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Shipwrecked Page 13

by Ashley Ladd

  "Husband?” Katie's friend joined his wife, standing by her side, so they presented a united front. Sliding a glance that was both curious and appreciative at Katie, she asked, “Where've you been hiding him? He looks familiar but I can't quite place him.” A frown marred her pretty face. After a few seconds, light dawned in her eyes and she clicked her fingers. “I know! You're that rich bloke that was marooned on a deserted island off Fiji a few months ago."

  Scott tried to hide the cringe that welled up in him. Would he forever be recognised? Awe spread over the woman's face and she scrunched her nose as she turned to look at his wife. “That means,” she drawled, piecing the puzzle together, “you're not Mary Anderson. You're Kathryn Vanderhorne."

  "McLaughlin. Katie McLaughlin,” Katie said proudly, shunning Scott's name.

  Casting Scott a scathing glance, her arms crossed across her chest, Katie continued, “We're not really married."

  "Yes we are.” When he took a step forward, she put her hand up in a halting motion. All colour drained from her cheeks, leaving her deathly pale, scaring him that she might faint. Not willing to chance hurting her or his child, he returned to his former position even though he ached to take her into his arms and never let her go. Did she have any idea what torture she put him through, denying him like this? And if so, did she care?

  "Not officially. Besides,” her lips trembled as she spoke, “didn't you marry that Julia chick? When's her baby due?"

  "He's got another girl pregnant, too?” he heard Aliske whisper on a gasp.

  "I didn't marry her and I have no intention of marrying her. I just told you that I'm already married. To you.” Pathos broke his voice, belying the depth of his undying love for this woman who was about to be the mother of his child. “I love you. Only you, baby.” Cupping her chin with his hand, he gazed deeply into her exquisite eyes.

  A hush fell across the room as people gathered around them, watching and listening with rapt expressions. So much for privacy. There was much to be said for deserted islands. Except for the occasional pirate or monkey, they'd been able to talk without being interrupted.

  Doubt flickered across Katie's eyes, darkening them. Glancing down at her protruding stomach and then up at him, she finally said, “You want the baby, not me.” Mutiny settled in the deep lines etched around her mouth. The gleam in her eyes glittered hard as diamonds.

  "Give him a chance, love. He's very handsome.” Katie's co-worker's stage whisper carried throughout the room, and she blushed when her co-workers giggled.

  "He loves you,” yet another woman said. “She'll be right. You'll see."

  Yet another woman chimed in upon a long drawn out sigh. “This is better than watching Shortland Street.” Several others nodded their heads. Scott wondered what in the world Shortland Street was.

  This time, Katie blushed to the roots of her hair and averted her eyes. “Please Scott. Haven't you hurt me enough? Haven't we already said our goodbyes?” Her voice broke on a sob as the pulse in her throat beat erratically. Her shoulders shook and he knew she couldn't take anymore. Well neither could he.

  He didn't let anything stop him this time and closed the gap between them, taking her into his arms and pulling her against his chest. He breathed a sigh of relief when he finally felt her heart beat against his, where it belonged, together again. “Yes I want my child, but I want you, child or no child. In my heart, we're married but if it makes you feel better, we'll find a priest right now and have an official ceremony with licences.” Lifting her chin with his forefinger, he forced her to gaze into his eyes, seeking the truth hidden deep in her soul. Love blazed, reassuring him that he'd not been crazy on the island, that she really did love him as he loved her—with all her heart and soul.

  "Are you sure, Scott?” Clouds floated across her eyes, fogging them as she stared up at him. “What about Julia? What about her baby?"

  Questions clouded everyone's eyes, but he had no intention of filling them in on his personal life. Not more than they had already gleaned—not yet anyway. He was sure the media would get hold of this story sooner or later and spread it for him. “There never was a baby. She lied."

  Blinking rapidly, Katie's jaw dropped a few notches. “No baby? I'm not surprised. She'd have done anything to keep you. How'd you find out?"

  Looking around at their audience, he scowled. “Can we please speak privately?"

  She looked at her boss. “Denny? Can we use your office for a few moments?"

  The man nodded, and his brow quirked. “But no bonking on my bedsetter.” Humour rang in his voice.

  Katie's face flamed bright red as the crowd burst out in raucous laughter. Capturing Scott's hand in hers, she refused to look at them as she led him into Denny's office and shut the door.

  He needed to brush up on Kiwi colloquialisms, but judging from Katie's coworkers’ reactions, he could guess what her boss had said. Bed was a pretty good guess.

  Once inside, he tried to take her into his arms again, burning with the desire to kiss her and never stop. His need for her consumed him and he could think of little else.

  But she crossed the room and stood behind a huge oak desk. Sunlight streamed through floor to ceiling plate glass windows behind her, casting her face in shadows so that he couldn't fathom her expression. “So now that your responsibility to Julia's ended, you decided to see if you had one to me? Is that it?"

  Shaking his head, he heaved a deep sigh. “No. That's not it. You're twisting everything."

  "Then kindly enlighten me. I guess I owe you a few minutes since you managed to find me here. I hope that wasn't too easy. Tell me the truth. You found out I was going to have your baby and that's the only reason you're here. Do you plan to take my baby away from me?” Leaning on the desk, her gaze duelled with his.

  Closing his eyes for several moments, he steadied his equilibrium. His Adam's apple refused to cooperate however, and protruded twice its normal size. At least it felt like it. Choosing his words carefully, he proceeded as carefully as he could through this emotional landmine. Katie was as touchy as a hand grenade missing its pin. “I love you and I want you in my life, by my side, for eternity. I swear on my grandmother's grave that I didn't know about the baby until I saw you just now.” Rounding the desk, he bent on his knee in front of her.

  "You don't have to do this,” Katie murmured, embarrassment colouring her voice.

  "Yes I do. I have to prove how much I love you. I adore you, Katydids. I can't live without you.” Scott dug deeply into his pocket, and pulled out a small blue velvet box. Opening it, he held it up to her, cursing the fact that his hand shook. He didn't know what he'd do if she rejected him. He'd never be a whole man without her and he was sure his heart would shrivel in his chest and he'd be little more than a lifeless shell.

  Clasping her hands over her mouth, she gasped. “Oh, Scott. You still have it?"

  "Will you wear my ring? Will you marry me in front of the whole world? Forever and eternity?” He put everything on the line—his heart, his life, and his soul, laying everything bare. He took a risk that she would trample his heart and leave it irreparably shattered, but she was worth any risk.

  "What about your family? What will they say? Won't they disown you?"

  Standing, he took the ring out of the box and held it up to the light, reading the inscription he'd carved there with his pocket knife. Poising it over her wedding finger, he paused. “If you prefer, I can buy you the biggest diamond in all of Auckland."

  "I don't want diamonds, just you. This ring is far more valuable than any diamonds or precious gems.” She shook her head and slid her finger through the ring, her gaze never leaving his face.

  Leaning her head back, she narrowed her eyes slightly. “You didn't answer me. What does your family think? I don't want to be responsible for a family rift."

  "If my family won't accept my wife, that's their loss.” When the sheen of tears fogged her eyes, he hurried to continue. “Don't worry. Mother thinks we treated you
shabbily and she's been about as worried about you as I have. She's behind us one hundred percent and will be thrilled when she finds out she'll be a grandmother.” He kissed the tip of her nose, unable to stop himself. “In fact, she told me that when I found you I'd better get down on my knees and grovel if I had to, to get you back."

  "She did?” Relief flickered across her eyes. “I'm so relieved. But what about your father?” Inhaling, she held her breath, her chest barely moving.

  Her tummy tickled his waist, but it was the best feeling in the world when his unborn child kicked him for the first time. He couldn't bite back the grin that stole across his face. His baby and Katie's. He was still in happy shock. He was going to be a daddy.

  "He made it clear that I'm not good enough for you and would be an embarrassment to your family. I don't think he'd change his mind. I can't change who I am or my background."

  He knew his future hinged on his next answer. “He'll have to accept you as my wife. You're my soul mate. If he doesn't, that's his problem. We love each other and that's all that matters. I'll never let him put you down again. Promise."

  The uneasiness he sensed in her drained away and she flung her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his in a starved kiss. Taking what she offered so eagerly, he parted her lips and drank deeply of her, unable to get his fill. He couldn't wait to claim her body and soul, to explore the new lushness of her ripe body filled with his growing child.

  "You can't know how much I've missed you, Tarzan.” Passion flooded her eyes, inflaming him even more if that was possible.

  "Oh yes, I can.” He had a surprise for her. Nuzzling her ear, he whispered huskily, “I thought we'd honeymoon on our island and find Friday. I'll leave it up to you."

  Kissing him again, rubbing against him temptingly, she murmured against his lips, “You can't know how much I've missed that island and that funny little monkey. We'd better go now or I won't be able to keep my promise to Denny."

  "There's no way I can wait that long. I hope your apartment is very close.” Her scent wrapped around him, tantalizing him and drove him out of his mind. If they didn't find someplace private very soon, he couldn't promise not to take her on the bed setter or even the carpet. Four months was an eternity to wait on their honeymoon.

  "There's a hotel next door. I don't think I can wait till we reach my flat."

  "Excellent. I hope it has huge beds.” Scooping her into his arms, he hoisted her against his chest. Purposefully, he strode through the door, past her cheering friends and co-workers as she waved at them, laughing gleefully and throwing kisses. His mind was focused on reaching the hotel in record time. Her body pressing against his drove him crazy and he couldn't stand much more. He might just have to take her in the elevator as he was about to explode.

  "I guess this means you're Mrs. Vanderhorne again!” Merriment danced in Katie's blonde friend's eyes.

  Katie smiled up at him seductively, love glowing in her eyes. Her fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck, driving him to the brink of insanity. “Forever and always. You're all invited to the wedding!” Lifting her lips, she kissed him hungrily as a cheer went up in the room.

  About the Author

  Ashley Ladd lives in South Florida with her husband, five children, and beloved pets. She loves the water, animals (especially cats), and playing on the computer.

  She's been told she has a wicked sense of humour and often incorporates humour and adventure into her books. She also adores very spicy romance, which she weaves into her stories.

  Email: [email protected]

  Ashley loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

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