Small Moments

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Small Moments Page 1

by Kimberly Forrest

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  Small Moments

  A Malsum Pass Novel


  Kimberly Forrest

  “Small Moments: A Malsum Pass Novel”

  Selected, Compiled & Edited by: Kimberly Forrest, 2018

  Copyright © March 2018 by Kimberly Forrest

  This book is a work of fiction. Any reference to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Art by R.L. Ortiz

  Table of Contents

  Also by Kimberly Forrest


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  About The Author

  Thank you Lance, for supporting me in my insanity; it means the world to me!

  And to my readers… You inspire me, you motivate me, and without you – let’s face it – I’d just be talking to myself.

  Small Moments: A Malsum Pass Novel

  Newly released from her captivity by the fur traders - a group that preys on shifters for profit - Rin Hayashi is looking forward to a normal, quiet life, and the town of Malsum Pass seems a perfect place to settle.

  Surrounded by the wolf pack, she's never felt safer... maybe even safe enough to fall in love, and Mike seems more than willing to fall with her. But Rin senses not all is as it seems with the charming town mechanic. Did her captivity make her overly suspicious and paranoid, or is the male she is falling in love with hiding a dangerous secret?

  Also by Kimberly Forrest

  Paranormal Romance

  Malsum Pass

  Until You: A Malsum Pass Novel

  For Her: A Malsum Pass Novel

  Meant To Be: A Malsum Pass Novel

  Whole-Hearted: A Malsum Pass Novel

  Small Moments: A Malsum Pass Novel

  Historical Romance

  Forget Me Not


  Mike leaned back in his chair and took another gulp of the dark amber liquid in his glass. He’d stopped feeling the burn in the back of his throat two – no – three glasses prior. Coming to The Stag was obviously a bad idea. It was supposed to be drinks (yup, covered that), conversation with his best friend, Tim (kind of, sort of, maybe, if Mike was paying attention), and a game on the big screen (nope – not happening). Instead of watching the Patriots kick some ass, he was witnessing an explosion of Christmas cheer.

  Evergreen garland, lit with little white lights and festooned with big red velvet bows, was strung across the bar, around the jukebox, around every window, and hung from corner to corner along the rafters. Kissing balls and mistletoe were hung at intervals on those rough wooden beams above his head, and an enormous tree freshly dragged in from the forest was being strung with lights and decorated with brightly colored glass balls.

  He wasn’t usually so bah-humbug. In fact, previous years would have had him right in the center of the activity wearing a pair of antlers on top of his Santa hat and singing along with the Christmas music Jeremy Larkin was currently playing on the upright piano. Not this year. Mike had no desire to be Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree. Lifting his glass to his lips, he drained the contents and then poured another from the bottle Conner had been nice enough to leave at the table.

  A squeal and a laugh had Mike snarling as Elizabeth Larkin, Jeremy’s mother, ran past with her mate, Conner Pierce in hot pursuit, a sprig of mistletoe held out before him as he made loud kissing noises.

  “What’s your problem?” Tim asked, confusion plain on his features.

  Well, that was the question of the night wasn’t it? There was no denying it: Mike Myers, normally Mister Happy-Go-Lucky, was jealous. Jealous of Conner Pierce chasing his mate around playfully. Jealous of Jacob Pierce who was currently holding his mate’s waist as Constance Tully stood on a step-stool and placed an ornament on one of the highest branches. Jealous of the way she looked back over her shoulder at Jacob, both of them smiling and looking at each other with such adoration, it made Mike’s chest ache. He was also jealous of Tarvahl Pierce who was standing off to the side, supervising; his long-time mate, Sherry, was wrapped in his arms before him, her head tilted back against her male’s broad shoulder, a content smile on her face.

  It seemed like everyone was in love. Even Tim had a girlfriend; a human nurse he’d been dating and who he would probably be with right now if she wasn’t currently on shift. Mike took another drink and swiped his hand over his mouth. “Nothing.” He tried to focus on his friend across the table, but Tim was looking a little fuzzy. Yup, it would seem the liquor was finally kicking in – and kicking his ass. Tomorrow was bound to have him waking up to the headache from hell.

  He looked past Tim to the couples still decorating the bar. Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up next to someone special? To feel them pressed against you, to smell their skin, feel their warmth? Mike was willing to bet it was one of the best feelings in the world.

  He shook his head and then promptly wished he hadn’t as the entire place seemed to lurch sideways. Or maybe that was him? Damn. He needed to get home and sleep off the booze so that he could shake the melancholy. O
bviously whiskey made him maudlin, and he’d do well to remember that so he could avoid this in the future. Standing, he had to brace a hand on the table to keep the floor from tilting under his feet.

  “You leaving?” Tim asked, downing the remainder of his drink and standing as well. “I’ll walk with you.”

  Small towns may suck for finding a mate, but it sure was nice when you were drunk off your ass. Everything in town was within walking distance. Including Mike’s place which was above the garage he owned, and pretty much right across the street. In fact, he could see the place from the window that was lined with garland and blinking madly with twinkle lights. Maybe Santa could bring him a mate.

  The random thought suddenly had him laughing as he lurched awkwardly toward the door, composing the letter in his head: Dear Santa, I’ve been a good boy all year… Pushing through the door, and stumbling out onto the sidewalk, Mike was hit with a blast of cold. The chill should have sobered him slightly, but instead, one minute he was standing, looking across Main Street toward his garage and the next he was flat on his back looking up at the sky.

  It was a nice night; cold but clear. The sky looked like a swath of black velvet covered with diamonds and a single pearl for the moon. “Pretty.”

  Suddenly Tim’s face was all he could see as the male leaned over him. As if he was speaking to a toddler, the big guy said, “Hey, buddy. Watcha doin’?”

  Mike blinked in confusion. What was he doing? He didn’t remember falling, but he must have. Then again, nothing hurt, so maybe he had just laid down for a rest? Past Tim’s ear, a star twinkled as if it was winking at Mike. Maybe if he wished on that star…

  Tim’s big paw of a hand was thrust in Mike’s face as his best friend offered to help him up. Taking it, he felt weightless for a moment as he was pulled upward and placed firmly back on his booted feet. A clap on the back from Tim, and a grip on his arm for support, as the two of them crossed the road toward the garage.

  “So is Nurse Jennifer your soulmate?” Mike slurred as he fumbled with the keys. God, he was sloppy drunk. Bed. He needed his bed. But first he had to figure out how to open the damn door.

  Tim let out a little chuckle and took the keys from him, easily sliding the right key into the lock. What a show off. Though Mike was grateful for the supportive hand as he stumbled through the door and even more grateful as Tim helped him up the stairs and into bed. His lonely, empty bed. “So is she?”

  “Is who what?”

  “Is Jennifer your soulmate?” Mike’s eyes were closed, but he could hear Tim moving around, he could even hear him shrug, and how weird was that?

  Tim sighed, one of those content little sighs that pretty much answered Mike’s question for him. Yup, his buddy was in love. Lucky bastard.

  “She’s awesome; so smart, and funny, and we have so much in common…” Tim’s voice trailed off and Mike let out a sigh of his own, though his was wistful. “I bet she laughs at your jokes. That would be nice. I think I’d like a female that laughs at my jokes.” Mike pulled one of his pillows to his chest and squeezed. “Does she like to cuddle?”

  Tim let out a laugh and set a glass of water and two ibuprofen on the bedside table near Mike’s head. “Okay, buddy, enough about Jennifer. I don’t need you dreaming about my woman. I’m going to head out. Take those and call me in the morning.”

  Mike let out a little snort at that joke but then sobered. “I’m glad you found her.”

  Tim’s face settled into serious lines as well as he nodded. “I am too.” Then he cocked his head toward the window and lifted his chin, “Your mate’s out there, bud. You’ll find her.” Turning toward the door to leave Tim raised his arm over his head in a wave. “Night.”

  “Night.” Mike repeated, giving his pillow another squeeze and inhaling the freshly laundered scent, wishing instead, for the fragrance of a female – his female. Looking out the window he spotted that star again. It was so bright, perfect for wishing. Was that even a star? Maybe that was Venus. He wasn’t exactly sober, and even if he were, astronomy had never been a hobby of his. What the hell, right? It couldn’t hurt. Wasn’t there a book or a movie or something called Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus? So maybe Venus was the perfect place to cast his wish. Whether he wished on a star, prayed to God, the man in the moon, or wrote a letter to Santa, the desire was the same: Mike Myers wanted to find love.

  Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath… And made a wish.

  Chapter One

  In fox form, Rin should have had the advantage of speed, but the mud sucking at her paws didn’t allow for proper traction. They were going to catch her, and when they did, they were going to kill her. They were going to shoot her, stuff her, and place her body on display as a trophy. She needed to find a place to hide, wait them out. Once full dark came, the hunt would end and she would be free.

  The hounds would present a problem. They’d be able to sniff out any hole she burrowed into, leaving her trapped and easy prey. Lifting her head, she scanned the trees, many of them barren of leaves, unable to offer proper concealment.

  Her ears pricked. She heard the long baying sound of the hounds to signal their masters that they had caught her scent. No time. She had no time. She needed to run. In a panic she zigzagged through the trees, keeping her body low and praying that the hounds had as much difficulty in the mud as she.

  They didn’t. They were so fast, too fast. She could scent them now, hear their pants as they closed the distance. Any moment now and they’d be flanking her, steering her in a direction she didn’t want to go. She didn’t want to die.

  With the hounds practically nipping at her hindquarters, Rin leapt for a tree branch and scrambled up the trunk, her muddy claws scratching frantically for purchase. Higher and higher she climbed, the hounds below, standing on their hind legs at the base of the trunk, barking to announce her hiding place.

  When she discovered the hollow section of the tree, she nearly whimpered in relief. A place to hide if she could squeeze her body in. Surely the hunters wouldn’t climb the tree after her. She’d wait them out, the sun was already setting. A little more time was all she needed.

  It was a tight squeeze, but once through the hole, Rin was able to curl up in a ball. She held her breath and prayed. As she waited, her stomach clenched in fear of discovery, she could barely hear anything beyond her panting breaths and the mad beat of her racing heart.

  Finally, in the pitch black of her tiny hole, Rin heard the carrying voices of the hunters offering praise to their hounds, condolences to each other, and wishes for better luck next time. She’d done it! She’d beaten them! Rin Hayashi would be the first Kitsune to have ever survived and won her freedom from the fur trader’s fox hunt.

  Still she waited, not quite trusting that the hunters and their hounds were gone until her ears picked up the sounds of night creatures moving about in the woods. It was the signal she had needed to hear to finally poke her head out of the hole. Scanning the darkness of the forest, she sniffed the reassuring scents of pine, dead leaves, and the utter absence of humans. Squeezing back out of the hole, she made her way down the tree.

  She still needed to get off of this property and as far away from the Brooks compound as her feet could carry her. With a much lighter heart, Rin took off in a burst of speed, her feet now flying over the mud and fallen leaves as she navigated through the trees.

  She scented the danger mere seconds before it struck. Not enough time to alter her course. A huge hand gripped the scruff of her neck and she was lifted off the ground. Rin let out a yelp of pain and fear as she dangled helpless from that hand. Bear shifter. His ugly, smug face level with her own as he sneered, “Gotcha.”

  Rin awoke with a little gasp, her heart pounding in her chest. Taking a quick inventory, her panicked brain made the connection. She was safe. She was in her bed at The Cedars in Malsum Pass. She had been rescued. It was just a bad dream.

  Running a trembling hand over her face
, Rin sat up, then stood up. She knew full well there would be no going back to sleep tonight, not with that face fresh in her memory, his scent, produced purely by her mind, still lingering in her nostrils. If she never smelled another bear shifter in her life, she’d be happy.

  Wrapping her robe around her, Rin moved quietly through the halls of the bed and breakfast, down the stairs to the cold, dark, kitchen. A cup of tea would soothe her, just as it had soothed her on so many nights since she had been rescued. Though she did have to admit that the nights between nightmares were becoming much more frequent.

  With a steaming cup in hand, Rin went out to the front porch and sat down on the swing welcoming the bite of winter chill. Taking in a deep breath of bracing air, she felt her tense muscles relax, soothed further by that first sip of hot tea. This was one of her favorite spots. Sitting here in the quiet, she could think.

  Rin hadn’t bothered to check the time, but judging by the bright moon above that illuminated the snowy ground to glittering perfecting, it was quite late. The entire town was probably tucked into bed, sweet, worry free dreams filling their heads.

  Rin didn’t want to think about her dreams. She needed to make a decision. Stay or go? It had been weeks since her rescue. She couldn’t remain in this limbo. She needed to make her choice. Stay here in Malsum Pass where she knew she was safe despite being Kitsune and therefore an outsider within the pack… or return to her old life in New York and pick up the pieces.

  Pushing the toe of her slipper against the porch, she set the swing in motion. She hated upheaval. She really did; and maybe that was why she was having such a tough time making this decision. Because whatever she decided, it would mean change. Another big moment. Most people liked big moments – the exceptional times that truly stand out in your memory – but Rin preferred the small moments, the simple times with little drama and little fanfare. Mostly, because in the past, all of her big moments had been followed by disaster. And this new decision, whatever she chose, could definitely be classified as a big moment. Would this one bring happiness only to see it come crashing down around her?


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