Tortured Minds

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Tortured Minds Page 21

by Colin Griffiths

  I now needed Lucy to go and see Jake. We had assuaged his guilt over Maryann and that had been a good thing. When I explained to Lucy that Jake had gone to see Maryann and how happy their daughter was in her new life, I could see the cloud, brought by Molly’s words, begin to lift from her shoulders. I reached out and embraced her softly.

  “You need to go now and comfort our Jake, Luce. He needs to understand that you wanted to be released. I have no doubt he is cursing my name, as we speak and vowing some kind of retribution.” Lucy nodded her head knowingly. I continued, “We all need to be on the same page tomorrow night Lucy. We all need to understand what needs to be done.” Kissing her softly on the cheek, I whispered my final words in her ear. “Lucy, go to see our Jake. Make him happy, make him understand, for all of our sakes”.

  She grinned and nodded her head, before departing. I sighed deeply. It was almost all over. The final act had begun and the actors were about to take the stage. I was ready... well, almost anyway.

  There was one last task I needed to perform before all the chess pieces were finally in their correct places for the grand finale. We all needed to be on that rooftop. ALL of us, but there was one person I had yet to invite. I needed to rectify that. I would need a laptop to achieve my task and realising the most logical email to use would be Molly’s, I headed back to our house, yet again.

  Molly was sleeping by this time, her laptop still open beside her on the bedside cabinet, giving me easy access to her email system. Focusing my mind, I willed the keyboard to type out each of the letters:

  ‘Jake and I are meeting tomorrow night at midnight, exactly two months since Daniel’s death, on top of the Oceanic Shipping Building.

  We would like you to be there to witness this reunion. You will see and hear something to your advantage.

  Please come.

  Love Molly.’

  I re-read the email a couple of times, just to make sure it was compelling enough. Satisfied, I nodded once and the send button depressed. When it was gone from the outbox, I quickly deleted the copy from the ‘sent’ basket and left.

  Everything was now ready for our beautiful and joyous ‘reunion’ tomorrow evening. Yes!


  Chapter 31 – Molly

  I must have read the same email several times before I could completely take it in. Jake, my Jake had threatened me! Okay, yes, I hadn’t been overly fair to him, but I had laid my heart and soul out to him in my letter and now he was using that as evidence! I was heartbroken. Tears fell from my eyes as I felt the last remnants of our relationship fall apart and any chance of us ever even being friends dissipate. He ended the note telling me he still loved me, but I just shook my head sadly. That wasn’t love, I doubted he even truly knew what love was.

  Tomorrow night we would meet on the top of the Oceanic, the place where Daniel had fallen to his death. I’m not sure what he was expecting me to do up there, but his veiled threat that if anything should happen to him, his full file of evidence would be sent to the police told me this was more than just a conversation. I felt completely betrayed and any remnant of my efforts to reconcile and “play nice” vanished from my agenda. I had tried a different tactic, but I’d been completely screwed over. Well, poor Jake, he underestimated me completely, I thought moodily, letting the tears dry and deleting the email from my sight and from my computer. I was bringing the bitch back!

  A sudden breeze chilled me, snapping me out of my thoughts and I looked up expecting to see my dearly departed husband again. I was shocked instead to see Lucy. Even more so, she was the Lucy I remembered from many years before, beautiful, glowing and happy. I had missed that Lucy and seeing her like this took my breath away. I quickly caught myself, knowing that it was likely to be some trick from Daniel and I wasn’t going to let myself get caught up again in his fruitless antics. I forced a sneer and looked at my ex-lover directly in the eyes, defiantly.

  “Well, lookie what we have here. It must be the day for the reunion of the newly dead. I guess after Daniel’s little visit, I should have expected his minion to come calling? What do you want Lucy? Drugs? Hahaha... No, I guess you have no need for drugs anymore, do you?” She hadn’t expected that, I could see it in her eyes. I had hurt her. I felt a little bad about that, but there were bigger stakes at play here.

  Sensing I was not going to play nice, I watched as Lucy’s eyes ran through a range of emotions. She turned away from me briefly and I smiled in triumph. Daniel could not get the better of me, sending in my ex to do his dirty work. Lucy turned back to me, her face had changed. I could tell she was desperately trying to show me she didn’t care.

  “Oh, Molly... I had hoped you would be happy to see me again... but I guess not. Never mind. Daniel asked me to pop by and remind you not to forget our date tomorrow night.” Her words just served to confirm my suspicions, Daniel was behind her visit. Still, I was confused as to how he wanted to involve her and besides this was meant to be a meeting between just the three of us. I couldn’t figure out what Daniel was playing at.

  Regardless, I didn’t want her there. She would just be a distraction and I wanted to make that clear to her. “What do you mean our date. This is between Jake, Daniel and me. It’s got nothing to do with you, Lucy. You are not one of us, you never were. You were just a brief interlude in my life, something I forgot the day after we made love. Don’t flatter yourself girl, you were never that important to me. This is about ‘family’! My family are Daniel and Jake and don’t you ever forget it.”

  Lucy visibly cringed at my cruel words and I smiled in triumph. I wanted to hurt her, but I wanted to hurt Jake and mostly I wanted to hurt Daniel. I loved them both and I hated them both. The game was now on and if Lucy really wanted to play, she would just need to toughen up.

  “Whatever Molly,” Lucy said, more quietly this time, “just know I’ll be up there with Daniel, whether you like it or not. This is going to end Molly. Just remember that...” I watched as she turned to leave and I felt a little ashamed of the way I had treated her.

  “Luce hon...” But she was already gone. I sighed to myself, what’s done is done, she’s dead and it's not like we could have a real relationship… I justified my actions, as I always had done before. Regardless, I had bigger things to think about and with Jake’s email plus Daniel and Lucy’s visits, I realised I couldn’t arrive on that building without a plan. Looking down at myself, sitting in my bed, I was suddenly ashamed for letting myself go. This wasn’t me. I had tried, to be honest, heartfelt and “nice”, but clearly that hadn’t worked. If I wanted to come out on top tomorrow night I had to be on my best form, in true Molly style. I smiled to myself smugly. Yes, Daniel, I thought , you better be prepared for a real event tomorrow. If anyone was good at scheming and manipulation, it was me.

  My thoughts came back to Jake and his email. Frustration still swept over me as I recalled his words. Jake was always a sensitive fool, reading far too much into situations. I had wanted to talk to him about what had actually happened that night, but he had clearly read into it something more sinister. Be careful what you wish for, Jake. I smiled knowingly. If he wanted something more, I could give him that too.

  Deciding I needed to be well rested and up early, I placed my laptop beside me on the side table and lay back on my pillow. A myriad of thoughts filled my head and I was already thinking of the best way to finish this once and for all with the two men of my life and now my ex-lover. The insanity had to end tomorrow at midnight and I was going to make sure of it. For the first time in two months, I felt a sense of real purpose, and I was prepared for what the next twenty-four hours would bring.


  The sun woke me early the next morning and I already felt refreshed from my first good night’s sleep in days. I decided it was time to clean up my appearance. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror I was horrified by what stared back at me. I hadn’t thought about my appearance for days and it showed. I was not only ashamed but embarrassed, more so as it w
ould have sent a message to both Lucy and Daniel that I was weak and wretched. Well, perhaps that wasn’t such a bad thing, to let them underestimate me. After a long hot shower, I felt refreshed and back to my old self. It felt good to put on clean clothes and fix my hair and makeup again. Looking in the mirror, I was pleased with the result, the real Molly was back! Sitting down on the side of my bed, I decided to quickly check my email.

  I was curious to see a message from my boss, Simon Reynolds in my inbox. He didn’t normally email my personal account. At first his note baffled me.

  ‘Good morning Molly,

  I can be there tonight, but I’m not 100% sure what this is about, should I be concerned?


  I didn’t understand at first what he was responding to until I scrolled down. There was an email from me to Simon, sent last night. I had only one glass of my wine last night so I knew for sure I didn’t send the note. I checked my sent items and nothing there. I knew straight away how this had happened. Daniel thought he was pretty clever, but not that clever, I smirked, as I quickly typed up a response to Simon.

  ‘Hi Simon,

  I must apologise for the vague message. Are you free today, for lunch, at my place and I can explain everything? I’ll make it worth your while…


  If Daniel wanted a party on that building top and if Jake wanted some kind of retribution, I could certainly give them both what they wanted. It wasn’t long before Simon’s reply landed in my inbox.


  I can be there at midday.


  He was so predictable and completely innocent of all of this, but Daniel had brought him into the mix and now there was no going back. I quietly thanked Daniel for letting me in on his little surprise guest and felt glad I had a few hours to prepare before Simon arrived.


  It was just past midday when I heard Simon’s car pull up into my driveway. I waited for the knock at the door and took my time to greet him, opening the door with my widest and most appealing smile.

  “Simon,” I breathed, as I moved in to kiss him on the cheek, deliberately touching my lips to the corner of his mouth. I stepped back and watched his eyes move up and down my body appreciatively. I was wearing a floaty, floral, summer dress that had a delicate lace trimmed cleavage, giving him enough of a view of my breasts to make him suck in his breath. The material was thin and clung in all the right places to flatter my figure, falling just over the top of my thigh and leaving most of my legs exposed.

  “Molly, you look... so... different”.

  I smiled conceitedly. Simon had only ever seen me in my business and formal attire. I had deliberately chosen this dress to give him a different view of me. Grabbing his hand, I laughed in response and pulled him inside the house. Shutting the door behind him I wasted no time, moving in closer and wrapping my hand around the back of his neck.

  “Simon, I’ve wanted this for so long,” I whispered huskily, as I stood on my tip-toes and pressed my lips to his before he could even respond. He didn’t hesitate and his mouth enveloped mine, pulling me in tightly so that my body was pressed against his. He had a strong physique and I had to admit I had admired him from afar for a while. I had made him wait long enough for this and I needed him tonight, for me and my needs, as well as what I had planned. As an added bonus, I figured if my plans did go astray tonight, at least, I would have had a little fun today.

  When we finally tore apart for some air, I gazed straight into his eyes. The wanton look and triumph were obvious. He’d wanted this for so long as well. I smiled, taking his hand and leading him to the living room. He swung me around as we entered the warm room, lifting up my dress in one movement and pulling it over my head. I hadn’t worn a bra deliberately and he stood back, staring appreciatively at my almost naked body, before pulling me close against him again and ravaging my neck with his mouth.

  We barely made it to the sofa, as I commenced to undress him, pushing him down and climbing on top of him. The sex was good, no it was better than good, it was fantastic! It had been a while since I’d had a real man and I needed this more than ever today. The sex with Jake didn’t count, as he’d been comatose and I’d taken advantage of that. Daniel and I, well we hadn’t been together, that way, for as long as I could remember. I wasn’t one for flings, flirting yes, but I never really had a consuming desire for sex. I didn’t think I needed it. However, with Simon pounding me, I had a whole new view of what it could be like with a real partner. As I panted rapidly, I almost prayed I would make it through this night so that I could repeat this again and again and again. The release was violent and Simon came with me, simultaneously, until we both collapsed on the floor in front of the sofa together. Catching our breath, we looked at each other and just laughed. I could tell it had been the same for him.

  When I finally caught my breath, I stood up and went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of white wine I had chilled in the fridge, along with two glasses. Totally naked, I walked back into the living room with the two glasses, smiling invitingly at a still very flushed Simon. Now with his boxer shorts back on, leaning back on the sofa, he smiled at me in my nakedness, presenting him with a glass of wine at midday. “So what is this all about Molly?” he asked cheekily, his eyebrow raised curiously.

  I sat beside him, deciding to stay unclothed, moving close enough to him to brush my body against his and handing him the glass of wine, “It’s a long story, Simon, but I’d like to fill you in on everything,” I looked him straight in the eyes as he took the glass and a large sip, nodding.

  “Okay, please tell me.” Here goes nothing, I thought. Simon would either think I was completely mad or perhaps delusional, but I needed to get him onside before tonight and this was the only way.

  For the next hour, I talked and Simon listened quietly. I told him about Daniel, about marrying him because we had fallen pregnant and then losing the baby. I told him about Jake and how we had always flirted but nothing had happened. I even told him about the relationship between Jake and Daniel, admitting that I didn’t fully understand it but that it was a stronger bond than Daniel and I had ever shared. I then told him about our fetish for risk, the games we would play and the extremes we would go to for a bit of fun and a rush. Simon still didn’t speak, as I went on to explain that I knew of Daniel’s affair, his child out of wedlock and his intentions to leave me. I also told him about Lucy, my love for her and then my rejection and betrayal.

  I was as honest with him when I told him I had written that article out of jealousy, that I didn’t want Lucy with Jake, or Jake with Lucy. I told him how I had found out that Daniel had changed my life insurance just before his death and that I suspected Daniel had wanted me dead, adding that perhaps it was I who was meant to die the night of the accident. I then told him everything I knew about what had happened on top of that building and what I recalled about Daniel falling to his death. I watched as his eyes widened in shock. I was telling him what the police had been asking me for almost two months. I was giving him the real story. I paused and waited to see if he would say anything, or perhaps even leave. He didn’t.

  “Go on, is there more?” Simon asked quietly. I just nodded.

  “I’m not sure if you will believe me or you may even think I’m crazy…” I started. He shook his head and held my hand.

  “Tell me,” he said in a soft encouraging voice. I nodded and looked out the window as I started to explain the events of the last two months. I tried to describe, as best I could, the supernatural experiences, that I suspected Daniel was still around somehow and that I had even seen him with my own eyes. I told him about what had happened with Jake, well some of it – not everything. I left out the parts that could incriminate me. I could tell he’d heard of Lucy’s tragic death and I told him Jake had texted me, saying it was Daniel who had pushed her.

  Looking at Simon, I could see the confusion in his eyes, but I continued. I told him how Jake and I had left thing
s and that I had asked to meet Jake on the top of that building to talk to him about what had actually happened that night, but that now it had turned into a circus and I was sure something tragic was going to happen up there tonight. I paused and waited.

  Simon said nothing. He stood up, leaving me seated, just staring up at him. Finally, he turned to look at me and I could see he was still processing it all, after all, it was a lot to take in.

  “So what do you want from me tonight?” he asked, his eyes telling me he didn’t think I was completely nuts. I smiled, stood up and hugged him, hard. Grabbing both his hands, I looked him in the eyes solemnly and told him exactly what I hoped he could help me with. I watched him carefully as he contemplated my request before he finally responded, “Of course, I’ll be there.”

  Success! I smiled happily, pulling him to me again. We spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying each other’s bodies all over the house. It did make me smirk to myself, as I wondered if Daniel was perhaps enjoying the show. I hoped he was!


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