The Age of Voltaire

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The Age of Voltaire Page 138

by Will Durant

on Hogarth, 218;

  on Humphrey Clinker, 203;

  on Pope, 177

  Thales of Miletus (fl. 600 B.C.), 518, 746

  Thamasch, Andrä (1639–97), 433

  Thames River, 60, 62, 67, 79, 169, 242, 245

  Théâtre de la Foire, Paris, 30

  Théâtre des Italiens, Paris, 28, 325, 330

  Théâtre des Petits Appartements, Versailles, 281

  Théâtre-Française, see Comédie-Française

  Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, London, 240

  theism, 716–18, 738

  Theobald, Lewis (1688–1744), 125, 169, 171

  Theodicy (Leibniz), 172

  Theodosius II, Eastern Roman Emperor (r. 408–50), 4

  Theologia naturalis (Wolff), 401

  Théologie portative (d’Holbach), 699

  Theoria Generationis (C. F. Wolff), 566–67

  Théorie analytique des probabilités (Laplace), 548

  Théorie de la figure de la terre (Clairaut), 544

  Théorie de la lune (Clairaut), 545

  Théorie de la terre (Buffon), 553–54

  Théorie du mouvement des comètes (Clairaut), 545

  Theory of the Earth (J. Hutton), 557

  thermometers, 550, 577, 586, 593

  Thiele, Johann (1685–1752), 404

  Thieriot, Nicolas Claude (1696–1772), friend of Voltaire, 40, 361, 762;

  Voltaire correspondence with, 247, 366, 370, 374, 464, 472

  Third Estate (tiers état), 251, 258–66, 535

  Thirty Years’ War, 397, 402, 437

  Thomas à Kempis (1380–1471), 127, 130

  Thomists, 747

  Thompson, Benjamin, see Rumford, Count

  Thomson, James (1700–48), 78, 99, 178–80, 193, 224, 246;

  Diderot and, 625

  Thomson, Sir Joseph John (1856–1940), 520

  Thoresby Park, Nottinghamshire, 205

  Thornhill, Sir James (1675–1734), 70, 217

  Three Most Famous Impostors, The (anticlerical brochure), 611

  Thucydides (471?–400? B.C.), 487

  Thurgau, 474, 590

  Thuringia, 412, 556

  Tiberius, Emperor of Rome (r. 14–37), 486

  Tibet, 560

  Ticino, 474

  Tickell, Thomas (1685–1740), 168

  tides, theory of, 538–39, 548

  Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (1696–1770), 314, 405

  tiers état, see Third Estate

  Tigris River, 485

  Tillemont, Sébastien Le Nain de (1637–98), 487

  Timoni, Emanuel (fl. 1714), 594

  Tindal, Matthew (1657–1733), 120, 121, 123, 247

  Tirol, 431, 433, 453

  Tissot, Simon André (1728–97), 600–601

  tithes, 47, 103, 105, 254, 257–58, 259

  Titian (1477–1576), 25, 372

  Titus, Emperor of Rome (r. 79–81), 686

  tobacco trade, 11, 55, 82, 98

  Tocqueville, Alexis Clérel de (1805–59), 252, 781

  Tod Jesu, Der (Graun), 412

  “Toilet, The” (Gay), 207

  Toland, John (1670–1722), 120, 247

  toleration, 754;

  in England, 117–18, 119, 247, 367–68, 369, 608;

  in France under Louis XV, 270, 732, 783–84;

  in France under Regent, 8, 17, 28, 33;

  Helvétius on, 685;

  d’Holbach on, 707;

  in Ireland, 105;

  Montesquieu on, 343, 356;

  in new morality, 778;

  Voltaire on, 367–68, 369, 718, 731–32

  toleration, edict of (France, 1787), 732

  Tolomeo, Re d’Egitto (Handel), 234

  Tom Jones (Fielding), 187–88, 192, 196–98, 216

  Tonga Islands, 559

  Torelli, Giuseppe (c.1650–1708), 242

  Tories, 90–91, 162, 202, 232;

  Bolingbroke’s influence on, 100–101;

  Hume and, 157, 158;

  and Jacobitism, 91, 92, 93, 101;

  and Septennial Act, 93;

  suspect Voltaire, 248;

  Walpole forced out by, 96, 99, 103, 114;

  war with Spain promoted by, 101–3

  Torné, Abbé, 782

  Torricelli, Evangelista (1608–47), 550

  torture, judicial, 353, 447, 647, 703

  Tott, Baron François de (1733–93), 648

  Toulouse, Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, Comte de (1678–1737), 22, 269

  Toulouse, Sophie de Noailles, Comtesse de (b. 1688), 22

  Toulouse, 254, 262, 308, 310, 670, 726–31, 732–33

  Toulouse, Academy of, 498

  Toulouse, Parlement of; and Calas case, 693, 727, 729–31, 737, 772;

  and Sirven case, 733;

  and Jesuits, 770;

  becomes tolerant, 783

  Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de (1656–1708), 563

  Tournehem, Charles François Lenormant de (d. 1751), 265, 280, 281

  Tournemine, Père René Joseph de (1661–1739), 608

  Tours, 305

  Toussaint, F. V. (fl. 1748), 777

  Toussaint L’Ouverture, Pierre Dominique (1743–1803), 693

  Townshend, Charles (1674–1738), 2d Viscount Townshend of Raynham, 47, 216

  Tractatus theologico-politicus (Spinoza), 119, 610

  trade unions (workers’ combinations), 54, 155

  Tragedy of Tragedies, The, or The Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great (Fielding), 193

  Traité de l’astronomie (Lalande), 545

  Traité de l’équilibre et du mouvement des fluides ( d’Alembert), 515

  Traité de l’harmonie réduite à ses principes naturels (Rameau), 296

  Traité de métaphysique (Voltaire), 376, 715–16

  Traité de météorologie (Cotte), 551

  Traité des études (Rollin), 287

  Traité des sensations (Condillac), 582–83, 633

  Traité des vérités premières (Buffier), 758

  Traité d’insectologie (Bonnet), 578

  Traité élémentaire de chimie (Lavoisier), 534

  Traité médico-philosophique sur l’aliénation mentale (Pinel), 598

  Traité sur la tolérance (Voltaire), 648, 731–32

  Trajan, Emperor of Rome (r. 98–117), 347, 385, 445, 686

  transport, 49, 50, 54–55, 59, 584

  transubstantiation, 118

  Trapassi, Pietro, see Metastasio

  Travels of Scarmentado (Voltaire), 387

  Travels through France and Italy (Smollett), 203

  Treatise of Human Nature, A (Hume), 116, 142–47, 148, 156, 172

  Trembley, Abraham (1700–84), 576, 577, 620

  Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876–1962), historian, 47

  Trévoux, 498

  trial by jury, 71, 267, 353, 368, 369

  Tribunal of the Seine, 658

  Triennial Acts (England, 1641, 1694), 93

  Trier, Archbishop of, 406

  Trier, archbishopric of, 397, 405, 406, 493

  Trigault, Nicolas (1577–1628), 503

  trigonometry, 510

  Trinity College, Cambridge, 121

  Triple Alliance (1717), 32, 93

  Tristram Shandy (Sterne), 658

  Trivia, or The Art of Walking the Streets of London (Gay), 63, 185

  Troglodytae, 342

  Tronchin, François, author and painter, 472*

  Tronchin, Jakob, councilor, 472*

  Tronchin, Jean Robert (1710–93), banker, 472

  Tronchin, Théodore (1709–81), physician, 472*, 596, 601–2, 675

  Troy, Jean François de (1679–1752), 311

  Tschirnhaus, Walter von (1651–1708), 404

  Tübingen, University of, 477

  Tuileries, Jardins des, 295, 307, 308

  Tuileries, Palais des, 18, 273

  Tull, Jethro (1674–1741), 47

  Tulle, France, 34

  Tunbridge Wells, England, 80, 236, 241

  Turandot (Gozzi), 505

  Turcaret (
Lesage), 23, 29

  Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich (1818–83), 572, 583

  Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques, Baron de l’Aulne (1727–81), 13, 159, 253, 283, 505, 516, 522, 532, 647;

  becomes chief minister, 761, 776;

  Diderot and, 666;

  and Encyclopédie, 640, 641, 642;

  his belief in enlightened despotism, 776;

  censors Fréron, 761;

  on Helvétius’ book, 689;

  penal code revised by, 736;

  his physiocrat views, 262, 640, 666;

  Priestley describes dinner of, 782;

  at the salons, 680, 681, 695, 781, 782;

  his views on education, 774, 775;

  his views on morality, 776

  Turin, 147, 212, 493, 510–11, 513

  Turin Academy of Science, 511

  Turkey, 59;

  and Austria, 74, 435, 436;

  European trade with, 264;

  in Hungary, 431;

  toleration in, 685;

  Voltaire on, 350, 779

  Turpin, Dick (1706–39), 70

  Tuscany, grand duchy of, 436, 590

  Twickenham, 169, 176, 209, 210

  Tyrawley, Lord, 88

  Tyson, Edward (1650–1708), 579

  Ukraine, 590

  Ulm, free city of, 397

  Ultramontanism, 766

  Unigenitus (papal bull), 257, 768

  Union, Act of (Britain, 1707), 91, 107

  Unitarians, 62, 118, 459, 480, 530, 738

  Unitarian Society, Philadelphia, 530

  Unitas Fratrum, see Moravian Brethren

  United Provinces (Dutch Republic, “Holland”), 38, 52, 76, 342, 357;

  and the arts, 214, 224;

  commerce and finance in, 48, 56, 67–68, 462, 557;

  population of, 59;

  accepts Pragmatic Sanction, 436;

  religion in, 495;

  in Triple Alliance, 32, 93;

  and War of Austrian Succession, 82, 277–78, 452, 455, 456;

  signs Pact of Warsaw (1745), 456

  United States, 225, 479, 526, 530, 691, 784;

  Congress, 360, 530;

  Constitution, 360

  Universal History (Smollett), 202

  Universalists, Philadelphia, 530

  universities, 19, 63, 107, 108, 400, 498, 507, 608, 786

  Unterwalden, 473, 474, 475

  Upper Austria, 453

  Uppsala, 550, 562

  Uppsala, Academy of, 498

  Uppsala, University of, 496, 524, 561, 563

  Uranus, 541–42, 545, 547

  Uri, 473, 474, 475

  Ursprung der musikalisch Bachischen Familie (J. S. Bach), 412

  Ussher, James (1581–1656), Anglican Archbishop of Armagh, 106

  Utah, 560

  utilitarianism, 139, 149, 529, 687–88, 691

  Utrecht, Treaty of (1713), 31, 67, 101, 231, 335

  “Utrecht Te Deum” (Handel), 231

  vaccination, 590, 596, 598; see also inoculation

  Valais, 474

  Valla, Lorenzo (c.1406–1457), Italian humanist, 347, 500

  Vallisnieri, Antonio (1661–1730), 553

  Vanbrugh, Sir John (1664–1726), 215

  Van der Cruissen textile mill, 262

  Vandeul, Marie Angélique Diderot, Mme. de (b. 1753), 626–27, 628, 659, 665, 676–77, 678

  Vandyck, Sir Anthony (1599–1641), 218, 222

  Vanini, Giulio Cesare Lucilio (1585–1619), Italian philosopher, 692

  Vanloo, Carle (1705–65), 266, 281, 282, 312, 314, 322;

  in England, 216–17

  Vanloo, Caroline, 312

  Vanloo, Jean Baptiste (1684–1745), 273, 312

  Vanloo, Michel (1707–71), 673

  Van Robais family, textile manufacturers, 261–62

  Vaud, 474, 475

  Vauvenargues, Luc de Clapiers, Marquis de (1715–47), 338–40, 384

  Vauxhall, 77–79

  Vauxhall Gardens, London, 62, 198, 237, 242–43;

  Rotunda, 214

  Vegetable Staticks (Hales), 567, 569

  Vélez de Guevara, Luis (1579–1644), 28

  Vendôme, Philippe de (1655–1727), 4–5

  Venel, Jean André (1740–91), 599

  Venice, republic of, 10, 215, 398, 503, 670;

  Lady Mary’s salon at, 212;

  Montesquieu on, 351, 358;

  opera in, 228, 229, 232–34

  passim, 410, 434

  Ventadour, Duchesse de, 272

  Venus (planet), 545;

  transit of (1769), 559

  Vernes, Jacques (fl. 1758), Swiss clergyman, 480

  Vernet, Claude Joseph (1714–89), 321

  Vernon, Edward, Admiral (1684–1757), 67, 103

  Vero amico, Il (Goldoni), 670

  Verona, 54, 381

  Veronese (Caliari) Paolo (1528–88), 25, 372

  Versailles, forest of, 282

  Versailles, Museum of, 273, 311

  Versailles, Palace of, 16–18

  passim, 32, 406;

  its architecture and decorations, 24, 25, 306, 308, 309, 311;

  court of, 22, 253, 254, 268–69, 274–75, 277, 280–85, 384–86;

  gardens of, 77, 309;

  Salon d’Hercule, 25, 311;

  theatre at, 281;

  its windows opened, 601

  Vertot, Abbé René Aubert de (1655–1735), 500

  Vesalius, Andreas (1514–64), 633

  Vespasian (Titus Flavius Sabinus Vespasianus), Emperor of Rome (r. A.D. 69–79), 233

  Vesuvius, Mount, 501

  Vetenskapssocietet, Uppsala, 562

  Vevey, Vaud, 475

  Vicar of Wakefield (Goldsmith), 192

  Vicenza, Italy, 215

  Vico, Giovanni Battista (1668–1744), Italian philosopher, 347, 359*, 500

  Vicq-d’Azyr, Félix (1748–94), 583, 587

  Vie de Mahomet, La (Boulainvilliers), 502

  Vie de Marianne (Marivaux), 189, 323, 330–31

  Vienna, 60, 431, 432, 451, 590;

  architecture and sculpture in, 432–34;

  opera in, 233, 410;

  public health and medicine in, 591, 594, 596, 597, 601;

  threatened with attack, 436, 453, 454, 455

  Vienna, Congress of (1815), 336

  Vienna, University of, 592, 593

  Vierzehnheiligen, 405

  Vigée-Lebrun, Marie Anne Élisabeth (1735–1842), 299

  Vignière, Jeanne (fl. 1761), 728–30

  Villa Rotonda, Vicenza, 215

  Villars, Maréchal Duc Claude de (1653–1734), 12

  Villars, Duc Honoré Armand de (1702–70), 383, 730

  Villedeuil, Laurent de (fl. 1787), 534

  Villemain, Abel François (1790–1870), 575

  Villeroi, François de Neufville, Maréchal Duc de (1644–1730), 273, 294

  Villeroi, Jeanne Louise Constance, Duchesse de, 301

  Villette, Marie Claire Deschamps de Marcilly, Marquise de, later Viscountess Bolingbroke (d. 1750), 38, 93, 99, 123, 246, 252

  Vincennes, 306

  Vincennes, Château de, 17, 630–32, 633, 634

  Vincent of Beauvais (c.1190–c.1264), 499

  Vinci, Leonardo (1690–1732), composer, 660

  Vindication of the English Constitution (Disraeli), 101

  vingtième, 260

  Vintimille, Pauline Félicité de Nesle, Marquise de (1712–41), 271–72, 274–75, 282, 307

  Virgil (70–19 B.C.), 38, 40, 374, 552

  Virginia, 73

  virtual velocities, principle of, 516

  Vistula River, 437

  vitalism, 619, 621, 651, 652–53

  Vitruvius Britannicus (Campbell), 215

  Vivaldi, Antonio (c.1675–1741), 414, 421

  Voix du sage et du peuple, Le (Voltaire), 255, 387–88

  Volland, Louise Henriette (“Sophie”; 1717–84), 652, 655, 656, 671, 675–76, 696

  Volta, Alessandro (1745–1827), 507, 523, 587

  Voltaire (Fran�
�ois Marie Arouet; 1694–1778), 3–5, 33–41, 59, 245–48, 361–93, 461–71, 482–89, 715–54;

  his appearance, 34, 482;

  his character, 5, 373, 384;

  his denial strategy, 34;

  his health and expectation of death, 3, 39–40, 383, 388, 468, 472, 473, 739, 740;

  his financial and business dealings, 37–38, 248, 265, 361, 365, 383–84, 393, 462–63, 472;

  his manners, 302, 506;

  his regimen, 294, 383, 600;

  his style, 370, 573

  EARLY YEARS IN FRANCE (1694–1726): 3–5, 12, 33–41;

  childhood and education, 3–5, 287, 498;

  his skepticism, 3–5, 35, 38–39, 116, 287, 715;

  early loves, 5, 35–36, 38–39, 326;

  attends salons, 6, 23, 327;

  enjoys toleration under Regency, 17, 33;

  exiled from Paris, 34, 36, 37;

  J’ai-vus and Philippiques attributed to, 18, 34–35;

  in Bastille (1717–18), 17, 33, 35–36;

  adopts name Voltaire, 36;

  first play, Oedipe, produced, 27, 36–37;

  visits Bolingbroke at La Source, 38, 93, 16;

  writes Épître à Uranie, 38–39;

  La Henriade published, 40;

  secures Desfontaines’ pardon, 289;

  Rohan-Chabot incident, 41;

  again in Bastille, released, 41, 246, 267;

  embarks for England, 41

  ENGLAND AND VOLTAIRE: 45, 112, 116, 124, 139, 192, 213, 245–48;

  his arrival (1726), 245;

  his call on Congreve, 164, 246;

  and Caroline of Ansbach, 95, 245, 248;

  Chesterfield and, 82, 86, 87, 88, 465, 784;

  and the English deists, 120, 247, 248, 609, 715;

  and Hume, 156–59

  passim, 784;

  his impressions of English life and institutions, 46, 55, 71, 89, 90, 116, 118, 119, 128–29, 183, 245, 247–48, 446;

  and Pope, 169, 175, 177, 246, 376, 463;

  on Shakespeare, 165, 246;

  Smollett and, 202, 204, 784;

  and Young, 180, 246

  IN FRANCE AND THE NETHERLANDS (1729–50): his observations on French society and arts, 251, 254, 257, 260, 264, 304, 309;

  on Fleury, 269–70;

  on Saxe and the battle of Fontenoy, 277–78;

  and La Tour, 321, 322;

  and the literary scene, 324, 325, 335, 345;

  and Montesquieu, 344, 347, 353, 356–59;

  back in Paris, 248, 280, 301, 302, 361–66, 372, 378–81

  passim; his rivals as playwright, 299, 330, 388;

  his theater campaigns, 325–26, 371;

  and the death of Adrienne Lecouvreur, 328–29, 361;

  issues History of Charles XII, 361–63, 365;

  his Zaïre produced, 363–65;

  meets Mme. du Châtelet, 365–66;

  issues Letters on the English, 366–70;

  escapes arrest at Montjeu, 371;

  at Cirey, 7, 211, 371–78, 379, 382–83, 384, 464, 466, 715–16;

  writes Discours sur l’homme and La Pucelle, 376–77;


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