Tortured Minds

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Tortured Minds Page 26

by Colin Griffiths

  “No! Daniel!” Molly shouted.

  From behind them, Becky placed a sleeping Damien on the ground and rushed towards the scene to help. As she ran forward, she watched in horror as Simon’s fingers were forced to let go of ledge, with his only hold on life now being Molly’s hand. Jake held tight to Molly, trying to keep her balanced. He reached out for Becky as she approached, to anchor his weight.

  “Oh yes,” Daniel laughed cruelly.

  Simon’s grip slipped from Molly’s fingers and the sound of his screams dissipated beneath them. Molly fell backwards into Jake, who spun around in reaction, letting go of Becky. Becky flung to his side forced by the jolt of Jake’s release, she tripped over a small pipe, sending her flailing towards the edge of the building. Jake took a while to register what had just happened, and only just caught sight of Becky’s figure as she blundered over the ledge herself. Daniel shouted but he couldn’t save her.

  “You bitch!” Daniel roared at Molly.

  “You can’t blame Molly for this!” shouted Jake, jumping to Molly’s defence. Until tonight, he would never have thought he would be standing in Molly’s corner against Daniel, but the turn of events had him unsure which side he was on. The ledge was definitely looking like a viable option , he thought to himself wretchedly.

  “Thank you Jake, but I don’t deserve anything from you, after what I did.”

  “No you don’t, but I’m no killer,” Jake stated coldly. He turned away from both of them, staring again at the ledge. Two more people dead, there would be more questions and he wasn’t sure how much more he could take.

  “Dada!” A small voice interrupted the trio, as young Damien toddled over towards them.

  “Damien!” cried Daniel, moving towards his son. Daniel looked towards the ledge, the young boy had now lost both his mother and his father. He would need protection. Daniel looked back at Molly and Jake, as the sight of Simon and Becky’s apparitions appeared next to them.

  Simon looked thunderously at Daniel. “You vile murderous bastard!”

  “Not in front of the child, please.” Daniel retorted.

  “Damien!” wailed Becky. “My boy, he’s okay.” She moved over towards Daniel who was with her son, looking up at Daniel in hopelessness. “What will become of him?”

  “He will be in good hands,” Daniel stated confidently. Becky looked at him, confused. “We must protect the innocent, and there is only one way.” Daniel turned to face Molly and Jake, both of them clinging on to each other in shock, rather than comfort. “First, however, Simon you must pass on.”

  “Pass on?” Simon asked.

  “Yes. You were never a part of this, I’m sorry you were pulled in. There is a place for you, you must go.”

  “How?” Simon asked confused.

  “Release us, you were merely here to observe and had nothing to do with these twisted, irrational mind games. You are free!”

  Simon turned away, and didn’t look back. As if being pulled away, he evaporated into thin air, until he was gone. Molly sobbed, she didn’t love Simon, but he had shown her more compassion than any other man had. Bringing him here tonight had been a mistake and now he was dead.

  “So, what now Daniel?” Jake asked, still gripping Molly’s hand.

  “Simple, it’s what I’ve always wanted. We are connected Jake, we always will be, and now we will be forever.”

  “I won’t do it!” Jake shouted defiantly.

  “Think of Damien,” Daniel goaded. “He needs a father, and only we can give him that.” Daniel moved closer to Jake, standing over him. Defeated, Jake stood and nodded, letting Daniel move closer until their bodies merged and Daniel disappeared completely. Molly and Becky just stared in astonishment as the ghost and the man became one.

  “I feel you, Daniel, I am you,” Jake said in a poised voice, as he moved forward to stand next to Damien, taking his hand.

  Damien looked up at Jake and smiled, “Dada!”

  “It worked!” Jake said happily. “Yes son, I’m here, Daddy’s here!”

  Becky moved towards Jake, she could see Daniel inside of him, his soul was apparent beyond the physical features of Jake. “What about me?” She asked tentatively.

  Jake nodded towards Molly, “There you go my love, take her.”

  Molly stood up immediately, knowing exactly what was being implied. “No fucking way!”

  “Language!” Jake smiled, as he covered Damien’s ears.

  “You have to be kidding me! She is not coming near me.”

  Becky stepped forward, interrupting Jake as he was about to respond. “Please, Molly! I can’t leave my son alone, it’s the only way.” Molly simply folded her arms insolently.

  “Please, Molly! You owe it to me,” Jake pleaded. Molly recognised the real Jake’s voice. The guilt of the past two months swept over her and she knew this was the right thing to do, despite everything that had happened.

  Meekly Molly stepped forward, nodding in defeat. “Just do it!”

  Becky moved forward to stand directly in front of Molly and slowly their bodies started to connect. Molly felt it, a rush of emotion and a wave of pleasure that filled her as Becky’s spirit entwined into her body. She breathed in, smiling as if finally she was fulfilled. When the two were finally one, Molly stepped forward towards Jake and Damien and looked down at the little boy.

  “Mama!” He cried. She bent down to pick up the little boy who snuggled into her breast. A tear formed in Molly’s eye as her maternal instinct kicked in and she felt Becky’s motherly presence guiding her. She smiled at the young boy as his heavy eyelids closed and his head rested on her shoulder.

  “Now, let’s go home darling. This is where our life begins,” Jake declared, reaching for Molly’s hand and walking her towards the exit.

  It was true, he smiled as they left the building, Jake, Molly and Daniel would always be inseparable.



  Alternative Ending Three by Colin Griffiths

  The drone of Simon and Garfunkel flew through the air in an emotive undertone. For the vocalists Daniel Wilkins and Jake Marsden it was just like old times in those karaoke bars. Wiping a tear from her eye, but with an engaging grin on her face, Molly stepped forward to where the two men were singing away, lost in a meadow of emotion as she set her eyes on the two singers. The two men she loved the most in the world.

  Why are we even here? she asked herself, as she looked at the manifest of her lover and the person standing beside him. If she didn’t recognise the faces, she would not determine who the ghost was and who was alive, Daniel looked so real. She took up a position in between the two men and joined in the chorus of her husband’s favourite song, with both men embracing her as they sang.

  Becky had grasped her son tightly when he was handed to her by her dead lover. For one horrifying moment and with a trembling fear she had never felt before, she thought he too was dead too, just like his father. Damien chortled at the sight of her, though and she let out a sigh of relief. She went over and nervously stood next to Simon Reynolds, who was standing opened-mouthed at the events that unfolded in front of his eyes. This would be a story he certainly would want to write, but it wasn’t one he wanted to experience. Along with Becky, he no longer wanted to be there, as he watched his new found lover singing along with a ghost. They both stood unmoving as the three sang. After whispering to each other, both Simon and Becky, with little Damien, left un-noticed through the exit and down onto the main street. Both of them would never speak of this moment again. They would put it out of their minds as if it had never happened.

  The two humans and one ghost sang out the last verse and momentarily, paused. Looking at the dark of the night, wondering what next was in store for them.

  “You were a bit out of tune, there, Jake,” suggested Molly.

  “And you sound like a screeching cat,” came the reply.

  “My favourite song, Jake, you remembered.” Daniel mused, affectionately.

lways,” Jake replied, “always.”

  The three of them walked slowly towards the photographs that had been placed on the edge of the building, then linked arms once more.

  “One more song?” Molly queried. Both companions nodded in agreement.

  “No... I can’t forget this evening.”


  Summer was soon to be on its way, it was the time of year Molly, Daniel, and Jake loved the most. It was the time of year they would spend most of their spare time together, sharing adventures as they fuelled their adrenalin need. They had a lot planned for this summer, white water rafting being high on the agenda. It was Friday lunchtime in the Manchester city centre, Alonso’s café was once again heaving with customers as the three sat outside in the chilly spring air drinking their coffee, the sun beating down and trying to provide some warmth.

  The three of them always met for lunch on a Friday, where they would sit and plan their weekend together, very rarely did they actually go back to work after their Friday lunchtime meet, all three holding positions that would allow them to do that. Quite often lunch at Alonso’s would be followed by a visit to the pub, where they would spend the afternoon and evening drinking and dancing until the early hours. Weather-wise this was the nicest day they had for a long time, certainly the driest, as the rains had been hitting Manchester for what seemed like months.

  “So you two fancy a pint?” Jake asked them. Molly, who was munching on a cheese salad roll nodded in agreement. Daniel seemed lost in his own little world as he stared up into the skies, looking at the Oceanic Shipping Building as if it was a magnet drawing him in.

  “Well?” Jake added, nudging Daniel. Daniel just smiled wryly at both of them.

  “Let’s build up some thirst and jump a couple of buildings.”

  “It’s broad daylight, you idiot,” Molly complained, “and besides….” But before she could finish her sentence, Daniel had run off. Molly and Jake just stared at each other with stupid grins on their faces. Seconds later the three of them were running toward the Oceanic Shipping Building.

  The twenty-two storey tower blocks stood close together in what was really a blot on the landscape of Manchester City’s centre, they were not at all pleasing to the eye. Those working and sitting in their offices on the inner side of the buildings could only look out at other office blocks so close to their own. The offices on that side were dark and cold, as the sun never seemed to penetrate where they worked. Today was a normal Friday afternoon, most workers thinking of the weekend ahead, the beautiful spring-like day bringing a bounce to their step. The boredom of those in offices near the top of the buildings was momentarily lost as they set their eyes upon three figures standing on the roof of one of the large tower blocks. Faces soon appeared at the windows as they strained their necks to look up at the three mysterious people.

  It was colder up on top of that building and all three of them pulled their clothing closer to their body to try to retain body heat. They stared across the four buildings, the excitement and adrenalin building up in their bodies. No one would back out, they very rarely did. This was their life! This was what made getting up in the morning worth all the effort, not their jobs or the people they served. For the three adrenalin junkies, this is what life was all about. Dozens of eyes looked on at The Three Musketeers.

  “Right, we have to end up back here as it’s the only way we can get back down to earth, so its four jumps,” Daniel told them as he assessed the situation.

  “There is another way,” Jake grinned, as he looked down from the building. He could see the faces at the windows and it made him feel even more excited. The three of them loved an audience.

  “You can choose that way if you want to, but this lady is using the conventional method,” giggled Molly.

  “You ain't no lady babes,” Daniel told her. “Shall we go together?” he added. Jake and Molly nodded in agreement.

  The three of them stood side by side, Daniel on the left, Molly in the middle, Jake on the right. They resembled athletes at the starting block. The air was no longer cold and there was no breeze about their faces, all they could feel was adrenalin and all they could see was the next building. Daniel counted down.


  A look of shock, horror and dismay fell over the faces of those who looked from their windows, as three bodies momentarily were suspended in mid-air. Their fear turned to gasps of relief as they landed safely on the next building.

  All three looked at each other, smiling with their sense of achievement, a real pride in their effort, but it wasn’t enough, it had all felt just a bit too easy.

  “That was okay actually,” Jake stated, brushing his clothes down with his hands as if he had somehow become covered in dust.

  “It was, but it was easy,” Molly scorned, looking at Jake and wondering what the hell he was doing.

  “Let’s make it harder then,” suggested Daniel. Jake and Molly both had a look on their faces as if to say, ‘come on then tell us’. “Let’s do the next three without stopping, eh? he added.

  Three sets of eyes stared across at the three jumps they would have to make to get back to where they started from. All three studying it, trying to determine what method they would use and how many strides they would take before each jump.

  “That certainly is a challenge,” Jake muttered warily, “but, I’m up for it”.

  “I could do it blindfolded, “said Molly, gritting her teeth, her face baring her competitive streak.

  “That can be arranged,” laughed Daniel,

  “The last time you blindfolded me I ended up in the lake, you bastards.”

  That set the three of them laughing as they recalled the event where they guided Molly into the lake. Taking their positions, they could see people gathering on the pavement, looking up into the sky and in the distance police cars and ambulances could be seen travelling toward the Oceanic Shipping Building.


  Like greyhounds springing from their traps and without hesitation, with the timing of excellence, they all jumped the first building, letting their momentum take them forward as they tried to adjust their step and pace for the second jump. With the grace of eagles, they flew through the air together onto the third building. No one noticed what the other was doing, not even knowing if they were still there beside them. They just concentrated on their own deployment.

  One more jump to go. All three of them had a perfect stride for the last building and the last jump. That was, until just before take-off. Daniel had kicked his own ankle, causing him to stumble, but he was already committed to his jump, so had no choice but to go through with it. Jake and Molly landed with a shriek of delight, only to quickly feel a sense of horror when they realised Daniel was not with them. They both ran to the edge of the building, not really knowing what they were expecting to see.

  What they saw was Daniel, holding onto the ledge with his fingertips. Both Molly and Daniel noticed something about him they had never seen before and that something was fear, written all over his face.

  “I can’t hang on,” he cried. Jake lay down over the edge and managed to grab Daniel’s jacket.

  “You hang on buddy, you ain't going nowhere,” Jake shouted down at him. Molly bent down and grabbed Daniel’s wrist.

  “We’re gonna pull you up,” she screamed, as both of them tugged, Molly at the wrist of Daniel, which caused him to lose what feeble grip he had on the ledge. Jake moved precariously over the edge to try and get a better grip of his coat. Daniel knew then that their gallant efforts would be in vain. He could already see his destiny unfolding before his eyes.

  “Let me go you fools or you’ll fall with me,” Daniel pleaded. Jake grabbed Daniel’s jacket with both hands, losing any control he had over staying on that building.

  “Well if that’s the way it’s got to be,” Jake told him.

  Molly screamed and pulled at her husband’s hand to try to get him up, only to feel it fall from her grasp, as sh
e watched the two men she loved fall to their fate, Daniel finally tumbling and taking Jake with him.

  She let out a high-pitched scream that could be heard in the heavens. She stood on the edge of the building staring straight ahead, as her short but eventful life flashed before her eyes and her eyes flooded with tears. She had no control over what she did next as the sense of terror and grief overtook her body. Taking one step forward, she found herself falling, falling towards Daniel and Jake. It was the only place she wanted to be, with the two people, she loved the most.

  Three bodies lay on the pavement in a pool of blood and shattered bones. It would torture the minds of those who saw it, for a very long time.


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