The Vampire & Angel Wars Complete Collection

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The Vampire & Angel Wars Complete Collection Page 7

by G. K. DeRosa

  “The stairs must be this way.” I kept going down the darkening hallway until I came upon a door. “This is it.”

  We hurried up the first flight and emerged on the second floor. The door squeaked open, and Declan peered down both sides of the corridor. “Looks okay.”

  He pulled out his lock picks and got to work on the first apartment we found. Within seconds, the door clicked open.

  “Geez, how many times have you done that?” He seemed like a pro.

  He winked. “Don’t worry about it.”

  The apartment was small, but nice. The style was similar to the lobby—white walls, modern furniture and high-end everything. Declan ran to the kitchen which was just off the entrance and twisted the faucet. Water dribbled down into the sink, breaking the silence.

  “Yes!” I rushed over beside him to splash some on my face.

  He kept his hand under the stream for a few minutes. “Damn, it’s not hot though.”

  “I don’t really care.” I walked further into the apartment down another hallway. “I call first dibs on the shower,” I said over my shoulder.

  “Really? I’m covered in dog fur.” He groaned.

  I suppressed a laugh and continued to the door on the left. I pulled on the handle, and the door swung open into a bedroom. My eyes landed on the bed.

  A scream tore out of my mouth.

  Chapter 13

  Declan was at my side before my mouth closed. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded, but my eyes never left the gruesome scene on the bed.

  He followed my sight line and grimaced, his nostrils flaring. He sucked in a breath and turned away.

  Two bodies were splayed across the mattress, blood splattering every inch of it. Dark crimson painted the light gray walls. The stench of rotten garbage wafted up my nostrils, and I clapped my hand over my nose and mouth. Nausea clawed up my throat. I whirled around and raced out of the room.

  I reached the kitchen and dunked my head under the cool water. Please don’t puke. Please don’t puke. I took a slow breath and braced myself over the sink.

  A warm hand touched my back, and I jumped.

  “Easy there. It’s just me.” Declan’s breath tickled my ear as he came up behind me, warmth radiating through his t-shirt.

  I swallowed hard, forcing the nausea back down and turned to face him. “Those poor people.”

  He pressed his lips together, his nostrils still flaring. “I should’ve checked the apartment. I’m sorry you had to see that.”

  I glanced up at Declan and noticed for the first time how calm he seemed. I hadn’t seen my reflection, but I was pretty sure I looked like a hot mess. I could almost feel the green pallor settling over my skin. My brows knitted together. “You’ve seen dead bodies before.” It was more a statement than a question. He was too composed, and there was no other explanation.

  He cast his gaze toward the floor and nodded.

  “Like that? All torn up?”

  He leaned against the countertop and sighed. “Yeah.”

  I never wanted to again. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to erase the grisly sight from my memory. “I can’t stay here.”

  “We don’t have to. I’ll check the other apartments on this floor, and we can stay at another one.”

  I wasn’t sure I wanted to stay anywhere near this place.

  I took a step, and my head spun. I didn’t know if it was the lack of food or gory scene, but I reeled back. Declan’s arm snaked around my waist, and he led me out the door.

  In the dark corridor, he leaned me up against the wall and pulled out his flashlight. “Stay here.” He pointed at Duke. “You, dog, watch her.”

  Duke whined and sat at my feet. I watched Declan disappear into the next apartment and slid down to the carpeted floor to sit beside Duke, clutching my flashlight at my chest.

  Alone now, the swanky building seemed much less appealing. Silence filled the air, making it thick and suffocating. I squeezed my eyes shut, and the horrible image of the couple flashed through my vision. I snapped them open and stared straight ahead into the darkness instead.

  Duke nuzzled his head into my lap, and I scratched behind his big ears. If Declan hadn’t found me in the woods, that would’ve been me. A chill raced up my spine, igniting goose bumps all over my body.

  A door slammed, and I spun toward the sound, pointing my flashlight at it. Declan squinted and raised his hands in the air. “Just me. It’s a no go on that one too.”

  More dead bodies? No wonder this building seemed untouched. The vampires must’ve taken out its entire population.

  Twenty minutes later, Declan emerged from an apartment down the hall. “This one’s clear.”

  I stood, not really wanting to stay in a building surrounded by dead bodies, but what other choice did I have? If I could at least get a good night’s rest, Duke and I could head out on foot first thing in the morning.

  Declan held the door open for me, and I peeked inside. “Are you sure there’s no one here?”

  “Yup. I’m pretty certain this was a model home. I don’t think anyone ever lived here.”

  With all the ghosts crawling around this place, I wasn’t so sure about that.

  Pale light streamed in through the sliding glass doors so I tucked my flashlight back in my pack. I walked through the spacious living room and sat on the white leather couch. A vase was placed on the middle of the cocktail table and tall orchids spilled over the glass. I reached for a petal and rubbed the silk between my fingers. It was fake. He was probably right about the apartment.

  “So that means no food, huh?” I glanced over at Declan who was searching the cabinets.

  “Nope.” He hopped up on the kitchen counter and checked the water. At least that worked. “I can go back to the other apartments. I’m sure I’ll find something there. They’re all open now anyway.”

  “Okay.” I tucked my legs up into my chest, and Duke hopped up on the couch beside me.

  “Why don’t you go shower? It’s the second door on the left down that hall.” He pointed down a dark corridor. “By the time you’re done, I’ll have a full course meal ready.” His lips twisted into a smirk.

  “Um. Okay.”

  He left again, and I chased away the twinge of panic that sprang up in my chest. Get it together, Liv. I unfolded myself from the couch and padded over to the bathroom. Duke’s nails clattered on the hardwood floor as he followed me down the hallway. I swear he had a sixth sense; he always appeared at my side when I needed him.

  I turned on the flashlight and shined it across the bathroom before closing the door behind me. All clear.

  The gurgle of rushing water soothed my frayed nerves as I stood under the immense showerhead. Even cold, it was one of the best things I’d experienced in weeks. The pitter-patter of the water drowned out the noise in my head and for five glorious minutes, I thought about absolutely nothing.

  I toweled off and the tranquility faded, even the sight of my heart birthmark did nothing to quell my fears. Thousands of dark thoughts rushed back to the forefront of my mind. How was I going to survive a hike over hundreds of miles of vampire territory? I’d barely made it one night. Assuming by some miracle, I did, how would I get Asher out of Arx?

  My chest tightened. Tiny fingers clasped around my lungs, squeezing hard. I gasped for air, dropping the towel. How was I going to do this?

  Duke barked, and a light knock sounded at the door. “You okay in there?”

  I inhaled a deep breath and picked the towel up from the floor. “Yeah. I’m fine. Sorry, I took so long. I’ll be out in a second.” I dried my hair off a bit more and pulled a clean shirt and my jeans back on. Staring at my haggard reflection, I sighed. Darkness haunted my golden eyes. There were some things that could never be unseen.

  Declan lounged shirtless on a barstool at the marble island in the kitchen. Two plates filled with food sat in front of him.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off his perfectly sculpted bare chest. Until I saw t
he food. “What is all this?” I stared wide-eyed at the fancy spread. It was the first time I’d seen food that actually looked good in ages.

  He held his hand out palm up and motioned to each item. “For your dining pleasure, madam, we have the finest Russian caviar atop water crackers as an appetizer. For the first course, we have pink salmon and cornichon pickles. And finally, the main course – filet mignon tips in a bourguignon sauce.”

  My stomach rumbled as my mouth filled with saliva. “What no dessert?”

  “Don’t ruin the surprise.” He pulled out a bag of Milano cookies from under the counter and placed it in front of me.

  A huge smile spread across my face. “I gotta admit it. I’m impressed.” I jumped up on the stool next to him and dug in.

  He took a bite and dropped a piece of meat on the floor for Duke. He devoured it in seconds then licked the tile too.

  “I didn’t even know they made all this fancy stuff in cans.”

  He shrugged. “Me neither, but thank heavens for it.”

  Heaven. I frowned and dropped my fork. Stupid angels.

  He must have noticed my expression fall because he stopped eating and turned to me. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “Nah. It’s fine,” I mumbled and shoved another forkful in my mouth.

  His dark brows furrowed as he regarded me. “Was it the angels that got your family?”

  “No. Vampires.”

  His lips twisted. “But I thought you said you’d never seen…”

  “I didn’t see it.” Thank God. “My best friend found them. They’d gone out in search of food.”

  “The friend that you’re going to D.C. to find?”

  I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I didn’t want to get choked up in front of him.

  “What’s she like?”

  “Huh?” I dropped my plastic fork.

  “Your friend—the one you’re looking for.”

  “Oh. He’s a he actually. Asher.” I swallowed down the thickness in my throat. “We grew up together, and he’s pretty much the only family I have left.”

  He nodded and took a bite of the beef. “I’m sorry. I hope you find him.”

  My eyes cast down to my plate, and I blinked back the tears. Talking about Asher was too painful.

  Declan’s eyebrows pulled together, his jaw grinding. He clasped his hands together then released them. Finally, he looked up at me. “You can come south with me if you want. I won’t go to Washington, but I can get you close.”

  The heavy weight that dragged me down since Ash had been captured suddenly lightened. “Really?”

  “Yeah, it’s no problem.” He pierced me with his intense gaze. “Did you know that your irises sparkle like sunlight when you smile? They become the most vibrant gold I’ve ever seen.”

  Heat flushed my cheeks. “Um… thanks.” I’d always thought their golden color was odd, but compared to Declan’s enigmatic maroon, they didn’t seem so strange after all.

  He smiled. “Sorry if that was weird. I guess I just miss the sun.” He shrugged and stabbed at a pickle on his plate and lowered his gaze.

  Duke pawed at Declan and whined.

  “Oh crap.” My shoulders slumped. “I can’t go with you. There’s no way Duke can ride your motorcycle for hundreds of miles.”

  A small grin pulled at his lips. “I think I have a solution for that.”

  Chapter 14

  Hair tickled my nose. I opened my eyes to a furry butt in my face. “Ugh.” I shoved Duke and rolled over. Somehow he’d managed to take up the entire king sized bed. I yawned and slowly stretched, feeling rested for the first time in days.

  A yellow note on the bedside table caught my eye. I reached for it and read the scrawled message.

  Went out for a bit. Be back soon.

  ~ Declan

  P.S. You snore more than the dog does.

  Whatever. I so did not snore.

  I pushed the fluffy comforter back and scooted to the edge of the bed. A pile of pillows and blankets were strewn across the carpeted floor. I picked them up and threw them back on the bed. It had been pretty decent of Declan to sleep on the floor next to me. There was a spare bedroom with it’s own massive bed that he could’ve enjoyed for himself. The idea of sleeping alone surrounded by corpses on all sides had been too much for me to handle, and he’d been sweet to offer.

  Duke jumped off the bed and whined.

  “I know, I know. You’re hungry, right?”

  He wagged his tail and ran to the kitchen. I’d have to take him outside eventually too, but luckily the dog had a bladder of steel. I poured out a big bowl of dog food Declan had found while scavenging last night and filled my own bowl with cereal. I munched on the crunchy oats as I flipped through an old magazine he must have left on the counter. It was the first one I’d seen in forever. It wasn’t one of my favorite Hollywood gossip ones, but at this point I’d settle for anything.

  Declan still hadn’t told me what his plan was. How the heck was he going to get Duke on that Harley? Somehow I knew he’d figure it out. I’d only known him for two days, but he seemed pretty resourceful. I guess you had to be to survive this long.


  My mind wandered to Asher. Where was he? What were the angels doing to him? The only thing that got me through the day was the hope that he was still alive. He was young and strong; he’d make a perfect warrior for the angels. They’d be stupid to kill him. I clutched my arms to my chest. He had to be okay.

  The front door opened, and I jumped. Maroon irises peeked out from under black hair. He swept his bangs to the side, and his eyes sparkled. “Come outside, I’ve got a surprise for you.”

  I tugged at the hem of my nightshirt which barely covered my butt. “Sure, just give me a sec.” I walked backward down the hall toward the bedroom. I couldn’t be sure, but I could’ve sworn I heard him chuckle as I left.

  I threw on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt over my nightshirt, not even bothering to change out of it and ran out to join him. “So what is it?” I sat on the couch and laced up my sneakers.

  “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it?”

  I rolled my eyes and got to my feet. I called for Duke and the three of us emerged into the dark hallway. Declan flicked on the flashlight and led the way down the stairs. As we passed each apartment, I couldn’t help but think of the mangled corpses inside. Whatever Declan had found, I just hoped it meant getting out of here as soon as possible.

  We stepped out into the lobby, and my mouth dropped. Hitched onto the side of his motorcycle was a sidecar. It was old and rusty, the faded black paint in stark contrast to his sleek bike, but it looked big enough to hold Duke. I approached the funny looking thing and gawked. Inside the little rocket ship-shaped vehicle was a blanket and blue goggles. I pulled them out and twirled them around my finger. “What’s this for?”

  “I figured he’d need eye gear too.”

  I laughed, and my heart soared. This was really going to work. I was going to make it to D.C.

  Before I could stop myself, I flung my arms around Declan’s neck. He stiffened, his whole body going rigid. “Thank you,” I whispered. His muscles relaxed after a beat, and he gave me an awkward pat on the back before I released him.

  “Oh, I got this too.” He bent down and revealed a pink helmet from behind the motorcycle.

  I arched a brow. “Thanks. How’d you know it was my favorite color?” My voice dripped with sarcasm, and I hoped he got it.

  “Hey, beggars can’t be choosers.”

  “You managed to find a sidecar, but you couldn’t find a normal-colored helmet?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe I thought it’d be a good color on you.”

  I shook my head and smirked. “Come on, Duke, let’s test it out.”

  We pushed the contraption outside, and Duke hopped on. I pulled the goggles over his head and adjusted them over his eyes. A hysterical laugh tumbled out of my mouth. This was priceless.

nbsp; Declan jumped on the motorcycle, and I got on behind him after settling Duke in.

  “Where did you find this thing? That’s not something most people just have laying around.”

  “There was a bike shop not far from here. I guess I lucked out.” He revved the engine.

  “Thanks so much. I really mean it.” The roar drowned out my words, but I was pretty sure he’d heard it. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and we were off.

  We took it slow, driving up and down the main boulevard, but Duke loved it. His big tongue lolled out as the breeze rushed through his fur. After about twenty minutes, we headed back to the building of the dead.

  I quickly packed up my belongings, anxious to get on the road. By motorcycle, the drive should only take about seven hours, even if we went slowly. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and met Declan in the kitchen. He was shoving cans and water into a reusable shopping bag.

  “There should be plenty of space in the sidecar for this stuff.”


  “We can divide the trip over two days so it’s not too much. I don’t know if you’ve ever spent seven hours on a motorcycle but it’s not as fun as it sounds.” He rubbed at his thighs.

  “Okay, sure.” I was anxious to get to D.C., but one more day wasn’t going to change that much. I hoped.

  He pulled a map out and laid it flat on the kitchen counter. He pointed at a spot in the middle of Pennsylvania. “We can shoot for around here as a stopping point. It’s secluded and mostly farmland so I don’t think we’ll run into too many vamps.”

  I nodded. This was all him. I wasn’t exactly an expert in reading maps or driving cross-country. I’d never left the state of New York.

  He folded it up and shoved it in his pocket. “All right. Let’s do this.”

  Chapter 15

  My cheek pressed against the smooth leather of Declan’s jacket, dark hair whipping across my face from under the obnoxious pink helmet. I couldn’t help but lean into his warm body, my arms tight around his waist. My shoulder blades burned, every muscle in my back tense from the hours on the motorcycle. I glanced over at Duke. His eyes were closed as he rested his head on the ledge of the sidecar. At least he seemed to be enjoying himself.


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