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Hot & Spicy: De La Cruz Saga

Page 28

by Macias, P. T.

  “Si, primo, but she is also Lopez hija. That’s the biggest reason that I have been fighting this amor that we have. I keep pushing her away and discouraging her, but she will not let me go,” he said with frustration, pacing back y forth.

  “Are you serious?” said Jose Enrique, realizing why he is really pushing her away.

  “Si,” he said, looking at his primo with dolor in his ojos. “How is la familia going to accept her as mi mujer when her padre is the cause of our heartache?” he said with exasperation.

  “Primo, this is a huge mess. The cartel is getting more vicious, and I’m scared for la familia,” said Jose Enrique, trying to think of a solution.

  “The thing is that she’s not letting me go. She shows up today with lunch. I promised to meet her at a coffee shop later. I’m trying to avoid any further attachments. Every time I touch her, kiss her, I feel stronger feelings,” he said, running his manos through his pelo. “To make things worse, I feel possessive, jealous, and protective toward her. She shows up in these incredible hot short shorts and a halter top here on this job site where there are all of these gueys. I went loco just thinking of all of these gueys seeing all of that flesh.”

  Jose Enrique looks at his primo and understands what he is saying. Good thing that Jessy doesn’t go to those extremes in dressing. Hmmm, well only for me.

  “Primo, if she’s the one, it is what it is. All I know is that when you find the one, it’s hard to resist. You might not get another chance in tu vida,” he said, looking at his primo pace.

  “Primo, I know what you’re saying, and the feelings are all there. That’s why I’m so frustrated. She has traits that I’ll have to work on to get acclimated, she’s Lopez hija, and she’s mi amor,” he said. “That’s why I have to think because when she’s near me, I can’t.”

  “Primo, I don’t want you to let her go. I know that I will not let go of mi alma,” said Jose Enrique, gazing out to the job site.

  “I don’t know what to do. I thought maybe she’s just an innocent in what her padre is involved in. That is one reason why I haven’t questioned her on the cartel,” he said, looking at Jose Enrique. “I also thought that I can avoid her until the entire mess with the cartel is resolved.”

  “That sounds like the best option. If she feels the same as you do, and I know that she does, she’ll be there when this is all over,” said Jose Enrique, looking at his primo.

  “That’s exactly what I have been trying to do and trying to tell her. That I need time to think, but she just keeps after me,” he said, shaking his cabeza grinning. “If everything was okay, I would not be running.” He laughs, looking at his primo with a wicked grin.

  Jose Enrique looks at his primo and laughs. Ya, he’s right. Who wants to run away from a loving bella chica? “Primo, you have to try to keep the relationship from getting too hot and involved.”

  “I know, and that’s why I’m meeting her at the coffee shop, hoping to keep it impersonal,” he said, shaking his cabeza.

  “Okay, primo. I only stopped by to see if you need anything and if everything is cool,” he said, looking around the job site, seeing everything in order.

  “Si, primo, everything is working out on schedule. I had Bella get security at the job sites for the day also to prevent any further injuries,” said Tony, looking at all the workers. “I was thinking that we all need to meet and greet all of the workers on the job sites, to become familiar with the faces and their jobs. It will be easier to spot an intruder. Maybe we should make a picnic lunch on Friday,” he said, looking at his primo.

  “Tony that sounds like a great idea and it will also make the workers contentos. We will all come and meet them,” said Jose Enrique, thinking of getting Paty y Bella to organize it.

  “Okay, we will have the lunch this Friday. The sooner that we meet the workers, the easier it will be to notice if there is someone that doesn’t belong. We should also use this time to get a picture for their badges,” he said, looking at the workers, knowing that they are their employees.

  “Si, primo, I’ll have Paty y Bella on it. Okay, I’m heading back to the office. If you need anything, make sure to call. Don’t fight tus feelings, primo. Sooner or later, she will be tu esposa,” he said smiling, walking away toward his carro.

  Jose Enrique calls Bella. “Prima, I was just at the job site with Tony, and he mention that we should have a lunch picnic for the job site workers to meet them and to have them get a company badge with a photo mañana,” he said.

  “Primo, that’s a great idea. I’ll take care of it,” said Bella, smiling at such a great idea nodding in agreement.

  Ricky y Jacki went home to la casa. Jacki made sure that Ricky is in his cama. Jacki is at his side. The phone rings, y Jacki answers. It is Jessy. “Hola, hermana,” said Jacki, going to the restroom, trying not to wake Ricky. “What’s up?”

  “Jacki, how is Ricky doing?” ask Jessy, wondering if he is okay.

  “He is doing well. Right now, he is resting,” said Jacki.

  “Okay, Jacki,” said Jessy. “I have to let you go. I have lots of work to do.”


  JOSE ENRIQUE RETURNED TO THE office. He immediately proceeds directly to Jessy’s office to talk to her. “Mi amor, I just came back from checking on Tony and the job sites,” he said, taking her in his brazos with fear y anxiety. He is muy contento to verify that everything at the office is secure.

  “Mi vida, are you okay?” she asks, wondering what is bothering him.

  “Mi amor, I’m okay, I just wanted to see you,” he said with a grin. He gives her another beso y returns to his office.

  Jessy shrugs her shoulders, continuing to review the new contract.

  Jose Enrique enters his office, walks to look out of the window. He wonders what he can do to stop the Cartel from harassing la familia.

  We have worked so hard, and now this outside force comes into our vidas to destroy everything. Mi poor primo cannot even love his life’s amor because of the cartel.

  On Friday morning, Jose Enrique is at the job site early to help Bella y Paty with the lunch picnic for the employees.

  They have a few office employees assisting to organize and prepare the event. The job site workers are having their photos taken for the company security badges. The job site workers enjoyed their picnic.

  The majority of the job site workers are long time employees. Los primos did recognize them and have known for many years. They met the new employees, and the badges are working out great.

  The employee picnic is a huge success, and Tony is pleased with the outcome.

  Jessy is at the office, managing, since all of them are here.

  Paty has to leave early, and Bella is finishing up the last details on security badges.

  Jose Enrique leaves right after everything is cleared, and Tony returns back from having lunch with his mujer.

  Jose Enrique walks into Jessy’s office, “Mi amor, I’m back, and the lunch at the job site was a huge success,” he said, bending down to give Jessy un beso.

  “Si, mi vida, I’m contenta that it turned out great. I’m working on the security package,” she said grinning, looking into his ojos. “I also made an appointment with the doctor.”

  “Mi amor, that’s fantastic and I want to go with you,” said Jose Enrique, pulling her up into his brazos to give her un beso and a hug. “I don’t want you to work too hard. We need to get another assistant because I know that Monique will be having un bebe soon.”

  “Si, mi vida I agree. Mona stated that they thought she is also expecting,” said Jessy smiling at him. “We’re going to have a lot of little bebes in la familia because I think that Jacki is also pregnant.”

  “Really, Oh dios mio, our padres will be real feliz. Mi hermana Danni is also expecting” said Jose Enrique, thinking of his primos changing diapers with him. “I will not be the only one changing diapers.”

  “Mi vida, you’re wicked,” she said nodding rolling her ojos, t
hinking of the bebe.

  “Okay, I need to get some work done,” said Jose Enrique, letting go of Jessy. “See ya later mi amor.”

  Jose Enrique is in his office, waiting for Chris to show. I need to see if he can suggest or do something to help us out. He stands up with anxiety to pace. He is alarmed with the cartel aggressive behavior. We need to get them off our backs he thought with frustration.

  The phone rings, and Jose Enrique answers it. “Thank you for calling De La Cruz Inc. How may I assist you?” he asks, wondering who is calling.

  “Mr. De La Cruz, this is Larry Banks from the Los Angeles PD. I’m calling to advise you that we found an employee of yours murdered. His ID states his name was Samuel Jefferson, and he had some paperwork from your corporation. Was he an employee?” asks the Los Angeles PD.

  “Yes, he was. He was supposed to meet us at three on Friday, and he never showed. We have called his numbers on file without any success. We have had no response from our voice messages,” said Jose Enrique, wondering who killed him.

  “The last time you spoke with Mr. Jefferson was on the phone last Friday?” asks the officer Banks.

  “Yes, that was the last time that I spoke with him, last Friday in the morning,” answers Jose Enrique with amazement.

  “Thank you for your time. We just wanted to verify that he worked at your corporation,” said the officer Banks.

  Christian walks into Jose Enrique’s office and sits down, waiting for him to end the call.

  “Thanks for the information,” said Jose Enrique, he looks at his primo Christian, he motions him to close the door.

  Christian stands up and closes the door with curiosity, wondering what’s up.

  “Primo, you doing well?” asks Jose Enrique smiling, looks at Christian after his elopement. “Congratulations.” He grins.

  “Gracias, primo,” said Christian with felicidad. “What’s up?”

  “Primo, we have reason to believe that all of those problemas that we have with the materials were caused by our job site manager Jefferson. Jefferson has been missing since last Friday. I was just talking to the officer, and he advised me that they found Jefferson dead,” said Jose Enrique, getting up to pace his office.

  “Wow. Do they know who killed him and why?” asks Christian, understanding his stress.

  “Primo, Ricky was attacked at one of our job sites on Wednesday. Tony found him in time before he lost too much blood,” he said. He turns to look at Christian, as he jumps up to walk over to him.

  “You’re shitting me,” he said with concern y anger. “Who would hurt him?” he asks, getting all worked up. “Is this la razon that you want to talk to me?”

  “Si, primo, there are a lot more cosas I want to review with you,” said Jose Enrique, gazes into his primo’s ojos. “The Mexican cartel has been causing all of this to force us, la familia, to associate with them. They want us to use our company to do some money laundering. Primo, the cartel states that Mr. Lopez recommends us.”

  “No fucking way,” said Christian. He walks to look out of the window, thinking of ways to help la familia. “They are dangerous y ruthless.”

  “Si, primo, we don’t know what to do to stop them from badgering la familia. I’m afraid for la familia. Now I think that they killed Jefferson. He was supposed to come in on Friday to give us a report of the problemas with the materials,” said Jose Enrique, looking out of the window, thinking.

  “We put security in place. I know that you noticed when you came in,” he said, indicating the badges. “We also have security at our padres’ casas and job sites all day and night.”

  “How long has this been going on? Why didn’t you tell me about it?” asks Christian with frustration, anger, and fear for his familia.

  “We received the first call last Friday,” said Jose Enrique. “Ricky and I prayed, hoped it was a prank call. The caller called us on Monday about the same time in the afternoon.”

  “I just know that the government agencies are aware of their calls,” said Christian, pacing, wondering which agency will be monitoring his familia. “Primo, this is serious shit.”

  “I know. That is why we want to inform you, so you can help us figure out a way to get rid of them. They also warned us from informing the police. I don’t know what else to do,” said Jose Enrique, looking at his primo.

  “Damn, I need to talk this over with Gabriel. Maybe we can come up with something. I also need to figure out which government agency is monitoring la familia. I know for a fact that is happening,” he said, looking at his primo.

  “Who else knows about this?” asks Christian, looking at his primo.

  “Ricky, Tony, Bella, Jessy, Paty, y Carlos,” said Jose Enrique, looking at his primo.

  “Who in the hell is Carlos?” asks Christian, wondering where he came from and what he’s up to. I bet he’s one of the government agents and has already infiltrated la familia’s company. Hmmm, I wonder how they got in so fast. Chris waits to see what his primo has to say about Carlos.

  “Primo, Carlos is mi great amigo from college. He called me on Monday asking for mi ayuda with his legal contracts. He asked if Paty can help him since she is an attorney. I feel that it is no problema since I have known him forever. He is also right now marrying Paty. They eloped to Vegas, and nobody knows,” he said, observing Chris’s cara go into all sorts of emotions.

  Damn, he’s an agent, and that’s how he infiltrated mi familia’s company. But what’s up with the elopement? I need to know if anybody else has infiltrated.

  “Primo, I need to know if anybody else has been in our management offices. Did Carlos recommend anybody for anything?” he asks, waiting for Jose Enrique’s response.

  Hmmm, I can see that there is another agent here now, and maybe I can talk to him.

  “Primo, mi amigo Carlos highly recommended his amigo for our financial consultant in 401k that we are thinking of implementing, stocks, y investment of our money,” said Jose Enrique, looking at Chris with curiosity.

  Yeah, that’s them. Hmmm, should I show up at where he is or have Jose Enrique call him to the conference room? “Primo, who’s working with this guey, and what’s his name,” asks Chris, trying to decide on his action plan.

  “Chris, he’s working with Bella since she’s in charge of our finances and employees,” said Jose Enrique, looking at Chris turn white.

  “No way in hell,” said Chris, pacing back and forth, thinking of a plan. “I need to meet him without alerting them. Shit, they will know who and what I do.”

  “What are you talking about, primo?” asks Jose Enrique, extremely confuse with Chris’s comments.

  I cannot allow Jose Enrique to know that he has government agents in the offices every day because he will freak. The government agency will get pissed off at me.

  Hmmm, I need to check this guey out without alerting him that I know who he is. Yes, that’s what I need to do now.

  “Okay, primo, I’ll think about what to do. Don’t talk to anybody else about this. I need to go y check out this guey with Bella,” said Chris, exiting his office, going down the hall to his hermana office.

  Huh? What is Chris up to, and why is he so stressed about Gregory? Is there something that I haven’t notice?


  BELLA’S DOOR IS LOCKED, AND Chris knocks on it. I know that Bella never closes or locks her door. Hmmm, what’s going on here?

  I better act like I don’t notice anything, so I don’t alert this agent that I’m on to him.

  Bella opens the door, and she looks flushed y well-kissed. “Hermano, you’re home.” She hugs Chris and steps back. “Hermano, I want you to meet mi novio Gregory Preston McKenzie,” she said with a huge feliz smile flashing her dimples.

  “Tu novio?” he asks with surprise, regards the guey, noticing that he is also measuring him up.

  “Si, hermano, he’s the one,” she said, feliz that she has found the one.

  “I see, hermana, y I’m muy feliz for you,”
he said smiling, looking at his hermana feliz cara.

  “It’s great to meet you, McKenzie,” said Chris, shaking his mano. “So when’s the wedding taking place?”

  I know that they have been together by the love bites on Bella’s neck, y she told me she will not wait. I damn well will make sure there is a wedding.

  Greg is observing Christian. I know damn well that Christian knows who I am y Carlos. He’s trying to control his frustration y anger in this situation.

  To top it off, he knows about Bella y me, and he wants us married fast. I don’t blame him. He is who he is for a reason, and I respect that. Okay, I will play.

  “Christian, delighted to meet you, y the wedding will take place when and where mi Bella wants,” he said grinning, pulling Bella back into his brazos, claiming her as his.

  “You should have gone with Carlos y Paty,” said Chris, knowing that she didn’t know about it. Ahh huh, but he did by his surprise look that I know.

  “Chris, did Paty elope?” asks Bella, looking at him with surprise. “She didn’t mention anything to me.”

  “Well, Jose Enrique y Greg knew, and I want to know when you’re going to Vegas?” asks Chris, looking at Greg. “I strongly believe that the sooner, the better.”

  “I agree, and how about tonight?” he asks Bella, looking at her, wondering if that will be something that she wants to do.

  Bella looks at Greg and is ecstatic to marry him so quickly. “Do you mean it? You do want to go and get married?” she asks, looking into his beautiful blue ojos and ensuring that he is serious

  “Si, baby, I do,” he said, pulling her closer, not caring that Christian is there. “I love you.”

  “Oh, mi vida, I love you,” she said with a huge feliz smile. “Okay, we can go tonight.”

  “Can you give us the hotel information where you got married?” asks Bella with a smile. “We can call and have everything ready.”

  “Si, hermana, that will be the best way to do it, and I think that you should go now, so you have plenty of time to take care of business,” he said, looking at Greg, wondering if he will get out of this.


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