I Need You Now: Standalone HEA Billionaire Alpha Male BDSM Erotica Contemporary Suspense Romance (Need Series #2)

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I Need You Now: Standalone HEA Billionaire Alpha Male BDSM Erotica Contemporary Suspense Romance (Need Series #2) Page 18

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  He pumped into me only once more before spilling his seed inside me.

  I felt my shoulders shake. “Honey? Gianna?” Nate’s voice seemed distant.

  I blinked a few times and realized I’d blanked out for a few minutes.

  My vision finally came into focus. I was still standing in the same spot, but Nate’s arms were around me, supporting me. “Are you okay? You’ve got this glazed look in your eye and kind of tuned out for a few minutes.”

  I took a deep breath in and nodded. “I don’t know what it is about you, but you had my mind recalling last night.”

  He held me to his chest, rubbing his hands up and down my back. “You need me, just like I need you. I admit that I never thought I’d say that, but I do.”

  It was at that moment the elevator opened and Rick walked in with a plastic evidence bag. Nate released the badge from the tissue and Rick sealed it up. “I’ll rush this over to our contact. If there are any prints on it, we should be able to identify them if they’re in our system.”

  I’d all but forgotten how Prescott International had the employees go through drug screens and finger printing for a complete background check. The family members were exempt from the process. If the perpetrator worked for us, we’d have their prints on file.

  “Thanks, Rick.” I smiled as he maintained his serious look and descended in the elevator.

  “Let’s go get something to eat and then head home. You probably need some food in your system if you’re zoning out.” Nate pressed the call button for the elevator and held me tight.

  I wish he’d lay off the food bit. I was already starting to put on some of the weight I’d lost when I’d been missing him. I think he was feeling guilty, that’s why he keeps pushing the food at me. But I couldn’t complain too much. His cooking was as good as mine, sometimes even better. And I had to admit I loved being spoiled by him. Especially when he wanted dessert in bed, or rather to lick it off of me in bed.

  THE BANK NOTIFIED ME that there’d been several failed attempts to wire some large sums of money over the past few days. I was concerned that our culprit might realize we were onto them if we didn’t set up a bogus transfer.

  Mr. Prescott, Gianna, and I met up with the bank manager to discuss setting up a ruse, so we could have a chance at nabbing them. The transfer would be allowed to go through, but they needed to provide the key code in person at the bank. We’d make sure we set up the fake key code under Gianna’s name in the system with Ethan’s help, and let it easily slip into the hands of the computer genius, and probable mastermind, behind this whole thing.

  I had an errand to run, something special I’d been planning for Gianna thanks to Dane’s and Mr. Prescott’s help. So I parted ways with her, promising to meet back at the office by the time work was done so we could go over to her uncle’s place for a quick dinner to hear what Rick found out about the prints. He was supposed to swing by the lab later this afternoon and compare them to the company’s system to see if there were any matches. To our surprise, they’d been able to recover several sets of prints. Now to find out to whom they belonged.

  Gianna was pissed at me for not going back with her. We’d fought last night and this morning about it. We’d been so close to one another the past couple of months that we both felt anxious about being away from each other for any length of time. Granted, we’d fought at work to keep up appearances, but we knew only a wall separated us.

  I almost broke down and told her my plans. I wanted to take her back to the club, back to the room where we first came together. I had talked Kenny, Mr. Prescott’s psychiatrist friend and partial owner of The Shanty sex club, into letting a florist come in and fill the room with flowers and candles.

  Gianna had been resistant to go back there, feeling embarrassed at being called out as a submissive, but her family supported her for embracing her inner needs. I wanted to show her how much she affected me that night, how much our lives had changed because fate had brought us together.

  I stopped by the jewelry store to pick up my surprise for her. I looked at the pieces of jewelry and smiled. The items I’d had made were one of a kind, just like my little Vixen. I just hoped she liked it and agreed to what I was asking.

  The pieces looked amazing and made me think of the words I wanted to tell her. That gave me another idea. “Would it be possible to add inscriptions to each item?”

  The jewelry store owner nodded. “What would you like, Mr. Lawson?”

  I wrote down my two inscriptions for each item. “How long do you think it’ll take?”

  He looked at the papers and smiled. “Give me about twenty minutes. I’ll have Rita go ahead and check you out.”

  “Sure. Thank you.”

  I glanced down at my watch, realizing it was already after five and most of the office would be deserted by now. She was going to be ticked with me, but hopefully she’d love the surprise I had for her later tonight.

  “Here you go, Mr. Lawson.”

  The inscriptions were beautiful and conveyed exactly how I felt. I slipped both items in the inside pocket of my jacket and was leaving the store when the alarm on my phone went off. I unlocked the screen and to my horror saw that Gianna’s office camera had activated and there were two men and some other person with their backs to the camera pointing a gun in her direction.

  “Fuck!” I yelled out, causing everyone within earshot to look.

  I tore out of the jewelry store and headed to my car, already dialing Mr. Prescott.

  I was thankful when it picked up on the first ring. “Hi, Nate. How do the items look?”

  “They’re fine, sir.” I was running and trying to talk at the same time.

  He instantly picked up on my mood. “What’s wrong?”

  “Gianna. She’s being held at gunpoint in her office. The motion sensor in her office triggered the alarm on my phone to notify me of activity. Can you call for help? I’m on my way now.”

  I listened as he spouted off some orders. “Dane, get the police on the phone, your cousin is being held at gunpoint in her office. Call security and get a hold of Rick and Derrick. I’ll call my brother Tomas and let him know.”

  I was in my car and already heading to the office when Alexander got back on the line. “The police are on their way. We can’t get anyone to pick up from security. Rick and Derrick are en route, along with Dane. I know you love her, Nate, but don’t try anything stupid. We don’t need either one of you hurt.”

  “I’ll make sure she’s safe. I love her with all my heart and promise to protect her with my life.”

  I didn’t wait for a response. I went ahead and hung up so I could check the feed on the camera. I’d managed to turn on the audio remotely and was in shock over what I was hearing.

  “I kind of suspected Cameron might be involved in this, but you and Conner have really shocked the hell out of me. I can’t believe you’d stoop to such a low level, Rachel, especially after having a kid. Why?” Gianna asked.

  Damn it! Why didn’t I realize it had been Cameron? Maybe because he’d cleaned up his act lately and was actually doing his work for once. I knew he hated Gianna when she was an intern, and even more with having to work for her as his boss, but I never thought I’d find him holding a gun on her.

  Conner wasn’t much of a surprise, either. He’d stolen my sister’s ideas and her job. So no wonder her figures were off. He didn’t have a clue how the sales department worked nor had any clue that she was in a salaried position.

  “You think you’re Miss High and Mighty, bitch. You came into this department as an intern and somehow slept your way to the top, taking on old man Wilson’s job, leaving the rest of us floundering out there, knee deep in paperwork. That job should’ve been mine, honey. I’ve been here the longest.”

  Rachel’s voice was filled with hatred toward my lovely Gianna. “You don’t need to show any false concern for my baby, he’s right here in this room. Isn’t that right, Connor?”

  I watched as Gianna mo
ved her head back and forth between the two. “Conner’s your son?” I didn’t see this one coming and I bet she didn’t either.

  I watched as Conner walked over to Rachel. “That’s right, Mamma.”

  “Conner was already taking advanced computer classes to get his degree at the university. He opted to take some classes in business management as a minor, which allowed him the option of interning for this company. The only problem is that while he excels with computers, he can’t come up with an original idea outside of one. But that Marissa chick was too trusting, helping him gain a job here after stealing her ideas.”

  “I only made up the story of getting pregnant to get some time off to figure out how to work this plan. The opportunity came when you offered me the job as assistant. But I knew I’d never learn enough about the system before it was time to go on my maternity leave. That’s where Cameron came in. He hated you enough to help, so we brought him on board with the promise of helping us gain access to the computer system.”

  I didn’t need Rick to tell me whose prints were on the ID badge. I’d almost bet it was Rachel’s and Conner’s. He needed to be the one to upload the virus and Rachel needed to show him how to access some of the accounting system. It all made sense now.

  Rachel was on a roll, wanting to give Gianna a tongue lashing. “I was supposed to be the one moving up to the management positions in accounting. That’s how I’d planned to retire, by being given all the key codes and passwords, so I could set up some wire transfers to off shore accounts in the Bahamas. I’d leave the company on an extended trip and never return.”

  Gianna just shook her head. “And I came in to prevent that, right?”

  Cameron spoke up. “How did you manage to get hired? I never have been able to figure that out. I’d given you poor marks on your internship, set you up in the department to fail, and yet you succeeded and got the position anyway.”

  Gianna held her shoulders back and her head high. “Family always gets hired!”

  Everyone’s eyes shot to hers. “You’re related to the Prescotts?” Cameron cried out in astonishment. “Holy shit, we’re going to be in huge trouble. I can’t deal with this kind of heat.”

  I was only a couple blocks away now and I saw Dane’s car coming from the other direction. I raced into the parking lot and skidded to a stop. There wasn’t anyone around anyhow, so I didn’t care that I took up three spaces. I noticed Dane had the same thoughts.

  “Where is she? What’s going on?” he asked as we both ran to the elevator.

  “She’s still in her office.” We watched and listened as Cameron passed his gun over to Conner.

  Dane looked in horror. “That little prick is involved?” His fist came up and punched his other hand. “Just wait until I get my hands on that little weasel.”

  We listened carefully at what transpired next. “I’m not related to the Prescotts. I. Am. A. Prescott! My father is Tomas Prescott, who works in the legal department as a lawyer. My uncle is Alexander Prescott.”

  Cameron ran to the door as Connor aimed the gun at him. “Where the hell to you think you’re going?”

  “I’m out of here. I had no clue she was a Prescott. I hate her, but not enough to go to jail over it.” He opened the door and stepped out of the office, only to get shot in the back.

  We watched as Gianna screamed and Cameron fell to the ground. We didn’t know if he was dead or not, but at least it would be one less person we’d have to deal with.

  “Let’s go check on security and pick up some weapons,” Dane suggested as we hit the lobby of the Prescott building.

  The security team had been hit with something over their heads. They both had blood dripping down on their foreheads, but their pulses were strong and steady. We took their guns and headed toward Gianna’s office.

  “What do you plan on doing with me?” she asked with fear in her voice.

  “The bank won’t relinquish the funds with the current codes, so I need you to log into the system and release the transfers for me.”

  Gianna sat back in her chair and crossed her legs. “And what if I refuse?”

  “Then we’ll make sure your lover boy meets with a little explosion,” Rachel taunted.

  Gianna’s breathing had increased. “How did you know? What have you done to him?”

  Connor spoke up. “We had your office wired until security found our bug. We haven’t done anything to him, yet. But should you refuse to cooperate, I have a remote that’s wired to a detonation device on his car.”

  Damn it! The little prick must have messed with my tires, causing the accident with the car, so it would have to be in the shop for a while. I bet he slipped in and put it on then.

  “Where the hell are the fucking police?” I yelled.

  “I’ll go down and wait for them outside. I’ll let them know your car needs the bomb squad.” Dane offered.

  “Sure. I’ll stay here and see if I can get Gianna a message through the computer system, letting her know we’re here and help is on the way.”

  I watched as Gianna stood up and went to help Cameron, but Conner hit her across the top of the face with the pistol, causing her to fall to the floor. “Get back in the fucking chair, bitch! I want to see some fingers typing on those keys and setting up the transfers.”

  She crawled up on her knees and made her way back to the chair. I hoped she thought about the idea of stalling by making it look like she was processing the orders. I watched as she opened her laptop and started pulling up the screens to set the process in motion. Her eyes shifted up, looking directly into the camera with a look that had my heart wanting to jump to her aid. She looked scared and defenseless, needing someone to swoop in and save her.

  I slipped into one of the offices and noticed their computer was still up and running. I used their email to send my lady a note.

  I wanted to rush in, but I knew I was no defense against a gun. I waited for the message to go through and see if she got it. I knew she kept her laptop on silent, to block out sound.

  Her fingers continued to fly across the keyboard, as Connor held the gun on her, while Rachel kept watch at the doorway. I watched as a small smile hit her lips and she looked up for only a second, giving me a wink when Connor turned toward his mother.

  I was thankful that she had her office wall frosted, so it’d be easier for the police to sneak up on them. I looked out of the office I was in and saw the stairwell door open, with several SWAT members creeping in silently. I motioned for them to come my way and showed them the circumstances.

  I explained the situation in a barely audible voice, not wanting any sound to carry. “My girlfriend is being held hostage by these two yahoos. Their names are Rachel and Connor Evans, a mother and son team. They’ve been trying to attack the company’s net worth by sneaking into the computer system, messing with our reports, and drawing our attention away from the fact that they were going after a huge money transfer from the company’s liquid assets. We’d caught on to them and shut down some of their attempts, but it drew them out and now they have Gianna Prescott held at gunpoint.”

  The commander took my phone and examined the screen. “Where is the office in relation to here?” he asked quietly.

  I grabbed a piece of paper and drew a rough sketch of the layout of the floor, drawing a big “H” for here and “G” for Gianna’s office.

  I looked around and realized Dane hadn’t come back up. “Where’s the guy you met downstairs, Dane?”

  “He stayed down there to let the bomb squad know where your vehicle is parked. Given the circumstances, we’d feel better if he stayed outside.” The commander placed his hand on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze of reassurance. “We want you to join Dane outside. It’s too risky having a civilian in the way. We’ll get her out safely. You have my word.”

  I held my hand up. “First, you need to know that there are three of them. Cameron Heath is just outside the office. He was part of the group until he found out Gianna is Mr. Prescott
’s niece. He wanted to leave, but Connor shot him. I have other cameras in the area, but they’re only activated by motion. So I have no idea whether he’s alive or dead.”

  “We’ll check on him. We already have a couple of ambulances standing by as a precaution.” He kept my phone and motioned for me to leave. “Take the stairwell down two floors before getting on the elevator. We’ll give you five minutes head start before we move from our position.”

  He waved the rest of the team over as they planned the best way to reach my love. I’d never been one that prayed much, but I sent a silent prayer up, asking to keep Gianna safe and bring her back to me. I’d finally found her. Could fate be so cruel as to take her away from me? I needed her. I needed her now!

  I stepped into the stairwell and did as the commander asked. A few minutes later I was on the street below, waiting next to Dane, who was pacing anxiously and keeping the family abreast of the situation.

  I couldn’t keep still. I watched as the bomb squad blocked off the garage and cleared the area. They had an armored vehicle pull up that deployed a remote control robot to go after the bomb.

  The seconds were ticking away, but it might as well be hours. Everything moved in slow motion as a small explosion rocked the garage, while several uniformed officers left their post and started converging on the building. I knew something was happening, but I was too afraid to ask, fearing the worst.

  Dane came up to me and gave me a half hug. “It’s going to be okay, Nate. Everything has to work out. It’s taken you guys too long to find one another to turn out any other way.”

  I wanted to believe him and I know he was trying to make me feel better, but until I had Gianna in my arms, I couldn’t relax.


  I turned as soon as I heard her voice. Her arms were already outstretched and she was crying. I held out my arms and welcomed the warmth of her body as it flew into mine. I held her tight, not wanting to let go. “You scared the shit out of me, woman!”

  My mouth found hers before she could answer. I didn’t care that we had onlookers, I didn’t care that we were on a public street. I needed to feel her lips, feel her caress, to make all my fears go away.


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