The Horny Night Gaunt (The Horny Tales 2)

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The Horny Night Gaunt (The Horny Tales 2) Page 1

by Nikita King

  The Horny Night Gaunt


  Nikita King




  Copyright 10/3/2012 by Nikita King



  Cover designed by:

  Doles from



  Edited by: Samantha Perez



  Proofed by: Greta Maloney



  Warnings: This story contains forced seduction and graphic sex. All characters are eighteen and above. Adult content!

  Note from Author:

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for purchasing my ebook. I want to tell you up front that I am an aspiring author and a housewife with a bit of a dirty mind. I am trying to improve my writing skills with each one of my books. To be honest, I just want to share my stories. I love the monster erotica genre and I just want to be a part of it.

  With that being said, you might find that the book’s tense changes on occasion. You might find more commas than are necessary and I am sorry if this is going to ruin the book for some of you. I am just trying to tell a story; a story that I want to share. So please accept my apology up front and I hope that you enjoy my tale.


  Nikita King




  The Night Gaunt swoops in over the village where he comes once a week, the fifth day of the week to be precise. The villagers leave him an offering to appease him, to keep him from destroying their village with his army of monsters. He is the King of the Night Gaunts, the one true ruler of his people. He mates with one of the women once a week and tonight comes to receive his offering.

  The villagers leave the chosen women on an altar or chained up high in the cave. He can scent them all because they are all his. He would know their scents from a mile away; his offerings, his women, his harem. Tonight, a girl would be in the cave. He flies in from the side of the cave and up to the domed ceiling. A female, one of the four is there. She is hanging upside down waiting for him and he is ready to mate………..


  Kim woke up in what looked like an old beat up van. Her head hurt and she felt nauseas. Where was she? She looked around and saw two men and one woman sitting on the floor of the van. She, however, was tied up on the floor and was being watched. “Where am I?” she whispered while her head pounded in pain. “We are taking you to your new home,” a man said. “My new home, what are you talking about?” Kim said. “You will see,” one man answered with pity in his eyes.


  They arrived at a village. Honestly, she had no idea where she was. She could be anywhere. The village didn’t look real primitive because it had a community feel toward it. Her abductors were gentle enough to her and treated her with respect, well, as much respect you can show someone you've abducted. They brought her to a cottage that was guarded by women, big, strong, scary women. The men took her into the foyer of the small house. There she was greeted by three women; they were prettier and smaller than the female guards. One of them introduced herself.

  “Hi!” a classily dressed woman said. “I am Pam and this is Greta and Trena. We want to welcome you to our home and invite you to make yourself comfortable since it is now your home, too. Greta would you be so kind and get…..I am sorry, I don’t know your name?” Pam asked.

  “My name is Kim.”

  “Greta would you be a lamb and get Kim a cup of tea?” Pam said.

  Greta mumbled something like ‘probably needs something stronger’ but Kim wasn’t sure. Kim didn’t know what to say, she was just confused. Wasn’t she just kidnapped, weren’t they going to kill her or something?

  “I don’t understand. I was taken outside of my work and kidnapped by these men,” she gestured to the two men that brought her into the house. “Why are you all being so nice to me?” asked Kim.

  “Well, that is a bit of a long story. Would you please sit?” Pam gestured to the couch. “Gregor, you and your men can leave. Kim will be fine,” Pam said.

  “But Ms. Pam?” She cut the man off.

  “Gregor, it is okay, we have our four new guards to watch the cottage and I think Kim will be fine.”

  “As you wish, Ms. Pam.”

  Kim just sat on the couch and watched Gregor and his friend leave. Pam sat across from her as Greta came in with two cups of tea and ironically a bottle of whiskey. “I thought you could use this,” Greta stated.


  “What is this all about, why am I here?” Kim asked.

  “Well Kim, you were brought to our village to serve as a sacrifice,” Pam answered.

  “What, you mean you are going to kill me?”

  “No,” Greta piped in. “We are just going to chain you to an altar, to let a demon fuck you.”

  “Shut the hell up Greta, you have a big mouth!” Pam yelled. Greta just looked at Pam with a challenge.

  “Am I lying to her?” Greta asked.

  “No, but there are more tactful ways of bringing up such events,” Pam stated back.

  “Tactful my ass! Honey, you want that drink now?” Greta asked.

  Kim stared at Greta and just said “Yes, I think I might need it.”

  “You bet your sweet ass you do!” Greta added as she poured Kim a shot of whiskey into her teacup. Kim took a swallow of it, waited a minute, and repeated until the cup was empty.

  “Okay, what the hell is going on here, Pam? Why am I here and why do I get the feeling Greta isn’t fucking with me?”


  “Well, because she isn’t,” Trena said. “Greta, get four shot glasses from the kitchen. I think we all could use a drink.” As Greta brought them into the den, they all poured themselves a shot of whiskey. Then Trena continued.

  “Okay Kim, here's the deal. We, all four of us, have been kidnapped from the United States. The village has a soothsayer that helps them find the ‘appropriate’ girls for the Gaunt,” Trena stated.

  “Gaunt?” Kim asked.

  “A Night Gaunt to be exact. That is the creature you were brought here to mate with. He is a black demon-like creature that has an understanding with the village. He won’t terrorize the village if they give him a woman to have sex with once a week,” Pam stated.

  “To be more accurate, he has to be the only one to have ever had sexual intercourse with the woman,” Greta said.

  “You mean you three have only been with the Night Gaunt?” Kim questioned.

  “Yes,” Trena answered. “We all were brought here as virgins and we have only been with him. He won’t,” she hesitated for a moment, “he won’t have sex with anyone that has another man’s scent on her. Once a week, one of us three, now four, will be offered to him. The woman at the time will be confined where he can have sex with her whether she wants it or not.”

  “How did they know I was a virgin?” Kim asked.

  “That is where the soothsayer comes in,” Pam continued. “They go into the States and scope out what they think will please him. The soothsayer can tell if the girl is ‘pure’ and they will kidnap the girl and bring her here. So many girls go missing in the States each year it really isn’t noticed. Each Friday night, one of us, we each take turns, are taken to the creature as an offering. We have to put makeup on, fix our hair, the whole works to be as pretty as we can be for the Gaunt. The village makes sure of that. They even give us a cocktail of opium and an aphrodisiac to make us,” she searched for a word, “responsive to him. It calms our nerves but it still is stressful. The villagers want to make sure that damn Gaunt is happy. Anyhow, they lay us out for th
e Gaunt with restraints and he takes us. He won’t sleep with a woman who has been sullied by another.”

  “I don’t understand. Another man or Gaunt?” Kim asked.

  “Neither, it doesn’t matter,” Trena answered.

  “How do you know?” Kim asked.

  “Because Beth, the woman you are replacing, had an affair with a man in the village. He used to be one of our guards. After the affair she was put up to be his offering the next week. When she was ‘offered’ the Night Gaunt apparently smelled the scent of another man on her.” Greta responded.

  “How do you know?” Kim asked.

  “He killed her! Ripped her throat out! Then he went on to destroy the church in the village,” Pam stated somberly.

  “How do you know that was the reason?” asked Kim.

  “He mentally told the priest before he destroyed the church. He can mentally converse with people if he chooses, though he has never spoken to any of us before,” Greta replied. “He told the priest that if one of his ‘harem’ was ever touched again by another man he would destroy the whole village next time. That is why we now have female guards.”

  Kim just frowned, not really knowing what to say.

  “We will never be free of that monster!” Trena cried. “We have to be faithful to something that rapes us once a month for however long as he wants us. You know what that means? No marriage, no children, hell who would want us after being with that fucking demon!” Trena’s voice shook; she was speaking more to herself with a tear rolling down her cheek.

  “Is he a demon? I mean what is he?” Kim wondered out loud.

  “No one really knows. Sure there are legends; the Gaunts are mentioned as a fictional race in the Cthulhu Mythos and also a part of H.P. Lovecraft’s Dream Cycle. Supposedly, Night Gaunts inspired Lovecraft’s childhood nightmares but who knows. I don’t think he is an actual demon from Hell. I know he is the king of the other Night Gaunts and he has a lot of Gaunts under him. You can see them sometimes fly over the village in a flock. The King is very distinctive. He is much bigger than the others. He actually has a rather nice physical body. The others are real skinny, so at least there is that………what is really freaky to me is that face,” Pam said with her glass in her hand.

  “What about the face?” Kim asked.

  “He doesn’t have one,” Greta called out after downing her third shot of whiskey.

  “What, he is headless?”

  “No, he is faceless,” Greta said. “He has some features but it mostly blends. To be honest I never have looked at him in the face close up. I don’t even think he has a mouth to be honest. I mainly keep my eyes closed.”

  “Okay, now I am totally freaked out!” Kim replied.

  “Wait, you weren’t before?” Greta snorted.

  “No, I was but now I am terrified. I want to go home,” Kim said with tears in her eyes.

  “Sweetie, we all just want to go home. Do you think we chose this? We are lucky we only have to do it only once a month with the rotation of the four of us. Nobody would choose this. We all were taken from our home,” Pam patted Kim’s knee.


  Two days had passed and it was Kim’s time to be the offering. She was sitting at a beauty table being prettied up to lose her virginity to a monster. Wow, what a difference a couple of days can make. The girls were fixing her hair and putting on her makeup. She felt like it was her wedding night. She guessed in a way it was. She was going to lose her virginity tonight. They put her in this beautiful white nightgown. She looked in the mirror and had to admit that she looked rather stunning. The white was very symbolic, she mused.

  “I am so fucking nervous. I don’t want to do it. Where is this opium aphrodisiac?” Kim asked.

  “Here it is. The soothsayer just brought it to us. She said she made it extra strong,” Greta handed her the glass with a grim look on her face. “Since you’re a virgin, she thought you might need a little extra courage.”

  “Why would I need that?” Kim bit out with teeth clenched as she downed the cocktail. “Did she think I would be nervous because HE KILLED HIS LAST GIRLFRIEND?” Kim shouted with frustration. Frustration at having to do this, and having no control over her life! Damn, she was just pissed!!!

  “Good point!” Greta agreed. “If you don’t mind me saying, please do try to do a good job tonight. You are kind of his ‘I’m sorry gift’ from the village. I don’t want him to take out an ‘anger bang’ on me the next time I am up.”

  Kim threw a hairbrush at Greta and it hit her right in the nose. “Ow, bitch,” Greta mewled.

  “Serves you right Greta,” Trena laughed. “Don’t upset the virgin on her big day”. Then an eye makeup case hit Trena right on the back of the head. Greta busted out laughing and so did Trena holding the back of her head. Kim couldn’t help smile, it was funny, in a shitty way!

  “Well, you assholes, do you have any advice?”

  “Close your eyes,” Greta said. “That’s what I do.”

  “I try not to move because to be honest, he scares the daylights out of me,” Trena added.

  “Oh, just a little warning, he has a really huge penis,” Pam stated.

  “Really?” Kim squeaked.

  “Really!” All the girls chimed in at once.

  “Great, losing my virginity to a demon hung like a horse, it’s what every girl dreams of.” Then Kim started to feel a little funny. Not funny…..good. Real. Good. “I think my cocktail has kicked in, thank God!”

  “Well, let’s get you off. It will last about three hours. He might keep you that long…..”


  She was carried to the altar on a decorated throne of sorts. It was decorated with flowers and vines. It was actually pretty, but everything was pretty to her right now. This was a great cocktail. Shit, I bet this would cost a fortune on the streets. This was close to Demerol but at the same time she was……..horny. Oh yeah, that was the aphrodisiac. Well, might as well try to enjoy it because she really had no fucking choice. The villagers were singing a tribal song that made her sway back and forth. She had this tingling in her pussy that made her squeeze her legs together. She wanted to slide her hand down her gown and stick her fingers in between her legs but……………..people, tons of people would see her, but she didn’t really care. Fuck them, she felt good…………….

  They arrived at their destination. Four tribesmen lifted her from the throne to a concrete altar. They laid her out, very neatly. She noticed they were wearing gloves. She assumed they didn’t want to get their scent on her. Once she was laid neatly, they shackled her arms and legs in the leather cuffs that were attached to the slab. Both arms and legs were spread as far apart as they could be without feeling any pain. A tribal woman hovered around her to make sure her hair looked presentable and her dress was straightened out. Then, without a word they just walked away and left her to wait for HIM! Her brain buzzed that there was something awry but again the drugs in her system wouldn’t let her nerves get to her. She was high as a kite and so fucking horny. Come on big boy, come and get me…….


  He flew down into the village the same as he had been doing over the last ten years. He had a thing for human women of European descent. They were beautiful with their white skin and their flowing long hair. Everything that a Gaunt female could never have and he was excited because tonight he would have a new woman to add to his harem. The priest promised they would find an extra special woman for him to make up for the whore who betrayed him with another. He had no remorse for ripping her throat out. After he slayed her he went to find her lover because he could smell him on her. The man died a horrible death as well, and well he should have! The puny little man had messed with his ‘harem’!

  The King had not had a new female in over five years. His dick just started to get hard at the thought of someone new. What would she look like? He took in a deep breath and smelled that the new flesh was on the ritual altar. Of course she would be there. They wouldn’t hang her
from the cave for her first time with him. She would be scared enough.

  The altar was a concrete slab. At the bottom of the altar, where the female’s feet would be, was a steel bar for him to attach his clawed feet around. The slab had four shackles to hold the women still in case they tried to run. He liked the chase, all Gaunts did, and that was the problem. It was instinct to chase and trap the female to fuck, whether the female wanted it or not. The problem was the chase made the male Gaunts highly aroused, so aroused that they fucked viciously. It was their nature. That was why he had the villagers tie the women down. He didn’t want his instinct to kick in. He knew the women couldn’t get away but they were so fragile, he didn’t want to accidentally kill them during mating!

  He swooped down in a hasty rush. His need thundered inside him. He landed on the steel bar that was attached to the altar and stared down at her. His new virgin was beautiful. She had hair as black as midnight, flawless pale skin, big brown eyes, and a soft lush body. He never liked it when the human women were too skinny, if he wanted skinny he had plenty of Gaunt females to choose from. He actually preferred his women a bit heavier. He loved big breasts and hips with curves and ample thighs.

  She was dressed in a white nightgown. Not modern of course, they wouldn’t do modern; they knew that would not please him. It was one of those nightgowns that was flowing, long, white, and sheer. It was one that a bride might wear on her wedding night. And it was her wedding night of sorts. He would be the first to ever take her. He could smell it, the innocence and the purity that he loved so much. The villagers would know better than to give him a woman who has been sullied by another man. The Gaunt King wanted his women pure and to belong only to him.

  With the gown being thin and see through, he could see that her nipples were hard and he could see the rose tinge to them. Just looking at her breasts made his dick pulse to life. He sat atop of his perch, flapping his wings slowly as he peered down at her. She was beautiful. More beautiful than all the others. He noticed that she looked…… wanton? She was thrusting her hips up trying to get purchase of something. Was she aroused? None of the other girls ever seemed aroused. She was looking at him. Not in horror but in fascination. Did she want him too? He had never had a human woman look at him in this way. And fascinatingly, he found he liked it!


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