After the Storm

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After the Storm Page 8

by Tia Isabella

“Ah. Well as tae that, trust me when I say ‘tis a good thing. Truly the laird has never been so passionate toward a woman.” Lena shrugged. “Out a bed,” she qualified with a grin.

  Sara looked up from her stitching, suddenly more interested in the maid’s tale. “What do you mean?”

  Lena shrugged again, though this time in seriousness. “My laird does no’ concern himself o’er women. He takes ‘em tae his bed and that is always the end of the tale. The fact that he dinna take a woman as comely as Lady Maya tae his bed when he so obviously desires her says a lot.” Lena sighed and shook her head forlornly. “’Tis the Lady Elizabeth’s doin’, this.”

  Maya knit her brows together and stared at her maid. A lady, eh? For some reason, knowing that Thomas had loved another didn’t sit well in her belly. In fact, she hated the woman already. “Who is this Lady Elizabeth?” she muttered.

  “His mother.”

  Maya released a possessive breath. The lady was Thomas’s mother, not a former love of his. “What on earth did his mother do to him?”

  Lena shrugged her shoulders. “No one knows. I suspect Sir Dugald does, but he would never betray the laird’s confidence.”

  “But you said this was Elizabeth’s doing. What did you mean by that?”

  Lena pondered the question thoughtfully for a moment. She tapped her finger against her cheek and squinted her eyes slightly, forcing herself to recall a long ago forgotten event. “’Tis a rumor in the village that ‘twas started even afore I was birthed. Little is known aboot Elizabeth’s death, but ‘tis been long said that it shook the laird so fiercely that he vowed never tae let himself love a woman.” Lena clucked her tongue. “’Tis sad, do ye ask me.”

  Maya glanced at Sara, unspoken sorrow for Thomas in the air between them. Losing his mother must have been extremely difficult. “You’re right, Lena. It is sad.”

  And truly it was. Maya could understand not wanting to give a part of herself away to someone else better than anyone. No one wants to set theirself up to be hurt. Going out on an emotional limb was hard enough in the twenty-first century, but to do so in the fourteenth century where the death of your loved ones was commonplace and came far too early in life would no doubt be excruciatingly difficult.

  She mentally groaned. As much as she wished it otherwise, she simply couldn’t stay angry at Thomas after hearing Lena’s story.

  “Will we be eating the noon meal soon?” Sara put the question to Lena with a placid smile across her face, thankfully changing the topic.

  “Aye, milady. Any time now, I’m thinkin’.”

  The women’s chatter was interrupted a few minutes later by the sound of horse’s hooves and shouts coming from outside of the keep. The three of them looked at each other wide-eyed, all of them thinking the same singular thought—the castle was under siege.

  Maya yelled for John the Elder when she saw him stride through the front doors. “What is happening, John? Are we under attack?”

  John whipped his head around to respond to Maya. He couldn’t stifle the slight chuckle that overcame him when he saw the terrified expressions on the three women’s faces. “Nay, milady, our lord has returned.”

  The circle of women released a collective sigh, causing the elder to chuckle again. “Come and greet him. My lord and his men ha’ returned with many spoils.”

  Maya frowned. Spoils she took to mean thievery, but she said nothing. Besides, she had an overwhelming urge to see Thomas and didn’t wish to put it off any longer. She was a little worried concerning how he would react to seeing her after their fight, but she shrugged it off and put it from her mind. Whatever his reaction, she’d find a way to deal with it. “I thought he was to return tomorrow or the next,” she mumbled.

  John shrugged. “They rode hard on their return.”

  Maya nodded and took to her feet. “Then by all means lead the way.”

  She followed behind John the Elder and walked outside of the castle doors just as Thomas was dismounting. Sara rushed passed her and into the arms of Dugald, showering him with hugs and kisses. Dugald laughed and threw her over his shoulder, causing Thomas to glance over at the couple.

  He sighed. He was certain he wouldn’t be treated to such a welcoming from Lady Maya.

  “Hello, Thomas.”

  The laird’s ears perked up at the sound of the familiar husky voice as he turned on his heel to find Maya. He located her near the keep doors, striding purposefully toward him.

  He drew in a breath. Was she going to start a scene out in the open in front of all of his men?

  He stared at her as she approached, a sense of impending dread seeping through his skin. He certainly hoped they were not about to argue over the fact that he had refused her leave from his keep. He had been informed by a rider who came to greet them a mile outside the keep that she’d tried to escape twice during his journey.

  Thomas watched appreciatively as Lady Maya strode closer. What a comely lass she was. Even his memories hadn’t done the woman justice. She was a hundred times more desirable than he’d remembered. And ‘twas more than just her physical beauty. The lady was the embodiment of all the traits he admired in others—spirit, courage, willfulness, pride. Even her stubborn nature was a turn-on to a man used to women cowering at his feet.

  Maya gathered together her courage as she walked toward Thomas, once again overcome with an intrinsic fear of how he would react to seeing her after his trek. Maybe he hadn’t forgiven or forgotten their last argument yet. And could she blame him? She’d said many mean things, though mostly out of spite for the hurt he’d caused her. And then to find out from Lena why he had caused the hurt to begin with. The guilt was weighing down on her mightily.

  Looking at the MacGregor now, all Maya could think about was being held by him. He was so big, so strong, yet she knew how tenderly that gigantic body would cradle her. Some how, some way, she would make him forget his worries and hold her like that again. She would make him forget his vow and care for her despite Elizabeth’s death. If even for only a little while.

  “Hello Maya.” Thomas said the words quietly as he gazed into her eyes.

  They both stood transfixed, neither of them moving, neither of them uttering another word. They stared nervously at each other as if they hadn’t seen the other in years instead of a week and therefore couldn’t guess what their partner would think or say next.

  Maya cleared her throat and smiled up at him. She knew he’d never make the first move, so she decided to bury her wounded pride and make it for him. She walked the final step that put her within arms reach, slowly entwined her arms about his waist, and cradled her head into the warmth of his massive chest.

  Thomas was so stunned that he didn’t react right away. This show of affection was the last thing he’d expected when he had ridden toward the keep today. Yet it was welcome. Very welcome.

  He slid his arms around Maya’s back and pulled her as closely to him as was humanly possible. He dropped his chin and rested it atop his lady’s head, breathing in her enchanting fragrance.

  Loving her was a risk. Wanting her was a risk. He had spent many years hardening his heart against this very intrusion into it. But when Thomas held her against him such as he was, the past didn’t seem to glow as brightly anymore. It didn’t hover over him and threaten to bombard him with painful memories.

  Maya could make him forget Elizabeth’s sins. Maya could make him trust again. ‘Twas a conclusion he’d arrived at during his journey to the Hamiltons and a conclusion he could no longer deny.

  He wanted this woman. He needed her beside him.

  Whatever her arguments, he would never let her leave his side.

  Chapter 8

  Dinner was a festive occasion in Castle MacGregor with the men boasting of all the spoils they had acquired while away. The tales were loud and no doubt exaggerated, but Maya scarcely heard them anyway. She was attuned to the man sitting next to her, their hands clasped together on his knee.

  “Do ye like the da
gger I bought fer ye tae eat with?” Thomas nodded at the ornamental knife he’d acquired at the fair.

  Maya chewed the piece of fish in her mouth and swallowed before turning to him with a grin. “It was very thoughtful of you. Truly, I cannot get over how beautiful all of the stones in it are.”

  Thomas grunted. ‘Twas good to see how happy he was making his lady since his arrival. He could scarcely wait until they were alone later tonight to give her the necklace he’d purchased for her at the fair.

  Maya was bemused by all of the gentle attention and lavish gifts Thomas was bestowing her with. He had brought her back a gold gilt chest encrusted with rare stones and filled to overflowing with expensive silks and cloths. She imagined the fabric was given to her in order for her to fashion several dresses for herself from it.

  The anthropologist in her couldn’t help but to find the entire situation ironic, in a scientific sort of way. After all, the laird was quickly proving that since the beginning of time, men have used trinkets and gifts to appease their irate lovers.

  Thomas leaned over and whispered under his breath to Maya. “Does this mean ye ha’ forgiven me, lass?”

  Maya smiled a brilliant, white-toothed smile and squeezed his hand under the table. “Before you even returned.”

  He grunted. “Had I known that I would no’ ha’ raided my coffers afore I left.” At Maya’s feigned gape, Thomas chuckled. The men surrounding him at the table turned at the sound and stared openmouthed at him.

  Thomas frowned. He released his lady’s hand from under the table and crossed his arms over his chest. “What is everyone staring at?”

  A chorus of “nothing” rang throughout the hall followed by throats clearing and red-faced men watching Lady Maya through bemused eyes. Only Dugald had the nerve to snicker out loud. That act of boldness earned him a scowl from Thomas. Dugald only laughed harder.

  Maya and Sara looked at each other and shrugged. Neither of them understood the subtle communication that was transpiring between Thomas and his men. Had they known this was the first time Dugald had heard Thomas chuckle in years, and the first time the rest of the men had heard him laugh period, they would have understood. But they were both blissfully unaware of the significance of the laird’s small show of humor.

  Uncomfortable with the looks the MacGregor men were throwing her way, Maya turned to Thomas and smiled. “Are you finished eating? You promised me a walk in the gardens by moonlight, remember?”

  At the sound of his men’s unrestrained howls of laughter, Thomas had the grace to blush.

  “Moonlight?” his man Stephen bellowed.

  “Gardens?” another guffawed.

  Thomas eyed his men with grim-faced resolution, determined to put a halt to their teasing at once. The room immediately quieted, though ‘twas apparent the soldiers had to work hard to stifle their laughter. “Ye giggle like wenches,” he growled. “Me thinks I will ha’ some hides in the lists on the morrow.”

  The soldiers stopped smiling. Thomas grunted, satisfied he’d regained his sense of manliness in the eyes of his men. “Let us go, milady, and leave these women tae their gossip.”

  Maya nodded, bemused. She rose to her feet immediately and followed behind him to the keep’s doors.

  They walked hand-in-hand through the gardens, their path well lit by the light of the nearly rounded moon. Maya couldn’t seem to wipe the smile that she’d worn since Thomas’s arrival from her lips. Her laird might not use the flowery poetic words of Dugald or be quick to laugh and jest like him, but he showed his caring in other ways.

  It was more than the gifts, more even than the handholding. It was the look in his eyes, the way he caressed her palm while clasping her hand, the fact that he hadn’t tried to back out of their moonlit stroll, even though she knew his men would tease him for it when they returned.

  This was the place she wanted to be. She only wished she could stay here in good conscience.

  Thomas squeezed her hand as he drew her to a halt under a fragrant pine tree. “Ye look happy, lass. I ha’ pleased ye today then?”

  Maya buried her face in his chest and hugged him tightly around the middle. “Yes.”

  He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around his lady and pulled her as close to him as was possible. “I’m glad fer it.”

  “Hmmm.” Maya couldn’t seem to get any words out, only that sound. This was as close to bliss as she’d ever been. Words just didn’t seem appropriate.

  Thomas held her securely in his arms for long minutes. He gently rubbed her back and stroked her hair while he planted the occasional chaste kiss atop her head. He said nothing, simply enjoyed the feel of holding her.

  This felt so right. ‘Twas as if the woman had been created for him and him alone. Not even Angus’ prejudiced preaching on the subject of women in general mattered when he embraced Maya in this fashion. The hate that Angus had used to mold Thomas’s early impressions was as faint now as the light of a dimming torch.

  The realization that he wanted Maya despite Elizabeth’s sins made the possessive feelings he harbored toward her grow even stronger. Many men would want Maya, but none could have her. She was his. Even if he had to lock her in his bedchamber for all eternity, she would be his and no other’s. “I’ve one last gift fer ye, milady.”

  Maya craned her neck back and looked up into Thomas’s face. She shook her head. “You don’t need to give me anything, Thomas. Just spending time with you like this is the greatest gift of all.”

  The MacGregor felt a rush of warmth flood into his long dead heart and work its way down to his toes. She wasn’t lying. He was damned good at judging the merit of people’s words and he knew that his lady meant what she’d said. He smiled at her. A real, honest to goodness, heart stopping smile that made Maya suck in her breath from the beauty of it. “I’m glad tae hear those words, sweeting, yet do I ha’ another gift I’ve been wanting tae give ye all day.”

  Thomas reached under his tunic and pulled the necklace he’d been wearing over his head. He smiled again when he saw the wide-eyed expression of awe on his lady’s face. He gently placed the ruby necklace over her head then patiently waited for her to hold up her hair so he could work the gold chain all the way around her neck. “I knew ‘twas meant fer ye the moment I laid eyes on it. I want ye tae wear it always that ye might think of me as often as I think of ye.”

  “Oh Thomas, this is beautiful. Just…beautiful.” She felt something awfully close to a tear forming in her eye. The tear never spilled, but it glistened brilliantly, letting him know that it was there. “Thank-you.”

  Maya laid her head against Thomas’s chest again, feeling utterly content. She closed her eyes and smiled as he ran his long callused fingers through her silky golden hair. He twirled a curl around his fingers and brought it to his face to inhale the sweet smell of it. “Ye are welcome, love.”

  Maya sighed as he wrapped his long, muscled arms around her and kissed her forehead. The kiss was possessive yet innocent at the same time, and it was endearing enough to make her wish that she could stay with this man forever.

  But she couldn’t. She knew she would go back home if fate found the way for her to go. She was a respected archeologist after all. The university in general and her grad students in particular counted on her. She couldn’t walk away from her commitments as if they were of no import merely because she had found her first real taste of happiness in a fourteenth century laird’s arms.

  Still, Maya couldn’t help but to enjoy the hard feel of Thomas wrapped around her body. He was built like a powerful god of war, yet more than equipped to handle the tenderness of her emotions at the same time. She couldn’t keep from hugging the knowledge to her soul that he cared for her. She drew the ruby into the palm of her hand and held it tightly. The stone gave her a warm, sentimental feeling in the depths of her typically cynical soul.

  God help her. She knew she was falling in love with this man.

  Chapter 9

  Thomas escorted Lady M
aya to her bedchamber a short while later. They walked slowly to the chamber door, hand-in-hand all the while. He opened the door for his lady, then closed it quietly behind them after they made their way inside. “It looks as though yer maid has yer bath ready fer ye.”

  Maya twirled around and looked toward the hearth. Sure enough, a bath was waiting for her, being kept warm by the flickering flames of the fireplace. She smiled. It looked like bliss. She turned her attention back to Thomas, sliding her arms around his muscled neck in the process. She stood on tiptoe and kissed him softly on the lips, thanking him without words for a wonderful evening.

  Thomas kissed her back, pulling her closer to him all the while. He deepened the kiss as much as he dared, forcing his tongue between her semi-parted lips. Maya groaned softly, accepting him fully.

  The smacking sounds of their wet kisses were as much a turn-on to Thomas as they were to Maya. He imagined the smacking sounds her womanhood would make when he buried his flesh inside of her. She was a passionate woman, his Maya, and he knew without reservation that she would be the best lover he’d ever taken to his bed.

  As much as Thomas wanted her, he also wanted to wait to claim her until they were wed. He had no desire to disgrace his lady by impregnating her before they spoke their vows. The gossips would have a field day with that bit of knowledge. He pulled his lips from hers gently, hesitantly. He rested his forehead atop her hair and sighed. “We best stop now afore I canna stop, love.”

  Maya groaned in disappointment. “I don’t want you to stop, Thomas.”

  He sighed. “God help me, but I dinna want tae stop either. Still, I must. I will no’ get ye with bairn until after we are wed.”

  Her eyes widened. Wed?

  Thankfully, Thomas didn’t see her reaction, for her face was still buried in his chest.

  Marry him? Oh God, how could she hurt this wonderful man? But she couldn’t marry him! She belonged in the twenty-first century, not the fourteenth.

  Maya closed her eyes against the pain lodging itself deep in her heart. She might not be able to stay behind and love him the way she wanted to, but she could at least leave him with a hell of a good memory of her.


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