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Surrendering Page 3

by Ahren Sanders

  Not only are Tripp and Gabe beautiful, but they’re incorrigible flirts. They’ve easily seduced their share of women. I don’t want to have to beat them off of my new roommates today; that’s why I want to arrive first and set some rules. Finn’s other roommate, Jimi, is working today, but he’ll stop by later. These guys are great to me and I’m lucky to know them, but they can be a hand-full.

  It’s a hot July afternoon and I packed several coolers in the back of Finn’s truck. I have everything from bottled water to bottled beer and enough snacks for everyone. Since we don’t officially start school for three more weeks, I’ll have plenty of time to unpack and get settled.

  When I arrive, I only see Abbi’s car out front. I hear music coming from inside and it sounds like hip-hop blend. When I get to the door, I knock loudly in hopes that she’ll hear me.

  Abbi opens the door and immediately jumps up and down. “Raven, I’m so excited moving day is finally here! Ella and I are ready to help, just tell us what to do and where it goes. We can be your minions. Oh, and by the way- you live here now, stop knocking. I’ve put your keys on the kitchen counter.”

  “Thanks, I must have forgotten to tell you that I asked Finn and his roommates to help today. I have three guys on their way to move the heavy and large items into the bedroom. Then there are only a few more loads of boxes; it should be simple. I do have three coolers in the truck. Can you help me get those into the house?”

  “Sure thing, let’s go. I can unpack the groceries while you get started. Ella will be home from her run in a few minutes.”

  As we unload the truck, I see Gabe’s black Range Rover driving up. Tripp and Gabe hop out and start whistling and catcalling so I shake my ass at them.

  “Don’t think that just because you’re moving out, you can escape my powers of prowess, Rave. I’m more determined now to get you in my bed for some overdue TLC! And I’m offering myself to you as your first overnight houseguest,” yells Gabe.

  “Thanks for the offer, Gabe, but Tripp already called first sleepover and I already bought the sleepwear.”

  “Going down in flames buddy, give it up.” Tripp smiles at Gabe.

  “Will you two stop and come meet my new roommate?” I look at Abbi who is smiling widely. She obviously likes what she sees.

  Just as Tripp and Gabe get to the truck to help unload the coolers, Ella jogs up. Everyone stops and looks at each other. I guess it’s beauty overload because Tripp and Gabe just stare at Abbi and Ella with huge grins on their faces.

  “Okay everyone, Abbi and Ella, this is Tripp and Gabe. They’re going to help today. I’ve promised beer and poker after we’re done. I hope that’s okay?”

  “Sure, Raven, whatever you want,” whispers Ella who is obviously captivated by Gabe.

  I need to break this up before they forget our purpose, “Let’s get the coolers inside.”

  We all reach for a cooler and the guys take the two heaviest into the kitchen. I see Finn pulling up and rush to the front driveway to help him. I jump into his arms. “Thank you for being so awesome to me! I’m so excited about today.”

  “Jesus, Rave, give a guy some notice. I could have dropped you. But now that you are in my arms, I can do other things to you. How about let’s start with the mouth and work our way down?”

  I laugh out loud. “Please tell me, does that work on other women, because I can’t take you seriously with that cheesy line.”

  He laughs too. “Thought I’d give it a try.”

  “Okay, lovers, can we get this done? I have two special friends waiting for me when this is over. Their names are Budweiser and Jack Daniels,” Tripp yells from the porch.

  I walk the guys to my room and explain where I want my furniture. Once they get the heavy stuff in the room and my bed assembled, I can start unloading my personal items. When I know they have no more questions, I go to the kitchen to help unload the coolers.

  I feel a strange vibe when I see Ella and Abbi.

  “Hey guys, what’s up?”

  “We were just discussing the fact that all three times we’ve been around you, there have been gorgeous guys falling at your feet. It seems you may have left out the fact that you have Chippendales as your posse.” Ella states as she crosses her arms and stares at me.

  “You have to believe me that they’re only friends. My brother and these guys have been friends forever so I’ve known them most of my life. Most of the banter is harmless flirting with a few innuendos for fun. Is there a major problem with them?”

  “Fuck no, Rave! Are there any rules when it comes to the guys?” Abbi blurts out.

  “Well, none of them have girlfriends or serious relationships. They’re all nice, charismatic, and have goals, even if their goals are taking a little longer than planned. They love having a good time and have exceptional charm when it comes to women. I’m not sure any of them are long-term material, but take your chances. All of them are around twenty-five. And when Jimi gets here, you’ll meet the biggest playboy of the bunch.”

  “Jesus, there’s another one? I’m not sure I can handle all this lusciousness in one place, at one time. Next time, can you let me know so I’m not out running and looking like shit?” Ella sneers at me, but smiles at the same time.

  “Yes, ladies, next time we will have a full powwow. But for tonight, I did promise poker. Would you like to join us? We’ll order in dinner. My dad insisted on treating us since he wasn’t able to come today.”

  Both replied, “Sounds good to us.”

  Abbi coyly asks, “Did you go back to the park to see Holy Hotness this weekend? Or possibly call the adorable bartender?”

  “No, I skipped yoga this week, and I haven’t had the courage to call Damon. Maybe after this weekend we can go have a drink and see if he’s working.”

  “And maybe this Saturday we can go to yoga and scope out the park. If you have one of us with you, it may not seem so obvious. And who knows, maybe he’ll talk to you.”

  I give her a non-committal, “Maybe.”

  Finn shouts from the front door, “Rave, we got the largest items out and the bed is almost put together. Go ahead and start bringing in your boxes. We can clean this truck out and return it today.”

  “Okay, Finn, on my way.” I turn to my new roommates and smile widely. “I’ll be officially moved in soon.” They follow me to the truck to unload.

  “One more thing, Raven, we invited our brother to come over later to meet you. He generally meets with his band on Thursday nights, but he’ll stop by before he goes to the bar. He’s a bit protective of us. Even though he’s only a few years older than Abbi, he acts like our dad. He can be a little intimidating at first, but we asked him to tone it down tonight,” Ella explains as we all grab a box.

  “I think it’s a great idea; he’ll get to meet Finn. I bet he’d like to know the guy that’s installing our security system. Also, invite him for a few drinks if he can. Maybe Finn will stop worrying so much about me if he knows you have a protective brother. But I have to ask, what do you mean he’s intimidating?”

  Abbi answers my question, “Our brother, Declan, is in a local band here in Nashville. He’s a brilliant musician and his band mates are amazing. Their genre is rock, but once in a while they’ll take a new twist on an old favorite and change it up. He’s the lead singer and writes most of the music. He has multiple tattoos and several piercings. He isn’t quite the clean cut, hot guy like the ones you have inside your room right now.”

  “Well, not all of us want clean cut, hot guys. I’m anxious to meet your brother.”

  We start unpacking my kitchen items. Abbi takes the task of putting everything away since she’s the most organized and has the kitchen in zones, all items have a place. Honestly, it is one of the best organized rooms I’ve ever seen and it reminds me of Finn’s first impression of the house and Martha Stewart. I smile to myself.

  Once the guys have the bed together, Ella helps me make my bed and fix up my bathroom.

  Tripp ye
lls to me, “RJ, come tell us where you want the pictures hung so I can open a fucking beer. Your room is almost done and it’s so girly I think my balls are shrinking. The sooner I get out of here, the sooner I get my masculinity back.”

  “On my way, lover boy, calm down.” I look at Ella and smile. “Remember what I said about charming- well there you go.”

  Tripp hung my pictures and now the room’s practically finished. I’m ecstatic with the turnout. It may be a little feminine, but it’s perfect. My mom and I spent the last week shopping for knick-knacks and accessories to liven up the room. Since all my furniture is black, I went with a grey toile bedspread and shams. I wanted to accent the monotones so I chose turquoise lamps, throw pillows, and a large décor accent pillow that now covers the width of my bed. The colors blended together like a Potterybarn showroom.

  When everything is unloaded, I help Finn, Tripp, and Gabe gather their tools and load their truck. Finn’s going to return the rental and Gabe will follow in his own vehicle.

  I go straight to the kitchen to start working on my first official party. Abbi and Tripp are at the counter laughing and drinking beer. Ella went to take a shower and I decide that’s a good idea.

  “Hey, Tripp, think about what you want to eat tonight. Dad’s buying, so we can order from anywhere around here that delivers. I’ll be back in a few and start on some appetizers.”

  “Thanks, RJ. I’ll talk with the guys when they get back. Do you need any help in the shower?”

  “No thanks, honey, I can handle it alone.”

  He whistles through his teeth and Abbi giggles.

  After I shower, I decide it’s a good night to be casual. I pull my hair in a messy bun on top of my head and add a little makeup. There’s really no one to impress so I dress in leggings and a t-shirt.

  When I come out of my room, I notice the TV’s on Sports Center and all three guys are lounging in the living room.

  “You guys need anything?”

  “Something to eat, I’m starving.” Finn answers.

  “Working on it now, baby. Be right back.” I add sarcastically.

  Ella’s in the kitchen taking out the cheese tray I prepared and I get out the platters that need heating up. I notice that Ella’s wearing a strappy sundress and more makeup than I’d ever seen on her before.

  “You look mighty fancy for poker night with the boys.”

  “Yes, but have you seen the boys involved in the poker night? I think I need to be a step above your average shorts and tunic. And we should make a wager right now. I bet Abbi will flit in here in a sundress and cowboy boots instead of her usual shorts. She may act unaffected by the presence of hotness in the next room, but she’s going to dress to impress.”

  “I can understand that; they’re beautiful sights, but wait until you see how serious they are about their poker. I hate to tell you, but it may not matter what you’re wearing. Just be prepared.”

  Just then, Abbi walks in the kitchen wearing a flirty sundress and cowboy boots. Ella bursts out laughing and looks at me. “Told you so.”

  We get all the appetizers and move to the living room where last year’s SEC highlights are playing on the TV. The guys are involved in an animated conversation about new recruits and dumbass coaches. I don’t really follow their conversation, but nod and pretend to know what they’re talking about.

  I’m well into my third beer, laughing with everyone as we swap stories about growing up. Gabe brings out the Jack Daniels and Ella grabs the tequila, lining up shots. I choose tequila. Right as everyone has their drinks ready to shoot, the doorbell rings. I’m feeling pretty good and jump up to answer the door before anyone moves.

  I don’t realize my life is about to change forever.

  Chapter 4

  It’s Him

  As I open the door, my knees go weak.

  “Holy shit,” I shout a little too loudly.

  “Fuckin’ A,” he says back.

  It’s him, the god from the park last week, the one with the most beautiful green eyes and chiseled body to match. He’s wearing faded black jeans with a white t-shirt that allows some of his tribal tattoo to show on his arm. I stare with my mouth open while we both drink in the sight of each other. I wonder if he remembers me.

  “Fucking seriously?” He states loudly with irritation in his tone “Are you the new roommate?”

  I guess he was louder than I thought because all of the sudden I’m flanked on all sides with three very large and intense guys staring at the stranger at the door.

  Abbi breaks in. “What’s going on? Why did everyone jump up?” I see her take in the scene as she approaches the front door.

  “For shit’s sake, Declan, what’s going on?”

  “Is this your new roommate, Abbi? And who the fuck are these other guys?”

  Ella flies into the foyer with heat in her eyes, “Declan, yes, this is Ravenel Hayes and her friends.”

  We all move to the living room and I look at my shot still waiting for me on the coffee table. I wish I could just float back to my room with the entire bottle of tequila. But as it stands, I’m concerned about trying to put one foot in front of the other.

  Ella turns from the middle of the room and calmly looks at all of us. “Declan, this is Tripp, Finn, and Gabe. Guys, this is our brother, Declan.”

  Declan is the first to break the silence, “So, Ravenel is it? I’m glad to finally put a name to your face. Did you plan on coming to the park on Saturday?” He’s smirking and Finn tenses beside me.

  “Hi, Declan, you can call me Raven, and not sure I’m coming to the park this week.”

  Abbi finally breaks in, “Can someone please tell me what’s happening here? Do you two know each other?”

  “We were briefly acquainted and unfortunately, I never got her name. I accidentally ran into her playing football. ”

  All of the air is sucked out of the room and Abbi, Ella, and Finn all look at me at once. “This is the guy from the park?” They ask in unison. Now everyone in the room is watching me.

  “Apparently so, small world?” I hope to God no one says anything else embarrassing because I’m positive I’m about to fall over.

  Of course, I’m not so lucky; Ella shouts, “Fucking shit! Raven, Holy Hotness from the park is my brother?”

  “Apparently so.” I’m reduced to two word answers since I’m mortified beyond belief. I wish the floor would swallow me and my tequila now.

  Gabe and Tripp start laughing. Not just snickering, but a full on assault. Gabe stops long enough to shout, “Is this the guy that knocked you on your ass after yoga? This is great! Where the hell is my beer?”

  “I need another one too, Gabe. This just got interesting,” shouts Abbi.

  Just like that, the tension leaves the room and everyone starts to laugh along with them. I, on the other hand, am about ten shades redder than normal.

  I guess Declan isn’t worried at all because he sits down and grabs a shot of Jack. He slowly grins at me and lifts his glass, “Nice to finally meet you, Raven. I look forward to getting to know you.”

  I look over to Finn and find him staring at me. He isn’t smiling; he actually looks like he feels sorry for me. Once again the doorbell rings and I decide I’m not getting up this time. Ella runs to the door and when she throws it open, she gasps.

  Jimi introduces himself and Ella invites him in. She eyes me with curiosity and Abbi goes to the kitchen.

  I hug Jimi in a warm welcome; he’s my only alliance at the moment since he didn’t witness the debacle just a few minutes before. I walk back to kitchen to grab him a beer. When I get there, Ella and Abbi are both looking at me confused.

  “I guess the jokes on me about your brother being Holy Hotness. But I promise you, I had no idea he was related to you girls.”

  “Rave, we don’t care about that at all. I think it’s actually one of the funniest things that’s ever happened. We know our brother’s hot- He’s in a band for Christ’s sake! What Ella and I want to kno
w is how many more of them are there?” Abbi points to the living room.

  I finally begin to relax and I can’t help but laugh, “Are you kidding me? You guys are hiding in the kitchen because Finn and his roommates are here? You really should try living with them for awhile. The sex appeal fades quickly. Now, can we order some food and start the night over? I feel the need for another shot since I’ve been thoroughly mortified. Then maybe we can start the game and I can kick ass and win their money.”

  All three of us walk back into the living room and everyone seems to be getting along great. Declan has blended into the mix and I wonder if this is because they are intently talking about the upcoming start of the NFL season and the pre-season games. Abbi gets everyone’s order for Chinese and Declan agrees to stay and hang out. He excuses himself to make a phone call as I give Abbi the credit card information and she takes over getting our food.

  “You don’t have to pay for my food, Raven, but I appreciate the offer.” Declan states when he walks back into the room and reaches into his pocket for his wallet.

  “No, please, I insist. It’s actually on my dad tonight. He couldn’t come by today and wanted to buy the first meal in my new place. He also contributed the twenty dollars for my buy in on the poker game because he’s convinced his money will beat Jimi and Tripp. My dad’s lost the last five games to them and he’s bitter about it.”

  He sits back down and smiles at me. “Well, okay then, but I’ll buy you a round when you girls come see the band play.”

  “Deal.” Did I just agree to see his band play? Am I crazy?

  “So, Raven, tell me about this security system you’re putting in. My dad and I are thrilled about it.” Declan turns all his attention to me. His voice is so lush and his eyes are penetrating as he talks. I feel a flutter in my stomach and my body heats up in his presence.


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