Before the End (Beyond Series Ultimate Glom Edition)

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Before the End (Beyond Series Ultimate Glom Edition) Page 72

by Kit Rocha

  Closing her eyes didn't help. Dallas's strained voice chased her there, pitched to carry in a way meant to remind her that he knew she was here, watching, and he wanted her to hear every word. "She's sweet as sugar, Lexie, hot and eager. You'll see when she's got this clever tongue in your pussy. I think I'll reward her every time she makes you come all over her face."

  "See, Rachel?" Six could imagine Lex cooing the words against the woman's ear, her breath stirring blonde hair. "He'll take care of you. All that hunger. Want to know what Dallas's idea of a reward is?"

  A gasp, a shuddering sigh. "Yes."

  Christ, Six did, too.

  "Not just fucking you," Dallas rumbled, his voice so roughly compelling that Six's eyes fluttered open. He had Rachel's head tilted back at a precarious angle, her throat stretched in a pale, vulnerable arc. "Fucking you together. The first time, I might just impale you on my cock and hold you still while Lex sucks your clit."

  Rachel's hands flexed in his grip, and her reply came out husky and challenging. "I thought you wanted me to eat her pussy."

  He laughed. "That's how you earn the reward, darling." Then he pushed her back down and watched in heavy-lidded approval as she willingly parted her lips to accommodate his cock, and Six wondered hazily if Bren was taking mental notes about what made her clench around his finger.

  Just in case he wasn't, she turned her head to his, leaning her forehead against his chin without sacrificing her view of the stage. "You could do that to me sometime."

  "Fuck your face?" He thrust a second finger into her pussy along with the first. "Or make you go down on Lex?"

  Grinding against Lex on the dance floor had been fun. Watching her fuck was, too. But any attempt to put herself into the action happening on the stage morphed into Bren's hands, Bren's cock, just...Bren.

  His fingers pumped into her, and she lowered her voice. "No one touches me but you. But you can do whatever you want to me."

  "Can I?" His free hand grazed her breast, and he pinched her nipple until she had to bite her wrist again.

  Lex was wiggling out of her pants, and Six considered doing the same. Hell, if Bren wanted to bend her over the arm of the couch and fuck her to the sound of Rachel going down on Lex, she'd let him. "Yes."

  Lex urged Rachel up until Dallas's dick slid free of her mouth, then pulled her around to the front of the couch. She stood there, keeping her wrists crossed behind her back, as Dallas hauled Lex to kneel astride his lap, her legs folded beneath her, her back snuggled against his chest. His hand drifted down to cup her pussy, his fingers rubbing until her back arched.

  Six bit back a whimper and clutched at Bren's arm. "That," she whispered hoarsely, imagining her back pressed to the solid wall of his chest, his arms around her, caging and protecting her as he worked his fingers deep. "I want that."

  His breath hitched, and he pinched her harder. "Now?"

  The pain short-circuited something in her brain. Her hips twisted off the couch, as if she could ride his fingers just by driving up against them. If he got her out of these damn restrictive pants-- "Yes. Yes, yes, yes."

  It was dizzying how quickly he pulled away and tore his shirt over his head. Then he had her bent in front of him, dragging her pants low enough for her to kick them away.

  He closed his arms around her, his chest hot at her back. "Say it again," he rasped.

  She couldn't breathe. Even in the shadows, she felt exposed, her knees forced apart by the width of his strong legs. For the first time, there was a tiny thrill in that. Not in the exposure, but in the darkness, the secrecy of Bren's hands on her body, stroking her in time with the scene playing out before them.

  She was supposed to say something, only she couldn't remember what it was. So she said the one word that mattered, chanted it in a rough whisper as she clutched Bren's wrist and tried to guide his hand between her legs. "Please."

  He wrapped one hand around her throat--no pressure, just the light weight of his hand. "Shh."

  Shivering, she stilled and watched Lex's head loll back against Dallas's shoulder. Those big hands of his had smoothed down her body, his fingers parting her pussy lips, holding her exposed as Rachel knelt before her.

  Arching, Six mirrored Lex's pose by folding her arms behind her, trapping them between Bren's abdomen and the small of her back. This was a message she could deliver in silence, a reminder. You can do anything to me.

  His chest rumbled, and he stroked her hair, tickling one lock over her nipple. Before she could recover from the brief tease, he reached down, sliding two fingers against her, one on either side of her clit.

  On the dais, Rachel moved slowly, licking a path up Lex's inner thigh before reaching her pussy. Lex exhaled sharply, only to do it again a heartbeat later, when she should have had no breath left.

  "Slow," Dallas commanded. "Lick her up and down, but not her clit, not yet. Fuck her with your tongue instead."

  Lex stilled for a moment, then clenched her fingers in Dallas's hair as she rolled her hips against Rachel's mouth. "Oh, fuck."

  Six echoed the motion with a slight rock that rubbed her against Bren's fingers. She squirmed, unable to sit still but unwilling to break the moment by speaking, either. The furtive frustration cranked her higher, as if her body were drunk on being denied.

  She was a freak, and she'd never given less of a fuck.

  Rachel lifted her hands from behind her back, curled them around Lex's thighs, and pulled her closer. Dallas caught Lex's chin in his hand and turned her head, forcing her to meet his gaze.

  His lips curved up in a gentle smile that he never gave anyone else, and Six almost looked away. Watching them fuck was less intimate than that soft-eyed smile, even if Dallas dirtied it up by murmuring, "Suck her clit now."

  Rachel obeyed, and Lex held his gaze as she began to shake and moan. She touched his face and mouthed words, silent but unmistakable. I love you.

  It was too raw, scraping at hollow, hungry places inside Six, places Bren had already laid bare. She tilted her head back against his shoulder and concentrated on the brush of his fingers over her clit to fight off a fantasy where Bren gripped her chin and mouthed those words to her.

  "More?" Low and intense, but Bren didn't wait for an answer before pushing into her again, two fingers deep in her pussy.

  So good. The stretch of those inner muscles, the sound of his fingers slicking into her, the heat of his breath on her ear, of his chest against her back. If she'd felt lost the first time he'd gone down on her, this was the opposite. She was surrounded, embraced, pinned in place so the rising pleasure couldn't sweep her away.

  Even with her eyes clenched shut, her body tensed with the need to come, a moan from Lex painted vivid pictures across her imagination. Maybe Rachel was using her fingers now, pushing them as deep as Bren had. Or maybe it was Dallas, unable to keep his dick out of the woman he loved. "What's happening?" Six whispered, shuddering as Lex moaned again. "Tell me."

  "Rachel's touching her." Bren rocked his hand in a rhythm he'd never used before, and Six knew he was mimicking what he saw. "Lex is trying to ride her fingers."

  "Oh, God." It was worth forcing her eyes open to watch Lex's hips move in a tempo she'd already matched by instinct. For a dizzy moment, she felt connected to her, bound by the experience they were sharing, even if Lex was oblivious to it.

  No wonder they all got off on fucking in front of each other. How much more intense would it be to meet Lex's eyes across the room, to know they were both shuddering under the same caress, fighting the same rising edge?

  "Deeper," Dallas commanded, reaching around to twist one hand in Rachel's hair. "Fuck her with your fingers as hard as you want me to fuck you with my cock."

  Rachel groaned, and Six didn't have to see her fingers driving into Lex to know she obeyed. Lex bucked so hard Dallas had to grip her hips to hold her down, his fingers framing the intricate tattoo of his name that spanned her abdomen.

  "That's it," he whispered, so low Six had to str
ain to hear him. Bren's fingers thrust lazily, stringing her along the edge, and it was bliss and goddamn torture just to hang there, panting, and watch Lex fall.

  The woman's skin flushed, and every muscle tensed, right down to her feet where they rested on Rachel's back. Her shaking had turned into an all-out quake, and a low noise escaped her, somewhere between a moan and a cry.

  Her eyes snapped open, dark and unfocused, and her movements took on a primal sensuality--not the desperate pursuit of release, but something lazy and languorous. She slid her fingers into Rachel's hair and held her in place while she circled her hips, riding the last waves of pleasure.

  Shivering uncontrollably, Six opened her mouth, prepared to beg, but Bren stole her words with a flex of his arm, his fingers plunging into her deep and hard and perfect.

  "So sweet." Bren's words were quiet but harsh. Hungry. "You want it. Show me how much."

  "Bren--" Her back bowed, arching her body away from his, but he still held her tethered with that gently unyielding grip at her throat as everything started to unravel, spinning out of control.

  She closed her eyes. "Don't let me scream," she begged, her last coherent thought because it was hotter in darkness, in silence--

  His hand moved from her throat to fold over her mouth, muffling her hoarse cry as a final twist of his clever fingers shattered her. She came in shuddering spasms, irrationally turned on by his hand clamped over her mouth, especially when she dug her teeth into his fingers and he growled like she'd wrapped her lips around his dick.

  "I'll fuck you right here." He drew out her orgasm by curling his fingers firmly inside her. "But you have to be quiet."

  She whimpered at the thought of his cock inside her, stroking all the places that were still untouched, still hungry.

  On stage, Dallas rose. He left Lex sprawled on the cushions and pulled Rachel up to lean over, her hands on the back of the couch and her tits in Lex's face.

  "Think she's ready for me?" he asked as he dragged a hand down Rachel's spine, but he didn't wait for an answer. He fisted his cock, stroked it once, and smiled as he positioned the head and pushed into Rachel's body so smoothly, she had to be wet, so wet--

  Six nodded jerkily, silently answering Bren's question. Fuck me, please fuck me.

  Bren released her mouth, and his hand brushed the small of her back as he unbuckled his belt. "Say it. Say yes."

  She'd kicked ass in the cage. She'd beaten down her past, reclaimed her pride, proven to all the people who'd seen her shamed that she wasn't a victim anymore.

  If she wanted to have sex in a warehouse while a filthy threesome played out in front of her, she fucking well would.

  And she did. She so, so did. "Yes."

  To an outsider, it would just look like fucking.

  They'd see naked flesh, bodies joined, and no more, nothing beyond the sheer physicality of the people writhing on the brightly lit dais. They wouldn't notice the things that caught Bren's eye immediately--the protectiveness inherent in Lex's hand on Rachel's cheek, or the way Dallas spared a moment to rub her back, soothing and petting.

  She was safe here, and Christ knew she needed that. In some ways, she was even more of a princess than Noelle. Though her family back in Eden was solidly middle-class, Rachel had been sheltered. Cherished.

  When she'd taken the fall for her father's liquor smuggling, she'd protected her family and Dallas. If she'd been willing to roll over and give the investigators in Eden insider information about the O'Kane operation, she might have been spared banishment. Instead, she'd kept her mouth shut, and that gesture had earned her an instant place within the gang.

  She'd never lived on the streets. Never wandered the sectors, struggling to survive, and that innocence showed in more ways than she realized. But Lex and Dallas knew what she needed, just as they knew someone had to guide her through this experience.

  No, an outsider wouldn't recognize how much tenderness accompanied every rough caress any more than they could understand the sort of gift Six had offered Bren. Here, now, she was trusting him to take her, to give her pleasure she'd never considered possible. To indulge her fantasies and her body's very real needs, all at once.

  He stripped off her shirt and laid her on the couch, facing the others, before stretching out behind her. Sweat had begun to pearl on her skin, and he relished the heat as he pulled her hair aside and licked the back of her neck.

  It had to be even hotter up on the dais, under the lights. Rachel's skin gleamed, damp and flushed, as Lex ran a hand down the front of her throat. "You burn so bright, honey. Next time, we'll fuck you in front of mirrors so you can see the show, too."

  Rachel moaned, and Six shivered again. That seemed to get to her the most, not only Dallas's dirty words but the noises torn from Rachel against her will, sounds of pure, helpless pleasure.

  "Close your eyes," Bren whispered. "Don't look. Listen."

  Her hand slipped back, nails scratching over his hip, but her eyelashes drifted lower until they were dark smudges against her cheeks. "You have to tell me what they're doing."

  "If you're quiet, you can hear them." He lifted her leg up to rest on his, opening her to his touch. "The grunts, the moans, even the little sounds they don't have words for."

  She tilted her head, straining toward the stage as Dallas landed a playful slap on Rachel's hip. Six squirmed at the crack of an open palm on flesh, rubbing back against Bren's cock as if seeking relief.

  He stilled her hips with one firm hand. "Rachel's so turned on her thighs are wet. Can you hear him fucking her?"

  Six bobbed her head in a jerky nod, but he caught the gentle flutter of her lashes.

  She was peeking.

  Bren dug his fingernails into her skin, just for a moment, and made her wait, untouched, while he unbuttoned his pants.

  She squeezed her eyes shut once more. "Where's your gag when you need it, huh?"

  "If you can't stay quiet, I'll cover your mouth again." He didn't need to feel her skin turn hotter to know she'd like it. She'd come hard before, shuddering in his arms, but he'd make her come harder before he finished with her.

  He eased his pants down just far enough. Six liked contrasts, the starker the better, and there was nothing else as blunt as rough denim on sensitive skin. She shivered as he rubbed his cock against her ass and turned his gaze back to the couch on the dais.

  Dallas had stopped teasing and started fucking, and it had Lex squirming on the cushions. She wrapped her hands around Rachel's waist, urging her back into a low bend that canted her hips before his next deep thrust.

  "Fuck!" The word ripped free of Rachel on a shudder, and her hands slipped on the back of the couch. She wound up pressed against Lex, her face buried in her neck.

  Lex hissed a curse. "Harder, shit."

  At first, Bren thought she was talking to Dallas, but then she gripped the back of Rachel's head, and the look on her face sent a bolt of heat rocketing to his cock.

  He wrapped his fingers loosely around Six's throat. "Rachel's biting Lex, trying to keep from screaming."

  She swallowed before whispering, "Are you jealous?"

  "Of what, the pain?" He flexed his hips, sliding his cock between her open legs to nudge her pussy.

  Groaning, she twisted, fighting his grip in an attempt to writhe closer to him. "Inside," she whimpered instead of answering. "Please, Bren, just be inside me."

  "Like this?" He pushed between her inner lips, gritting his teeth against the need to drive into her, to sheathe himself fully in the hungry, wet clasp of her body.

  "Bren." She slapped her hand over her mouth almost as soon as his name escaped, as if the trio on stage was likely to hear over their own noises.

  He didn't start slow. Instead, he plunged into her in time with Dallas's next thrust, trusting that the visual combined with the sensation would drive her higher. Harder.

  She went a little wild, her cry muffled behind his hand. Her hips bucked, and she was so tight, squeezing down around him like
she might be close to coming again.

  He rolled her beneath him and pinned her there, her cheek pressed to the cushion so she could watch as Lex slid her hand between Rachel's thighs.

  "Fuck yeah," Dallas growled, catching Rachel under the shoulders. He hauled her body up, trapping her with a hand across her throat and the other anchoring her hips. "You want Lex to let you come, sweetheart? You want her to suck your sweet little clit?"

  "Please." Rachel ground out the word. "Please, let me--"

  "Shh, no begging." Lex licked a circle around Rachel's navel. She eased up and did it again, this time around one of her nipples, coaxing it to an even tighter peak. Then she stretched up on her knees, high enough to lick the corner of Dallas's mouth.

  He caught her in a kiss, rough and wild. Dallas ended it with her lower lip between his teeth, and he growled as he released her. "She's been such a sweet girl, Lex." He tilted Rachel's face up to his. "Time to reward her."

  "I know." Lex licked her way back down--neck, tits, hip--before sliding to the floor at her feet.

  The first touch of Lex's tongue made Rachel jerk in Dallas's arms, though her sharp cry was lost to his mouth. Then it was his turn to groan, and Bren knew Lex was licking his cock, teasing him with quick flicks at the root of his shaft.

  Six knew it, too. She clenched around him, but Bren held her still. Trapped, though she didn't struggle or fight against him. Her body was pliant beneath his, warm and soft and as relaxed as he'd ever felt her, even as she clutched at the couch.

  Watch. Bren almost said it aloud, but he didn't have to tell her. She was spellbound, her gaze riveted to the scene before her, to the helpless ecstasy they could almost taste in the air.

  Lex's nails flashed, black and gold, as she stroked a hand over Rachel's hip and up to Dallas's wrist. A fleeting touch, half a heartbeat before he clenched his jaw, and from the look of sheer determination on the man's face, he was fighting a swift battle for the self-control not to ride the orgasm Rachel couldn't even vocalize yet.

  But when she did, the cries from before paled, quiet and reserved, next to the way she screamed and bucked and scratched, pulling Lex's hair and leaving welts on Dallas's arms. She was surrounded by them, caught between the hard thrust of cock and the soft, sinuous heat of tongue.


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