Kindred Souls (The Sable Inn Series Book 1)

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Kindred Souls (The Sable Inn Series Book 1) Page 5

by D. Camille

  His frown turned into a slow smile. “In that case, I’m now looking forward to it.”

  “Good, I’ll bring your breakfast in the morning after you call it in,” she reminded him.

  “I can’t wait to see you,” he told her softly.

  Lana smiled and pulled the sheet up to her neck. “I can’t wait to see you either.”

  Chapter 4

  The next morning, Lana stood outside of Derek’s door with a tray. He opened it dressed in nothing but navy pajama bottoms that hung low on his naked hips. She stood staring at him until he removed the tray from her hands and carried it over to the small table in his room then Lana followed slowly, closing the door behind her.

  “Did I catch you off guard?” she asked as he turned to her.

  Derek shook his head. “No.”

  “So you purposely answered the door half-dressed?”


  “What if it was one of my sisters?” Lana questioned.

  Derek walked over to stand in front of her. “You told me you’d be bringing it up.”

  Lana looked him over again. “So this is for me?”

  “If you want it…”

  She smiled. “Thank you for the offer.”

  He moved closer and studied her glorious crown inhaling its rich scent. “Did you sleep well?” Derek asked.

  Lana nodded slowly, watching him. “My dreams were very sweet.”

  “I think you can be very sweet, Lana…when you’re not pushing me away.”

  She licked her lips. “I’ve decided to work on that.”

  Derek lifted a brow as he watched her tongue quickly cover her lips. “How about we work on it together?” he whispered.

  “I’ll see you at noon,” Lana told him. “And we can discuss it?”

  He stepped back. “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Enjoy your breakfast,” she told him and he nodded. With one last look at his naked torso, she turned and left the room.

  Lana walked slowly down the stairs and back to the front desk. Last night she’d actually dreamed of Derek Wells, something that she’d never done before. No man had invaded her nights, until now. She’d awakened this morning with the feeling that she should at least explore this unexplainable attraction.

  Derek was handsome, but many handsome men came through her doors. He was educated and professional, and those too, flooded her establishment. But, there was something else, something she couldn’t quite ignore.

  The door opened and Lana frowned as her book club members came inside looking around.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked the trio.

  “Where. He. At?” Nadia said still peeking into areas.

  Lana watched her. “Where is who at?”

  Debra smirked. “Girl, don’t play. Where is that fine man hiding?”

  Lana looked at Tiffany. “You’re a part of this too?”

  “Nope, I just came to watch them act a fool.”

  She looked at the three women, then said, “Wait in my office.”

  Nadia smiled. “Oooh, this must be good.”

  The women headed to Lana’s office as she called for her sister, Lorna, to come cover the front desk. Lorna arrived quickly, with a smile.

  “Are you going to see Derek?” she asked.

  “No, I’m not.” Lana replied. “The book club is here and I need to talk with them for a minute.”

  Lorna shook her head. “Nadia and Debra?”

  “Yes, and Tiffany.”

  “Tiffany’s cool,” Lorna said taking a seat behind the desk. “Those other two…”

  Lana smiled. “Is that why you read the books but won’t come to the meetings?”

  Lorna nodded. “Lena and I have our own discussions.”

  “That has to be interesting,” Lana commented. “Because I know my little sisters.”

  Lorna blushed. “Yeah, it is. Lena is very informative.”

  “I bet she is,” Lana agreed. “I’ll only be about fifteen minutes and then I’ll let you get back to your work.”

  “It’s fine Lana, I can do more than one thing,” Lorna told her.

  Lana smiled and winked at her. “You’re my baby sister, you can do anything.”

  “You should do something with Derek,” Lorna teased.

  “How do you know that I’m not?” Lana replied and Lorna blinked. “Lena’s not the only one who knows things.”

  “I guess I should mind my own business then,”

  Lana agreed. “I’ve got this.”

  Lorna watched her sister walk away and sat back impressed. Derek Wells was bringing out a side of Lana that she’d never seen before and it was a good thing. Lana had dedicated her life to her family and this Inn. She deserved some personal happiness.

  Lana entered her office and saw three pairs of eyes become glued to her. Slowly walking around her desk, she took a seat and looked back at them.

  “This isn’t book club day,” she told them. “And you know I won’t have you stalking my guests.”

  Nadia leaned forward. “Have you seen him again or did he stay in his room all day?”

  Lana sat back. “Yes, I saw Derek. I took him on a tour of the property and we had dinner…”

  Debra threw up a hand. “What do you mean…you had dinner?”

  “He was eating alone in the dining room, where there were nothing but couples and requested some company,” Lana explained.

  “And you ate with him?” Tiffany asked.

  “Of course, he’s a guest. My job is hospitality and to make our guests feel at home.”

  Nadia pursed her lips. “What else did he feel last night?”

  Lana frowned. “Don’t even try it Nadia. You know I don’t get down with guests like that.”

  “Did he try?” Debra asked. “I know he did. I can tell by the way he looked at you.”

  “He asked to spend time with me,” Lana explained.

  “What does that mean?” Nadia questioned.

  Tiffany commented, “It’s what a man does when he doesn’t see you as just an object for sex.”

  Nadia frowned at Tiffany then turned back to Lana. “So what did you say?”

  Lana shrugged. “At first, it was a solid no in my head, but then he was able to make me consider changing that opinion.”

  Debra lifted a brow. “How did he do that?”

  “He’s very charming in a non-threatening way. He comes across as an honest man with integrity and…,” she paused.

  “And what?” Nadia finally prompted.

  Lana looked at her group. “He’s so damn fine and sexy.”

  Tiffany put a hand to her mouth. “Lana!”

  Lana shook her head as Debra and Nadia smiled. “I can’t lie…he joined me at the pool house last night and I was so happy that I was underwater, because I was wetter than that Jacuzzi,” she confessed.

  “Lana!” Tiffany screeched again and Nadia waved a hand at her.

  “Girl stop! That’s what a fine and sexy man is supposed to make happen,” Nadia admonished then turned to Lana.

  “So he was kicking it to you?” she asked eagerly.

  “I was ducking and dodging, but he kept hitting the target anyway,” Lana said quietly.

  Debra smiled. “Wow, I knew you two were going to set it off. I saw the way you stared at each other yesterday.”

  “So what are you going to do?” Tiffany asked.

  Lana placed her hands on her desk. “I’m going to spend time with him, like he asked. Later today, we’re going to have a picnic by the river.”

  “Oh my god! This is your own romance book,” Tiffany said dreamily.

  Nadia looked at Lana. “Add some erotica and a little urban lit.”

  Lana shook her head. “Don’t mix genres right now, okay. Let’s stay in one lane at a time.”

  Debra laughed and added. “Romance can be a little freaky, too”

  Nadia nodded. “That’s true.”

  “Lana’s story is a classic romance,” Tiffany told t
hem. “She’s met her god/king and he’s going to change her world.”

  They all looked at Tiffany. “This girl right here,” Nadia said shaking her head.

  “If Derek’s the one, then I’m happy for you Lana,” Tiffany continued. “You’re a treasure and I think he sees that.”

  Lana smiled. “Thank you Tiffany.”

  Nadia looked at Lana grudgingly. “I guess I’m happy for you, even though you stole him.”

  “How did I steal him, Nadia?” Lana asked with a smile.

  “With your perfect twistout and pretty brown skin,” Nadia complained laughing.

  Lana laughed too. “Okay, you can have him.”

  “Really?” Nadia asked.

  “Hell no…,” Lana told her. “Didn’t you just hear what I said about him?”

  Nadia shook her head. “Girl don’t play, I was on my way up those stairs, knocking on doors to find him.”

  Debra looked at Nadia. “You are a real mess.”

  “I keeps it real,” Nadia admitted.

  Lana looked at her watch. “You all need to get out of here because I have work to do.”

  They all stood and walked to the door before Nadia stopped Lana. “Even if he’s not the one, you might just want to sample that anyway.”

  “Get out Nadia,” Lana told her.

  The women said their goodbyes and left the establishment then Lana went back to work. She was trying to think of new ways to service the guests at the Sable Inn. She wanted to make the venue more elite, yet keep the homey feel and give her sister, Lena, more marketing material to work with.

  She became engrossed in checking people in and taking reservations until she looked up and saw Derek coming down the stairs with the tray in his hands. Quickly she met him at the bottom.

  “I told you that you could sit this outside your door,” she reminded him.

  “I was coming down here anyway, so why would I leave it up there?” he asked.

  Lana took the tray. “Because you are a guest who is paying to stay here.”

  “I wasn’t raised to be waited on, if I can do it myself.”

  She looked up at him. “Thank you for being so thoughtful and considerate.”

  He smiled down at her. “Thank you for having lunch with me today.”

  “Let me get your basket from the kitchen and then we can go,” Lana told him and he nodded.

  She disappeared and returned a few minutes later with her sister, Lena.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Wells,” Lena greeted.

  “You can call me Derek,” he told her. “And good afternoon to you, as well.”

  Lena smiled. “Okay Derek, take care of my sister.”

  He turned to Lana. “I would do nothing less.”

  Lana held on the basket and his gaze.

  “You two enjoy yourselves,” Lena said looking between the two. “And don’t rush back, I’ve got everything covered.”

  “Thank you, Lena.” Lana said quietly breaking her eye contact with Derek.

  He held out a hand for the basket and Lana reluctantly transferred it to his grasp. Derek waited until she walked ahead of him and they headed to the door. When he glanced back, Lena gave him a thumbs up sign and he smiled.

  Holding the door open, he allowed Lana to exit then fell in step beside her. Derek looked her over in jeans and a T-shirt that hugged her B-cups.

  “You look nice,” he told her and she turned to look at him.

  “So do you,” she responded with a perusal of her own. Lana had to admit that the guy who’d enter the Inn wearing a tailored suit and bowtie, knew how to rock some jeans, boots and a T-Shirt very nicely.

  They continued down a path and Lana looked up when Derek gently took her hand in his. She glanced down at their intertwined hands and gave a little smile before continuing on their journey.

  “Where are you taking me, little pretty country girl?” he asked.

  She glanced at him. “One of my favorite spots.”

  “For picnics?”

  “For privacy,” she corrected.

  Derek lifted a dark brow. “Okay, okay…” he nodded.

  Lana laughed as they moved further away from the Inn. “So tell me Derek, how many relationships have you had?”

  He looked thoughtful. “Define relationships.”

  Lana stopped and turned to him. “More than sex.”

  “A few,” he answered.

  She nodded and started walking again. “You were in love?”

  “I thought so a time or two,” he answered honestly.

  “So you’re not adverse to falling in love?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve watched a group of guys that I know all fall in love and marry incredible women down in Detroit.”

  “You worked on the Mayoral campaign, right?”

  Derek smiled. “I see you remember things as well,” he said. “Brandon Williams got elected and he’s also one of the Negus in the city.”

  Lana nodded. “Yes, we had Lance and his wife here a while ago, although they weren’t married yet.”

  “It’s a small world,” Derek commented.

  “I guess so,” she agreed and felt the warmth of his palm against hers.

  “So now it’s my turn,” he told her.

  Lana glanced over at him. “For what?”

  “Twenty questions,” he answered. “How many relationships have you been in?”

  “One, that was serious.”

  He waited for her to continue. “It was while I was away at college. He wanted no parts of Grayling, Michigan and I had to intentions of ever leaving…so we parted.”

  “Were you in love with him?” Derek asked.

  Lana looked out at the scenery. “Very much, but not more than I loved this place.”

  Derek looked around as they approached the river. “This is some stiff competition.”

  “I agree,”

  “Are you adverse to falling in love again?” he questioned.

  Lana turned to him. “It depends on the man I’d fall in love with.” She reached for the basket and placed it on the ground before bending to unpack it.

  Derek watched as she pulled out a blanket and spread it on the ground. Lana looked up at him and said, “You can sit, while I unpack everything.”

  He sat beside her, facing the water. “I can help.”

  Lana smiled. “I’d like to do this for you, if you’d let me.”

  “Okay, I’ll just sit here and look pretty,” he teased her.

  “You do that.” She said with a smile.

  A few minutes later, Lana had retrieved wine glasses and made plates. Derek insisted on opening the bottle and poured two glasses of the red liquid.

  “Red today?” he inquired.

  She nodded. “I felt in the mood.”

  Derek handed her a glass. “And exactly what mood is that?”


  Lifting his glass, he watched her. “I’m not going to let you get tipsy today.”

  Lana smiled. “I don’t get tipsy in the middle of the day. In fact, I haven’t had wine in a while.” She lifted her glass to his.

  “To being bold…in life and in love,” Derek toasted.

  She took a small sip of her drink and stared at him. “I like that.”

  Derek winked at her. “I’m good like that.”

  Lana sat her glass to the side. “I think we can eat now.”

  The two gorged on the fantastic spread that Mrs. Langston had put together. When Lana had opened the basket, she could tell that the woman had gone overboard, but it was so delicious that she couldn’t complain.

  When they were done, Derek laid back on the blanket and placed a hand over his stomach while Lana repacked the basket. “Your cook is going to have me two hundred pounds heavier when I leave here,” he grumbled.

  “Mrs. Langston doesn’t play in that kitchen,”

  She placed a hand over his on his tight abdomen and leaned over him. “Besides, you’re in great shape. You can enjoy a few meals.”r />
  “If I get fat and no other woman wants me, then you have to take me by default,” he told her softly as the water gurgled in front of them.

  Lana stared down into his face. “I’d take you.”

  Derek reached up to cup her jaw, gently stroking her cheek. “Then take me.”

  Lana lowered her mouth to his and did what he’d bid her to do. Her lips touched his and his hand tightened on her head, encouraging her to do more…and she did. The sweet, tender kiss made Derek understand why he’d been led to this place.

  One Lana Sable.

  The kiss turned hot and sultry, until she lifted her head and stared down into his handsome face.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

  “Hey,” he whispered back. “Do I know you?”

  “I’m Lana Sable.”

  Derek touched her hair. “And you’re absolutely beautiful.”

  Lana smiled. “Thank you.”

  “You’ve pulled me in now, Lana Sable, and I won’t let you push me away,” he warned her.

  Lana ran a hand across his broad chest and felt his heart beat through his thin shirt. “You said that I had to start somewhere, so I’m starting right here.”

  “Tell me the rules,” he said quietly.

  “I can’t be seen in intimate situations with you at the Inn,” Lana explained.

  Derek nodded. “I understand that.”

  “And we’ll see what happens when it’s time for you to leave,” Lana said very softly, looking away.

  “Hey,” he turned her face back to his. “I can always come back.”

  Lana smiled sadly. “I’m very bad with goodbyes, which is probably why I keep those I love so close.”

  “Let’s cross that bridge when we come to it?” he suggested. “We have a whole month, at least.”

  She agreed. “Who knows, I may be ready to get rid of you.”

  Derek turned her over onto her back. “No, you said you’d even take me fat, but let me give you some incentive to want me around.”

  He kissed her deeply and thoroughly until Lana wrapped her arms around his back to hold him close to her. With her eyes closed, she listened to the water and felt the warmth of the sun on her arms, curled around his muscular torso.

  The couple laid that way for a long while, taking in the serenity and each other. Derek kissed her cheek as his hand rested on her waist.

  “I like your favorite spot,” he told her.


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