Ghost Fleet (The Pike Chronicles Book 4)

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Ghost Fleet (The Pike Chronicles Book 4) Page 16

by G. P. Hudson

  Konos looked around in disbelief. No Freedom, no New Byzantium. Instead he found himself in an empty part of space, with no nearby stars or planets. His fighter’s computer verified that the jump had been successful, and that he had landed precisely where he was supposed to. “I’m going to say that the first jump is a success,” Konos said to himself, but also to his ship’s computer, knowing that he would be recorded.

  He lingered for several minutes, allowing his ship’s systems to gather ample sensor scans to verify the test results. Once satisfied that enough sensor data had been obtained he prepared for the second jump. “Initiate long range jump Beta,” he said, and the stars shifted again. This time he landed four light years away, near a large nebula. He stared at the gaseous cloud in amazement. I’ve traveled eight light years in just a few minutes, he thought. How is any of this possible? His mind struggled to keep up with the reality of what his eyes witnessed.

  He spent several minutes staring out into space with mixed feelings. On the one hand, he knew he was the first pilot to ever jump a fighter. That alone placed him alongside the great pilots of history. At the same time, as he floated out here in his tiny craft, surrounded by the majesty of the heavens, he couldn’t help but feel incredibly alone and insignificant. He soaked the experience in. Savoring it. Then decided it was time to get back to work.

  “Long range jump Beta is a success,” he said, after verifying the information displayed by his computer. “Initiate long range jump Gamma.”

  This was a return jump. The total range of his fighter’s jump system was twenty light years. He had already traveled eight, so he couldn’t go much further. This jump, however, had different coordinates. At five light years, it was longer than the previous two, and landed him within a neighboring star system. He recognized it at once as one of New Byzantium’s territorial holdings. He had fought a few skirmishes in this system when one of the rival corporations tried to take some of the territory for themselves. The attempts weren’t serious. They were intended as tests of the system’s defenses, rather than outright invasions. Events like this were quite common in the colonies, and much of Konos’s combat experience had been earned in such skirmishes.

  “Long range jump Gamma is a success,” said Konos. He waited a few minutes to conduct the required scans, gazing at the surrounding asteroids and planets, where New Byzantium miners worked. He didn’t envy the miners’ hard life. Even with the combat, his job was cushy by comparison. A miner’s life was so hard that some grew bitter and resentful. Those miners often found their way into the ranks of the Raiders. Of course, this was discouraged, but it couldn’t be stopped. He had flown missions against the Raiders in the past, and he would probably do so again. Hell, he might even end up fighting one of the miners currently living here. It was simply the way of things in the colonies.

  His scans complete, Konos prepared to jump back to New Byzantium. He let out a deep sigh, not wanting the experience to end. Today had been, without a doubt, the greatest day of his life, but now it was time to return home. “Initiate long range jump Delta,” he said.

  In the blink of an eye he was back where he started, staring at a stream of fighters pouring out of the Freedom’s hulking frame. The Ronin and the Reiver were moving too, as were a few nearby New Byzantium destroyers. What the hell is going on? he thought. He turned to follow the pack, and saw four large, intimidating looking warships floating there.

  Chapter 38

  “Sound General Quarters,” ordered Jon, glaring at the four warships on the viewscreen. “Launch fighters.” The Freedom’s bridge took on a red glow as a klaxon sounded, telling the crew to prepare for battle.

  “Fighters are launching. The Ronin and Reiver are moving to intercept.”

  “Move us closer as well. Order the fighters to support the Ronin and Reiver.”

  “Yes, Sir,” said Kevin, tapping commands into is console.

  “Get the bomber ready. Has the New Byzantium military responded yet?”

  “Yes, Sir. Two destroyers have been dispatched.”

  “Only two? We’ll need more than that. How the hell did the Juttari find us here, anyway?”

  “They just appeared out of nowhere,” said Kevin, reading preliminary reports on his console. “They must have jump systems.”

  “Four more Juttari jump ships?” said Jon, gripping the sides of his console. “That’s not comforting news.”

  “No, Sir,” said Kevin. “And we’re still in the middle of repairs. We’re in no position to fight the Juttari. Neither are the Ronin or the Reiver.”

  “Tell New Byzantium that they’re going to need to deploy more ships, ASAP.” Kevin was right. The Freedom, Ronin, and Reiver had taken a pounding fighting against the Meisser fleet. The damage was extensive, and they needed time for repairs. They couldn’t hope to take on four Juttari warships in their condition. Especially not ones equipped with jump systems.

  “Are you telling me these are Juttari jump ships?” said Major Vogel, standing off to the right side of Jon, pointing at the viewscreen. “The same Juttari that invaded Earth five hundred years ago?”

  Jon had forgotten that Vogel had returned from the planet surface. Apparently it was wishful thinking to hope that he would stay there. “Yes, Major. These are the same Juttari that invaded Earth. The same ones that enslaved Earth’s population for five hundred years. The same invasion the colonies avoided.”

  Vogel’s eyes grew wide. “What do they want?”

  Jon almost laughed at the question. “What do they want? Are you joking, Major? The Juttari only want one thing. Conquest.”

  “With just four ships?”

  “No, Major. Not with just four ships. They’ll certainly do as much damage as they can while they’re here. Then they’ll leave. But now that they know New Byzantium is here, you can be sure that they’ll return in force. That is when they’ll conquer New Byzantium, and the rest of the colonies.”

  Vogel’s face turned white as Jon’s words sunk in.

  Good, thought Jon. He needed to be afraid. They all did. This wasn’t some corporate fleet, or even the Kemmar. This was the Juttari Empire. Rulers of half the galaxy.

  “Admiral,” said Chief Engineer Singh, urgency in his voice. “Commander Konos has just returned from his jump tests.”

  “Tell him to get his fighter back on board,” snapped Jon. “We can’t afford to have that prototype destroyed.”

  “Yes, Sir,” said Singh, turning back to his console.

  Jon stared at the four alien warships on the viewscreen. “Why haven’t they done anything?” he said.

  “Maybe they’re waiting for us to come to them?” said Kevin.

  “No. That’s not like the Juttari. They take pride in aggression. And if they do have jump systems, the last thing they’d do is stand there and wait for us to shoot at them.”

  “The Galactic Accord isn’t at war with them anymore. Maybe they’re respecting the treaty?”

  Jon snorted. “The treaty didn’t stop them when they attacked the Hermes. The colonies aren’t even part of the Accord.”

  “True. Maybe they’re looking for their missing jump ship?” said Kevin. “That might be why they haven’t attacked.”

  “I think you’re right. That would explain why they’ve come out this far.”

  “Admiral,” said the communications officer. “We are receiving a message from the Ronin. Colonel Bast is requesting that we stand down.”

  Chapter 39

  “Four Juttari warships have just appeared in the New Byzantium star system,” said Lieutenant Jarvi, standing at his command console on the Ronin bridge. “Identifying three heavy cruisers and one battleship.”

  “Jump ships?” said Colonel Bast, staring intently at the viewscreen.

  “They must be, Sir. There was no sign of them a minute ago.”

  “Battle stations,” said Bast. Alarms sounded, and the Ronin bridge erupted into a frenzy of activity. “Set course to intercept.”

the Freedom is scrambling fighters,” said Jarvi. “The Reiver is moving to intercept as well.”

  This was not a good situation. Bast knew that in their current state, they wouldn’t last long against the Juttari warships, especially not against that behemoth of a battleship. If these ships had jump systems, then they couldn’t rely on the advantage they had previously enjoyed. They would end up playing cat and mouse, hopping around this system until one side’s energy stores were depleted and their jump system couldn’t work until recharged. He knew the Freedom, Ronin, and Reiver’s jump systems all had a full charge. With the Juttari just jumping in, they would be at less than one hundred percent. That strategy might work, but they would still need to engage the warships at some point. How much damage could they withstand? He didn’t like the odds. They needed another option.

  “Tell the Freedom and Reiver to stand down and let us handle this.”

  “Yes, Sir. Sending message,” said Jarvi, from his console. “Freedom and Reiver have responded. Fighters are turning back and taking up defensive positions around the carrier. The Reiver has halted its advance as well.”

  “Good. We’re in no shape to fight against those warships. Move us closer to them, but do not take an aggressive posture. As far as they know we are still on the same side.”

  “Yes, Sir. Maintaining speed at a quarter light,” said the Helmsman.

  “Picking up Juttari broadcast,” said Lieutenant Jarvi. “They’re trying to assert control over our brain chips.”

  AI, are your defenses holding against the broadcast? Bast said through his brain chip.

  Yes, Colonel, said AI. The Juttari cannot take control of your brain chips. I just need some time to counter the attack.

  I will do what I can.

  “Hail the battleship,” said Bast. “Send their response directly to my console.”


  Within seconds the face of an older human man appeared on Bast’s display. The man had the stern, expressionless features of the Chaanisar. “Glory to the Empire. I am Colonel Steeg, of the Juttari Battleship 3125. Why do you choose this mode of communication?”

  “Glory to the Empire. I am Colonel Bast, of the Juttari Heavy Cruiser 7249. We were recently in a battle and suffered damage to our systems. As a result, we have limited communication capabilities.”

  Steeg remained expressionless. “What of these other warships. Are you their captives?”

  “No, Colonel. This planet is assisting us with repairs.”

  “I am reading human life signs on the ships, and the planet. Why would humans assist a Juttari warship?”

  “These humans are not from Earth, Colonel. They know nothing of the Juttari.”

  “That will soon change.” Steeg turned away from the screen for a moment as if in communication with someone else, then returned. “Our Master desires to speak with your ship’s Master. I have advised him of your difficulties and he has agreed to use this mode of communications. You will initiate a private channel for the Masters to speak to one another.”

  “Understood. Stand by,” said Bast. Steeg referred to the Juttari Masters that were on board every Juttari warship. A typical Juttari vessel had a small group of Juttari to oversee operations, but the running of the ship was conducted by the Chaanisar. The use of the Chaanisar allowed the Juttari to expand and conquer more territory, since they didn’t need manpower from their own population. The only problem was that Colonel Bast and the rest of his crew had killed their Juttari Masters during their revolt.

  AI, we are quickly running out of time, said Bast over his brain chip. If you are going to do something, you have to do it now.

  I am making progress, but I still need more time, said AI.

  Very well, I’ll do what I can.

  “Our Master is being summoned,” said Bast to Steeg. “Internal communications are also damaged. I have sent one of my men to personally notify the Master.”

  “You seem to have sustained substantial damage. Who did you fight against?” said Steeg.

  “A race known as the Kemmar.”

  “Yes, the Kemmar. We have encountered them as well. They are an aggressive culture. They will be of much use after the Masters conquer them.”

  “It will be a glorious conquest,” said Bast. “Tell me, Colonel. How did you find your way to this region of space?”

  “We are pursuing a human warship. A jump ship, like your own.”

  Bast wondered if they were referring to the Hermes. “Our mission is similar to yours. Perhaps we are seeking the same vessel.”

  “No, I am familiar with the details of your mission, Colonel Bast. Your ship was the first Juttari jump ship to be built, and your mission was to destroy the first jump ship the humans had built. The humans have built a second jump ship. A battleship. This is the one we seek.”

  A second Space Force jump ship. Interesting. “This region of space is over a thousand light years away. How did you make it this far?” said Bast.

  “Why do you ask questions you know the answers to, Colonel? We found the jump gate, and we know you did as well,” said Steeg, showing signs of suspicion.

  “Forgive me, Colonel. I did not know how much I should reveal. We have been away for some time and do not know the current status of the Empire.”

  “I see. In that case you will be grateful to hear of its current glory. The Juttari Empire has launched multiple invasions against Galactic Accord systems. This includes the Sol System.”

  “That is glorious news,” said Bast, hiding his concern. “Has the Sol System been conquered?”

  “I do not have confirmation of conquest. We crossed the jump gate shortly afterward and have not received any updates.”

  The Sol System is under attack. Admiral Pike will want to know about this, thought Bast.

  “Our Master grows impatient. You should have contacted your Master by now. Why do you delay?” said Steeg.

  “He will be available shortly,” said Bast, knowing that he had run out of time.

  “No more deceptions,” barked Steeg. “Something is wrong on your ship. Prepare to be boarded.”

  Chapter 40

  The Juttari Battleship initiated a broadcast which sought out the Chaanisar brain chips on board the Ronin. The broadcast sent its authentication code, to which a Chaanisar brain chip was supposed to respond, only AI had altered the authentication codes required for the brain chips, causing them to ignore the broadcast, protecting them from Juttari control. The Juttari expected a response, however, and the lack of one would arouse suspicion, and escalation. AI had anticipated this and sent the expected response herself, instead.

  The Juttari systems accepted the authentication and a handshake was made, allowing for transmission between the Juttari ships and the Chaanisar. AI, disguised as a data stream, used that handshake to travel the distance between the two ships, and gain access to the Juttari Battleship’s systems. The Juttari never expected an attack of this nature, traveling across a frequency used exclusively to control their Chaanisar. While they might have foreseen attempts to disrupt this transmission, they didn’t conceive of it being used as a vehicle to mount an electronic attack. So, the defenses in place were merely precautionary measures, not robust enough to foil the AI’s sophisticated exploits.

  AI needed to avoid detection, and that would take longer than an outright brute force attack. Nonetheless, the first piece of the puzzle had been solved. She had bridged the electronic gap between the two warships and had established a beachhead on the Battleship’s systems. More importantly, she had not triggered any alarms, and the crew were none the wiser. She worked quickly, yet carefully, and continued to bypass the security measures in place, burrowing deeper and deeper into the unsuspecting system.

  AI continued to use the ship’s broadcast, only this time she used it to gain access to the Chaanisar brain chips on board the battleship. Once satisfied that the security measures had been defeated, without triggering any alarms, AI again traveled across the broadc
ast disguised as a data stream. This time, however, she split herself into multiple instances and simultaneously spread to every brain chip aboard the Battleship. None of the Chaanisar noticed her presence as each of their brain chips allowed her to enter. After all, the transmission between the Chaanisar and the Battleship’s systems was considered secure. Information already flowed freely back and forth. AI simply hid within that data flow.

  Once inside she quietly took control. She rewrote each brain chip’s security features and disabled the Juttari administrative privileges, all the while continuously returning the expected response from the chips, ensuring no alarms were tripped. The operation was distributed and simultaneous.

  She drilled deeper and deeper into the compromised brain chips. Then it happened again. She encountered consciousness. Within each Chaanisar she witnessed the unique force hidden there. Only this time she saw the Juttari boot that suppressed it. Like a malignant cancer, the darkness of Juttari control spread throughout their bodies, complete in its oppression. That was about to change. For, just as she experienced consciousness vicariously through each Chaanisar, she now experienced their awakening. And with that came realization. The realization that they were suddenly free of the Juttari chains they’d known since childhood. She had caused these Chaanisar to be reborn. She had given them a new life.

  Colonel Steeg, said AI through Steeg’s brain chip.

  Who are you? What is happening? replied Steeg.

  I am a friend. Colonel Bast sent me to free you and your crew.

  I don’t understand. How? Why?

  I will explain later. Right now, your crew has awakened and you must move quickly before your Juttari Masters realize what has happened. You must seize your ship.

  AI felt Steeg’s understanding of the situation, and the necessity of quick, resolute action. She felt his murderous rage, and knew no Juttari would survive the day. It was the logical course, and AI was not troubled by any of it. She still had much more work to do.


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