it didn’t work. When he finally slept, his sleep was uneasy, filled with dreams of a soft, beautiful woman dancing just out of his reach.

  Chapter 12

  Craig hit 75 mph on the freeway and turned on his cruise control. He loved long drives. They were a great time to think. He let his mind wander. It knew what it needed to think about.

  He was on his way out to see Norman Foster. It had been three days since Hawk and Vivian had taken off. The day after they had left, a Special Agent Donahue had come to Headquarters, alone, and asked to speak to Hawk. Craig’s guard had been up, but not too far up. At this point he had no idea if Donahue was a bad guy, or just following orders. So he was friendly. They spoke outside in the parking lot.

  “He’s not here,” Craig had told him.

  “When do you expect him back?” Donahue asked.

  “Not sure.”

  “Isn’t that his truck?”

  “Yep. Maybe he’s driving our work truck.” Craig knew the work truck was in the hospital parking lot; he hoped Donahue didn’t know that.

  “What’s he doing?”

  “I don’t know. He doesn’t usually tell me what he’s doing. Sometimes he doesn’t come in to headquarters for days. I just come in and do my job. If he wants me to do something he calls me.”

  “What is your job?”

  “I’m afraid I can’t tell you.”

  Donahue’s eyes narrowed. “Why not?”

  “Our current investigation is classified.”

  “I could get a court order and you’d have to share it with me.”

  Craig smiled easily. He didn’t care one way or the other, unless, this guy was working for Oberlin. “Yeah, well, if you do I’ll share it with you. So why are you looking for Hawk?”

  Donahue didn’t smile. “Also classified.”

  Craig nodded brusquely. “I gotta get back to work.”

  He had turned on his heel and pushed in the building, leaving Donahue staring at his back.

  Hawk, you’re a lucky bastard, he thought as his truck barreled down the road. Lucky that he and Vivian had left when they did.

  Craig had talked to Hawk last night. They had both bought pay-as-you-go cell phones in case either one of their phones had a wiretap. Craig smiled to himself at Hawk’s ingenious plan to get him the new phone number, without having to text his phone. Hawk had gone onto an image sharing website and uploaded an obscure image of the flagpole in front of the DEA building, knowing it would be completely ignored by the regular users. The caption was his new phone number. Craig searched the submissions for the image and sure enough, there it was. He called Hawk and Hawk then deleted the image. That was just the kind of clever thing Hawk was good at thinking up. If he wanted to, he could be a great criminal, but luckily Hawk was one of the good guys.

  Hawk had meant to head out to the priso
n hospital to see Foster himself two days ago, but obviously he couldn’t, being on the run. Craig hadn’t been able to get to it until today. He needed to see how general population was treating Foster and if Foster was ready to talk yet.

  As he pulled up to the gate he was waved away by the guard. Craig ignored him and pulled forward.

  The guard stuck his head out of the bunkhouse and yelled “No visitors today, we’re on lockdown!”

  Craig pulled out his badge. The guard looked at it and made a phone call. After a few minutes he waved Craig through.

  Craig hadn’t been out to the prison hospital yet. Hawk had always come before. He wasn’t sure what it usually looked like, but today it was full of frenetic activity. There were guards with rifles patrolling the parking lot and the perimeter and guards with guns strapped to their hips standing in groups and walking around. Idly, Craig wondered if they’d had an escape. That would suck, he thought.

  He entered the front door, showed his badge and ID and was buzzed through the first large, clear door. A guard met him in between the two doors. “I’m sorry Agent Masterson, but an inmate escaped last night. Security is at it’s highest level today. Everyone entering gets patted down. Can you face the wall please.

  Craig shrugged his shoulders. “I’m carrying.”

  “You’ll have to check your piece with the desk.”

  Craig pulled his gun out of the shoulder holster under his jacket, checked the safety, and slid it in the small window under the bulletproof glass. He received a token back. He pocketed it and turned around, spreading his arms and legs and placing his hands against the wall. The guard did a thorough pat-down, then gave a signal to the man behind the glass. The inside door buzzed open.


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