The Vampire & Angel Wars Complete Collection

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The Vampire & Angel Wars Complete Collection Page 43

by G. K. DeRosa

  “What is this?” Declan snarled as he lifted my wrist.

  Crap. I’d totally forgotten about the bite mark.

  Red-hot fury swirled in Declan’s irises as I forced myself to meet his gaze. He was damned scary when he was mad.

  “It was the only way I could get Asher out. He had a broken leg, and they’d shot him up with vervain so he couldn’t heal.”

  “So you let him bite you?” Betrayal laced his heated tone.

  “I had to do whatever I could to save him. What’s the big deal?”

  He shook his head. “Blood-sharing is an intimate act for vampires. It’s more than just feeding.”

  I snorted on a laugh. Declan looked like he was going to murder me so I quickly stifled the grin. “There was nothing intimate about it. It was strictly necessary.”

  “Maybe for you, but not to him.”

  I couldn’t believe Declan was so pissed about this. Sheesh, vampires. I leaned in closer and wrapped my arm around his waist. “I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t know it was such a big deal.”

  The tension in his shoulders released, and his body relaxed against mine. Lifting my arm, he ran his angel light over the fang marks. In seconds, they vanished.

  “You’re mine,” he growled playfully.

  “I’m yours.” I rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes and basked in the lingering effects of the angel light.

  A loud pop snapped my eyes open. Dark tentacles of smoke billowed over the hardwood floor, and Azazel and Trinity’s forms coalesced from the gray haze. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Duke barked and howled, circling the intruders as the pungent scent of sulfur filled the room.

  “You’re okay!” I leapt up and wrapped my arms around my friend as tears blurred my vision.

  Azazel let out a throaty grunt and dropped a bulky sack on the floor. “I’m fine too, no need to worry your pretty little head, human.”

  I released Trinity and scanned Azazel’s haggard form. Puffy dark bags encircled his mismatched eyes, and his typically impeccable salt and pepper hair was a disheveled mess.

  “Uncle, I’m pleased to see you are well.”

  He arched a brow and snorted at Declan.

  “Are those the daggers?” I asked, pointing at the black bag.

  “Well, it’s not Santa Claus’ sack full of Christmas presents.” He motioned to the bag with a dramatic wave. “Freshly forged in the depths of hell and dipped in demon blood as per your request.”

  Declan bent over to peruse the weapons. He nodded to me and straightened. “They look legit to me.”

  “Yeah, we were definitely in hell. I can vouch for that.” Trinity wiped her brow and sniffed at a long raven braid. “I don’t think I’ll ever get the stench of sulfur and smoke out of my hair.”

  I pulled my friend into another hug. “I’m so glad you’re okay. Thank you so much for what you did.” I needed the details of this trip ASAP, but I suppressed the urge to gossip about hell for later.

  Azazel pinned me with his deep black and bright blue irises. “I’ve delivered as promised. Now you must uphold your end of our bargain.”

  “Of course.”

  “Where’s the shield?” he asked, his gaze darting from Declan to me and back.

  I pretended not to hear his question as I rifled through the sack of onyx daggers.

  “Liv?” Azazel asked louder and cleared his throat.

  “I don’t have it yet,” I muttered.

  Cherry red infused his face, giving his sallow cheeks a nice pop of color. “Excuse me?”

  “I never said I had the shield.” I took a firm hold of the bag and passed it over to Declan.

  “Not yet, anyway,” Declan added.

  A string of curses exploded from Azazel’s pinched lips.

  “Relax, uncle. She’ll get the shield. Now that we have these, we’ll be able to devote our full attention to the mission.”

  “And what am I supposed to do in the meantime?” he snarled.

  “Nothing.” Declan placed a hand on his uncle’s shoulder. “Return to Grand Central, as will Liv and I, and we’ll all pretend none of this ever happened.”

  “Do you think my younger brothers are fools?” He narrowed his creepy eyes. “The moment ninety-seven onyx daggers are discovered in the hands of humans, I will be the first person questioned.”

  Ninety-seven? I decided not to question the odd quantity and kept my mouth shut.

  Jayse and Rex strode in, their eyes immediately closing in on the shifty fallen angel. Talk about perfect timing.

  “Did he get the daggers?” asked Jayse.

  Declan nodded and tossed him the bag. “You better get moving—now.”

  With a stern smile and a tilt of the head, the two big military men turned to leave.

  “Good luck, you guys!” I called as they marched out. Even with the daggers, I feared for my new friends. I hoped Parker wouldn’t join the fight. He was too old to be anywhere near that tower. I sent up a quick plea to a God I prayed still existed to keep him safe. To keep them all safe.

  As soon as the door slammed shut behind them, Azazel sauntered over to the couch and stretched out. Yawning, he folded his arms across his chest. “This place seems quite homey. Perhaps I will stay here and wait out this ridiculous war.”

  “You can’t.” Declan strode over to his uncle and pierced him with his own intense glare. “If you’re not back, Zeke will continue to suspect Liv. You need to return with a good excuse as to where you’ve been.”

  Azazel lifted his head. “And where pray tell, dear nephew, would you like me to say I was?”

  Declan bristled, his lips twisting. “Tell them you visited my mother’s grave and were so overwhelmed with grief from the fatal consequences of your actions, you needed time to recover.”

  I froze. The air in the room dropped at least twenty degrees.

  “You think I wouldn’t figure out that you were the one that informed my father of our whereabouts after we left your home?” Declan’s fangs dropped, and my heart went with them. “It’s your fault my mom is dead.”

  Azazel sat up straight now, his dark brows knitted. “Declan, I never meant to—”

  “It doesn’t matter what you meant or didn’t mean. Your actions had deadly consequences.”

  Azazel’s eyes glazed over, his lips thinning into a slim line. He choked on a sob, his shoulders shaking. “Nathanael was supposed to protect her…” He drew in a breath. “I loved her, Declan. I will carry the pain of her death for the rest of my immortal life.”

  “Good,” Declan spat and whirled out of the room.

  While Declan cooled off outside, I searched for Asher. He’d been napping for an awfully long time now. I silently moved down the narrow corridor so as not to wake the Christakos’s. It was past midnight already, and we needed to get back to Vamp Central ASAP.

  I quietly knocked on the bedroom door Asher had snuck into earlier. No answer. Gently, twisting the knob, I opened it a crack and peered into the darkness. “Asher?”

  I crept in. The large lump I’d expected to find on the mattress was missing. In it’s place lay a sheet of paper. I snatched it off the bed and skimmed the familiar writing.


  I’m going back to Arx with the renegades. Those are my people in there, and I need to do something to help them. I know you’re in good hands with Declan. Be careful, and I’ll see you down south.

  ~ Asher

  I raced out of the room, the paper flapping in my hand as I ran down the hallway. Maybe I could still catch him. Whipping the front door open, I leapt down the front steps and into the street just as the white sedan disappeared around the corner.

  “Wait!” I jumped up and down, waving my arms. The car didn’t stop.

  A second later, Declan was by my side.

  Tears trickled down my cheeks and I swept them away, feeling stupid. The old Asher would’ve never left me. It was time I realized my best friend had died in the angel tower a long time ago.r />
  “Asher left?” asked Declan.

  “Yup.” I shoved my hands in my pockets and drew in a breath.

  “He’ll be okay, Liv.” His arm came around my waist, fitting perfectly in the curve.

  “I know. I just wish he’d told me what he was doing instead of leaving a cowardly note.” I shot him a narrowed glare.

  He squirmed, his cheeks reddening. “Yeah, what a total cop out.” Spinning me toward him, he squeezed my shoulders. “You’re pretty intimidating to say no to in person.” He smirked, showing off the dimple I couldn’t resist. “The renegades are going to need all the help they can get. Asher’s doing a good thing.”

  “Right.” It still felt like he had abandoned me.

  He took my hand and led me back to the house. “We have to get back to vampire headquarters and face the music.”


  Chapter 17

  Loud banging at the door woke me from a deep sleep. I blinked the drowsiness away and met a pair of deep maroon irises.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” Declan stretched as a big yawn slipped out.

  I ticked my head at the door. The pounding was getting louder. “Are you going to get that?”

  He grunted and shoved the comforter back, revealing his bare chest. I allowed myself a good ogle before I refocused on his eyes. “Go!” I forced him out of bed with a wicked grin.

  We’d managed to sneak back into vamp Marriott last night unseen. Or so we thought. I had a feeling we were about to find out if we’d been successful.

  Declan trudged to the door, and I pulled the covers up to my chin as my insides churned.

  “What?” Declan hissed as he yanked the door open.

  I immediately recognized my two vamp guards along with a third guy I didn’t know. The new vamp met Declan’s glare straight on. He looked like he’d just stepped out of a Marilyn Manson video with jet-black long stringy hair and dark eyeliner rimming his crimson eyes.

  He cleared his throat. “Zeke sent me to notify you that your human friend is missing.” Peering over Declan’s shoulder into the room, he paused crinkling his nose. “But I see that’s not the case.”

  “No. It’s not. Liv has been here all night.”

  My two guards poked their heads in to confirm. I sneered and waved.

  “Wonderful,” said the weasely vamp. “Since that’s been solved, the king has extended a breakfast invitation to the entire angel delegation. We certainly hope the two of you will join as well.” Before turning to leave, he extended his hand to Declan. “I’m Remus, by the way, Zeke’s second in command.”

  My brows drew together. Where had this guy been the whole time?

  Declan gave him a tight-lipped nod and finally shook his hand.

  “My men will escort your friend back to her room.”

  Declan released Remus’s hand and scowled. “I don’t think so. You can tell Zeke that Liv will remain in my quarters for the remainder of our stay.” Remus opened his mouth to object, and Declan’s fangs dropped. “She’s mine,” he snarled.

  “Of course, brethren.” Remus lowered his head and turned heel with my guards trailing behind him.

  The door closed, and I let out a shaky breath. Declan stalked toward the bed, crawling on the mattress on all fours. He pinned me with a heated gaze, and my insides turned to mush.

  Before his lips captured mine and I lost all sense, I pressed my hand into his chest. “What was that about?”

  “What?” he grunted.

  “The ‘she’s mine’ part.” When he’d said it back at the house in the ‘burbs I thought he was just being cute.

  A smirk pulled his kissable lips. “It’s a vampire thing. By claiming you as my human, the other vampires know you’re off limits.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Geez, I should be happy you didn’t pee on me to mark me as yours.”

  He chuckled and pulled me into his arms. “If it meant keeping you safe, I’d pee on you in a heartbeat.”

  I couldn’t help the laughter that pealed out of my mouth as I rocked back on the bed. He smothered the lingering giggles with his lips, and I leaned into him enjoying the feel of his smooth skin against my thin tank top.

  Before things got too heated, I sat up, pushing him back to his knees. “We should probably get dressed. They’re going to be waiting for us.”

  “So let them wait.” He inched closer again and nibbled on my lower lip.

  “Declan.” I forced myself to pull away. “We need to be on our best behavior today.” We had to convince both the angels and vampires we had nothing to do with the impending human breakout at Arx. Not to mention, Azazel’s disappearance.

  “Fine,” he growled. “I’ll jump in the shower and then we’ll go to your room so you can get dressed.”

  He marched into the bathroom and left me to thoughts of my non-existent wardrobe. I’d have to wear the same dress Zekiel had provided for me the other day. I couldn’t very well come back to vamp Marriott with a whole new set of clothes from the house up north. That wouldn’t have been suspicious.

  My mind traveled to the friends I’d left behind at the house. Well, one human one and the other of the furry variety. Trinity had to lay low until we headed back down south, plus we couldn’t very well keep the sword of honor and Book of Salvation here in Vamp Central.

  I glanced at my watch and anxiety bubbled up in my gut. Today was the day the renegades would free the human slaves from Arx. Jayse and Rex had left so quickly the night before, I’d forgotten to ask what time it was scheduled to start. It could be happening already.

  According to Asher, the vampire assault would begin at midnight. I prayed all my friends and those poor humans made it out in time. This was it.

  Today was the beginning of the end.

  Declan tightened his grip on my hand as we entered the food hall. The steady thrum of hushed voices halted at our approach. I resisted the urge to turn heel and run in the opposite direction and forced my feet forward.

  Fancy white linens covered the long banquet table, which was set with glimmering gold place settings and lavish candelabras. Zekiel sat at the head of the table with Nathanael on the opposite end. Angels and vampires filled in the space between them, each keeping to their side as if an invisible line had been drawn down the middle.

  Zeke lifted his gaze as we neared. “So nice of you to join us, nephew.” He nodded at Declan then turned his dark eyes to me. An undercurrent of emotions flashed across his black pupils.

  I gulped, swallowing down the knot of anxiety.

  In all the chaos of getting Asher out, I’d completely forgotten about Drusilla. They must have found her ashes by now. I might as well have been wearing a sign on my chest that said “I helped Asher escape”.

  Declan steered us toward his father as one of his generals scooted over to make room.

  “Liv, please come sit with me,” Zeke called out.

  My heart leapt up my throat.

  Declan must have noticed my unease because he squeezed my hand and raked his fiery eyes over his uncle. “I’ve confirmed she had nothing to do with Azazel’s disappearance and thus she will be treated as you would any guest from the angel delegation.” He peered at Zekiel’s second in command. “Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear when I told Remus. Liv is mine and therefore will remain by my side.”

  Nathanael paled, a tiny vein twitching in his forehead.

  Zekiel smirked and stood, waving a golden goblet. “Declan, if you wish to invoke vampire privilege then perhaps you belong on this side of the table as well.”

  Nathanael rose, his bright blue eyes icy. “Enough. Declan is my son and my second. He will sit beside me where he belongs.”

  “And the human belongs to me,” Zeke countered. “I discovered her on my lands, and per the rules of the Accords she is mine.”

  “Screw the Accords,” Declan growled.

  Nathanael speared his son with a fierce glare. “We are here today to discuss the Accords in a civil manner. Let’s not commence th
e day in a negative light. Your human will survive one meal without you by her side.”

  Declan bristled beside me. I could feel the turmoil raging inside him.

  “I’ll be fine,” I whispered.

  “No.” He tightened his hold on my fingers.

  “Your father’s right. I’ll be right across the table.” I gave him a reassuring smile and released his hand. Pinning my shoulders back, I strode to the vampire side. Remus pulled a chair from the middle and placed it next to the king.

  Great, I’m in the seat of honor. Again.

  Zeke’s obsidian eyes bored into my side as I folded into the chair. Lifting a golden goblet, I inspected its contents. A sweet, citrusy smell wafted up to my nose. I gulped down the orange juice before realizing it was spiked with champagne. Coughing and spluttering, I covered my mouth with a napkin as my cheeks reddened.

  Where the heck had Zekiel gotten champagne?

  “Relax,” he whispered, placing his cold hand on my arm. “I can’t very well torture you in front of our guests now can I?”

  My entire body tensed.

  “Keep smiling,” he murmured.

  I plastered a fake grin on my face and took another sip. I could feel Declan’s intense gaze from across the table, but I kept my expression blank. No point starting a war over breakfast.

  “I know you had something to do with Asher’s escape as well as Drusilla’s death. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to find a good torturer these days?” An evil grin crossed his lips and he chuckled. “I’m kidding. It’s exceedingly easy, but I will miss that girl. She had a flare for dramatics.”

  I couldn’t hold my tongue any longer. “Asher was faithful to you, and you beat and abused him for no reason. We had nothing to do with Azazel’s disappearance as I’ve already told you a million times.”

  He clucked his tongue. “But I see you do not deny your involvement in Asher’s getaway.”

  I shrugged. Zekiel wasn’t stupid. There was no reason to piss him off more than necessary.


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