King's Fancy

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King's Fancy Page 25

by Sable Hunter

  “I think so, I decided to be lenient, give Bohannon a second chance.” He folded his arms over his chest. “We all deserve a second chance.”

  Domino nodded sagely. “Well said, I’d say you were getting yours now.” He stood and walked back to a large apothecary cabinet. “Are you here for the sponge?”

  A sponge? He wasn’t sure he wanted to know. “Whatever will protect her.”

  “Well, abstinence…”

  “Except that,” King was quick to add, and Domino smiled. Handing him a small box, he tapped the top of it. “Inside there’s a small sponge, tell her to dip it in vinegar, then insert it up inside of her before having intercourse.”

  “Vinegar, huh?”

  “Yea, it’s acidic, that’s what will do the job.”

  “If you say so.” King slipped the box in his pocket. “Thanks, Domino. I’ll explain all this to her a little later.” He held up the package. “I have something else to give her first.”

  ...Across the way, Fancy took a second chess pie from the oven. Everything was done and keeping warm. She kept glancing at the grandfather clock, hoping King would come home soon. When she heard bootsteps in the front, she ran to see who was coming in, and was more than relieved when she saw King’s big form filling the doorway. “You’re home!” She knew she should tell him about his visitors, and she would, but not just yet. “I’m so glad you’re safe!”

  “I am.” He wanted to grab her and hold her, but the time he’d spent away from her made him a little shy. “I got you a gift.”

  Her heart jumped in her chest. “A gift?”

  “Yea, open it.” He placed the package into her outstretched hands.

  “Thank you.” She held it to her heart. “Whatever it is, I’m grateful…but there’s something I want more.”

  King was confused. “But you don’t know what it is, yet.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Fancy stepped even closer. “I need for you to kiss me more than I need anything else.”

  King didn’t delay another second. “You’re something else, did you know that?” He drew her into his arms. “What am I going to do with you?”

  As she wrapped her arms around his neck, she gave him her best advice. “Keep me, I hope.”


  Keep me.

  Kiss me.

  As deep-seated trust issues paralyzed his mind, King made the only promise he knew for sure he could keep. Pulling Fancy close, he gave her what she wanted and what he needed. “I’ll keep you satisfied, that’s what I’ll do.” Taking her into his arms, his mouth took possession of hers with a slow, deep thrust of his tongue.

  As they kissed, Fancy almost swooned with happiness. She relished the way his body felt against hers – warm, powerful, hard muscles. She couldn’t wait for night to come so she could sleep in his arms again. Clinging to King, she melted from the inside out as he ate at her mouth – nibbling, sucking and nipping enough to sting a little. Loving his playfulness, she would gasp, and he would soothe it better with his tongue. Moment by moment, the kisses grew more passionate, hotter. His fingers skimmed her cheek, and the length of her neck, his touch was so tender that Fancy ached. Finally, when he pulled back, she sighed with contentment and rested her head on his shoulder. “Thank you, I can breathe now. I missed you so much.”

  King swallowed his emotion, clearing his throat. “Why don’t you open that gift now, before we have company to disturb us.”

  “Okay, I will.” She moved to the table and sat in one of the wooden ladderback chairs, placing the soft package on the table to untie the string holding it together. “I can’t believe you brought me something, you know it wasn’t necessary.”

  “I wanted to do this. In fact, I saw it, and I knew it was meant to be yours.”

  When Fancy pulled apart the brown paper wrapping, she found a dress, a pink dress. “King…” She wanted to be thrilled, but she knew that he knew how unsuitable this color would be for her. “The dress is beautiful, but it won’t be on me.”

  “I beg to disagree.” He came forward and raised the dress near to her face. “Once supper is over, I want you to model it for me and…” He bent to steal a kiss. “then, I’ll take the dress off you and show you exactly how beautiful I think you are.”

  His words made Fancy tremble. “You take my breath away, King.” As she ran her fingers over the smooth garment, she noticed something else. “A handkerchief?” The delicate lace was exquisite. “I’ve never possessed anything so fine.”

  King was proud. “Good. I wanted you to have it.” He wasn’t sure what ladies did with them, but he remembered Caroline always kept one at the ready.

  Their privacy didn’t last much longer as the men began to arrive for their evening meal. Fancy was able to function, but each time she glanced at King, he was watching her with hungry eyes. Only the steady conversation between the men kept their situation from being obvious.

  “King, I have some disturbing news,” Boone began.

  King groaned, steeling himself. “What now?” He didn’t need any more bad news.

  “We found another cow with her throat cut.”

  “Who’s doing these mutilations, and why?” King asked, clearly disturbed. “I hate to ask you to do this, but we’re going to have to set up some night watches.”

  “I’ll go first,” Jericho offered.

  “Let’s do it in teams of two, I don’t want anyone taking any unnecessary chances.” He motioned to Domino. “You take first watch with Jericho. Boone and Reno can relieve you at two, that way no one misses a full night’s sleep. We’ll adjust our daytime activities accordingly. Tomorrow night, I’ll take a turn, we’ll switch out, so it won’t overburden anyone.”

  Reno shook his head. “Ace can bunk with whoever’s not on watch, but I don’t think you need to leave Miss Fancy alone. Whoever’s doing this savage act only has killing on their mind and they clearly hold a big grudge against one of us. I think you should stay close to her and let us handle this.”

  King nodded. “Not trying to get out of work, but I agree.” He covered Fancy’s hand, right there in front of everyone. “Keeping her safe is my priority.”

  Fancy felt her body flush with emotion. King was openly admitting his attachment, openly recognizing them as a couple. She could feel all eyes on her, and when she glanced up, she expected to see derision and disbelief on their faces. To her surprise, she saw only concern and agreement.

  As soon as everyone was finished, King walked out with them to make final plans for the night and for the next work day. She cleaned the dishes and began preparations for upcoming meals. Fancy found the work settled her nerves, she was still somewhat shaken by the trouble they were having with the cattle, as well as the issue the men had made about her safety. After hearing King voice his feelings, she realized that she needed to tell him about the visit from his neighbors and how she’d acted.

  When he returned, she was finishing up. As he stood in the door, she marveled that this man could conceivably belong to her. His shirt fit his chest so well, she could see the muscles of his shoulders and chest ripple when he walked. The heated look in his eye told her exactly what he had in mind and she felt herself responding – her nipples stiffening, and a tingle beginning between her legs. Any thoughts of confessing her sins left her mind completely.

  “Now, for what I’ve been waiting for from the moment I saw this dress in the mercantile.” King came forward and picked her up, grabbing the package containing his purchase as he passed a nearby chair.

  Fancy couldn’t help but giggle. “Just don’t expect much, I anticipate you’ll have to squint your eyes at the sight.”

  “You’re entirely too hard on yourself. Redheads happen to be my favorite people,” he said, remembering his childhood friend, Maid Marion.

  “Really?” She didn’t know how this could possibly be true. “I much prefer men with sun-kissed hair.”

  King felt his heart squeeze in his chest. He carried her to her room and
gently set her on the floor. “Try on the dress and let’s see how it looks.” Seeing the look of trepidation in her eyes, he added, “I’ll give you some privacy, I want to light a fire in my bedroom to keep us warm and there’s also something I need to get out of the kitchen.”

  “Okay…” she said slowly, having no idea what he was talking about. She did appreciate the privacy, however. Once he was gone, she removed all her clothing and pulled on the pink dress. Knowing what he planned to happen next, she didn’t bother with undergarments. Fancy just hoped she looked half as well as King thought she would.

  After starting a fire to warm the room, he went to the kitchen to find some apple cider vinegar. He smelled of it and found it to be a bit pungent, but if it would protect Fancy from getting pregnant, he didn’t mind. A smile came to his face. They would just have to be creative about when she inserted the sponge, because he certainly planned on tasting the sweetness between her thighs as often as he could.

  “I’m ready.”

  King felt his cock pulse to life when her voice met his ears. “So am I, baby, so am I.” Bringing the small bottle of vinegar with him, he hurried back to find her waiting for him in his bedroom. When he walked through the door, he almost dropped the small glass container. “Oh, Fancy…”

  His voice froze Fancy and she stood stock still, her hands clenched in fists at her sides. She hadn’t possessed the courage to look in King’s mirror. In fact, she’d avoided mirrors all her life. All she could see when she put on the dress was the contrast of the material against her skin. With short sleeves, her freckled arms were so obvious. In her estimation, so ugly. She’d been made fun of her entire life for her coloring, and now it was on display for the one man she wanted to impress most in this world.

  “Oh, Fancy…” he repeated coming within a few inches of her. “You’re so lovely, you take my breath away.”

  Fancy jerked her head up to look in his eyes. There was no disapproval, no repulsion, all she could see was admiration. Adoration. “I can’t imagine.”

  “I don’t have to imagine, I can see.” He took her hand and held it above her head, so he could turn her around. “Just let me look at you.”

  “I couldn’t fasten the back, it cinches up.”

  “I know, I picked it out, remember?” he whispered. “The dress is coming right off, so there’s no need for it to be fastened.”

  To Fancy’s dismay, she knew she was blushing, which would turn her skin a brighter red. “I wish I was a brunette.”

  “I don’t.” He brought her to him, her back to his front and he began to kiss the exposed flesh of her neck. “I told you I love these freckles, they’re like gold dust, or sprinkles of cinnamon.”

  Fancy felt frissons dance along her skin everywhere his lips touched. When she felt his fingers pushing the dress from her shoulders, she tried to hold it up in front. “I don’t have on anything under the dress.”

  With a moan, King tugged the material from her grasp. “Even better.” In the glow of the firelight her skin shone like the sweetest cream. The freckles didn’t deter his kisses. In fact, they gave him a most intriguing path for his lips to follow. Bending to the task, King determined to feather kisses along every inch of her body.

  Standing still while a handsome man adored your body was a momentous task. She trembled beneath his touch, she couldn’t help but watch as he ran his lips down her arms, across her chest, stopping to suckle the hard, aching nipples.

  “King, I can’t stand up…”

  He swept her up in his arms and placed her on the bed face down, continuing the kisses. Across her back, down over her buttocks. Down one leg, up the other. When he turned her over, she was quaking with desire.

  “There’s one place, I don’t think you have any freckles, but I need to check to be sure.” He spread her legs and settled between her thighs, giving her feminine treasure a close inspection. “Ah, I do see one.” He bent to kiss. “Here.” Another kiss. “And here.”

  “King…” She pleaded with him. “Please…”

  “Oh, is this a freckle? Let me see.” A kiss to her swollen button almost made her levitate from the bed. “No, that’s not a freckle, but I need to taste it again, it tastes especially sweet.”

  As he drew her clitoris into his mouth, Fancy screamed. “King!” She brought her hands to his head and held him in place, the sensations so intense she almost fainted.

  King could tell she was in the throes of a climax and he pushed her to accept as much pleasure as he could give. No woman had ever reacted for him this way, as if he was the source of everything she’d ever desired.

  As she calmed, he kept planting kisses between her legs, his hands coming up to cup her breasts. “You are a constant source of delight to me,” he whispered.

  “Come inside me, King.” She held out her hand.

  King was tempted, but there was something he needed to do first. “We need to protect you, Fancy.” He stood to his feet and held out his hand to help her up.

  Thinking he was still speaking about the problem with the cattle, she nodded. “I know you think so, but I wish you would go out with the men, I’m fine being left behind. I can fire a gun if you’d leave one loaded and ready.”

  “No, that’s not what I’m talking about.” He pulled the small box from his pocket, then went to the dresser where he’d placed the vinegar. “I don’t want to get you…with child. This will protect you. I think you dip the sponge in the vinegar and then…insert…”

  Fancy took the box and the bottle. “Yes, I know.” The women at the saloon, the ones who worked in the brothel used this method. She’d never considered that nice women used them, not wives, not couples who would welcome a child.

  “Do you know how? Do you want me to help?”

  As he came closer, she could see the huge bulge in his pants. He wanted her. Now.

  Fancy felt torn. She wanted him, there was no denying that fact. And he wanted her – but for how long? Was she fooling herself? Did King intend to marry her or was she just convenient? A sinking feeling hit Fancy in the pit of her stomach. In all her days of servitude, where she’d been treated with utter disdain, she’d never felt cheapened. Until now.

  “I can do it.”

  Darting in the other room, where King couldn’t see her cry, she anointed the sponge with vinegar, then slipped it up inside of herself, using her finger to push it as high and tight as possible. The tiny string hung down where she could retrieve it when the time came to remove it. She didn’t immediately return to him, she sat on the edge of the bed to think. She had a choice, she always had a choice. King would never force her. Was he protecting her from pregnancy or was he protecting himself from commitment?

  “Oh, King, what do I do?”

  She only had a few moments, she knew he’d come looking for her. Did she stop this now? Or did she make one last ditch effort to make him love her?

  “Well, no one ever said that I was a coward.”

  Rising to her feet, she crossed her arms over her naked breasts and returned to the arms of her lover.

  King was waiting. He was ready. Past ready. What was keeping her? God, the sight of her in that pink dress had turned him on. Knowing he’d picked it out, bought it, knowing he’d shown her how beautiful she was in it – all of that had him so randy he couldn’t think straight. And kissing those tiny freckles, he grunted at the thought, rubbing his cock from root to tip. He loved her skin, he loved her red-gold hair, especially the silky patch between her legs. As far as King was concerned, she was like a gaily wrapped Christmas gift.


  He turned to find her standing in the moonglow, her skin creamy like a pearl. When he saw she was hiding herself, he shook his head. “Don’t cover yourself, not in front of me. You’re mine, don’t you know that?”

  Fancy almost went to her knees with relief. There was nothing more perfect that King could’ve said. Tears formed in her eyes and she dropped her hands to stand before him unashamed. “Yes, I’
m yours.” And in that moment – she was – completely. “I want you so much.”

  For one long moment, he faced her from across the room. All wide shoulders, tight muscles, and golden skin. There was no part of him that wasn’t beautiful – even there. His maleness stood out from his body, fierce and hungry. She felt no embarrassment, only eagerness.

  King didn’t wait for her to come to him, he met her halfway, picking her up and pressing her against the wall. There was simply no time to make it to the bed, he had to have her now. In desperate need, he whispered against her lips. “Wrap your legs around my waist.” When she was in place, she arched her back and sighed as his mouth found her breast. She cradled his head as he suckled, taking what he needed.

  “I love this. I love you,” she whispered.

  His only response was humming agreement as he lifted her, guiding her down to settle his throbbing erection into the well of her tender opening.

  “Oh, King.” She panted as the wide girth of his erection stretched her, the burn exquisite as her body worked to accommodate his size. When he began to move, the fire began to build. Fancy nipped at his muscular shoulder as prickles of awareness danced over her skin. As he moved her up and down, her nipples grazed his chest. She closed her eyes and relished the incredible sensation.

  “God, this is what I needed,” he muttered, as his hips flexed, and he pounded into her again and again. King seemed desperate as he lifted and dropped her fast and furiously, his face buried in the softness of her neck.

  Like a firestorm whipped by the winds of want, passion reigned supreme, burning through every misgiving – every doubt. She loved this man and he loved her, he had to. There was no other explanation for how he made her feel. Fancy locked her arms in place around his shoulders. She’d never get enough of him – never. She craved his taste. His touch. His love. “Hold me, King, never let me go.”


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