Knocked Up by the Billionaire's Son: A Secret Baby Romance

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Knocked Up by the Billionaire's Son: A Secret Baby Romance Page 10

by Lilian Monroe

“I’ve been thinking about your chest ever since the hospital parking lot,” she breathes. “It feels so good to touch it.”

  I groan, leaning my head back against the back of the sofa. “Touch it all you want,” I say. She runs her fingers up over my cast, trailing them up to my shoulders.

  “You’re so muscular,” she says.

  “I work out,” I reply with a grin. Sam laughs. I run my hand down her chest and rest it against her breast. I give it a squeeze and groan as she grinds her hips into me at the same time.

  “Sam,” I breathe. “Are you sure about this?”

  Sam’s eyes flick up to mine and she bites her lip. There’s a spark in her look that I’ve never seen before, and it sends a thrill straight to my cock. She nods her head slowly as her hand travels down my stomach to rest on top of my pants. She strokes my hard cock back and forth as I groan.

  “Yeah,” she finally replies. “I’m sure.”

  Chapter 26 – Samantha

  I don’t remember the last time I was this turned on. I can feel Dean’s cock through his pants and I’m literally salivating. I grind my hips slowly as my hand strokes back and forth.

  This is what I’ve been thinking of the past few days. Every time he’s been near, all I’ve wanted to do is be closer. I love running my fingers along his body. I love feeling the electric thrill through my veins whenever he touches me.

  It feels right. As much as I didn’t feel ready before, waiting has only made me want him more. The minute Ronnie appeared today, any lingering loyalty I had to him disappeared. When he threatened Dean I wanted him to leave and never come back.

  Now I know that it’s over between us, forever.

  But in this moment, as Dean cups my breast and groans as I stroke his shaft, I don’t feel sad. I feel anything but sad. I feel like my whole body is on fire and I’m finally doing what I’m supposed to be doing.

  I stand up slowly and peel my shirt off, letting it drop behind me. Dean exhales as his eyes travel down to my breasts. I unclasp my bra and let it drop behind me as well. Next, I lean down and slowly unbutton his pants, sliding the zipper down inch by inch. His cock is throbbing as I open the fly of his pants and all I want to do is take it in my mouth and suck him dry.

  He lifts his hips and I pull his pants down his legs as he lifts his feet to kick them aside. I hook my fingers into the waistband of his underwear and take them off he same way as his pants. I exhale as I see his cock spring free. He kicks his underwear to the side as I slide my hands up his legs, feeling the heat of his inner thighs as my hands get closer to his cock.

  I wrap my fingers around his thick shaft and exhale slowly. My lips part and my heart is thumping against my ribcage as I start moving my hand up and down. Dean groans and moves his hand to my arm, stroking up and down as I work his cock.

  “That feels so good, Sam,” he growls. His voice is gravelly and deep and it makes the spark between my legs spread. I stand up and slide my pants down my legs in one smooth motion. Dean groans and sits up, wrapping his arm around my body and cupping my ass as he brings his face to my crotch.

  Without any warning, his tongue touches my slit and my knees feel weak. I moan and fall forward, putting my hands on his shoulders to support myself. He swirls his tongue and teases my bud until the ball of desire in the pit of my stomach starts to pulse.

  I lift a leg up to the sofa and Dean groans, wrapping his lips around my bud to suck and lick and taste me. He moves his hand from my ass and slides his fingers inside me. I whimper, gripping his shoulder and grinding my face towards him. His fingers move in tandem with his mouth until I can feel the wetness gushing out of me. He groans as his tongue keeps exploring my slit and flicking over my bud until I feel like I’m going to fall over.

  “Stop, stop,” I pant, taking a step back. He looks up at me, lips glistening.

  “You ok?”

  “I’m fine. Fuck. I’m better than fine. I was about to fall over,” I pant, pushing his shoulders back as I kneel on the sofa. I move my hand down his stomach and grab his cock. The precum is beading on the tip as I wrap my hand around him. I stroke it gently, moving my hips until the tip of his cock is sliding back and forth along my slit. He lets out a long, low groan and I close my eyes to enjoy the sensation of his cock in my hand.

  I can’t take it anymore. It’s too much. I want him too badly, and I can’t think about anything except his pulsing cock and my waiting, aching body.

  I close my eyes and sit down to take the length of him in one smooth motion. My head falls back as my body stretches to accept him. I hear myself moan as he enters me for the first time. When our hips connect, I take a moment to gasp and open my eyes. He’s staring at me, mouth open and eyes bright as his hand moves to grab my ass. I put my hands on his chest, avoiding his cast as I pant. I’m still not moving.

  “That feels so good,” I breathe.

  “I know,” he growls.

  With that, I start grinding my hips back and forth on top of him. I whimper as my body opens for him and he starts to thrust his hips towards me. He’s so deep inside me that it feels like my insides are being rearranged. My head falls back and my mouth opens as I start grinding my hips on him harder.

  I dig my fingers into his chest and start moving my hips up and down, bouncing on his cock as he grips my ass. He slams his cock back up into me. He’s grunting and moaning in the sexiest way I’ve ever heard. The power of his thrusts is making my tits bounce up and down and I feel like all I can do is hang on.

  My orgasm starts as a ball of flames in the pit of my stomach, and with every thrust it gets hotter and heavier until I can’t think of anything except his cock entering me again and again and again. His fingers sink into my ass and he grunts again as he slams his cock inside me.

  The release is unreal. I’ve never had an orgasm like this before. I’ve never been fucked like this before. It feels like my walls are gushing and my body is being pulled apart in every direction. I don’t realise I’m screaming until a few seconds later. The fire in my veins flows through my body in wave after wave of pleasure.

  Dean doesn’t stop driving his cock into me and I don’t stop coming. Hs cock gets ever harder and his whole body tenses. He moans and I look down to see the sinews of his neck bulging as his cock pulses inside me. I gasp as I feel him fill me with his seed just as my own orgasm is dying down.

  Finally, he opens his eyes and looks up at me. We’re both panting and covered in a thin sheen of sweat. I can’t say anything, I can’t think anything, I can’t do anything except stay completely still and try to breathe.

  “Whoa,” Dean says between breaths.

  “Yeah,” I manage to respond. I close my eyes and breathe, still feeling my walls contracting around his throbbing cock. “Whoa.”

  Chapter 27 – Dean

  Sam peels herself up off the couch and I point her towards the bathroom.

  “Use the bathroom through my bedroom. It has a shower and clean towels.” She smiles and lays a soft kiss on my lips before walking away. I lean back on the sofa and let out a long breath, laying my head back and closing my eyes. I can’t believe that just happened. It’s exactly what I imagined the other night, exactly what I fantasised about. The reality was so much better than my mind. I sigh again. I’m not ready to move yet.

  It feels like no time goes by when Sam slides against me and curls up against my shoulder. I open my eyes and look over at her. I start chuckling. She’s batting her eyelashes at me and wearing the big red nose from my clown costume.

  “You think I’m sexy?” she purrs, wagging the nose back and forth.

  I laugh. “Incredibly sexy, yes.”

  She pulls the nose off and looks at it, smiling. “I still can’t believe I’ve had sex with a clown.”

  “Is that all I am to you? Just a clown?” I tease.

  She crinkles her nose and grins. “Children’s entertainer, Dean, please. Have some self respect.”

  I laugh
and stretch my arm out around her shoulders. She leans into my chest and runs her fingers over my other shoulder and down my cast.

  “Is it sore?” she asks, brushing my fingers and running her hand back up towards my shoulder.

  “A bit, I guess, now that you mention it. I forgot about it for a while there,” I chuckle. “I was distracted.”

  Sam grins and then lifts her head to look at me. “Is it just me, or was that sex really hot? Like, unusually hot.”

  “It was great, that’s what it was,” I reply as I dip my lips down to hers. “You’re an animal.”

  She laughs and purrs, clawing her hand towards me like a cat. I laugh and Sam gets up, pulling on her underwear and shirt. She walks outside and grabs our forgotten beers, handing me one of them and taking a long sip of her own. I do the same, and after a pause she looks at me and cocks her head to the side.

  “So why did you get fired?”

  I lift my eyes to hers, trying to gauge the seriousness of her question. My heart starts beating a little bit harder as I try to think of what to say. I could tell her the truth, but what kind of family would she think I have? I don’t want her to think I’m just another rich kid with rich kid problems and sociopathic parents. I don’t want her to think that I’m only interested in her for sex and I’ll end up just leaving her for someone of my parent’s choosing. If I’m honest, I don’t want to think about my family at all. I just want to enjoy my time with her.

  I clear my throat. “I wouldn’t do something my parents asked me to do,” I answer, knowing that I haven’t answered her question at all.

  She nods slowly. “Was it work related?” I frown and she continues. “The thing they asked you to do, was it work related?”

  “Not exactly,” I answer. I open my mouth to elaborate but something stops me and I close it again. She nods.

  “I didn’t mean to pry,” she says.

  “It’s fine. I just… I just don’t want to talk about it.”

  The corner of her lips starts curling upwards ever so slightly. She points her beer bottle at me and tilts her head to the side. “You know what’s way better than talking about it?”

  “What’s that,” I answer as the smile starts spreading across my face.

  “Drinking yourself stupid, showing up at my house, and passing out on my couch,” she replies as her grin widens. She raises her eyebrows and takes a sip of beer and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Alright, alright. I deserved that,” I laugh. She sits down beside me and chuckles as she sits back on the sofa.

  “I don’t know whether to be flattered or disgusted,” she says as she takes another sip.

  “Well, I hope you aren’t disgusted with me,” I answer, leaning over to kiss her lips. She smiles.

  “Definitely not.”

  She runs her fingers along my jaw and lays a tender kiss on my lips. A soft moan escapes her and I wrap my good arm around her body, pulling her closer. Her hand tangles into my hair and our lips crush together. I breathe in deeply and let her smell and her heat and her body envelop me completely.

  Finally, she pulls away and looks at me with her eyes shining brightly. She smiles and then sighs.

  “I should probably head back,” she sighs.

  “You don’t want to stay? You don’t have to leave. We could have dinner, you can go tomorrow morning.”

  She shakes her head slowly. “It’s my second day at work tomorrow, I want to make sure I’m there on time. Plus, I have Jess’s car and she probably wouldn’t be too happy if I kept it all night.”

  I chuckle. “Fair enough.”

  “You need me to drive you to your car? You came by taxi last night.”

  “No, it’s ok, I never took it out yesterday. Thanks though,” I reply with a smile. I run my finger along her cheek and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “You’re always thinking of me. Thank you.”

  She grins. “That’s just how I am. Don’t flatter yourself,”

  I laugh and throw my hand up. She smiles again and kisses me one more time before standing up. I watch her pull on her clothes before leaning over to grab my jocks. I pull them on with one hand as Sam grabs her purse. She turns towards me and wraps her arms around my neck.

  “I’ll be pretty busy with work, but maybe we could hang out this weekend?”

  “Can’t wait,” I say. “I’m free anyways, so just let me know. I’ve got nowhere to be,” I say with a wry smile. “Unemployment has its perks.”

  She laughs and nods before turning towards the door. She opens it and turns around to take one last look at me before slipping out. I sigh and lock the door behind her, leaning my head against the door and closing my eyes for a moment.

  Slowly, I turn around and swing my eyes across my apartment. My pants are still in a heap by the sofa, and our beer bottles are on the coffee table. The lights of the city are starting to twinkle outside the window as the sun goes down and I sigh again.

  It feels lonelier than it’s ever felt in here. I know that people would kill for an apartment like this, but I can’t help but wonder what’s the point of having it if I’ve got no one to share it with. I wander to the fridge and grab another beer, looking at the green bottle for a second before cracking it open. This is my last one tonight, because I’m definitely not doing what I did yesterday.

  I sit down on the couch and flick on the TV. I can’t wait for the weekend and I don’t even have a job. I just want to see her again.

  Chapter 28 – Samantha

  I’m humming to myself as I press the elevator button and head down to the ground floor. My body is still pulsing from my orgasm and I can taste Dean’s kiss on my lips. I can’t help but smile to myself as the doors ding open and I take a step out.

  “Oops! Sorry,” I say to an older woman as she tries to step in at the same time. My smile fades as she frowns at me. She doesn’t move, so I have to side-step and walk around her to get out of the elevator. I look over my shoulder to see her pressing a button just as the elevator doors close. I turn back towards the front door and frown. Something about her seemed familiar, but I don’t know what.

  She was impeccably dressed in a matching pantsuit, with her hair pulled back in a low bun. She had expensive-looking jewellery that was simple yet elegant.

  In a word, she looked rich.

  I shake my head and start walking towards the front door. I still think I’m in Lexington, where I know everyone and their dog. I’m in New York City now, and I know no one. Of course I didn’t know that woman. And if she lives in the building, of course she would be rich. I can’t imagine anybody in the middle class living in this place.

  Still, the way her face soured when we almost stepped into each other made me uneasy. I take a deep breath and walk out the automatic sliding doors and find Jess’s car. By the time I slide into the driver’s seat, the woman is out of my mind.

  I take my time going back to Jess’s place, noticing all the shops and people and houses along the way. It really is the city that never sleeps. Every day I see things I’ve never seen before. I pull up outside Jess’s house and sigh.

  I wish I didn’t have to leave. I’ve only just met Dean and I want to spend more time with him. I can’t make any sense of him – he’s like a bunch of opposites stuck together. An investment banker who moonlights as a clown for children’s parties, a billionaire’s son who is completely down to earth, a man who’s been through heartbreak who seems to wear his heart on his sleeve.

  I smile as I think of the way he tucked my hair behind my ear earlier. His touch was so tender and it sent a shiver through my body. I get out of the car and head up towards the front door. There’s a small package on the front step and I bend over to pick it up. I frown as I see my name scrawled across the top of it.

  I give the package a light shake and turn it over. It’s a small box, about the size of a pencil case. It’s wrapped in brown paper with ‘SAM’ scrawled across the top in black sharpie. It feel
s light. I read my name a few times and give it a shake, but I can’t feel anything. The unease I felt earlier when I ran into that woman returns to the pit of my stomach. I tuck the package under my arm and find my keys to go inside.

  As soon as I step inside, I hear the pitter-patter of tiny feet running towards me. I kneel down and spread my arms as two toddlers collide with me. I laugh and wrap them both into a hug. Jess isn’t far behind, chasing after them as usual. I lift them up and they giggle as I carry them towards the living room.

  “You look happy!” Jess exclaims. She picks up the package that I dropped when the twins ran towards me and follows me to the living room. “You were gone a while, I was starting to get worried.”

  “You were not,” I say as I shoot a glance her way. She laughs and shakes her head.

  “No, I wasn’t. I thought you might be enjoying yourself,” she says as she wiggles her eyebrows. I roll my eyes and turn to Michelle, tickling her until she’s giggling and writhing on the floor. Matt runs to protect his sister and starts scrunching his hands under my armpits to try to tickle me too. I pretend to laugh and fall over and pretty soon both kids are on top of me attacking me with tickles. I laugh and finally peel them off me to stand up.

  “He’s a nice guy,” I finally answer.

  “Mm-hmm,” Jess replies, lifting an eyebrow slightly. My cheeks flush as she holds out the package. “What’s this?”

  “I’m not sure, it was by the front door.” I turn it over again and look up at Jess. “Ronnie showed up earlier.”


  “Yeah, just as I was leaving. He made a scene and then left. I wonder…”. My voice trails off as I stare at the package in my hands. Jess’s hand appears on my forearm.

  “Sam,” she says. Her voice is soft and her eyes are full of concern. “You don’t have to open it. It doesn’t matter what it is. If he keeps showing up you could charge him with harassment. You don’t have to put up with this.” She stands up a bit straighter and shakes his head. “I can’t believe he showed up here! How did he get my address?!”

  “He must have asked my mom,” I reply as I shake my head. I put the package on a shelf and take a deep breath. “I won’t open it tonight. I feel too good.”


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