Tortured Minds

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Tortured Minds Page 24

by Colin Griffiths

  It was Daniel who spoke. Looking first at Molly and then at Jake, he asked the question that had obviously been burning in his mind ever since that fateful night.

  “Molly, did you deliberately let go of my hand that night? Jake... you?”

  Molly’s face took on a very cruel cast as she spat her words viciously into his face. “Of course, it was me, you bastard. You were just hanging there, you slipped remember. I just took the opportunity. You were going to leave me for that little trollop over there,” flicking her head in the direction of Becky and Damien. “Nobody... and I mean nobody leaves Molly Sampson. You had to pay for your deception and your infidelity. You broke our trust, mine and Jake’s!” She paused and took a deep breath before continuing with her vitriol. “What I don’t get though is why you’re still here, Daniel. Why don’t you just fuck off to hell, where you belong!”

  I heard Jake’s sharp intake of breath at Molly’s admission of guilt. The expression on his face made me wonder if he’d had any idea of Molly’s true intent. Daniel, on the other hand, seemed totally unconcerned by her hateful rant. He nodded his head, almost as if she had only just confirmed what he’d known all along. He turned and smiled at Jake; “... and you buddy, did you want me dead too?”

  To my surprise, Jake just slumped down on the roof, tears falling from his eyes, his face contorted in sorrow and grief. He drew his legs up and hugged his knees, burying his face, almost as if he wanted to make himself invisible. Daniel knelt down and gently lifted Jake’s tear-stained face, kissing his lips, ever so softly. “So, my friend, you did let me go?”

  Jake stuttered between words as he gasped, “D-D-Danny b-boy... Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I had to! Molly... she let go and it was in her eyes, she was willing me to let you go as well. I just couldn’t help myself, I had to. I didn’t know why, I just had to....” He wept, “Oh Danny, how could I have done that to you? I’m so, so sorry. I love you!”

  Daniel smiled softly and reached down to pull Jake to his feet, before enveloping him in an all-encompassing hug. “It’s okay buddy, I forgive you.” He turned to look at Molly, who was shooting daggers at Jake’s pathetic behaviour.

  “You fucking wimp Marsden. Grow some balls!”

  Daniel laughed aloud. “Still the charming, young, lady aren’t we, Molly?” Turning back to Jake, I had to strain to hear what he whispered to him. “I do forgive you, Jake, you couldn’t help yourself, but whatever are we going to do about little Molly here? Sweet, innocent, butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, murderous, Molly?”

  Jake’s face twisted malevolently and his lips cracked into an evil grin. “We’re going to kill her Daniel, aren’t we? We’re going to throw her off the top of this building and let her feel the pain you felt... yes?”

  Daniel chuckled, “No Jakey, we’re not going to kill her... you are!”

  Jake leant over and kissed Daniel on the cheek. “Yes I am buddy... yes I am.”

  Jake moved incredibly fast, considering he was nothing more than a snivelling wreck a few minutes earlier. Grabbing Molly around her waist, he hefted her on top of his shoulders and ran toward the edge of the parapet.

  I think we were all stunned by the swiftness of the turn of events. I sure as hell didn’t want Molly to die. She was my best investigative journalist by a long margin and besides, I had the hots for her. I even fancied my chances of a long-term relationship with her. I had to stop Jake. Before I could hurl myself across the ground between us, though to try to stop him, the door to the rooftop burst open.

  “Stop! Police! Nobody Move!” the voice boomed out across the rooftop, so authoritatively that everyone stopped dead in their tracks and turned to see what was happening.

  When I looked, there were four armed policemen, wearing full protective gear. They had assumed the customary crouch position and were pointing automatic rifles, specifically at Jake and Molly. Everyone stood stock still, clearly wondering what would happen next. An elderly couple emerged from the roof door and walked slowly onto the roof.

  “Jeffrey, oh my poor little Jeffrey,” the old lady said.

  Jake gently put Molly back down on her feet and turned to the old woman. “Mama, is that you Mama?” he queried in a soft, almost child-like voice.

  She walked slowly toward him, holding her arms out wide. Jake ran to the woman, who clearly was his mother and allowed her to enfold him in her arms. “It’s alright now Jeff, everything is going to be alright now, Mama’s here, it’s going to be just fine,” she cooed to him, softly stroking his hair.

  Jake smiled at his mother and said softly. “My name’s Jake, now Mama... Jake.”

  “Of course it is darling, of course it is,” she replied.

  Jake pulled back his head and looked deeply into his mother’s face. “I have to go back in the cupboard under the stairs, don’t I Mama?”

  She smiled wistfully and said, “Yes honey, yes, I’m afraid you do sweetheart... just for a little while.”

  While they had been talking, two men in white uniforms had sidled up beside Jake’s mother and gently disentangled his arms from her, before slipping them into what was clearly some form of a straitjacket. Once they had successfully trussed him up and with him seeming totally docile now, there was a palpable relief of tension on the rooftop, as the policemen lowered their weapons and stood more at ease.

  The man, who was obviously Jake’s father, stepped forward and addressed the rest of us. “We’re really sorry about all of this, but we’ve been searching for Jeffrey for a number of years now.” He scratched his bald head and sadly added, “You see, Jeff was committed to a psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane about eleven years ago now, after he raped, murdered and dismembered three prostitutes in East London. You may remember hearing about it in the news back then, Jeffrey Mitchell. ‘The New Ripper’, that’s what the tabloids called him.” He reached up and wiped a tear from the corner of his eyes, before finishing, “Well, he escaped from the ambulance transporting him to the forensic psychiatric hospital and his mother and me, plus half the police force of Great Britain, have been searching for him ever since.”

  Jake’s mother added. “Thank God we’ve finally found him, so now he can get the treatment he so desperately needs.”

  The policemen escorted Jake to the door. He was quiet and docile, not even looking back at us, as they led him away. As the door to the rooftop closed behind them, we stood there, stunned, not really knowing what to do next, but it was Daniel who acted.

  He floated across the roof and grabbing Molly in his arms, floated them over toward Becky, Damien and I. Reaching down, with one hand, he patted the still sleeping Damien’s forehead. “It’s okay now my innocent, little, son. Daddy has avenged and you will be safe from now on. Be good to your Mama.”

  With that, he floated across to the edge of the parapet and just hung there, in mid-air, twenty-two storeys above the ground. Looking at Molly, he smiled broadly and said, “Well, my precious love, I guess we always knew deep down in our hearts, despite all the hatred and pain, that we’d be together forever. It’s time for us to take our leave, dear”.

  Molly stared back at him. Her words, when they came, were so soft I had to strain to hear them.

  “It really wasn’t me who let you go first, it was Jake. I would never have let go otherwise.”

  Daniel didn’t say anything, just kissed her. I swear it was the most loving kiss I ever saw. Then he simply released her, before fading away himself, like a wisp of smoke.

  I dived at the parapet and made a desperate grab for her, but it was too late and all I could do was watch her tumbling body as she rolled over and over to her certain death. Finally, I could see her no longer in the blackness. All I could hear was her triumphant, almost orgasmic scream, as she plummetted...


  I guess, in death, she got that one enormous adrenalin buzz she had so longed for in life.

  Unsure what to do, I went over to Becky. She was in a total state of shock, whimpering
and shaking, clutching her precious Damien close to her chest. I placed my arm around her shoulders and pulled her in tight, rocking her gently.

  We both turned our eyes to the heavens, as we saw two bright lights heading toward each other. I just knew instinctively that they were Molly and Daniel’s spirits, converging and then uniting. I swear I could actually see their two figures emerge from the lights, materialise, join in the darkness, embrace, kiss and then like a shooting star, disappear into the cosmos.

  That then, dear readers, is my unexpurgated version of events on top of the Oceanic Shipping Building last evening. I still have no real idea what it was I witnessed, but one thing is for sure, this journalist will never again scoff at even the most incredible of claims from an eye-witness.


  I rocked back in my chair and stroked my chin thoughtfully. God, what an amazing night. I had taken young Becky and Damien home and we had agreed on meeting again, in a few days, once the dust had settled down from this incredible night. I was unsure what our talking would achieve, but I knew I needed someone to share this strange adventure with. I couldn’t handle it alone. Leaning forward in my chair, I smiled as I highlighted my entire report and then clicked the delete key. Nope, nobody would ever get to read the tale of Daniel, Jake and Molly. It would forever be locked in Becky’s and my, tortured minds.


  Jakes Final Word

  I lay on my bunk, staring out of the window. It felt good to be back in the cupboard under the stairs. I felt safe here... nothing could harm me. I was whistling softly, because I knew it would be lights out very soon and then I would get to have my play-time. Every night, my two friends would come and play with me. We would do all sorts of adventures together, Molly, Daniel and me... well, we were inseparable. We were the Three Musketeers, you know – All for one and one for all. The lights went out and I waited. Finally, I could see a pinpoint of light in the centre of the room slowly growing brighter and brighter. Smiling, I clapped my hands gleefully. They were here.

  Daniel and Molly stepped out of the pool of light on the floor and came toward me, where we embraced in a group hug. That’s the way it’s always meant to be, I thought - together, forever.

  “So buddy, where shall we go tonight, what adventure will we have?” Daniel asked.

  Molly chuckled and looked at me. “Come on then Jakey, you decide, let’s have some fun. Where shall we go?”

  I just grinned happily. “Wherever guys, wherever, as long as it’s always just the three of us... surprise me!”



  A Word From The Authors

  Thank you, so much for purchasing and reading this book. We, all three, hoped you enjoyed it. We would love you to leave a brief review of the book, wherever you purchased it from. Reviews are very important to Indie Authors and help us to get noticed in this massive marketplace. A review only even need be one or two words. Love it or hate it, your review means the world to us, so please do consider leaving one.

  All of us love to hear from our readers and contact information follows this page. Please do follow us on Social Media, subscribe to our websites or newsletters, but most of all – do keep reading and enjoying fine literature from the world of the Independent Authors. We love our readers.

  Grant Leishman :

  I am an expatriate New Zealander, now residing in the beautiful islands of The Philippines. After careers in finance and journalism, I have finally found my true calling in life and I am now a full-time author. As I like to put it; “I’m living the dream.” I live in Metro Manila, with my beautiful wife and our two children.

  Writing is my passion, my love, and my bliss. Apart from writing and spending time with my family, my favourite activity is interacting on social media, with my readers and other “indie” authors. I am passionate about promoting the marvellous “indie” authors that the new technology has allowed to flourish in what was previously a tightly closed shop of elitist, legacy-published authors.

  I am also a great champion of the need to encourage and entreat our younger people to read more. Reading opens the window to new and exciting experiences and allows young people to exercise and test the limits of their imaginations; something today’s visual world does not always allow.

  I blog regularly on my website and try to live every day by the mantras I put at the bottom of each and every one of my blog posts.




  Have a great life and spread the love!

  Changing the world – one reader at a time!

  Contact Grant Leishman:

  Grant Leishman absolutely loves to interact with his readers as well as share ideas with fellow authors. Please feel free to connect with him in all or any of the following ways:


  Email Address: [email protected]

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  Rachel McGrath:

  One of my primary ambitions as a young girl was to become a writer. I've always enjoyed putting words to paper, creating fantastical stories in my head and then watching them translate into stories or poems. Sometimes it has been just about writing my thoughts and feelings throughout the most crucial stages of my life, as a way of capturing my emotions and journaling my experiences. Whichever, the written word has always enthralled me, helped me find solace and been my constant diversion from reality.

  My first book, Finding the Rainbow is my personal memoir, detailing our passage towards family planning, I was full of hope and excitement for something I was confident would be a sure path. I was so naïve to the struggles that many women face, and conceitedly, infertility or loss was not something I fathomed would happen to me. It was an unspoken grief that many of my friends had already experienced, yet no one openly voiced. It was only after the fact, often when good news finally prevailed, or sadly when hope was lost, that stories were shared. But only sometimes!

  I have since published several other books, including children’s fiction and an anthology of short stories. I hope to continue writing, as I’m truly enjoying the experience of writing and publishing, and through this I have met many other talented independent authors; a community I never knew even existed. Watch this space!

  Contact Rachel McGrath:




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  Colin Griffiths:

  I worked in a steelworks for 22 years, soon to become a senior union official. I then was offered a job as a full-time union official and was located in South Yorkshire, where I spent 12 years doing that. I decided to stay in Yorkshire, working part time as a CCTV operator. I grew up in South Wales in a place called Underwood.

  I have always had a fascination with horror and the paranormal and as a reader I am an enormous fan of Steven King. When I finally realized in my early fifties that writing was something I wanted to pursue, it was natural that Horror/Paranormal genre was the theme of my novels.

  To date, I have written four novels. My first novel; Never Say Goodbye, was completed at the age of 56, this was followed by its sequel, There Was No Body. My latest two novels are Underwood and Doll's House, and I am finalizing a
new novel titled Someone Else's Dream.

  All of my novels have been exceptionally well received, by readers, much to my surprise, with Never Say Goodbye receiving amazing reviews.


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