Haven: Revenge of the Viper

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Haven: Revenge of the Viper Page 12

by D. C. Akers

The Viper moved closer and withdrew its sword. Alisa’s heart raced and the skin on her wrists, arms, and neck were starting to burn from the mystical smoke.

  In the distance, just beyond Sarah, flashes of green and purple erupted from the ceiling and Holly reappeared, falling to the ground with a loud crash. She scrambled to her feet, throwing off the large dead snake that was wrapped around her body.

  “Alisa!” she gasped.

  She spun her staff forward and raised it high. Noah flashed, sending purple sparks into the air. There was a loud roar of thunder as a bolt of purple lightning burst from the staff. The Viper quickly turned and countered Holly’s attack. Its black sword slashed through the air, deflecting the blast back in Holly’s direction causing her translucent shield to appear. A loud explosion rocked the house and a blinding light filled the room, turning everything momentarily white.

  Holly and Sarah covered their eyes as a wave of heat and gale force wind blew them off their feet and back into the wreckage behind them. The Viper turned its attention back to Alisa, who was still fighting to break free from the smoke. Writhing and pulling against her bonds proved to be useless. She grimaced in pain as the smoke bindings continued to burn her flesh. The Viper was just a few feet from her now, its red savage glare moved from her eyes to her chest as it lifted its sword.

  Sam, holding Nara firmly in his fist, was the first to surface from the wreckage. Travis stood up just seconds later, but Sam was already running toward his mother. Travis rolled out from the wreckage behind Sam and made it to his feet.

  Without turning, the Viper stopped them mid-stride. Black smoke appeared around their necks and Sam and Travis collapsed onto the ground, gasping for air. Nara fell from Sam’s hand onto the floor, her sapphire gemstone flashing rapidly.

  The Viper turned to move in front of Alisa again and brought the sword to her chest once more. She cringed at the heat of the wicked blade against her body. Her eyes moved to Nara; she tried to call her name but she could no longer speak.

  Her gaze then fell to her son and his friend, choking before her, and there was nothing she could do. Determined not to give up, Alisa clenched her fist and pulled against the shackles of smoke with all her strength. But it was no use; the coils became tighter and more restrictive. Her neck stiffened and her arms trembled under the strain as every muscle went rigid in protest. She could feel her insides twisting with hatred like she had never felt before. She wanted to kill this beast, rip it limb from limb. She wanted it to feel pain, the same pain it was inflicting on the children.

  She continued to struggle until she saw Sarah emerge in the distance, holding Nara in her hand. Suddenly, all of Alisa’s frustration and anger turned to fear and desperation.

  Sarah, no! What are you doing? Alisa knew if Sarah got too close, the Viper would sense her and turn on her. She needed to run—she needed to get Sam and Travis and run! Please Sarah stop!

  The blood had drained from Sarah’s face, leaving dark shadows around her eyes and cheek bones. She stepped over Sam and Travis, who were still grasping at the smoke around their necks. Sam held out a hand as she passed, trying to stop her, and Travis shook his head.

  “No, Sarah,” he choked out. “NO!”

  But Sarah continued to move closer. She didn’t seem to acknowledge them; her stare was fixed solely on the Viper. She trembled as she walked, moving as if she was in a trance. Sarah gripped Nara in both hands and raised the staff over her shoulder.

  Alisa shook her head violently, urging her daughter to stop and run away. But it was too late; Sarah was directly behind the Viper now. She lifted Nara over her head, but before she could strike the Viper spun around and slashed Sarah across her midsection. Blood immediately began to seep through her shirt, spreading quickly into a straight line across her stomach. Sarah stumbled back, Nara fell from her hands, and for a second she stood, stunned. Her terrified eyes met her mother’s before she fell to the ground.

  Unable to scream, Alisa jerked and gasped at the smoke in rage. Her body twisted, thrashing violently as her daughter lay motionless on the ground.

  The Viper spun with the sword in its hand and turned back to Alisa. She was panting, barely able to breathe now. Everything inside of her screamed as the tip of the blade touched her chest again. Sam and Travis watched in agony as the Viper plunged its sword forward and Alisa’s body went limp.

  Chapter 14

  There was a flash of light followed by a loud crash as Demetrius and the Viper tumbled through the darkness. They rolled over one another until they came to an abrupt stop in front of Sam and Travis. Demetrius was the first to stand, and when he did Sam saw that he was bleeding from his neck and face. There was a long gash scorched diagonally across his chest armor. The Viper lay face down with arms outstretched, reaching for its black sword just inches away. Demetrius took a step back, twirled Hollister in his hand and brought the pommel down toward the Viper. But before Demetrius had a chance to strike, the Viper and its sword vanished. There was a loud crack and sparks of jade and sapphire burst from the pommel as it struck the empty floor.

  Sam, still gasping for breath, watched as Demetrius swung his staff back around, caught it with his other hand, and lowered himself to a crouch, poised for another attack. He took long, labored breaths as he gazed erratically around the room, scouring the darkness for any sign of the Viper. He inched forward cautiously, moving closer to Sam and Travis, who were still writhing on the ground against the smoke. Demetrius was only a few feet away when it happened. Hollister flashed just before the black blade ripped through the darkness, revealing the Viper’s position. The sword came crashing down from above but Demetrius raised Hollister over his head just in time to block the blade. Demetrius’s legs buckled from the force of the impact, sending him down to one knee. Emerald sparks spewed from the blade’s edge as it ground against the staff, sliding down between Demetrius’s hands. As the blade broke free and the Viper reared back for another blow, Demetrius evaporated, leaving the Viper stupefied in a green swirling haze.

  The room was beginning to spin and Sam could feel his lungs burning from the lack of oxygen. The more he struggled, the more the tendrils of smoke suffocated him. Gasping, he reached for the inky black smoke around his neck and felt nothing. His hands scraped and clawed at his tender throat but it was no use.

  Helpless to do anything, Sam looked over to Travis, who was also struggling against the smoke. He watched as Travis’s hands fell from around his neck to the floor. Again, Sam craned his neck back in pain and his eyes bulged. Twisted images flashed through his head—his mother being stabbed, his sister being cut down by the Viper. He opened his mouth to scream in agony but nothing came out. Darkness closed in and he could feel himself slipping away. It was at that moment, as his heart raced and his lungs starved for air, that the room erupted in a barrage of colored lights. Streaks of blue, green, and purple soared across the room. There were loud explosions, people yelling, and sparks flying as the whole room rumbled beneath him. Suddenly Sam felt the smoke around his neck give way and a rush of air filled his lungs. He gasped as the air stung his dry throat, making him choke and cough. Rolling over on to his side, he saw Travis with his hands over his mouth doing the same. They were alive.

  Sam hesitantly propped himself onto his elbows, unsure if it was safe to even move now. His throat felt raw and his skin still burned, but none of that mattered when he saw Demetrius, Vallen, and Holly across the room. Holly was standing over one of the Vipers. She held Noah firmly in her hand with its pommel aimed at the remains of the beast. The creature looked frozen—its body was covered in thick layers of frost that had cracked into several large chucks.

  Demetrius and Vallen stood over the second Viper and it too was frozen solid. Vallen’s sapphire gemstone was pointed at its chest, emitting swirls of blue and white vapor. The frost-covered Viper sparkled in the sapphire light, its unresponsive serpent eyes glowed a dull crimson.

  Sam watched as Demetrius moved from Vallen’s side and began t
o slowly circle the Viper, his fierce gaze never leaving the savage beast. With each step Demetrius took, the gemstone in his staff became brighter and brighter until the entire room was illuminated in a brilliant emerald glow.

  Demetrius moved in front of the Viper, his glare piercing and calculating. He stopped just inches away from the Viper’s head and Vallen, who was standing next to him, grinned malevolently. Sam wondered if he was feeling triumphant or if he actually enjoying himself. Vallen lifted the tip of his staff from the Viper’s chest and took a step back.

  Demetrius took his staff in both hands and twirled it around so that its pointed wings and emerald gem were directly above the Viper’s head.

  Vallen and Holly both brought their staffs in front of them, preparing themselves for what Demetrius was about to do.

  Demetrius raised his staff. His eyes glowed a searing yellow.

  “This ends now!” he thundered.

  Demetrius stabbed the frozen Viper. There was a loud boom. Sam braced himself as the walls of the house shuddered and the ground shook again. Like a brittle statue that had fallen over, the Viper’s body cracked and broke apart into several large pieces. Wisps of green smoke billowed out of the corpse, sending several screaming specters in the shape of snakes, spiders, and other ghoulish things Sam didn’t recognize into the air before they vanished.

  Sam stared at Demetrius, who stood glowering over the remains of the Viper. The muscles in his jaw were clenched and his nostrils flared, taking in deep, controlled breaths.

  Sam noticed the wounds on Demetrius’s face had already healed themselves. In fact, after looking around the room, Sam noticed that none of the strangers seemed to a have a mark on them anymore. No one said anything for a few moments. Sam, who was grateful the Vipers were finally dead, could contain himself no longer. He leapt to his feet and ran to his mother’s side as Travis ran to Sarah. But Sam’s heart sank when he reached her crumpled body. Her skin had turned a sallow, translucent green that revealed the faintest trace of her skeletal frame. Her features had become gaunt and there were dark circles around her eyes.

  “Mom … Mom speak to me …” Sam cried. He cupped her head in his hands. “Please, Mom, I … I don’t know what to do …”

  He reached for his mother’s arm, which felt cold and lifeless. He raged with fear and frustration that tore at his insides, trying to claw their way out. He shook with adrenaline as he tried desperately to keep it together.

  “Mom … answer me, Mom!” he pleaded, his voice breaking as he spoke.

  Sam gripped his mother with both hands and pulled her close, gently rocking her back and forth. Hot tears streamed down his face as he looked to Travis, who was cradling Sarah in his arms.

  “Sarah …” Sam whispered.

  Travis held Sarah tightly with one arm under her back and the other over her waist. “Sarah, wake up, don’t do this!” he yelled. But there was no response. Sarah’s arms dangled at her sides and she didn’t seem to be breathing.

  The two boys, overcome with pain, looked up as the sound of rustling footsteps approached from just beyond the doorway. Demetrius, Vallen, and Holly stepped forward in unison, each brandishing their staffs in front of them. All three gemstones came to life, illuminating the room entirely. Startled, Sam and Travis looked up at one another, their large eyes bright with tears.

  No one said a word as the room filled with the sounds of shallow breathing. They all watched as the knob of the battered front door slowly began to turn.

  Sam and Travis were frozen in anticipation, their eyes glued to the door as it slowly creaked open.

  A dark silhouette with long hair inched its way forward, past the threshold into Sam’s house. Sam let out a sigh of relief as the light met the intruder’s eyes. He knew this person. He recognized the green, catlike eyes gleaming in the staff light. Standing in his doorway, with an elusive look on her face, was the girl from next door. Sam’s eyes quickly flashed to Demetrius, Vallen, and Holly who had crept behind the door, ready to strike.

  “Wait!” he said abruptly, holding up his hand. “I know her.” The girl looked startled as her eyes moved to Demetrius and the others pointing their staffs in her direction. Then her gaze fell on Travis and Sam, who were clinging on to Sarah and Alisa.

  The girl timidly stepped forward, her eyes cutting back and forth between Alisa and Sarah.

  “We mean no harm; we are here to help you, Samuel,” she said, looking directly at Sam. The sensuous tone of her voice was soothing and made Sam feel less hesitant about her being there.

  Sam stared at the girl as he drew his mother closer in his arms. How did she know his name?

  “We are friends of your parents. Please, let us help you. Time is of the essence.”

  “We? Who is we?” Demetrius grunted as he lifted his staff a bit higher.

  The green-eyed girl eased the door back to reveal a tall, gangly man standing just beyond the threshold. He was well-groomed, dressed in black slacks and a white collar shirt. He wore a tie that hung loosely around his neck, and it looked like he had just returned from work. He surveyed the room curiously before pursing his lips into a forced smile.

  “This is Jacob,” the girl said. The man nodded nervously and his pale skin turned a rosy red. Sam thought that maybe he was her father, but who calls their father by his first name?

  The girl turned her attention back to Sam, who wiped the tears from his face.

  “Samuel,” she persisted, “please, we can help.” The sincerity in her voice helped ease the apprehension that was building up inside Sam. He looked to Demetrius for reassurance. After all, he was the one with the weapon trained on her. But to his surprise Demetrius had already lowered his staff.

  Sam turned back to the girl. He could hardly see her through the tears that filled his eyes. His voice cracked when he tried to speak. “It … it killed my family. They’re … all gone.”

  The girl inched into the room. “Please, Samuel, let us try to help.”

  She took one step forward, then another, inching her way toward Sam and Travis. Neither of the boys moved; they both sat on the floor, quietly watching as she approached them. Holly and Vallen lowered their staffs as the girl grew closer.

  She knelt down next to Sam and placed a warm hand on his shoulder. “Samuel, I promise I won’t hurt them,” she said. “We need to lay her on the ground, okay?”

  Sam’s swollen eyes met hers. He wasn’t sure if it was her jade green eyes or her angelic features that calmed him, but without realizing it he had relinquished his mother into the girl’s arms.

  She placed a hand underneath Alisa’s body and laid her gently on the ground. Sam winced, looking at the small cauterized wound in the center of his mother’s chest. The same green glimmering poison that had been in Xavier’s wound traced the edges of the gash.

  Everyone stood quietly watching as the girl removed a small vial of amber liquid from her pocket. She quickly flipped the top off with her thumb and placed the tip to Alisa’s pale, parted lips. The thick liquid poured freely into Alisa’s mouth until the vial was empty.

  “We need to help your sister as well,” the girl said. She looked at Sam, as if asking for permission. Sam wiped more tears from his eyes and gave a gentle nod. The girl turned to Jacob, who seemed hesitant to enter the room and remained rooted to his spot by the door. “See to Samuel’s sister,” she said firmly.

  Jacob nodded and moved quickly across the room to Travis. “Please, I need to help her,” he said. But Travis was reluctant. He held on to Sarah’s hand, staring into the man’s somber face. Sam knew Travis was in as much pain as he was; he cared for Sarah and he was scared. But Sam also knew if there was any chance of saving his family, any chance at all, they would need this man’s help. “Travis … it’s okay, let them help,” he said.

  Travis looked at Sam. His cheeks were tearstained and his hands still trembled, but he slowly released his grip on Sarah so Jacob could take her.

  Sam turned back to the unusual girl as sh
e stared at his mother’s pallid face, hoping for any sign of consciousness. He watched as she took her hand and gently stroked a few loose strands of his mother’s hair back against her head. A few days ago Sam thought this girl was just an ordinary teenager like himself. Boy, did I get that wrong, he thought to himself. He stared at the girl as she tended to his mother. Long, straight strands of raven black hair fell across her heart-shaped face, accentuating her apricot skin. Her long eyelashes batted like small wings around her eyes, which vigilantly moved between Alisa and Sarah.

  She looked kind of exotic, Sam thought. He had never seen anyone quite like her before. But that wasn’t all—she looked too confident in what she was doing, as if she had done this before, and that gave Sam cause for concern. For one, she knew his mother, and two, she knew Sam by name. He wondered what kind of magic she possessed. She wasn’t carrying a staff, so maybe her magic didn’t work that way.

  There were so many questions but none of them really mattered right now. All that mattered was that this girl, whoever she was, could potentially help his mother and sister. Sam’s stomach was in knots and he couldn’t keep his hands from shaking. He wanted to help, but didn’t know how. He wasn’t even sure what they were doing.

  “What’s happening? What are we waiting for?” Sam asked impatiently between sniffles.

  The girl did not move. She continued to stare down at his mother’s body.

  “Sometimes our eyes can deceive us and things are not as they seem, especially when black magic is involved,” she said in an even tone. “This tonic,” she held up the vial, “better known by my people as Soulrista Immortalalice, will tell us if her spirit is alive. If the spirit lives, then there is hope.”

  “What do you mean your people?” Travis asked.

  Everyone’s eyes moved to Travis, except for the girl’s. She continued to stare at Alisa. Sam looked up to Demetrius, Vallen, and Holly, who stood behind Travis. Holly’s face was streaked with tears and she looked down and began shuffling her feet. Vallen stared at Travis nonplussed, as if he wasn’t expecting a question like that just yet. Demetrius, on the other hand, narrowed his gaze. Sam wasn’t sure what he was thinking. He was much harder to read than the others.


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