Noreen's Choice

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Noreen's Choice Page 14

by Ann Gimpel

  Enough of this. The sooner we all get cleaned up, the sooner that bed can see some action. She returned to the main room but left the bedroom open so the woodstove could warm it.

  Les knelt by the cold hearth, picked up a small ax, and proceeded to shave tinder. “Hey, Karl, bring in some more wood.”

  The other shifter groaned. “Can’t we have a little appetizer first? My dick’s so hard it aches.”

  Noreen had been wondering the same thing. The men had rubbed her to several climaxes in the car, and she’d jacked them, too, but hunger for her mates ran through her veins like molten lava.

  “You think I’m not in the same shape?” Les let go of the ax long enough to pat the front of his belled out pants. “We’re all going to clean up first. I can still smell Hunter blood on us. You and I can hit the creek, but we’re heating water for our mate.”

  “No way.” Noreen dragged the cast iron kettle from off the stovetop and over to the pump. “Now that you mention it, I catch a whiff of McCollum every so often. I’d like to scrub every last trace of that scum off me, but I’m not going to be being separated from you for even the time that would take. We’ll wash each other.”

  “I’m all for that.” Karl winked broadly. “It’ll be like foreplay. Back in a flash with wood to keep us warm.”

  Chapter 15

  The cabin toasted up nicely from the heat of the woodstove. The men had shucked their clothes as soon as the cabin began to warm. Their filthy pants and shirts were soaking in detergent in the kitchen sink. They’d found a galvanized metal bathtub on the back porch and filled it with steaming water.

  Les’ hands trembled as he and Karl gently undressed Noreen, adding her clothes to the ones in the sink as they removed them. Karl unzipped her skirt. Les helped her step out of it and just gaped at her. No matter how many times he saw Noreen naked, the sight still stole his breath away. What an amazingly gorgeous woman. Hair fell to her waist in golden sheaves; her blue eyes sparkled with merriment and desire. Full breasts rode high on her ribcage; a slender waist flared to lush hips and long, shapely legs. Blonde curls between her legs beckoned alluringly.

  As if she read his mind, she parted her thighs and thrust her hips toward him. Les groaned. “Let’s get you into the tub.”

  “I’ll be a frosted monkey if we manage to get through all three baths without attacking each other.” Karl rubbed the erection jutting out from his body.

  Noreen’s nipples were hard peaks; her fair skin was splotched with desire. Les took one of her hands, and Karl spanned her waist as both men guided her over the high lip and into the tub. She sank into the water, moaning with pleasure as it closed over her body. She reached for the soap, but Karl beat her to it. He wet the unevenly shaped bar and ran it over her body.

  Les grabbed a washrag and followed the soap, sluicing water down their mate’s perfect form. He knelt by the tub and took one of her nipples in his mouth. Karl slid a hand between her legs. Noreen writhed between them, panting and thrashing. Water slopped over the sides of the tub.

  “She’s really close.” Karl’s voice was raspy. “You should feel how tight she is. Her pussy’s caught my fingers so hard, I may never get them back. Suck harder.”

  Les did him one better. He took Noreen’s other nipple between his fingers and twirled it and then closed his mouth over hers and kissed her deeply. Her body thrummed and bowed between him and Karl, and he knew she was coming. Her arousal thrilled him. His cock rubbed against the side of the warm metal tub, and then her fingers closed around him and he was coming, too, shooting jets of hot semen onto the cabin’s wood floor.

  Noreen broke from their kiss; letting go of him, she beckoned to Karl. At first he shook his head. “Aw, darling. I’m still filthy.”

  “I brought you off in the car. You’re not any dirtier now than you were then. Come here.”

  Karl groaned. He moved his hand from between her legs and positioned himself so she could curve her fingers around his erection. Les felt his pack mate’s heat. He dropped a hand to his still-throbbing cock and linked to Karl, feeling Noreen’s firm strokes as she stroked his near-to-bursting penis.

  Les covered Noreen’s mouth with his. The sound of Karl’s ragged breathing escalated, and then he cried out as release took him. Les’ balls tightened too. For a moment, he thought he might join his pack mate, but then the intensity receded. Good. He needed to save something for when they finally got into bed together.

  “All right!” Noreen managed between panting breaths. “Now let’s see if we can’t finish this bath project so we can do more than rubbing. Your dicks are so incredible, I want them inside me, not in my hand.”

  “You heard the lady.” Karl laughed; the sound held a sated, satisfied man edge.

  “Can we help you wash your hair?” Les dragged the wet ends of Noreen’s tresses into a bundle behind her.

  “Sure.” She grinned. “Let me undo the rest of my braid, first. I’ll soap. If you could rinse with fresh water from the kettle, it would be great.”


  “We could start with clean water.” Noreen ran a hand through bathwater that had developed a grayish hue after hers and Karl’s baths. She wanted her mates with an ache so fierce it clouded her mind and set fire to all her nerves, but she loved both of them and the water really was a murky mess.

  Les snorted. “Hey, I’m the original cold shower Charley, remember? Anytime I have warm water, it feels decadent. We can scoop some of this out, I’ll kneel, and you can just pour warm from the kettle over me once I’ve soaped up.”

  Somehow, all of them ended up squeaky clean standing in small puddles of water. There’d been plenty of towels in a dusty cabinet. Noreen unwound one from her hair and chucked in onto their pile of discards. She glanced at her mates, who were drying themselves. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of looking at either of you.” She twirled, wriggled her fanny, and began a slow, sashaying stroll toward the bedroom.

  As she’d expected, Les and Karl nearly pounced on her. The heat of them, one on each side, practically undid her. She wanted to sink to the floor, open her legs, and let first one and then the other sink deep inside. With enormous self-discipline, she made herself walk the final few feet to the bed.

  Arms closed around her from all sides. She sank into her mates’ embrace, kissing first one and then the other. The feel of their nakedness against her was enticing, full of promise. She dropped her hands and encircled a penis with each, stroking with the firm, slow strokes she knew the men liked. The men herded her to lie down. She broke away from Karl’s lips pressed against hers.

  “Got to get the quilt out of the way. It’s really dusty.”

  Les pivoted, made a grab for it, and chucked it onto the floor. A cloud of dust rose and Noreen laughed. Men! She would have folded it, but what difference did it make.

  “You can civilize us later.” Les growled, having obviously intuited her thoughts.

  “I’m not sure I want you any more civilized than you already are.” She grinned and tossed herself onto the bed. The men lay on both sides, touching, kissing, stroking. Heat built in her loins, urgent and pressing. Her earlier climax hadn’t diminished her lust one whit.

  “I love you.” Les twirled lazy fingers around her stiff nipples.

  “So do I.” Karl’s fingers were busy between her legs.

  Warmth, tenderness, and yearning rocked her to her soul. She twined her arms around her mates. “I love both of you, beyond wisdom and reason, probably.” Her hips bucked. “And I need you.”

  Les rolled onto an elbow, his green eyes ablaze with something wild and untamed. “Tell us what you want, darling.” He thrust his hips against her side; the swell of his hard-on pressed against her.

  What do I want? And then she knew. Having both her mates at the same time was the ultimate high. She’d been considering who she wanted inside her first, but this was much better.

  “We can do that.” Karl must have been in her mind.

  “More th
an can.” Les brushed a knuckle over her kiss-swollen lips. “We’d love to.”

  Noreen wriggled to a sit. “How about we trade off? Karl can be inside my pussy and…”

  “Your wish is our command. I can hardly wait.” Karl’s voice was thick with need. He worked his way to the head of the bed and sat with his back against the wall. Firm hands settled on her hips and guided her as she straddled him and sank onto his cock. Sensation shot through her, so intense she wanted to shriek. Her nipples rubbed against his chest; she rotated her pelvis to maximize contact with her sensitive nub against his pubic bone.

  “Ready for me?” The bed creaked as Les knelt behind them. He reached between her legs and slid his fingers around the base of Karl’s cock until they reached her clit. He rubbed her a few times, just enough to tease and then trailed his fingers between her ass cheeks, probing the bud of her anus. Her hips bucked back. She wanted him inside, not just diddling her entrance.

  And then she felt his cockhead pressing against her rear opening. Noreen moved her hips in a circle and felt an inch of him slip inside. He must have slathered her lubrication on his cock because it felt velvety as it continued to move slowly inside her.

  The same sharp intensity filled Noreen as two cocks plumbed her. Every direction she moved, a fresh jolt of pleasure seared her. Karl moved a hand between her legs and rubbed her clit. Heat swirled in her belly and spewed out. Her pussy convulsed around Karl’s cock and her anus clutched Les’ as she came.

  Karl kissed her, tongue sinking into her mouth. His touch on her sensitive nub backed off, but then he laid a finger on either side and twiddled her clit between them. A second climax roared out of nowhere, snaring her in its grip. Somewhere in the midst of it, she felt both cocks release inside her, juddering hard.

  A long time later, Les withdrew, and Karl helped her off him. They lay curled together on the bed. “Sleep, darling.” Les draped an arm around her.

  “Until one of you wakes me for another round,” she murmured. “Not that I’m complaining, mind you.”

  “Hear that?” Karl said. “She’s not tired of us yet.”

  “No, but if we do have more sex, I need to clean up a bit.” Les levered himself off the bed and walked from the room. She drowsed against Karl until Les returned and gathered her close, cradling her between them. “Now about being tired of us…”

  She smiled sleepily. “I’ll never get tired of you. How long will it take to get to California?”

  “Hmmm…Maybe a week,” Les said. “It’s over a thousand miles.”

  “Only a week,” she echoed. “Hope we don’t make fools of ourselves once we get to Jed’s. I suspect we’ll retire to our bedroom and won’t surface for days.”

  “He’ll understand.” Karl smoothed hair back from her face.

  She thought about the things Alice had told her. “Yeah,” she agreed. “They all will, plus I’m looking forward to getting to know Alice better.”

  Sandwiched between her mates, feeling safe and loved, Noreen let sleep take her. She had a whole new life ahead of her, and she was looking forward to every minute of it.


  It had been closer to fourteen hundred miles between northern Montana and Los Angeles. Noreen still couldn’t believe the variety of things she’d seen during the week and a half they’d been on the road. Many byways had been dirt, and the ones through the Rockies and around the southern end of the Sierras were single lane and very windy. The men had let her drive on the straighter stretches, and she was feeling much more competent behind the wheel. It had gotten progressively warmer as they’d traveled south. The winter clothes she’d purchased in Montana were packed in suitcases in the trunk, and she’d replaced them with lighter fare she’d picked up when they’d detoured through Salt Lake City.

  They’d stopped in Las Vegas for a night. All the fancy casinos made her jaw drop. The men had taken her to a floor show with scantily clad dancers and free flowing liquor. It was so different from the life she’d left, it was hard to fathom they were still in North America. She’d known Canada was a poor country in comparison with the United States, but now she had some idea what that actually meant. Money flowed freely south of the Canadian border. She saw it in substantial houses and huge farming operations. And in the gambling in Vegas.

  “Penny for your thoughts, sweetheart.” Les glanced at her from where he was perched behind the wheel.

  “We’re almost there, huh?”

  “Sure are.” Karl grinned. “All these buildings we’re passing must be the northeastern outskirts of Los Angeles.”

  “It’s a whole lot more built up than I was expecting.” Les flexed his fingers around the steering wheel.

  Alice’s Ford pulled around them and honked just before she signaled a right hand turn.

  Les fell in behind her. “Guess Alice knows the way.”

  “Why wouldn’t she?” Noreen defended her friend. “It’s her house too.”

  “He didn’t mean anything by it.” Karl draped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “We’ve known Jed for hundreds of years—”

  “And we’re delighted he and Bron and Terin finally found a mate,” Les added. “It’s just going to take a little doing to think of all of them together when the men were alone so long.”

  “Oh my God.” Noreen pointed out the open window. “Is that an orange tree?”

  “Sure looks like it,” Karl said.

  She leaned across him and nearly fell out the window staring as they drove past. “There are two, no make that three, of them. Hundreds of oranges. Sure is nice that it’s warm here. Is it ever winter this far south?”

  “I’m not sure,” Les answered.

  “We’ll have to ask Jed,” Karl said.

  They drove in silence for the next half hour or so, winding their way deeper into what had to be metropolitan Los Angeles. Between huge buildings and richly clad men and women walking the streets, Noreen couldn’t decide what to look at first.

  Alice turned off the main roadway, and they followed her. Gradually, the streets climbed into hills north of the city. “My God. Look at all these huge houses.” Noreen tried to corral her enthusiasm, but she practically bounced in the seat between the men as she craned her neck looking out the windows. “I swear, they just keep getting bigger.”

  “I’m sure Jed’s house is a showplace,” Les said. “He liked nice things in the Old Country too.”

  “So did the two of you,” she countered. “You told me about your castles and servants and the way you lived in the Old Country.”

  “So we did.” Karl’s voice took on a wistful note. “We used to live more elaborately than we do now, even in Canada, but it didn’t seem wise with Hunters on the prowl.”

  “Is having a big house important to you?” Les asked. He cranked the wheel hard left and followed the Ford into a driveway lined with flowering shrubs.

  Noreen considered his question. “I don’t think so. After all, I lived in a one bedroom apartment, and I was happy there. It’s just that all this opulence is…seductive.”

  Karl laughed. “I suppose that’s one word for it. Wait until you see the inside of Jed’s house. We’ve never been here, but I remember his manor house in Germany.”

  “Don’t forget the castle in Switzerland,” Les cut in.

  Karl pushed the door open and extended a hand to help Noreen. Alice trotted over to them. “We’re finally here! I’m so glad we decided to do this, and the drive wasn’t really all that bad.”

  “Not bad at all.” Noreen smiled. “It was a grand adventure. Biggest one I’ve ever had. I’m still reeling and trying to pigeonhole everything we saw.”

  Les got out of the car and joined them. He held out his arms and Noreen walked into them. “Your adventures are just beginning. Karl and I will make sure every single one of your wishes comes true.”

  Noreen hugged him and felt Karl’s arms close around her back. She loved how she felt sandwiched between her mates. “You already hav
e,” she murmured.

  Jed loped to Alice and kissed her long and deep. Bron joined them and turned Alice’s head so she could kiss him. Terin clapped his hands together. “Come on, people. We’re in the driveway for chrissakes. Let’s move the show inside before someone drives past and labels us a bunch of perverts.”

  “Told you we should have put that electric fence up,” Jed muttered. He glanced at everyone. “Terin’s right, though. I’m not being much of a host. Come on. I’d like to show you the house and figure out which suite you’ll want to settle in.”

  “Do you really have a swimming pool in the basement?” Noreen asked. She felt foolish, but she wanted to know.

  Jed nodded. “What?” Alice punched her arm lightly. “You didn’t believe me?”

  “Not so much that. It just seemed impossible. I’ve never even seen an outdoor swimming pool.”

  “Well,” Jed winked, “you’ll see this one soon enough.”

  Terin made a come along gesture with both hands. “Let’s go. We can haul the luggage up later. I’m hungry—and thirsty. We need to break out some of that wonderful old Cabernet and the Irish whiskey too.”

  “Single malt Scotch for me,” Jed said.

  Noreen grasped her mates’ hands. Together they followed Jed, Alice, and the boys down a walkway paved with colored concrete and lined with a variety of lush plants, many with blossoms. “I can’t get over that plants bloom all year round here.”

  “It never gets very cold,” Alice called over a shoulder.

  “I noticed.” Noreen wished she’d opted for a sleeveless top. Even her short-sleeved blouse felt too warm, but to be less covered had felt immodest.


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