The Vampire & Angel Wars Complete Collection

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The Vampire & Angel Wars Complete Collection Page 41

by G. K. DeRosa

  I froze.

  Chapter 12

  “Don’t touch her, Drusilla,” Asher snarled. Just lifting his head made his jaw clamp down, his lips twisting in pain.

  Why wasn’t he healing? My chest tightened. He was practically dead, and he was worried about me.

  Drusilla approached, her movements like a panther, and the vamp guards’ hold on me loosened. “I’m going to give you one last chance to tell me where Azazel is before you force my hand.” She tilted my chin up to meet black soulless eyes.

  “I don’t know anything,” I hissed through clenched teeth.

  Her eyes narrowed, and a sharp sting engulfed my cheek. Son of a vamp! She withdrew her hand, and it was only then I realized she’d slapped me. I bit down on my lower lip to keep from screaming. Her petite hand was heavier than a lead pipe.

  I inhaled and mentally prepared for the beat down of a lifetime. Instead, the vamp holding my right arm released me. I held my breath waiting for what came next. The waiting had to be part of the torture. The guard crossed the room and pulling a dagger from his pocket plunged it into Asher’s stomach.

  “No!” I shrieked, the corners of my vision blurring.

  Asher curled forward, gritting his teeth, as a stream of blood poured from his gut.

  Drusilla nodded at the vampire, and he yanked out the blade only to sink it in again.

  Another scream burst from my mouth as I struggled against my captor. “Stop, please!” Hot tears rolled down my cheeks, fiery rage twisting my stomach.

  The evil she-vamp watched with a sick smile on her face. “You can make it stop, Liv. Just say the word.”

  I glanced up at Asher and invisible steel bands wrapped around my lungs. He shook his head. “Don’t,” he mouthed.

  Drusilla spun on me as horrible guilt flooded my insides. “How long do you think he’ll last? Remy doesn’t have the best aim, and that last one came pretty close to Asher’s heart.”

  The door of the torture chamber swung open. All eyes whirled toward the king as he strode in, his cape billowing behind him.

  “You’re too late,” Zekiel growled at Drusilla. “Nathanael and his entourage have arrived a day early. I can hear the girl’s screams from the throne room, as will my brother and his entire battalion.”

  I sucked in a breath, my lungs finally able to function once more. If Nathanael was here that meant Declan was too. My heart fluttered as a twinge of hope ignited.

  “I apologize, sir.” The evil harpy bowed her head, and for a second I thanked my lucky stars for Nathanael. “What should I do with them?”

  He waved his hand at Asher. “Clean him up.” Then he turned to me, scrutinizing my disheveled appearance from top to bottom. “Her too.”

  The blonde human girl filling my tub had to be no older than fifteen. Her pale sallow cheeks and the silk scarf tied around her neck marked her as a blood slave. I’d tried to talk to her a few times now, but she refused to respond.

  Once the tub was full, she stepped back and motioned for me to get in. She didn’t have to ask me twice. It had been almost a week since I’d had hot water, and it was a luxury I wasn’t going to pass up even if it was at vamp Marriott.

  I slipped out of my dirty clothes, and the young girl averted her eyes. As the warm water enveloped me, a little sigh escaped my parted lips. The moment of bliss was short lived as thoughts of Asher bombarded my mind. Was someone bathing him? Tending to his wounds?

  An icy chill slithered through my veins, sucking the warmth right out of the hot tub. Tomorrow was the deadline. If Azazel wasn’t back with the daggers by then, all hope was lost. As certain Linc was about the success rate of the attack on the tower, I knew better. The humans would be slaughtered without a real means of defense against the nephilim. The meager vials of vampire venom weren’t enough.

  “I’m done,” I said to the girl cowering in the corner.

  She nodded and handed me a towel, again averting her eyes as I got out. I tucked the towel under my armpit, and my finger grazed my heart birthmark. It seemed to be darker every day.

  The girl stepped out of the bathroom and motioned toward some clothes laid out on the bed. Wow, Zeke had gotten me a new outfit? That was unexpected.

  Once I was dressed, the girl left with a brief nod. I sat on the edge of the bed, twirling a strand of dark hair around my finger. The soft purple fabric of the sundress felt like silk on my skin and was a brand I never could’ve afforded. Zeke must have something big in mind, why else would he go through the trouble of getting me all dressed up?

  As if hearing my unspoken question, the door to my room swung open and Zeke glided over the threshold. “Are you ready?”

  I shrugged. “For what?”

  He held out his hand, and I stared at it skeptically. “Why, to see our guests of course.”

  Declan… My sluggish heart perked up.

  As we walked through the corridors of the hotel, we passed Asher’s room. I had totally forgotten we were on the same level. Was he in there now? I steeled my nerves to ask the question that had been clogging my throat. “Is Asher okay?”

  “He’ll be fine. He’s recovering in the medical ward.”

  The tension in my shoulders dissipated, and I exhaled a quick breath.

  Zeke had no idea how close Drusilla had been to discovering the truth about everything. If he hadn’t arrived when he did, I would have spilled every last secret if it meant stopping the torture. A chill skittered down my spine as Asher’s blood filled my vision.

  I cleared my mind, forcing away the dark thoughts. I needed to focus for whatever came next.

  Zeke led me down the marble staircase of the massive Grand Central Station atrium. Vampires and stryx lined the stairways, a large group gathered around the gilded throne.

  As we neared, the crowd parted revealing an ornate chair placed beside Zekiel’s golden monstrosity. It was half the size of his throne with a deep red velvet seat and gold lacquered frame.

  Zeke led me right to it.

  “This is for me?” I was pretty sure my voice went up a couple octaves.

  “Of course, Liv.” He grinned, but his fangs slid out, transforming the smile into a gruesome sneer. “You are my most honored guest. Someone as special as you deserves to be exalted.”

  What game was the vampire king playing?

  As soon as we were settled in our adjacent seats, he signaled to one of his men. “Bring them in.”

  I slid to the edge of my chair as footsteps echoed across the vast hall. I gripped the ornate armrests, my knuckles turning white from the strain.

  A pair of intense maroon eyes locked onto mine as the angel entourage turned the corner. Declan’s golden nephilim armor clung to his body like it was forged just for him, exposing his muscled arms and thighs. My breath hitched, my pulse quickening with each of his steps. The corner of Zeke’s lip twisted up at my reaction.

  Damn him. My heart pounded against my ribs, and he could surely hear every frantic beat.

  Nathanael’s electric blue eyes widened as they moved from Zeke to me.

  This. This was why Zekiel had gone through all the trouble—shock factor.

  The Archangel’s mouth opened and closed like a colossal trout caught on a fishing line.

  I turned my gaze back to Declan and immediately regretted it. The flash of pain that zipped through his dark eyes nearly broke me. I hardened my heart refusing to take all the blame for this. If he hadn’t left me at renegade headquarters, I would’ve never gotten into this mess.

  “Welcome, sons of heaven.” Zekiel’s voice boomed across the chamber as he extended his arms out toward the angel delegation. Behind Nathanael stood more than a dozen nephilim soldiers along with his two generals, Cassiel and Raziel.

  Nathanael cleared his throat and fixed his icy gaze on his brother. “What is the meaning of this?” He ticked his head toward me.

  “Why, whatsoever do you mean, brother?” Zeke arched a brow as he adjusted the collar of his gaudy cape.

; “I thought I’d made it clear last time that Liv Graciene was under my protection.”

  The vampire king shrugged nonchalantly. “And yet, I found her here in the north, wandering around vampire territory alone.”

  Declan growled, clenching and unclenching his fists at his sides. “Release her at once, uncle.”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t do that.” Zeke pinched a strand of my hair between his fingers and twirled. “You see, Azazel has gone missing, and I’m fairly certain our mutual friend, Liv, had something to do with it.”

  Declan scowled, and I could almost see the moment he put together what I’d done.

  “I’m sure you must be mistaken,” said Nathanael, his voice dropping to dangerous levels.

  “I am certain I’m not.” He waved a hand dismissively. “In any case, brother, this summit was arranged not to discuss some human, but rather to deliberate upon the state of the Accords. Or am I mistaken?”

  Declan and his father exchanged a troubled glance.

  Nathanael nodded. “Of course. However, seeing as we’ve arrived a day early, we hoped to rest before the negotiations began. My soldiers and I are weary from travel. Surely, you’d grant us a day of repose?”

  Smart. I’d give Nathanael one thing, he was always a few steps ahead of everyone else.

  Zeke shot him a tight smile. The troupe of angel soldiers looked anything but weary. “Certainly.” He motioned to a handful of vampires surrounding us. “Please show the sons of heaven to their living quarters.”

  The vamp guards encircled the angels. A few of the nephilim fingered their swords, the tension swirling in the stale air. Before they left, Declan grabbed his father, whispering something I couldn’t make out from this distance. Nathanael turned back, his lips contorted. “If you really do believe Liv has had something to do with Azazel’s disappearance, perhaps we could extract the information from her. As you know, she and Declan were once quite close.”

  “Were?” Zekiel’s thin lips twisted into a smirk. “If the human’s erratic heartbeat is any indication, their closeness is something very much alive and well.”

  Heat seeped up my neck, flooding my cheeks. I lowered my gaze, refusing to meet Nathanael’s. Or Declan’s.

  Zekiel turned to me with a chuckle, and a sudden all-consuming urge to punch the bastard in the face came over me. I pulled my arm back, winding up for the hit—

  “Liv!” Declan’s desperate voice stopped me.

  Zeke laughed again, the sound filling the room and grating on my last nerve. “Okay, dear nephew, I will allow an audience with your friend. Be sure you make it worth my while.”

  My shoulders slumped forward, and I drew in a breath.

  Together, Declan and I would figure it all out—or else we were totally screwed.

  Chapter 13

  I paced in front of the window, the gray skeletal remains of the greatest city on earth looming behind me. Thick dark clouds covered the sky, and a flash of lightning sparked in the distance. A storm threatened on the horizon.

  My incessant marching had already worn a path into the beige carpet. It had been almost an hour since I’d been escorted back to my room by my vampire guards, but still no Declan.

  What if Zekiel changed his mind? Worse, what if he ambushed and killed the entire angel delegation?

  Declan. My heart fluttered helplessly.

  I shook my head. It wasn’t possible. Nathanael wasn’t stupid. He’d never allow himself to be led into a trap. He was smart enough to come a day early and catch the vampire king off guard. His early arrival could be just the miracle I’d needed.

  Voices in the hallway sent my heart into overdrive. I darted across the room as the door opened. My nephilim in shining armor strode through, and I nearly lost it. Before Declan could utter a word, I threw myself at him.

  My chest thudded against his cold metal armor, but I didn’t care. I wrapped my arms around his neck, digging my fingers into the soft hair at his nape. He stiffened for a moment too long before he reluctantly yielded and enveloped me in a tight embrace.

  “Liv,” he breathed, running his warm hands down my back.

  I pressed my nose into the crook of his neck, reveling in his familiar scent. He smelled like the woods and the air after a thunderstorm. “Declan,” I whispered back. For a second, I completely forgot how mad I was that he’d abandoned me. I’d yell at him later, but for now, I only wanted the reassurance of his strong arms around me.

  I held on tight, wishing we could remain like this forever. Once I let go, reality would come crashing back in. I held still and relished the rare blissful moment.

  Declan tilted his head down, and his warm breath ran through my hair. Goose bumps prickled over my skin, sending a sweet tingle up my spine. “I’m sorry, Liv.” He pressed his lips to my forehead, placing a gentle kiss.

  I glanced up and met smoldering maroon irises. “I know,” I murmured.

  He lifted my chin with a finger and inched closer. His eyes locked onto mine, the intensity swirling within all consuming. My lips parted, and I ran my tongue over the bottom one, my mouth unexpectedly parched.

  A wicked grin tugged at Declan’s sexy lips, and he closed the distance between us. A deep growl reverberated in his throat as his mouth captured mine. I pulled him closer, wishing the stupid armor wasn’t in the way. I wanted to feel his warmth; I needed his body against mine without the rigid barrier between us.

  Declan’s lips left mine and traveled down my neck, dropping light kisses down to my collar bone. “Oh, Liv, you have no idea how hard it is to stay away from you,” he breathed.

  “Then don’t.” I tipped my head back to give him better access as fire ignited in my core. His hands roamed my back, finding their way to the hem of my top. His heated fingertips brushed my skin, sending a surge of warmth through my veins.

  A small groan escaped my lips. He moved back to my mouth swallowing up a more powerful moan. I got up on my tiptoes deepening the kiss, and Declan’s hands hooked under my knees wrapping my legs around his waist. Carrying me to the bed, he gently laid me down and continued the fevered assault on my lips.

  I pressed my palms against his chest and warmth seeped through his t-shirt. What? Where was the armor? My lips stopped moving and I stared up at him, eyes wide.

  He chuckled. “It was getting in the way.”

  Yeah, it was. I still couldn’t get over that appearing and disappearing nephilim battle gear.

  Declan tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and brushed his thumb over my cheek. “God, I missed you,” he panted. “When I saw you up there with Zekiel—” His breath caught, and I lifted a finger to his lips.

  “It’s okay. I’m okay.”

  He shook his head, squeezing his eyes closed. “If anything had happened to you… I would’ve never forgiven myself. I never should’ve left you.” Framing my face with his hands, he pinned me with a fiery gaze. “I love you, Liv.”

  I swallowed hard. Every muscle in my body tensed as dark, stormy eyes bored into me. “I… um…” I chewed on my lower lip.

  He gave me a lopsided grin and rolled over to his side, propping his head up on his hand. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say it back.”

  Did I love Declan? A thousand emotions whirled through my thundering heart. I’d never told anyone besides my parents I’d loved them. Not even Asher. And I was fairly certain I did love him. But didn’t you have to fully trust someone to love them?

  I turned to my side, mirroring his pose and extended my hand to his cheek. “Declan, I’m so happy you’re here. Everything feels right when I’m in your arms. You’re so much more to me than just a boyfriend and—”

  “It’s okay.” Declan pressed his finger to my lips, and they tingled under his touch. “I get it. We’ve been through a lot and have had some issues with trust. Totally my fault.” He winked. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere till you fall madly in love with me.”

  I laughed, a deep belly chuckle, one that only he could incite. “I real
ly missed you, Declan.”

  He pushed himself to a seated position. “As great as this little reunion has been, we have some things we need to discuss.”

  “Ugh…” I ran my hand through my disheveled hair. And just like that, the fire we’d ignited evaporated in a puff of smoke. I opened my mouth, but Declan stopped me.

  He took my hand and led me to the bathroom, closing the door behind us. Then he turned on the faucet in the sink and bathtub.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Blocking the guards outside from hearing us,” he whispered.

  “Oh!” Stupid vampire super-hearing.

  “Okay, tell me everything, but keep it quiet.”

  I nodded and spilled my big Azazel plan. By the time I finished, I thought Declan’s eyes were going to pop out of his head.

  “How could you do something so risky?” he roared.

  I shushed him, pointing at my ears and the door.

  He raked his hands over his face and huffed. “It’s decided, I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”

  I shrugged nonchalantly. Fine by me.

  “So now what?” he asked.

  “Tonight’s the deadline.” I shoved my hands in my pockets. “I’ve been stuck in here so I don’t know what’s happening with Jayse and the twins, but they’re supposed to meet me back at the house in the burbs. Azazel and Trinity too.”

  “To get the daggers back to Linc in time for the attack tomorrow.”

  “Yup.” I leaned against the bathroom counter and folded my arms across my chest.

  Declan’s dark brows knitted. “What would you have done if we hadn’t arrived a day early?”

  Heat seeped up my neck as my shoulders lifted to my ears. “I would’ve had to find a way out of here.”

  He shook his head and sighed. “You’re lucky we came when we did. We might still be able to pull off this crazy stunt. Assuming my uncle comes through for you.” He smirked. “What you did was pretty smart. Playing on my uncle’s survival instinct was your best move.”


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