Business & Pleasure_A Dad's Best Friend Romance

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Business & Pleasure_A Dad's Best Friend Romance Page 37

by Tia Siren

  Riley, shuddering as his fingers continued to wander over her flesh, allowed herself the luxury of exploring his body as well. Her fingers stroked his abs, the hard muscle below the skin, causing little rashes of goosebumps to pebble her own. She fumbled her way down the front of his shorts, her fingers brushing against the heavy fabric until she found the buttons and little tie that held them up on his lean, powerful hips. She slid her fingers down that fly and encountered a heavy hardness there.

  A moan broke from her mouth and she arched her hips up below him, wanting to get as close to him as possible. Her fingers traced the ridge of muscle along the top of his shoulders, and she gripped the buttons on his shorts and began to unfasten them.

  His cock, hard, hot, and pulsing with blood, filled her hand. The texture, silkiness over steel, fascinated Riley and she reveled in the dual sensations as she squeezed and gripped his cock, letting her fingers wander over the heavy casing of veins that mapped that rigid flesh of his member.

  Gray groaned and placed his mouth on her neck, nipping and tugging at her flesh with his teeth before moving lower. His mouth found her nipples and subsumed them, sucking hard and making her whimper as her free hand moved up to tangle in his hair as she strove to get him even closer to her flesh.

  Riley’s fingers stroked the slick helmet at the top of his erection, and a small drop of fluid escaped. She used the ball of her thumb to rub it into his flesh, oiling it and making him even harder at the same time. His cock jerked and pulsed within the warm confines of her fist, and she felt a sense of triumph rise. He wanted her as much as she wanted him, and there was no way either of them could deny that.

  Caught in a haze of sensation she tilted her pelvis forward, allowing him the angle he needed to touch her there. His fingers dipped between her thighs, stirring the skin that curtained her pouting lips. Riley whimpered low and long as his fingers stroked the tiny bud at the top of her mound, while his other fingers slid along the seam of her labia before plunging inside her. She ground her hips against those questing fingers, whimpering as friction and heat bloomed inside her. She felt an orgasm bursting to life inside her, but she was not ready to cum yet.

  They were twisted along the bed in an awkward position, and she struggled to get into the right position between his legs. Her eyes feasted greedily on his erect, swollen flesh.

  She lowered her head. His cock throbbed and pulsed as her clever tongue swirled around the base of his shaft, her mouth closing more tightly to prove an even wetter, deeper sensation. Her tongue licked the sensitive spot where his head and shaft met, greedily inhaling the musky scent of his manhood as she bobbed her head and worked faster, applying even more pressure with her cheeks and lips, striving to make him lose his mind as much as he made her want to lose hers.

  “Damn it, Riley! Now I’m gonna have to fuck you twice to make sure you’re as happy as I am,” he said between grunts and groans.

  That tempting threat only served to make her even wetter and hotter. She wanted his sensitive tongue on her clit, but more than that she wanted him buried deep and hard inside her pussy, wanted to feel his cock sliding past her lips and into the tight sheath just beyond.

  He pulled her away from his cock and pressed her into the mattress, moving his fingers to her clit. He massaged it furiously, making her entire ass lift away from the bed. His mouth went back to her nipples, teasing and tormenting them until they stood up in hard, stiff peaks. Sensations ran all through her body, jolting her out of herself into a place where there was nothing but need, want, and pleasure. Heat became fire as he made his way down her body, his tongue leaving wet little trails on her flesh. Fluid dripped and ran from between her legs. Her hips arched involuntarily as his teeth grazed the skin right above her navel, just before his tongue shot out and probed deeply within it. Sensation crawled across her flesh and nerve endings. He opened her labia, licking the seam of the inner lips, then held them open and pressed his skillful tongue against her clit. Drops of creamy white cum slid from her wet channel. He pressed a single finger into that tight opening, and the heated slickness of her walls surrounded the teasing digit.

  “Damn, that feels so good.” The words jerked from her mouth in little whimper-encased syllables. Her heels dug deeper into the mattress, and her fingers found his coarse hair and yanked hard as his tongue moved across her juddering clit again, taking her to the height of pleasure, a sublime pedestal she was afraid to come down from yet wanted to leap off of.

  She was lost in a haze of lust so strong she could not even think, could not even begin to. When he knelt over her, it was hungry reflex that forced her hand to guide him into her waiting channel. Her walls gripped him tightly, caressed him as he began a fast, hard rhythm. Riley arched her back and met him thrust for thrust. Her nails raked along his back, and they both cried out.

  His strong hands locked around her hips and lifted them. Air stroked her wet vulva once more, and then the head of his cock rubbed against the slick, puffy lips that hid her soaked, waiting entrance. He pressed forward, and Riley felt her walls open and her legs part. He was huge, heavy, and thick. Her walls stretched to accommodate him, and she whimpered as she felt his distended flesh opening her, entering her, then going deeper and deeper into her body.

  A slow beat began but he soon sped it up, slamming his hips into hers. He moved faster, creating friction that made her cry out in a breathless voice as the need for an orgasm cranked up yet again. Her walls clenched, opened, and spilled fluids all across his flesh as it withdrew from hers. His hips jerked back and forth. His cock created more heated friction within her body, and the rocking of the boat only helped increased the motion. Her mouth dropped open as a long cry escaped. It echoed around the room as her body shuddered and jerked.

  She felt stiffened and shudder. Her legs, wrapped around his lean waist, trembled as she strained to raise her pelvis just a little more, to allow him better penetration. Gray, rigid and straining forward, found another small inch of space near the end of her tunnel and thrust into it, working hard to let his orgasm, now pulsing and spilling, play out.

  Then he finally collapsed on top of her.

  Riley, mind-blown and stuck in a shifting haze of pleasure and contentment, lay there under his weight, her fingers clutching his shoulders and her lips pursing and releasing as she dropped tiny kisses on his broad shoulders, chest, and neck.

  “I think you’re trying to kill me,” he said, his words pressing into the hollow between her shoulder and neck.

  As his breath washed over her, she giggled and shifted just a little below him. “Oh well. I guess if the cops come after me, I’ll have to tell them it’s not at all my fault. You chased me down, knowing the danger.”

  His head lifted, and his mouth captured hers. Their bodies lifted and fell with their breath, and he finally broke the kiss off and withdrew from her gently.

  He cuddled her close, and she rested her head against his shoulder. Their bodies cooled slowly. His hand lay on one of her hips, where she allowed it to remain. The boat rocked and drifted slightly, a soft motion that was oddly soothing.

  She turned her face to his. “So, I have to know. Why did you… I mean, why not just let me go?”

  He lifted himself up and placed one fist below his chin, then looked at her sincerely. “I had to let you know I’m not the huge douche canoe I came off as. I wanted this thing between us, whatever it is, to have some meaning—or at least that was what I told myself while I was driving. Really, I just wanted you to stay.”

  “Why?” she asked, that one word holding the whole force of her hopes and aching heart.

  “Because you make me want something. I don’t what exactly. I mean, I’ve never felt anything like this before, Riley. I just know I don’t wanna lose it.”

  Joy crashed past her defenses, and her hand sought his. “Me neither, but you have to know that eventually… I mean, I can’t stay here forever. You do know that, right?”

  His smile held resignation. “I do, a
nd when you’re ready to go I won’t hold you back. I can only afford so many tickets to crash your little farewell party, you know.”

  There was supposed to be a jest in there somewhere, but all she heard was a sad truth. He couldn’t afford the ticket he’d bought and she felt guilty about it, yet she was glad he’d done it. More than that, though, their differences suddenly swam to the surface.

  Gray was not from a poor family, not by a long shot, but it was clear that he had to make it on his own, and he was still struggling to break away from what his family expected and what he actually had to do for himself.

  That was the one thing they had in common, and she hoped that it was enough.

  Well, that and crazy, hot sex.

  Chapter 18

  It took Riley a bit to wake up. She had been far more tired than she wanted to admit to Gray, or herself, earlier that day. The heat, sunlight, and excitement—not to mention the damn good sex—had gone a long way in sending her into a heavy slumber.

  Gray apparently was also tuckered out, still soundly asleep. She studied his face as he lay there. He was angry when he came back from the resort, and she wondered why. She thought maybe there had been another fight with his dad. We’d both be so much better off if we weren’t so busy trying to make our parents happy all the time. With that thought, all the freedom and joy she’d found fell flat and the worry crept back in. They would have to go back to their lives, their real lives, at some point. And what’ll happen then? What can possibly happen, other than all this just…ending? Gray obviously loved Florida, and she could see why; she’d fallen in love with it rather quickly herself, but reality was going to intrude on them whether they liked it or not. It already had, to some degree, as evidenced by the obvious inner turmoil raging within him when he returned.

  His father wanted her father to invest, but she knew Richard Teeter. She knew her father would never agree to this kind of an investment. He would go on and on about how ludicrous, how risky, how foolish it was, too dependent on disposable income, whims, and people. Her dad preferred sure things that never went outside the box. Just one of the reasons he was so infuriated with her any time she chose to break out of their carefully orchestrated routine.

  On the other hand, she thought as she stared at the beautiful man lying beside her, I have an enormous trust at my disposal. She knew the investment might not be an intelligent gamble, but it would possibly be Gray’s ticket out, exactly what he needed, a boost in his father’s eyes. She understood how precious and priceless that could be. Fathers were next to impossible to impress.

  Gray hadn’t really brought up the investment since their argument, his big reveal of the truth, but she was sure he still secretly wished she’d talk to her father about it. She’d been so angry when he first told her about it. His father’s desire had driven a wedge between them, and she knew it. She also knew she was not completely sold on the idea of sinking some of her own money into the deal, but if she had a chance to really look at the financials and consider the possible outcomes she might be willing to do that, for Gray if for no other reason.

  It had been a whirlwind of a day, with way too many emotions flying on all reaches of the scale. She needed time to think. To process everything and figure out what was going on.

  She knew she was falling for Gray. It was dangerous. Her parents would never allow it, or believe it. Too fast. Too impossible. Too stupid.

  But it didn’t feel ridiculous, or fake, or fast, or dumb. It felt… perfect. Sort of.

  Gray stirred and murmured, “What’s with all the thrashing around?”

  “Um, I think that’s the boat,” she teased.

  He went from asleep to awake in a matter of a single second, and his reaction terrified her. He leapt instantly to his feet, and his eyes darted to the small staircase. He snatched his shorts up and quickly slid them over his legs and hips.

  Not sure what was going on or why he was acting like a madman, Riley grabbed the first item of apparel she could find, her discarded bathing suit, and quickly donned it as she followed him up the steps and outside. “Gray, what’s wrong with…” she began, but the question died on her lips as her eyes took in the dark skies, the scudding clouds, and the foaming waves hissing and snapping at the boat. Her stomach dropped all the way to her feet, and a little tendril of fear snaked through her. “Gray?”

  “I can’t believe this shit! I forgot to check the damn weather.” He raced toward the controls, his eyes on the horizon to their left. “We’ve gotta get out of here…now!”

  Riley’s mouth went dry. Gray was not in a full-fledged panic, per se, but he was clearly worried, which looked to be leaning toward alarm. It set her on red alert. Her eyes frantically searched the deck and the surrounding waters. They’d left land far behind, and she had no idea where they were. “Gray,” she said, her voice breaking with the strain she felt, “what can I do to help?”

  He stared up at the roiling sky, then started to bring the anchor up. He said something under his breath, peppered with swears of every variety.

  Riley’s heart lurched in her chest. “What is it?” she asked.

  “The anchor! I forgot to drop it, too. What the hell is wrong with me?”

  There was no accusation in his voice but guilt hit her anyway; they’d both been horny, so intent on getting into bed, that his entire safety routine was interrupted. She licked her dry lips. “Is that bad?”

  Gray gave her a long look. It was obvious by his expression that he wanted to lie to her, but he just couldn’t. “It’s not great,” he admitted. “I mean, I’m sure we’ll be okay. The instruments will tell us where we are, and… Well, we might just be a little farther out than I thought.”

  “Maybe too far?”

  He shook his head. “Don’t do that, okay? The storm isn’t here yet.”

  The words had no sooner left his mouth when the bottom dropped out, as if Mother Nature herself wanted to make a mockery of his feigned optimism. Rain hurled down, hard and stinging, slicking everything and soaking them to the bone immediately. Riley gasped and looked upward. Lightning ripped across the sky, illuminating the dark, cloudy cosmos above them. She gasped and danced backward, holding her hands up in front of her in a futile attempt to protect herself.

  Gray grabbed her. His heart was beating way too fast. Riley could feel the uneven thudding of it below his skin against hers. His voice was hoarse as he commanded, “Don’t panic on me now, Riley. I need you. It’s gonna be okay. People get on the water and in the path of storms every day, and we’re all right. Stay with me now.”

  Maybe, but we’re on a boat that already capsized once, and your own mother died in the middle of a storm! She wanted to remind him but didn’t. She didn’t want to be mad at him, but she couldn’t help but blame him for being so careless. Why didn’t he check the weather before he dragged me out here? Why only think with his dick?

  When a clap of violent thunder sounded and he snuggled her close to him, her anger died instantly. She knew he was not the only one at fault. She’d had her hands all over him while they were putting down the sails, distracting and teasing him on purpose. “Tell me what to do to help us get back to the dock,” she said, her lower lip shivering.

  “Well, first, I’ve gotta grab that line over there,” he said, then quickly headed for the back of the boat.

  Riley saw the danger a moment too late. A large puddle had formed near the steps. Gray’s bare feet slid for a second before he went down, flailing and thrashing. She ran over to help him, but she wasn’t fast enough. In an instant he was sliding off the deck, into the angry waters below, just as an enormous wave bucked upward. For a moment he bobbed above the torrent, but then the hungry undertow sucked him under till he vanished entirely from her sight, like a scene right out of some horrible shark attack movie.

  Riley stared off the edge of the boat, her heartbeat quickening with each passing second. Horrified and feeling more alone than she ever had in her entire life, she edged closer to the
side, her eyes scanning the rising waves. “Gray?” Her voice rose in a shout. “Gray! Gray, where the hell are you?”

  Fear morphed into absolute, paralyzing terror. Her lower body went cold and liquid as she stared at the choppy seas. The wind blew her hair off her face and back behind her. The sting of the salt whipping off the waves dried her mouth even worse, and her fear only amplified that till she found it almost impossible to breathe.

  Please, no! No, no, NO! Is he…gone? Her hands shook as she plucked a life preserver from one side and advanced toward the steps. Her heart knocked crazily in her chest, thumping so hard she could feel it beating against her ribs. Her lungs strained for air, and she was suddenly aware that she’d been holding her breath. She somehow found the strength to exhale, then grabbed more oxygen in another long, exaggerated gulp. Her eyes sought his head, any glimpse of skin or his bright t-shirt, but there was no sign of him anywhere. She ran to the other side, her feet sliding along the wet deck, but nothing in those rabid waters gave her any indication that Gray was still alive.

  It was possible, even probable that he was gone, and she knew there was a high possibility that she might soon be joining him in that watery tomb. He was out there on those waves, fighting for his life. She refused to believe Gray was gone, that the vicious sea had devoured him. She knew giving in to that grim thought would only have her breaking down in a moment when she couldn’t afford to do so.

  Riley gulped, then released a giant billowing scream that tore past her lips when she saw a sharp, tall fin slicing through the water, past the boat. Her body went weak at the thought of him suffering such a horrendous, untimely death, with hers quite possibly to follow. Am I next? she wondered. Is this damn boat going to go under, turn me into fish food? And where the hell is Gray anyway?


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