Second Chance Ranch (The Circle D series)

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Second Chance Ranch (The Circle D series) Page 20

by Harders, Audra

  He sat back in his seat and removed his glasses staring at her from beneath his frown. “You’ve changed your mind? This is an unexpected turn.”

  She glanced over the cover page recognizing her accepted dollar amount for the purchase of the Trails’ End Ranch. Hadn’t Zac told Mr. Gebhardt the Eklunds never owned the property? Tears stung her eyes at the additional blow to her ego. “The Trails’ End isn’t for sale. I’m surprised the Davidsons didn’t tell you.”

  “They told me. And it is for sale. To you.” He nodded at the paperwork. “Are you signing?”

  “The Davidsons are selling it to me?” Conversations spun through her head. Grace’s kind words; Arthur’s echoed sentiments. “Zac won’t let this happen.”

  He nudged her hand aside and flipped the first page over. “Isaac Davidson signed the papers this morning.”

  Zac’s signature scrawled across the line. Nothing made sense. Jen fought to breathe around the lump in her throat as she sifted through the loan papers, verifying Zac’s signature in all the proper places. She shook her head and pushed her chair back. “I…I’ve got to think. Excuse me.”

  Mr. Gebhardt stood. “Jennifer, do you want this property?”

  “I don’t know.” Possibilities skipped through her mind like rice in a skillet. Why didn’t this matter just close? She’d prayed and found peace with her decision. Her heart pounded in her chest and her hand began to tremble. She’d didn’t have any tears left to shed; she didn’t have the strength to fight anymore. “I’ll be back.”

  She escaped the spacious office and ran past Frannie’s desk, the secretary’s voice floating confused congratulations behind her. Patrons lined up at the teller windows stared as she pushed open the massive glass front doors and stepped into the bright, crisp fall air. Trapped in a nightmare she couldn’t seem to wake up from, she leaned back against the brick facade of the bank, squeezed her eyes and let the tears flow. Not again. She never cried. Since Zac Davidson crashed into her life again, all she seemed to do was cry.

  A moment later, a familiar palm cupped her elbow. She eeked open an eye and saw Zac mere inches away. She closed her eyes again, sucked a breath and cried harder.


  Zac rubbed her elbow, unsure how to proceed. Not quite the tears of happiness he was expecting. His hand slid to her waist and tried to draw her close. “Jen. What’s wrong? Talk to me.”

  Resisting his attempt at comfort, she dug around in her jacket and jeans while tears streamed down her face. Zac pulled a fast food napkin out of his pocket and handed it to her. She clutched the napkin in her fist and rubbed it across her eyes before blowing her nose. Lifting red rimmed eyes, she sniffed even as another tear squeezed out. “I’m finally okay with this whole thing. I’ve given it to God and everything will work out. Why are you dragging me into this again?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but let’s go to the park and discuss it.” Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he guided her across the street to the same clump of trees they’d sat at when she first found out he had a back-up contract on the ranch. Ironically appropriate.

  Wiping her face, she twisted out of his embrace and faced him her hands gripping his biceps. “Zac, listen to me. You’ve won. You’ve gotten everything you wanted…and deserve.”

  With a quick squeeze, she dropped her hands and drew away. Hanging her head, she began to pace. “I didn’t understand why the Trails’ End was yanked out from under me, so God and I wrestled it out…you know, Jacob and the Angel style. I realized I wanted the Trails’ End so badly, I never asked the Lord if that’s what He wanted for me. All I saw was the camp and the kids. I wallowed in memories...alone.” She stopped and sniffed, pushing her thick hair out of her face. “You know what I discovered? He wants the best for me. I have to follow where He leads.”

  “Of course you do.” Nothing she said made sense. “That’s all I want, too.”

  She stood beneath the aspen tree, its golden leaves brushed the top of her head making it look like even the tree wanted to offer comfort. “I’ve been alone ever since my mother died. I’ve tried to do it all and I just can’t anymore.” Fresh tears pooled in her eyes as she rubbed her nose and sniffed.

  “No one ever asked you to be so strong.” The magnitude of her revelation crumbled his heart. For years he’d imagined Jen as an impregnable fortress, a force to deal with. He’d ask the questions, she had the answers; he had the problems, she offered the solutions. Jennifer O’Reilly had life all figured out. Only, he had it all wrong, didn’t he? She hadn’t known any more about life than he did; she just made everyone think she did. Hoping maybe she needed him made him love her more. He reached out and smoothed wisps of hair from her cheek. “I want to help you.”

  She turned, refusing to look at him. The excited jabber of kids playing across the park floated around them. A breeze rustled the trees making a couple of leaves float to the ground. Zac inhaled the fading scent of sun-warmed pines soon to freeze when the snow began to fall. The worst winter he could remember didn’t compare to the vast despair he saw on her face. “Jen—”

  “I give up, Zac. I gave all my hopes and dreams to God and I know everything will be okay. I let go…of everything.” She drew in an unsteady breath. “I’m examining my options.”

  A knot formed in his stomach. Was he too late? Had she already written him off? “What about me?”

  Dipping her chin, her gaze followed the fallen leaves scattered about their feet. “You were the hardest to turn loose.” Her voice so low he almost missed the words. “But I had to or I’d go crazy.”

  The knot in his gut began to unravel. This was his last chance to make up for all the hurt he’d caused her. He just hoped it was enough. “Jen, I know how much the Trails’ End means to you. You’ve shared more history there with Eklund than I ever could have in my wildest imagination of GG Jeb.” Her shoulders stiffened and he knew time was running out. “It’s your ranch. The home of your camp. Just the way you have it.”

  He watched her chin quiver and the thought of more tears scared him to death. He stepped toward her and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her to his chest.

  This time she didn’t resist.

  Holding her close, he wanted to hang on forever. “I’ve been a fool because I never thought anyone would take me seriously. But you always have, haven’t you? You understood my dreams and sacrificed your own for them. You still do. I never meant to hurt you.” He buried his nose in her hair, her sweet scent making him realize what he’d lost. “The Trails’ End is yours.”

  “No, it’s not. It’s your family history, you love it.”

  His jaw brushed along hers, trailing kisses he couldn’t stop. “I love you more.”

  * * *

  She pulled back and finally met his gaze. He stood before her, no longer the little boy who’d been her best friend, nor the teenager she’d given her heart to so many years ago. This was Zac, the big, strong man with the killer smile. An irresistible blend of financial genius and easy-going cowboy. The man she’d never stopped loving.

  “The ranch is yours, Jennifer O’Reilly.” He gave her a weak smile, uncertainty etched in his deep, brown eyes. “No strings attached. It will always be in your name and your possession.”

  She shook her head. “What will your family think if I run off with their property?”

  His warm palms rubbed her arms as his gaze locked with hers. “It’s not theirs; it’s mine. And now it’s yours.”

  Her heart pounded in her chest. Zac had always lived for the moment, rarely giving thought beyond his mercurial emotions. She wasn’t going to let him throw away his dreams for her. She bit the corner of her bottom lip and let her forehead drop to his chest. “Zac…” His name escaped her lips on a surrendering sigh.

  Strong arms tightened around her. His cheek brushed her hair as his breath tickled her ear. “Yes?”

  Lord, I want this so much. I’m not strong enough. Another tear squeezed out as she
clamped her lids together. “What about you?”

  “Don’t know. I could stay here.” A note of longing in his voice. “Maybe go back to Denver.”

  Rubbing her nose on his chest, she tightened her arms around him. “Please, stay. Don’t you see? I don’t want the Trails’ End.” Her breath caught in her chest as she fought to keep the words back and losing the battle. “Not without you.”

  He kissed the rim of her ear. “Marry me, Jen. Make my world complete.” Holding her close, he sunk his hand into her hair as his kisses trailed down her cheek. “I’ve been off kilter for a long time.”

  A fire ignited in her soul chasing away the cold that had surrounded her heart ever since she’d walked away from him so many years ago. This was real, she knew it. This was what she’d been waiting for and until the day she died, she’d give thanks to her awesome God of mercy and grace for giving her a second chance. She chuckled as she buried her face in his chest.

  He stopped kissing her and drew back. “What’s so funny?”

  Straightening within his embrace, Jen looked into his gorgeous brown eyes and saw a love to match her own. “Zac, I’ve been holding on so hard, praying for things to turn out right. When I finally let go, God answered my prayers better than I ever would have dreamed.” She leaned forward and touched her lips to his.

  His lips claimed her with a hunger that sent a fire down to her toes. She snaked her arms around his waist and hooked her fingers into his belt loops, tugging him closer. He deepened their kiss making her heart pound until pressure built in her ears. She turned her head and he trailed kisses along her jaw until her laugh caused him to stop.

  “What?” he asked, the rough hint of stubble along his jaw sending tingles down her neck.

  “We’re causing a scene.”

  “I don’t care.” His fingers trailed along her collarbone. “So, will you?”

  Goosebumps formed in the wake of his touch. “Hmm?”

  “Marry me.”

  “I’ve never wanted anything more, Isaac Davidson, so yes, I’ll marry you.” She pushed back from his embrace and smoothed the wild ends of her hair in place. She couldn’t contain an ornery smile. “But first, I should probably go back and sign my life away.”

  A slow grin traveled his lips as he fished a pen with the Circle D logo from the back pocket of his jeans. He handed it to her and claimed another slow, leisurely kiss. She melted in his embrace, returning his kiss with a slow, decisive claim of her own.

  “Oh, yes, ma’am, you should,” he whispered, trailing his mouth to the lobe of her ear. “To me…I’ll throw the ranch in as a wedding gift.”


  Dear Reader:

  Thank you for choosing Second Chance Ranch. Hawk Ridge, Colorado is a special place filled with special people. If you enjoyed Zac and Jennifer’s story, please consider leaving a review.

  Sign up for Audra Harders’ newsletter at her website to be notified of her next release and for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card each quarter — winner to be announced in the newsletter.

  Look for the third book in the Circle D series releasing Fall 2014. You won’t want to miss the sparks that fly between oldest Davidson brother, Nick, and Rachel Hill, a gal who knows her way around rodeo stock…and cowboys.

  Discussion questions for Book Clubs:

  When Zac left Hawk Ridge, he never planned to return, yet the opportunity of a lifetime lured him back and he realized that maybe home wasn’t such a bad place after all. Have you ever yearned to get away from a situation, and then returned? How did you feel about it?

  Jennifer faced a difficult decision as a teenager. How do you feel about her decision to give her child up for adoption?

  When Jennifer was a child, her mother died. This event left a brutal scar on her soul, affecting much of her outlook on life. Have you experienced a loss so great it colored your perception of life for years to come?

  When Zac was a teenager, he couldn’t wait to leave Hawk Ridge and the shadow of his family. Why do you think he felt such a strong conviction to leave? How do you think his family, the small town, his own restlessness figured into his decision? Do you think he returned a wiser man?

  If you were Zac or Jennifer, would be able to forgive the other for decisions made without the consent of the other?

  Zac and Jennifer each have a deep, strong faith in God. How does their faith aid in healing their hearts?

  Zac and Jennifer each had different reasons for wanting the Trails’ End Ranch. Had the outcome been different, who do you think should own the ranch?

  Books by Audra Harders

  From Love Inspired Books:

  Rocky Mountain Hero

  For Kindle:

  Circle D series:

  Second Chance Ranch

  Rough Road Home (Fall 2014)

  About Audra Harders

  Award-winning author, Audra Harders, writes "rugged stories with heart" featuring cowboys who haven't a clue about relationships rescued by ladies who think they have all the answers. In real life, she's married to her own patient hero, has two adult children, and is surrounded by everything conducive to writing about farming, ranching and cowboys at her day job in the county Extension office. She began writing right after her son was born and sold her first book to Steeple Hill Love Inspired mere months before that same son graduated from high school. Surviving those years in-between reminds her God does have her plan for her life...and that He has a tremendous sense of humor.

  You can visit her at Readers and writers alike are invited to visit Seekerville, a group blog where Audra, along with twelve other inspirational authors, share wisdom and ideas about writing, life, and of course, food!




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