The Vampire & Angel Wars Complete Collection

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The Vampire & Angel Wars Complete Collection Page 51

by G. K. DeRosa

  “I’ll never be ready to say goodbye to you.” He cupped my face in his strong hands. “I love you so much, Liv. There’s no amount of time on earth that would’ve ever been enough. But I won’t ever forget the time we did have, and I’m beyond grateful for it.”

  He released me and flung the colossal bronze doors open. The keening grind of metal against metal drew the attention of a handful of brawling immortals.

  Damn him. He was drawing them on purpose to force my hand.

  “It’s the girl Zeke wants,” a vampire hissed, averting his gaze from the nephilim he fought. The angel thrust his flaming sword into the creature’s chest, and he disintegrated into a pile of ash.

  Cold rain cascaded over me, blurring my vision. Another vampire hurtled toward me and alarm bells went off in my head.

  Use the shield, said that infuriating voice.

  No! Not with Declan right beside me. A dark form sped in front of me and pummeled into the attacking vampire.

  With one quick jab, he plunged a wooden stake into the monster’s chest. The crunch of bone reverberated in the air as the weapon broke through his ribcage. Bleh. I doubled over as nausea rose up my throat.

  “Are you okay?” A familiar cold touch grazed my shoulder, and I snapped back up.

  “Asher?” I wound my arms around his neck and squeezed. He was okay. The crushing weight on my shoulders diminished.

  “Thanks, man.” Declan appeared by my side, and he and Asher exchanged an awkward head nod.

  Pounding footfalls drew our attention back to the fray. Declan’s sword flickered to life in the palm of his hand as a dozen vampires and angels ascended the stairs. “Liv, you have to do it!” He eyed the shield as alarm uncoiled in his dark irises.

  Chapter 33

  “No!” I shouted as the immortals closed in.

  The first nephilim fought his way through the crowd, landing in front of Declan, his beautiful wings lighting up the darkness.

  “Traitor,” he hissed before swinging his sword in an air-slicing arc.

  Declan blocked the assault, spinning away. The crash of colliding metal rang out, resonating across my skull.

  A wave of vampires came next. Asher took on the first two, but there were too many.

  “Declan!” I cried out as I fumbled for the dagger in my waistband, my other hand clenching the shield.

  A second nephilim was on him now. Another flash of lightning rocketed across the sky.


  Where was my sword?

  A moment after the thought crossed my mind, a cold metal hilt filled my palm. Glancing down, my eyes widened as the golden sword of honor coalesced in my hand.

  A vampire lunged and my arm jutted out, burying the blade in his torso. White-hot flames ignited around the sword and the monster’s chest exploded, singeing every evil inch of him.

  The two vampires behind him stopped in their tracks, eyeing their fallen comrade. I narrowed my eyes, brandishing my sword and the pair of cowards darted away. Sweeping my wet hair behind my ears, I waited for the next attack.

  A spine-tingling growl erupted behind me, and I whirled around in time to see Declan rip out the hearts of two nephilim in one lunge.

  A strange clapping sound echoed across the cement. My eyes met Declan’s, and he zipped to my side as Zekiel and Remus vamp-sped up the steps. Asher ran his stake through another vampire and flanked my other side. Zeke’s thin lips contorted into a sinister grin as he continued the slow clap.

  “Bravo for making it this far, human.” He eyed the shield clutched at my waist. “I assume the gilded weapon you hold is the mythical shield of light—capable of decimating us all.” He held his arms up dramatically. “It appears my brother, Azazel, was correct about you.”

  My fingers tightened around the handle, and I drew it closer.

  “I’m afraid I’m going to need that.” Zeke took a step forward, and Declan’s fangs descended. He bristled beside me, every muscle taut.

  “If you move a step closer, uncle, I will finish you.” Declan’s angel sword blazed to life, blue flames dancing along the heavenly blade.

  Zeke’s eyes narrowed. Crimson glowed through the profound pits of darkness. “You wouldn’t kill your own uncle, now would you, Dec?”

  He bared his fangs and widened his stance. “I’d kill my own father if it meant protecting Liv.”

  A chill swept over me at the ferocity in his tone. Sometimes I forgot how lethal Declan could be.

  “You’ll be giving up more than that if you take me on. Your life will be forfeit.”

  “So be it.” Declan charged.

  I reached out to stop him, but my hand wasn’t fast enough. His shirt slipped free from my grasp, leaving my fingers frantically grabbing at air. He brought his sword down in a flaming arc, but Zeke easily dodged the advance. As they circled each other, my eyes focused on his uncle’s weapon. An onyx dagger.

  Apparently, they weren’t as hard to come by as Azazel made it seem. Unless he had given it to Zekiel. My head pounded as I tried to keep up with whose side Uncle Crazypants was on. Where was he anyway?

  The cerulean glow of my sword caught my eye, pulling me from my wayward thoughts. I lifted it just as Remus struck, his fangs aiming at my throat and buried the blade in his soft belly.

  I released a harsh breath as I yanked the sword out of his gut. My head reeled. A trickle of blood dripped down my neck where his fangs had grazed my skin.

  Remus rolled on the floor clutching at the gaping hole in his torso. I didn’t have much time. His stupid vampire skin would mend before long. I glanced across the way to Declan and Zekiel who still traded clanging blows. Declan’s shoulders slumped and his breath came in ragged pants, while his uncle looked fresh as a daisy. He darted up and down the steps as Declan held onto the bannister for support.

  A whoosh of air arced over my head, and two dark bodies collided midair. Asher landed on top of Remus on the hard cement with a ground-shaking thud. Asher clutched Remus’ fisted hand, slamming the dagger on the floor to loosen it from his grip. In the moment I’d been distracted by Declan, Remus had revived. And almost killed me. Again.

  Remus whirled around and pinned Asher underneath him. He held the dagger over his chest as Asher pushed back with all he had. My best friend’s arms strained, every muscle tense as Remus bore down on him.

  “No!” I screamed and sprinted toward them with my sword poised to strike.

  Asher turned to me, his face slick with raindrops. “I’m sorry,” he mouthed.

  His grip faltered and Remus drove the dagger into his heart. A shriek tore out of my lips, and I hurtled the sword like a javelin. It plunged into Remus’ back, and he exploded into a million fine grains of ash.

  I reached Asher and sank down beside him, my hands trembling. Blood ran from the hole in his chest, the hilt of the black dagger protruding from his heart. Asher’s chest rose and fell sluggishly. “Asher? Asher!” I clutched onto his shirt. “Wake up.” He was a vampire, he could still heal, right?

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you, Liv,” he whispered. A faint gurgle simmered in his chest as I leaned closer.

  “Shh. Everything’s going to be okay. Don’t talk. You have to save your energy.” Tears blurred my vision, but I hardened my voice to keep the hysterics from bubbling over.

  “I loved you so much, Liv,” he rasped out. “I don’t feel a lot now but I remember that…” His words trailed off, and his eyes glazed over.

  Grief pummeled my chest, and I struggled to force in a breath. I sat back on my heels so I wouldn’t topple over as I stared at my best friend’s still form. I couldn’t save him. I’d failed again.

  The rain continued to fall, drenching me in gloom. I gripped my best friend’s hand as the cold set in.

  From the corner of my eye, Declan and Zekiel’s battling forms filled my vision. Their fight raged on, and Declan was wavering. A heavy mass weighed my chest down, but I couldn’t stop to grieve. If I let the pain in, I’d never be able to shu
t it off. Declan wouldn’t be able to hold his uncle back much longer.

  I released Asher and brushed a quick kiss on his forehead. “I’m so sorry, Ash.” I tightened my fingers around the gilded hilt at my feet and dashed toward the steps. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, driving my legs forward.

  Declan’s back was to me, but he must have heard me coming. He spun around, and the vampire king got his opening. The scene moved in slow motion as Zekiel drove the onyx dagger into Declan’s abdomen.

  “No!” A scream ripped from my raw throat as I sank to the ground beside him, dropping the sword and shield beside me.

  Zekiel loomed over us as he wiped Declan’s blood off the dark blade. “Relax, human, it’s only a flesh wound.”

  Declan gritted his teeth as I pressed my hand over the gash to staunch the bleeding. Please be okay. Please be okay. I couldn’t lose them both. Images of my terrible vision flashed across my mind. Declan dead.

  “Don’t forget that Declan is one of us now. This dagger, though painful, will not kill him. Now had it been through the heart…”

  I tore my gaze away from his twisted uncle. “Declan, are you okay?” I didn’t dare look down at the puddle of blood pooling beneath him.

  He nodded, jaw clenched tightly.

  “Now give me the shield, Liv, and we can both go back to what we should be doing.” He held his hand out, palm up. Splotches of blood splattered his fingers. Declan’s blood.

  Nausea crawled up my throat.

  “Don’t,” Declan hissed. “Kill him.” He eyed the shield, determination filling the dark void.

  I picked it up as Zekiel’s piercing glare bored into me.

  No. I can’t.

  “Hand it over,” he barked. Then he trained the dagger over Declan’s heart.

  Fiery pain exploded in my chest, and hot tears pricked at my eyes. I couldn’t lose him.

  “I’d rather die, Liv. Do it.”

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. I stretched out my arm to Zekiel, the shield dangling off my fingertips. “Take it,” I hissed.

  His dark irises lit up as he reached for it. A second before closing his fingers on the shield, his eyes widened, bulging out of his head. A brilliant flash of light exploded from his chest, and a blade burst out of the spot where his heart should’ve been.

  Zekiel crumpled to the ground, shock marring his twistedly handsome features.

  Chapter 34

  “Enough!” A thundering boom shook the ground beneath my feet.

  The shield nearly dropped from my sweaty palm.

  Nathanael swooped down, his mighty wings spread out behind him, and he yanked his sword out of his brother’s back.

  Zekiel glanced up, and a wry grin split his pale lips. He opened his mouth to speak but his eyes glazed over before he could utter a sound. Blood oozed from his lips and trickled down his chin. His head lolled to the side, and everything went quiet.

  A rush of emotion flashed across Nathanael’s face, marring his angelic features. Did he actually feel remorse for killing his brother? I blinked, and it was gone. The blank mask was back. His expression hardened.

  I couldn’t help but stare at Zekiel’s still form. His unmoving body remained splayed out across the stone steps. I wondered why he hadn’t disintegrated to ashes like the other vampires.

  Declan moved, averting my attention back to him. “Are you okay?” I scanned his torso and wound. The blood flow had slowed, and the edges of his skin were beginning to come together.

  “You should’ve done it, Liv.” The disappointment flashing across his crimson irises was worse than a punch to the gut.

  “Son.” Nathanael nodded his handsome head as he ran his gaze over Declan. “I’m pleased to see you and your human friend alive.” His icy blue eyes landed on me then settled on the shield.

  Declan sat up and placed his arm around my shoulder. He grimaced at the movement, but clenched his teeth speaking through the pain. “It’s over, Father. End this war and leave the humans alone. This is your last chance.”

  “Is that any way to thank your father for saving your life?” Nathanael planted his hands on his hips.

  “It was a wasted effort. Once Liv unleashes the power of the shield, we’ll all be gone anyway.”

  Cassiel and Raziel, Nathanael’s generals, landed on either side of their leader. The three men towered over us like splendid, terrible titans.

  I straightened, forcing myself to my feet as I clutched the sword and the shield in each hand. Steeling my gaze, I looked up at Nathanael. “Zekiel’s dead. You can kill the rest of the vampires and leave. Go back to heaven or wherever it is you belong. Leave us alone and let us rebuild our country.”

  “Or she will use the shield,” Declan added.


  I held my breath as Nathanael’s frosty gaze moved over me like an icy laser. My skin prickled as if the temperature had dropped thirty degrees.

  “I’m sorry, but I cannot allow that.” He folded his arms over his thick chest. “You see, it is my duty to exterminate the evil on this earth, and my task is not yet finished. I do not wish to harm you, but I cannot leave before my quest is fulfilled.”

  “You don’t have to do this,” I pleaded. “God doesn’t want this. If He did, He never would’ve given me this.” I clutched the handle of the shield like it was the last lifeboat, and I was drowning.

  “You are wrong. He is too far removed in the heavens. He doesn’t know of the wickedness that abounds here on earth.” He nodded at his generals.

  Cassiel and Raziel advanced, both of their angel swords alight. Declan stiffened beside me. A quick glance at his torso confirmed he was in no shape to fight. A dozen golden armor-clad nephilim landed and filled in the steps behind their commander.

  The shield pulsed in my fingertips, sending an electric charge all the way up my arm and swelling through my veins.

  Time slowed. My breaths came quicker in short ragged spurts as my heartbeat roared across my eardrums. For a second I couldn’t hear anything but its pounding staccato.

  “Do it, Liv. Now!” Declan’s voice broke through the thundering noise. He rose to his feet and squeezed my hand. His warmth seeped through my skin, filling me with love. A sharp pain punctured my chest, and I was certain my heart would shatter.

  With his other hand, he brushed my cheek, catching a runaway tear. “I love you. Don’t you ever forget that, but today you have to be strong. You must save all of humanity. I’d give up my life hundred times over for your survival, and today is that day. Be strong, my love.”

  His lips closed over mine. I breathed him in, memorizing every detail of how he smelled, how he tasted, the feel of his lips against mine. A sob wracked my chest and my shoulders heaved, but Declan’s strong arms held me together.

  “Goodbye,” he whispered. He clasped his hand over mine—the one that held the shield. Scorching heat ignited in my palm, and a blinding light exploded from the weapon, catapulting me backward.

  Our hands tore apart, and a sharp searing pain lanced through my chest as if my very soul were being ripped in half.

  I landed flat on my back, the impact with the unyielding cement forcing all the air out of me. I struggled to draw in a breath as pain ricocheted up my spine.

  “Declan?” I cried out.

  Figures sped by me in a blur; the furious flapping of wings beating the air swirled around me. My head spun under the chaos of screams. The earth trembled beneath me, and a wave of light shot from the shield, obliterating the scrambling figures. I was hurled backward again, weightless for an instant before blinding agony reverberated across my skull.


  Black inky tendrils enveloped me in their cold embrace, and I allowed the darkness to consume me.

  Chapter 35

  Delightful heat caressed my skin. Warm sunlight blazed down on me and incited memories of a summer long ago. Diving into the pond behind the silo as my dad looked on from the back porch. Asher dunking me underwater until I
laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe. Mom bringing out a pitcher of lemonade and her famous chocolate chip cookies.

  A smile melted across my face, and my eyelids flickered. Slowly, they opened as the bright rays of sun rained down. Sun? I must be dreaming. Rubbing my eyes, I waited until my pupils adjusted to the intense light. A few clouds dotted the serene blue sky, but the sun was the star of the show. After an entire year hiding behind dark clouds, its brilliance lit up the horizon.

  Silence. A thick, dense silence blanketed the atmosphere. The steady buzz of wings had ceased. The battle…

  The shield. The explosion. Declan.

  Images torpedoed across my mind at super speed. My temples pounded, alive with a pulse of their own. I lifted my hand to my head and found the culprit. A thick lump protruded from the back of my skull. Ignoring the throbbing pain, I pushed myself to my feet.

  Declan. I had to find him.

  The gray stone of St. Patrick’s Cathedral glinted under the sun’s rays across the street. How had I ended up all the way over here? I raced across the asphalt, my lungs too scared to breathe. Dark piles of ash and twisted winged-corpses littered the steps of the cathedral.

  Taking the stone steps two at a time, I willed my heart to slow its frantic pace. I searched the mass of bodies on the landing, terror wrapping its clawed fingers around my very being.

  “Declan? Declan!”

  I couldn’t help but notice one particular colossal body was missing. As I glanced around I realized three particular angels’ bodies were gone. The warrior nephilim’s bodies remained, but Nathanael and his generals had vanished.

  A glint of gold caught my eye, glimmering in the dazzling sunshine. I spun toward the twinkle that called to me. Hurdling over unmoving forms, I darted across the landing. The shield of light and the sword of honor rested against a familiar sprawled out form.

  My heart leapt to my throat, blocking the passageway. I swallowed thickly as my knees buckled, and I dropped to the ground beside Declan. A jagged fracture crept its way across my heart.


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