Impure Bargains (Impure series Book 1)

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Impure Bargains (Impure series Book 1) Page 7

by Decadent Kane

  Despite how little he learned, the time wasn't a total waste. He enjoyed following her around, but couldn't yet figure out what appealed to him so much about her. She was human...but he'd had many human females. In the back of his mind, what was left of his soul seemed to cry out for her. The small voice only grew when she was near, and he wanted to know what his soul saw in hers. He'd learned she didn't eat much. Desiderus found her determination...inspiring. When she put her mind to something, nothing seemed to stand in her way, not people, not things, not even herself. She would make a fine addition to hell.

  Desiderus slipped stealthily into her car when she flung the door open. How had this mortal woman managed to draw so much of his attention? Sure, she had beauty, brains, and his favorite, balls to stand up to him or anyone else, so it seemed. He liked her fire. Desiderus reached to touch the silky strands of her black hair as she pulled out of the driveway. He waited patiently to find out where they were headed. It wouldn't matter in the long run. He would always be able to either get to her or bring her to him, since they exchanged true names and all. He rather liked having her at his beck and call, so to speak, and considered using it a bit more to his advantage. Desiderus would relish the look on her face the first time he actually summoned her. For now he'd bide his time, get to know some of her...habits.

  He knew he should be worried about giving her his name. Names held power. Not over his king, as Ba'al was a creator. Humans knew some of the power names held, mostly to summoning. But the unknown...almost made him worry. He wasn't even completely sure what kind of power it would give Haven, and he'd been around longer than most. Giving out names wasn't done often and the boundaries of the power were untested. Humans were merely too scared to try more and demons couldn't do it to themselves.

  Now for demons knowing a human's name, it was a bit different. Humans didn't hold them so close to their chest as demons did. Names were slung out all over the place and could be easily gotten. The power came when the person actually gave their name to a demon. It allowed Desiderus to summon them, to keep a line open between them, find them easier, call on them quicker. He could use that tether to Haven to encourage her to sin if he wanted. Desiderus stumbled out of his thoughts and took in the area around him.

  Haven drove to the edge of the city, the same spot he'd found her hunting a strange bird. She grabbed the bag of marshmallows from the back seat and when she opened her door Desiderus slid out right behind her. Haven turned looking straight at him, but he knew she couldn't see him. Though sensing him was an entirely different matter. Once she walked away from the car, Desiderus headed into the forest. He'd find her bird a lot quicker than she would. He smirked to himself, the endless possibilities of what he could have her do to get the bird back floating around in his head. She owed him three kisses, but for that bird...he could sense its magic, so kisses seemed below grade for such a trade. A thought occurred to him: he'd have her do something she wouldn't expect. Keep her on her toes and amuse him at the same time.

  The moon wasn't as bright as the last time he'd been here with Haven. It seemed like so long ago, though only days. Darkness shrouded nearly everything, leaving little revealed within the moonlight. Only a few branches here and there as he passed by. He didn't need the light to follow the scent of the bird. He picked it up a little ways into the forest. It smelled like rain. Desiderus followed the scent, one swift step at a time.

  Haven was still back toward the entrance of the forest. He could sense her: a fear leeched from her, though he wasn't quite sure what would provoke such a female to such fear. Demons clearly didn't scare her. What was worse in this world than him or Ba'al? She wasn't in immediate danger, just alarmed, it seemed. Desiderus let go of the link he had to her as he neared the bird. The smell of rain and water grew stronger and stronger as he continued forward, stepping over roots and fallen branches. He'd been using his magic to keep his movements silent. He loved being a demon.

  Desiderus spotted the bird within a few long strides. He also spotted the stream blocking his path. Water gushed down the stream, promising Desiderus its own kind of hell if he dared to set foot in its wet embrace. Demons and water did not mix. Having such a stream of water made his ability to use dimensional travel to get across impossible, and it would never matter how much he wished for it, he couldn't cross water unless he physically crossed it. A true downfall to all demon kind, and something even the king of Hell could not get around.

  He remembered the first time he learned the hard lesson. Ba'al, despite being master and king of all demons, found amusement in the suffering of others, including his own creations. Nothing and no one was exempt. He'd watched Desiderus trot to cross a puddle, as if he were still human, and pain, sharp and full of hate, shot up his foot, burning its way through his body, encompassing him. It had been worse than electric shock. Desiderus had passed out and when he finally came to, several hours later, Ba'al informed him that water was of life and demons of death. Because of a demon's nature and the fiery depths they roam, water acted like a natural "put out" on demons. It was one of the few weaknesses demons actually had, including Ba'al, and humans were never to know. Desiderus could hardly imagine the kind of pain others could inflict if they knew this well-kept secret in the demon world.

  The white feathery bird squawked at Desiderus from the other side of the stream, and he was quite certain it mocked his dilemma. Searching around the bank, he found a fallen log. It was not perfect but would do for what he needed. If he slipped and a single toe fell in, he'd be out cold, probably lying in the icy depths. Desiderus shuddered. He pulled the log over and threw one end across the rushing water. The bird flapped when the end fell with a resounding thud, surprising the creature.

  Balancing himself on the cracking dried limb, Desiderus started across, thankful it wasn't a bigger stream. It was maybe a few feet wide. The limb creaked as he took step after careful step. Demons didn't sweat, but if he could call the panic rising in him a fearful sweat, then that's what it would be for him.

  Desiderus heard a distinct snap and with far more speed than he considered himself capable of, booked it the rest of the way across, jumping down from the end to land on the dry bank. Once his feet touched the ground, he could feel the bird. Its purity radiated through the dirt, trying to repel the evil inside Desiderus. The creature was an innocent, and magical. He'd never encountered a being that gave off this kind of magic. The sensation alone was one of peace and Desiderus had to shake himself out of the lull.

  The bird turned to see him better, as if it sensed his slow approach. Even in the moonlight, the white feathers shimmered, or perhaps they sparkled? Heavenly was the word that came to mind. Desiderus was a lost soul, damned in Ba'al's Hell. He couldn't help but allow the peace to invade every inch of his perverted being. The cool touch of the creature's presence calmed some of the raging storm inside.

  Did the bird want to be near him? The creature didn't flee as Desiderus thought it might. It also didn't attack as it probably should. The creature just stood there waiting for him. Wary, Desiderus walked around the bird, giving it some space, trying to determine its reaction. Its small gold-flecked eyes followed him. The animal stayed motionless, perfectly content, it seemed, to allow Desiderus to look his fill. He tipped his head and stopped in front of the bird. Reaching out a hand, he considered the possibility this could be a trap. Nothing was ever as it seemed. Then again, this bird didn't feel like something that had an alternative idea for his demise either.

  The bird's neck came out and it rubbed feathers against his skin. Not knowing what he could have expected, Desiderus jumped back from the touch, not so much in fear as sheer surprise. Why would it want to pet him?

  "Bird," Desiderus said, as if the creature might understand the words that fell from his mouth. He swallowed, trying to moisten his dry throat.

  It squawked, a low kind of sound instead of the loud high pitch it had given him days ago. What else could he call it other than a squawk?

  "I'm g
oing to use you to get to a human woman. I don't know why I feel the need to explain myself to you, but there it is. You are my bait." He really didn't know why either. The creature was a simple bird. Yet as if it knew perfectly well what Desiderus had intended, it walked its two skinny legs over to him waiting to be...captured? The demon put his hands on the bird, surprising himself as he smoothed out the long feathers on its back. So soft, light feeling, like clouds. Such a strange sensation when compared to his own dwellings in Hell, with all the darkened rock around him. It had been a long time since he'd felt something so soft, and then he thought of Haven again. He smiled to himself. His idea would work out well, in both their favors if he had his way. He didn't want to hurt the bird, just use it to get to Haven a bit more. The bird would be a means to an end.

  Desiderus hugged the bird to him. It wasn't a big animal; much like a medium size dog, only lighter. It curled up in his arms, like it was nesting there, and Desiderus felt a strange sensation of pride that such a pure creature allowed his touch, let alone to hold it within his arms. He didn't remember the last time an animal had...cuddled...with him. The sensation of warmth and cool acceptance made him wonder how something could make him calm. Absently he ran his fingers through the bird's feathers, waiting for Haven to find them.


  Haven heard the bird's squawk come from the left. The river was just beyond her, so it had to be on the other side. The smell of cool, fresh water wafted to her nose and she took a deep calming breath. It had taken all her courage to walk back into this forest after the snake incident. Haven pushed the thought from her mind and concentrated on the bird. If she put any focus on her fear, it would come after her full force and she'd be high tailing it back to a witch just to get a damn spell to repel snakes. Damnit, why hadn't she thought of that before she left for the forest?

  Looking up at the sky just to see the moon, she walked toward the water. The air had cooled and goosebumps danced down her arms. What little light came from the moon shone down by the river's bank. There was a log going across it. Must be her lucky night. With the marshmallows swinging in one hand and the L-sac in the other, Haven made her way to the log. Someone had put it here deliberately. It hadn't fallen there. Whoever it was, she silently thanked them for such a blessing. With a bit of a lift in her heart she jumped up onto the log. It wobbled a little but stayed relatively still as she made her way swiftly across. She'd barely reached half way when the log snapped and she fell, marshmallows and all, into the cold rushing water.

  The river wasn't deep enough to do any harm. She quickly found her footing and pushed herself up with loud gasps. "Fuck, that was cold. Damnit to hell. Stupid log." Haven stomped the rest of the way across the water. She'd get the stupid bird and then home to dry before turning the creature in. Why had she become a snare? Oh right, because she was good at it. Haven snorted. The cold seeped into her skin, causing her lower lip to tremble and teeth to chatter.

  Movement from her left. The bird. Haven stopped. The demon had it. He was...cuddling with it? His hands were slowly moving up to the bird's neck. No, he wasn't cuddling it. He was going to kill it! "Demon! Harm one hair on the bird and I'll cut out your heart and force feed it to you."

  He laughed. "You, pet, wouldn't get anywhere near my heart. Come now. I don't want to harm it. I want leverage."

  What the hell did he mean leverage? "Excuse me?" She slowly started in his direction, keeping careful watch on the hands around the bird.

  "Leverage. I don't want to do anything to take away what I can have over you. See, now that I have the bird—and don't play coy, I know you want it—I will want something in return."

  Haven reached about three feet from him and stopped. "And what would that be?" Her entire body had started to shake from the chill. She couldn't keep the chattering from her voice. The demon looked her up and down, seemingly considering her.

  "Well, looks like the water has gotten you." He said it as if the water were something bad. She might be cold, but the fall hadn't harmed her.

  "I'm...ff...Fine." She raised her shaking chin at him.

  "Take off your clothes."

  "Wh...what?" Haven took a step back.

  "Haven, if you want the bird, then take off your clothes."

  "" The sick twisted pus pocket, always had sex on his mind. What had she expected really? Of course he wanted sex.

  "I promise not to touch you." He grinned, and Haven wasn't sure she liked that at all.

  "" She put a few more feet between them as she backed up further.

  "I could kill the bird, snap its' pretty little neck." His eyes flicked to her neck and he continued, "Besides, you saw me naked, so it's my turn. Strip if you want me to hand over the creature."

  The dirty bastard. She resisted the urge to fling the soggy marshmallows at him, perfectly good waste too. "Fine. FF...ine." Pissed she flung the sweets and the L-sac to the ground. She pulled off her soaking shirt without so much as a glance at him. Haven stomped her foot as she peeled her bra from her chest. The materials hit the ground with a slosh.

  "Well you could at least let me enjoy it, pet." He grinned.

  She clenched her teeth and met his gaze. Haven didn't divert her eyes as she unzipped her pants and pushed them down over her hips, her underwear trailing behind. The cool air hardened her sensitive nipples and she resisted the shudder trying to escape. No way would she give him the satisfaction of knowing this was fucking cold to do. Haven bent, keeping eye contact, and pulled the pants from her flesh. She hated removing wet clothes. They clung to the skin and were a pain in the ass to get off. But she finally managed.

  "Very good." His voice had turned husky. Haven set her pants on the ground, picked up a rock, and flung it at him, missing his head by a few inches. "Now, now, no tantrums. You're an adult. I'm a...demon. Come on over and get your bird."

  She sneered. Oh, how she wished the rock would have at least made him flinch. "You said strip. I stripped. Let the damn bird go and disappear. I am not going anywhere near you naked. I told you– you will never have me and I meant it. I'll kill myself first." Well maybe she wouldn't go that far, but she didn't plan on telling him that.

  Desiderus grinned. "Very well, pet." He moved his hands and the bird stretched its long thin legs, flapped its wings, and pranced over to Haven. She slowly reached for her L-sac, not wanting to make it run away again. The demon stood and watched.

  "I told you to disappear."

  "I never said I would. Besides, I only follow Ba'al's orders."

  Haven ignored the cool air and focused all of her attention on the bird, trying to discount the feeling of the demon's eyes on her. She didn't have time to be modest or embarrassed. Haven needed the bird. Then clothes, and finally to DAIS with it. Easy right?

  As if the creature trusted her, it waited. Haven flung the sac over the unnatural, smiled, and then turned back to see Desiderus taking a step in her direction with a heat in his eyes. She felt herself moisten. Why did she suddenly want to climb him and give him a ride he wouldn't forget? Get a grip, Haven She needed to do herself a favor and run for it. He might catch her; he might not, but either way she was not going to let him take her, no matter how her body responded. Disgusted, she spit on the ground, flung the sac over her shoulder, and bolted as fast as her bare feet would carry her. All she needed to do was put some distance between them.

  Chapter Nine

  Surprised by the female's actions, Desiderus watched her run for a moment before his mind registered her actions. Her obsidian hair flew behind her with a strange bag slung over her small shoulders. In a way, he should have known Haven would bolt. Experience all but told him that. Many had run and failed. Desiderus shook his head and a grin spread across his lips. She wouldn't get far, and not just because she was naked. He had a pretty good idea that Haven didn't worry about her loss of clothes as much as she worried about what he might do to her. He would have loved nothing more than to chase after her...but she needed to be taught a lesson,
to understand what it meant for him to have her name, for him to be in control.

  After quickly making Ba'al's sign in the air in front of him—a toad within a circle—magic flickered into the sigil like sparking a match. The sign brightened to an orange color. Desiderus had been a demon so long it took seconds to create. Under his breath, he let her name roll off his tongue in one easy motion, "Haven Rowe."

  The color of the sigil sprinkled away on a breeze and black smoke swirled. Haven's image slowly began to appear, little by little, tantalizing, as if she somehow knew he wanted her body far more than he had any other mortal female. Her legs came first, the lazy curve of her hips. He groaned with the swell of her heaving breasts, and finally her face construed in a perfect scowl piercing him with those damn blue eyes.

  "Running will do you no good, Haven." Inside, lust coiled around his core, urging him to do anything but stand there looking staring. Her skin shimmered with sweat, making his tongue slip out to lick his lips. He swallowed a groan at the thought of tasting her tanned flesh. Lost in his erotic notions, he didn't see her foot until it was too late, and a sharp jolt of lightning like pain raced up from between his legs, shooting over his spine and slamming into the base of his brain. Colors formed in his eyes and he blinked it away as his stomach churned. His knees weakened, but he kept himself standing somehow, adrenaline replacing the pain as anger mounted inside him like a lion.

  "But that does, demon." Haven turned to run for the second time and despite the throbbing radiating from his balls, Desiderus reached out for her, latching fingers around an ankle that had come up from the ground. Haven fell front first into the dirt with Desiderus falling on top of her. He landed over her legs with an "oof." Slamming a fist into the ground, he lifted himself enough to pull her under him further. He would win. He always did. She kicked at him, landing blow after blow in his chest, stomach, and finally he pinned her. "I didn't want to force you. We made a deal and you don't go back on a demon, particularly a demon who reports directly to Ba'al himself. Thank you for the privilege. A cage will suit you nicely and entertain me immensely, female." His voice came out as smooth, as he intended, and her eyes widened in alarm. Good. He wanted her afraid. He smiled. She had nowhere to go and he held all the cards. She needed to know how easy it would be for him to physically capture her. When his end of their bargain was met, she needed to know without a shred of doubt he would find her, summon her from anywhere in the world. There was literally nowhere to run and if she got free, she would know he allowed it.


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