Kindred Souls (The Sable Inn Series Book 1)

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Kindred Souls (The Sable Inn Series Book 1) Page 17

by D. Camille

  “Well now your partners have been informed that the Sable Inn is off the list and to move on somewhere else,” Derek said firmly.

  “They won’t without my agreement.”

  Derek tightened his grip. “So your contribution to the group was to recommend the Sable Inn?”

  Robert nodded as much as he could, with Derek’s hands hemming him up. “Of course, I thought this would be an easy acquisition.”

  “So to ease the little conscience that you do have, you came offering Lana a job and professing your undying love to her as a cover?”

  Shrugging, Robert said, “I still had some feelings for Lana. She can be hard and cold but I also remember how she warms up.”

  Jamal grimaced and shook his head as Derek frowned then landed a punch to Robert’s face.

  “Warm like that?” Derek asked as Robert grabbed his face. “Say some shit like that to me again.”

  Robert touched his eye and glared at Derek. Turning to Jamal, he yelled. “You’re my witness! You saw him hit me!”

  Derek turned to Jamal and said, “I saw him fall and hit his face.”

  Jamal nodded. “Yep, that’s what I saw too.” He looked at Robert. “You should really be more careful so that you don’t uh…fall again.”

  “Get your bag,” Derek ordered.

  Robert looked between the two men then zipped and gathered his suitcase while holding his eye. “I won’t forget this!”

  Derek shook his head. “That’s the point.”

  Jamal opened the door and led the group down the stairs where the rest of the group was waiting along with the sheriff.

  Robert rushed over to the lawman. “Do you see my eye?”

  The sheriff nodded. “What happened?”

  “He hit me!” Robert yelled, pointing at Derek. “And I want him arrested before I leave.”

  Lana gasped and her sisters smiled, along with Mrs. Langston.

  Walking over to Derek, the sheriff stopped in front of Derek. “And what’s your version of this story?”

  All the group waited silently for Derek’s answer, but before he could say a word, Jamal jumped in.

  “Those big wooden beds upstairs can be really dangerous when you’re reckless.” He told the sheriff. “See, Robert was here trying to hurt the Sables and even the bedposts know that we don’t allow that.”

  “Hurt the Sables?” The sheriff turned to Lloyd. “Do you want to file a report?”

  “No, he’s leaving.” Lloyd answered. “And apparently, the… bedposts have let him know that he’s not welcome.”

  Lana watched Derek and he winked at her while the sheriff led Robert to the door. “Are you going to charge him?” Robert demanded.

  “My son just told me what happened, so I don’t need any more information.”

  Robert stopped. “He’s your son?”

  Jamal smiled. “Thanks Daddy…see you later.” Both Robert and Derek looked surprised.

  The sheriff nodded at Jamal. “Stay away from the bedposts, son.”

  “I think I’m safe,” he looked at Derek then at Lana. “I’d never hurt the Sables.”

  Lloyd smiled. “He’s fine, sheriff. Jamal is family.”

  Lorna touched his arm and Jamal looked down at her with a smile.

  “Let’s go. I’ll get you some ice for that,” the sheriff told Robert and escorted him out of the door.

  Lana went to Derek and looked up at him. “I assume you’re the bedpost.”

  He smiled softly and touched her face. “Are you okay?”

  “I will be,” she whispered. “Thank you…for everything.”

  The family gathered around. “Yes, thank you Derek.” Lloyd patted him on the back. “I’m glad you smoked Robert out before this got out of hand.”

  “I knew he was up to no good,” Mrs. Langston said shaking her head. She looked at Derek. “You need some ice for that hand, boy?”

  Derek laughed. “No ma’am, I know how to throw a punch.”

  Lena smiled. “Well, Robbie’s gone…and good riddance.”

  “Here, here,” Lorna agreed.

  Willie shook his head. “I shoulda known what that boy was up to, I need to stay on top of things around here.”

  Lena rolled her eyes. “Willie, you already have your nose into everything.”

  “My nose needs to be longer then, because I’ve got to protect my girls.” Willie protested.

  Mr. Langston looked at Derek and Jamal. “I don’t think that’s going to be your job much longer.”

  Lana spoke up to the group. “I just want to say that I’m sorry. I brought this foolishness to our home and I promise, I won’t let this affect the Inn in any way.”

  She turned and walked out the door while everyone watched. Both Lloyd and Derek headed to the door, then both stopped and looked at one another while everyone waited to see the conclusion.

  Lloyd folded his arms. “Start where you plan to continue, son” he told Derek. “She’s hurting now because one man didn’t do that.”

  Derek looked back at the waiting group, then to Lloyd. “I know that I haven’t been here long and soon I’ll have to return to my real life, but Lana will be a part of that life…no matter what I have to do. I don’t want to take her away for good, and I’m not going to leave her.”

  “You’re right, Lana’s hurting…and with every fiber of my being, I want to go to her. Since I’ve met Lana, I feel a connection to her that I’ve never felt before with anyone. She’s the last thing I think about at night and the first thing I think of in the morning.”

  “So I’m starting where I plan to continue, and that’s by her side,” Derek finished.

  Listening to his heartfelt words, Lloyd nodded. “Then go…”

  Without hesitation, Derek hurried through the door.

  Mrs. Langston smiled. “Now that’s a man deserving of our Lana.”

  “I knew it from the first time I met him,” Lloyd told them.

  Lena’s mouth opened in shock. “Then why’d you just put him through all of that?”

  Lloyd smiled. “Because I’m still your father.”


  Lana entered her house and went straight to her bedroom, throwing herself across the bed. Alone, she let tears flow. How could she have let this happen? Even though it hadn’t materialized into anything, she’d been the catalyst of the entire thing.

  Robbie had thought that he could come into her home and her life to ruin them both. Lana was hurt, embarrassed, angry and every emotion in between. She’d been humiliated in front of her entire family and Derek. After her apology, all she could do was walk out because if she’d stayed, she’d have broken down completely.

  Watching Derek and Jamal have to come to her defense in protecting her family’s inheritance had been humbling, to say the least. Lana had wanted to not only punch Robbie, but hurt him in the same way he’d hurt her.

  “What did I tell you about crying?”

  Lana kept her eyes closed at the sound of the deep voice in her doorway.

  “I didn’t know you were coming.” She sniffed through her tears. “I figured it would be Daddy or one of my sisters.”

  Derek moved to the bed and placed a hand on her back. “They wanted to come…”

  She turned to him. “How did you get to be the lucky one?” Lana asked quietly.

  “Because I am the lucky one,” Derek kissed her softly. “Lucky enough to have stopped at this Inn, lucky enough to have met this incredible family and really lucky enough to be with this chocolate beauty.”

  She smiled softly. “What did Robbie say to you to make you punch him?” Lana asked.

  “So what we’re not going to do is talk about Robbie’s dirty ass. Just know that I’m watching him and your Inn is safe,” Derek told her.

  Lana smiled a little more. “My hero...”

  “You know it baby,” he said taking her into his arms and holding her close.

  She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed. “I never imagined all of th
is would happen.”

  “I never imagined that Jamal’s father is the sheriff.”

  Lana laughed. “That’s another story.”

  “I bet it is,” Derek said rubbing her back.

  She looked at him. “Can you at least tell me how you found out about Robbie’s plan?”

  “I told you, I solve problems.”

  “I see you’re very good at it, too” she whispered, sniffing.

  Derek wiped her still damp cheeks. “No crying, especially over a dude who never deserved you.”

  “It’s so embarrassing,” Lana said, rubbing her face. “I’m supposed to be the example to my sisters.”

  He removed her hands and looked into her eyes. “You are the perfect example. You handle your business like a boss and no one can dispute that fact.”

  Lana held his gaze. “I really can’t thank you enough.”

  “You know how you can thank me?” Derek asked softly.

  “I’d like to hear it.”

  Stroking her cheek, he continued, “You to have to promise me that when I go back to D.C., no crying.”

  Lana licked her bottom lip. “When are you going?”

  Derek cradled her face. “Soon.”

  “How soon?”

  “I’ll be here another week, then I have meetings that I can’t put off any longer,” he explained.

  Lana felt her heart drop. “What happens then?”

  “Then I’m in D.C. and you’re in Grayling, until one of us makes the trip to where the other is,” Derek told her.

  “You’d want me to come to D.C.?” Lana asked.

  He nodded. “Can you start thinking about it?”

  Lana sat still. “For how long?”

  Touching his lips to her, Derek whispered. “For as long as I can have you.”

  “Won’t you be busy working?”

  He kissed her again. “I’ll make time for you.”

  Lana wrapped her arms around him. “I promise I’ll think about it.”

  “If I didn’t have to leave…” he began and Lana placed a finger over his lips.

  “I’ll always find you.”

  Chapter 14

  Lana watched the man who’d entered her Inn a few weeks ago, come down the stairs with his bag in hand. She bit her lip as he approached dressed in his dark suit and colorful bowtie. Lana flashed back to the first time she’d seen him and was again taken away by his handsomeness.

  Derek stopped in front of her and looked down into her face. “You remember our agreement?”

  She nodded slowly, watching him.

  “No crying…” he whispered.

  “No,” she answered shakily.

  He embraced her gently and whispered in her ear. “Have I showed you this past week how much I’m going to miss you?”

  Lana smiled into his suit jacket. “Yessss…you have.”

  “I extended your flowers,” Derek told her.

  “I’m sure Jamal loves that,” she said smiling.

  Derek laughed. “That’s my partner now. We’re brothers for life.”

  Lana looked up at him and touched his chest. “Please be safe,” she whispered.

  “I’ll be fine baby, I’ve traveled all over the world.” He pulled her closer. “Now kiss me, so I can get to my plane.”

  Sliding her arms around his neck, Lana opened her mouth under his and kissed him with all of the emotion she was holding inside. The past week had been the most incredible time of her life with Derek. They’d spent as much time together that her work had allowed. The many ‘dinners’ and late night pool visits were just a small part of their activities together.

  When Derek lifted his head, they watched each other for a moment before he quickly kissed her once more before heading out the door. They’d agreed on no long, drawn out goodbyes since he’d said it would be only for a short time anyway. He’d already seen all the family and had saved his last goodbye for the woman he didn’t want to leave.

  Lana stood watching the closed door until her sisters joined her. “Lana,” Lorna whispered.

  “I’m fine,” Lana told her. “I’m a woman of my word.”

  Lena put an arm around her. “Girl, you should be planning when you’re going to be at his door.”

  Lana walked to the counter and began moving things around. “I promised him I’d think about it.”

  Lena followed. “What the hell is there to think about?”

  Frowning, Lana answered, “A lot.”

  “Talk some sense into your sister,” Lena told Lorna. “At least you know how to keep your man coming back.”

  “Lena!” Lorna protested.

  Lana looked at the pair. “Listen, let me do me.”

  Lena put her hands in the air. “Fine, but you’d better not lose him.”

  “I’ll be in my office,” Lana told them and walked away.

  She entered the room and closed the door behind her before moving slowly to her desk. Taking her seat, she took a deep breath to compose herself. Although she’d known this day was coming, now that it was here, her heart was still heavy.

  As bad as she wanted to shed a tear, she willed herself not to. As she’d told her sister, she was a woman of her word. Lana reached inside her drawer and pulled out some of her notes and contacts from the trip to Grand Rapids.

  A few minutes later, her phone rang on her desk and she answered. “This is Lana Sable.”

  “Hello, Lana Sable.”

  She smiled. “Are you checking up on me?”

  “Yes, I want to make sure I can trust you.”

  “You can trust me, baby…” Lana assured him and sat back in her seat. “Are you driving?”

  Derek chuckled. “Yes, and I’m hands free. I don’t want any police pulling me over.”

  “No, I definitely don’t want that.” Lana felt a chill down her spine at the thought of what could transpire from there.

  “What are you doing?” Derek asked.

  “I was trying to work,” Lana answered. “Following up on some of the contacts I made in Grand Rapids.”

  “You mean you weren’t missing me?”

  Lana smiled. “Of course, I’m missing you already but you made me promise not to be sad.”

  “That’s right, I did.” He paused. “Because I never want you to be sad. It breaks my heart.”

  She felt her eyes begin to water. “I’ll never break your heart.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that pretty, barefoot, country girl,” Derek’s voice came through the phone.

  She smiled again. “I was only barefoot once,” she protested.

  “I’m going to need my chocolate buffet very soon,” he said in a sexy tone.

  Lana lifted a brow. “I’m sure there are chocolate buffets in D.C.”

  “No, we’re not going to do that at all,” he reprimanded.

  “Do what?”

  Derek paused. “Don’t play Lana.”

  She shrugged. “You haven’t been home in awhile…”

  “I at least thought you’d wait to start this until I got all the way home,” Derek told her.

  Lana frowned. “Start what?”

  “Pushing…” he answered.

  She closed her eyes and sighed. “Derek, I…”

  “For the record, I’m going home to work because my work is important to me, just like the Inn is important to you. I trust that while I’m away, you’ll be handling your business, just like I’ll be handling mine. I expect that you’ll be focused and not creating scenarios that aren’t true,” Derek told her.

  “In order for this to work, we both have to give and take, baby. We have to trust one another and believe that what we have is worth it,” he finished firmly.

  Lana blinked. “Wow, I guess I just met the campaign manager.”

  Derek looked out of his window at the passing scenery. “Yeah, you did.”

  “He’s very firm,” Lana commented.

  “He’s serious about what’s important to him, and you are on that list. And I’m not
accepting any bullshit in the mix,” Derek told her.

  She smiled. “You know those urban tendencies turn me on.”

  “I’m not playing Lana,” Derek said seriously.

  Lana swiveled in her seat. “I hear you Derek, and I’m with you. It’s just that my heart is on its way to D.C. and I’m scared to death.”

  He continued down the highway and mellowed out some. “I want to see you soon, Lana.”

  “I know…”

  “I’m not going to press you, because you know the invitation is an open one. You don’t even need to call.”

  “I can just roll up on you?” Lana questioned.

  “I’m waiting for the day.”

  Lana laughed softly. “Okay baby, I’ll work on that.”

  “You do that. Work real hard, baby.” He urged softly. “Because I need my chocolate.”


  The day passed quickly and that evening Lana was anxious to go home and talk to Derek. He’d texted her that he was back in D.C. and would talk with her when she was done working. Putting her work away, she left her office and headed to the lobby.

  Willie looked up as she approached. “You missed dinner,” he told her.

  “I wasn’t hungry,” Lana responded. “Plus I had work to do. I need to make the Inn as successful as possible.”

  He smiled at her. “The Inn is successful, mostly because of you.”

  “Thanks Willie, and thank you for all that you do here for us.” Lana looked around the lobby with emotion as Willie watched her.

  “He’s gone huh?”

  Lana turned to him, knowing who he was talking about. “Yes, he’s back in D.C.”

  Willie nodded. “Your Daddy says that he’s a big man up there on Capitol Hill.”

  “He’s very entrenched in politics,” Lana agreed.

  “We need more like that.”

  Lana smiled. “I think Derek’s one of a kind.”

  “I bet you do.” Willie said with a smile. “That night that we put your ex out of the Inn, Derek told everybody how he feels about you, too.”

  She blinked. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m just gonna say, you haven’t seen the last of him.” Willie said cryptically.

  The door opened and Lana mumbled underneath her breath, “Oh God…”

  “Lana! Girl why didn’t you call us?” Nadia said rushing over to her and embracing her.


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