by Vicki Watson
Rosie wished that she lived at a time before cars were invented so she could ride Scamper everywhere. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of traveling everywhere by horseback?
Chapter 17
In her story of being lost on the trail, Grandma wondered whether she might have encountered an angel (Hebrews 13:2). Have you, or anyone you know, ever had an experience that might have been an encounter with an angel?
While we are not to put too much emphasis on angels, and are definitely not to worship them, the Bible does indicate they have a role in our lives. Read these verses about angels to get a sense of their purpose. Psalms 91:11, Matthew 18:10, Psalms 34:7, Hebrews 1:14, Daniel 6:22, and 2 Kings 6:8-23.
Some horsemen claim that horses cannot think deeply enough to fake lameness; however Maggie’s trick on the trail was a real experience, and it certainly seemed intentional. Do you know of any animal, yours or someone else’s, that has exhibited behavior that seems to show them thinking through a situation at a level we don’t usually give animals credit for?
Chapter 18
When you listen to Christian music, do you listen more to the tune or the words? Carrie, for the first time, began to consider the meaning of the words she was singing. What is your favorite Christian song, and what does it mean to you?
God uses different experiences in each person’s life to draw them to Him. Through the stories from Grandma, Rosie’s story about Jet, the loss of her parents at a young age, going to church with her foster parents, and the love and warmth she experienced from Rosie’s family, Carrie came to be saved. Describe how God has worked in your life or someone in your family. Everyone will have a unique story of their journey.
2 Corinthians 5:17 states, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” In what ways was Carrie different already? How do you think God will continue to change her?
Chapter 19
Rosie dreamed of winning a ribbon or trophy at a horse show. Was that a good or a bad goal?
When they arrived at the fair, Rosie was both excited and nervous at the same time. Why? Describe a time you experienced both those emotions at once.
Have you ever attended or exhibited at a fair? If so, what did you like best about it? If not, would you like to?
Chapter 20
Rosie enjoys drawing, and Carrie likes to write. Read Matthew 25:14-30. God gives each of us different talents and abilities that we are to use for His glory. What talents or special interests do you have, and how will you develop and use them for God?
Remember horses are not like bicycles. You could ride a bicycle in different settings, and it will always respond the same way. Horses need a chance to get used to different places or situations that make them nervous or frightened. Scamper was calm at the fairgrounds, until the carnival rides began with their movement and noise. How did he respond, and how did Rosie help him calm down?
Billy was cruel to his pony, Bandit. Read these verses, and describe how God wants us to treat the animals He created. Genesis 1:28-30, Exodus 23:4, Exodus 23:12, Deuteronomy 25:4, Job 12:7-10, Proverbs 12:10, Proverbs 27:23, Matthew 6:26, Matthew 10:29, Matthew 12:11.
Chapter 21
How do you feel about Billy’s action that resulted in Rosie not winning a prize in the horse show? Why do you think Billy acted the way he did?
Rosie said that she hated Billy for what he did in her class and for how he treated Bandit. Rosie had certainly been taught that it was wrong to hate, but knowing how you’re supposed to act, doesn’t necessarily mean you will respond that way in a difficult situation. What could Rosie do to correct her inappropriate response?
Rosie’s father was not pleased with Billy. What do you think Eric planned to do when he found him?
Carrie generously offered to give Rosie the ribbon she had won. Why didn’t Rosie accept it? Would you have taken the ribbon? Why or why not?
Chapter 22
Grandma saw spiritual meanings in many of the things and events in her everyday life, especially related to horses. Jesus Himself, often taught by referring to everyday things surrounding Him: rocks, sheep, gates, etc. Can you think of an example of some thing or event in your own life that illustrated a spiritual concept?
There’s something special about adoption. Kristy and Eric’s choice to adopt Carrie is a reminder of how God chooses us to be part of His family. According to John 15:16, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you...”
Ephesians 1:5 says, “Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will...”
How does it make you feel that, as Christians, we are God’s adopted children?
Do you think Rosie should have been told ahead of time about her parent’s intention to adopt Carrie? Why or why not?
Grandma said, “Life has its difficulties, but God has a way of working all things together for good” Read Romans 8:28 to see the entire verse that forms the basis for her statement. How have you seen God work all things together for good in your own family?
What do you think life will be like for Rosie and Carrie once they become sisters?
The Sonrise Stable Series
Book 1: Rosie and Scamper
Book 2: Carrie and Bandit
Book 3: Clothed with Thunder
Book 4: Tender Mercies
Book 5: Outward Appearances
Book 6: Follow Our Leader
Book 7: Rejoice With Me
Book 8: Operation Christmas Spirit
If you enjoyed Rosie and Scamper, check out the rest of the series at!
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Vicki Watson