Business & Pleasure_A Dad's Best Friend Romance

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Business & Pleasure_A Dad's Best Friend Romance Page 80

by Tia Siren

I really didn’t know this guy, but I had seen him a couple times over the years. He was a Harvard alumnus, which gave us the ability to have a conversation that other people didn’t really understand. He seemed nice enough, but I could tell he was a Harvard brat.

  “Tell me what your major is again,” he said.

  “Education,” I replied. “I’ve wanted to be a teacher for pretty much my entire life.”

  “Not law like your dad?”

  I laughed. “No. I don’t think law is for me.”

  “Me neither,” he replied with a smile. “I do envy your dad, though. He is really killer in his profession. I was at a conference last year where he made a speech about hard work and determination. It was really inspiring.”

  “Yeah, he’s a good speaker,” I said, looking over at Will and smiling as he came out of his apartment and walked toward us.

  “Hey, Will,” I said. “This is Emory. He’s a fellow Harvard graduate.”

  “Hey,” Will said, sounding unfriendly.

  “Are you a Harvard grad, too?” Emory asked.

  “Princeton, actually,” Will said. “I now own a billion-dollar software engineering company based here in the city. I’m sorry, what do you do?”

  “I, uh, I’m a starting broker at Schwinn & Foster,” he said, obviously uncomfortable. “But hey, it was nice to see you, Ella. Good luck at school. Hit me up when you’re in town again. And it was nice meeting you, sir.”

  Will nodded his head and raised his eyebrows, watching Emory walk off to the elevators. I turned my head and looked at him suspiciously. He had come off as some overpowering asshole who just wanted to point out how successful he was. Will returned my look and shrugged his shoulders before turning to walk back to his apartment. There was no way I was going to let him get away with what he’d just done. All I had been doing was having a conversation about school, and he came in like a wild man, acting like I was screwing Emory right there in the hallway. We’d had this talk. Will wasn’t interested in anything beyond what had happened, and I was okay with that, or at least that was what I’d said to avoid looking like a dewy-eyed schoolgirl.

  “I want to talk to you,” Will said as we walked toward his apartment.

  “I think that would probably be a good idea,” I said pointedly.

  I was a little more than agitated, and I wasn’t going to hide it. I liked Will. That was no secret. How could a girl have a crush on someone for years and just let it go after one hot night of sex? If anything, that made it worse. Still, he had no interest in anything more, not that it mattered because all I had been doing was talking to Emory, and Will had completely embarrassed me. He had to have known what he was doing. It wasn’t like he was a stupid man.

  We walked inside, and I walked into the living room and stood at the windows, crossing my arms in front of me and waiting for Will. He disappeared into the back, checking to make sure Avery was asleep before launching into whatever tirade he had prepared. It had better be good, because in my eyes, there was no reason for him to be acting this way, no matter what feelings he may or may not have had for me. Embarrassing me was not the way to get me to notice him, nor was acting like a big shot. I didn’t care how successful he was. He had made some poor, unsuspecting guy feel like he was a piece of crap because he didn’t own a billion-dollar company. Who actually owned something like that besides Will and maybe a handful of other people in this world?

  “What exactly do you have against Emory?” I turned and looked at him as soon as he walked back into the room.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said nonchalantly. “You guys were discussing careers, so I figured I would chime right in and talk about mine.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I stood there with my jaw clenched as he shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the bar to make himself a drink without even looking up at me. He slowly dropped ice cubes in the glass one at a time and then poured whiskey into it. He swished it around in the glass and then took a sip, making a god-awful smacking sound with his lips, further irritating the hell out of me. His arrogance was hanging out, and I didn’t like it at all.

  “You know what I think it is?” I asked.

  “What is that?”

  “I think you were jealous,” I said. “You walked out of your apartment—randomly, for no reason, might I add—and saw me with another guy, and it got under your skin. So you decided to act like a maniac and scare him off.”

  Will chuckled and took another swig of his drink, his cheeks starting to turn red. My mouth dropped open when I realized I just might be right. He had come out there because he was jealous of me talking to another guy. My shoulders relaxed a bit at the idea that I had made him jealous, but still, he wasn’t going to get off that easily. He couldn’t just go around scaring off every man who decided he wanted to have a conversation with me.

  “That is it,” I said. “You were jealous of that guy.”

  “No,” he said, finally putting down his glass. “I was, in fact, not jealous at all. You have every right to talk to whomever you please, whenever you want. Now, that being said, without the consideration of jealousy, I think a guy like that just isn’t good enough for you to be wasting time on.”

  “I’m sorry. A guy like what?” I took a step toward him, and he stood up, facing me.

  “A guy who is a low-level scumbag that I see with at least three women a week,” he replied, taking another step toward me. “Sure, we had our fun, and it was amazing, and we both said no relationship. However, that doesn’t change the fact that you are beautiful, intelligent, grounded, and one hell of a catch. You shouldn’t be settling for any piece of crap.”

  “What should I be doing then?” I asked, taking another step forward. “I mean, you seem to have all the answers.”

  “Hell, I don’t know,” he said, shaking his head. “But that guy is definitely not on the list.”

  “I know you think I’m some helpless little girl without the ability to take care of myself, but let me just let you know, I am tougher than you think,” I said, getting close to him and poking him in the chest. “I, in reality, had zero interest in that guy. We are both Harvard grads and thus I felt obligated to stop and talk about things. But then you come, acting like Bruce Wayne, flapping your bat wings and scaring off the kid like he was doing something wrong.”

  I was both annoyed and kind of aroused at just how aggressively he had run that other guy off. I hadn’t ever had a man claim me like that, and while I should have been pissed that he had marked me like a hydrant, I was more turned on by it than anything else. I was a tough girl, but there was something undeniably sexy about him taking charge like that, something I couldn’t help but hope I would get to see more of.

  We stood there staring at each other, anger and passion in our eyes. I didn’t know whether I wanted to hit him or kiss him, but I did know that something had to happen before we both exploded. Suddenly, he lurched forward, releasing the tension and grabbing me by the back of the head. He pressed his lips hard against mine, and I pushed my fingers into his back. The kiss was passionate and wild, and we started to run our hands all over each other. Before I could start taking off his clothes, though, he stopped me and reached out, lifting my shirt over my head. He unbuttoned my shorts and let them drop to the ground. Then he licked his lips as he ran his hands down my satin bra and panties.

  I reached around and unclasped my bra, letting my breasts spill out. He hooked his fingers into the strings on the sides of my panties and pulled them down, running his tongue over my nipples as he did. He stood back up and pushed me down on the couch, kneeling in front of me and grabbing my thighs. He yanked me forward and spread my legs apart, immediately diving his head between them. My head flew back as his tongue pushed through his lips and ran up through my juices. God, it felt so damn good. He licked and lapped at my pussy while reaching up and rubbing circles around my clit.

  My hands flew down, and I gripped the edge of the couch, moaning soft
ly with every pass of his tongue. He reached forward and picked up my legs, throwing them over his shoulders and plowing his face into my wet mound. I screamed out, my body trapped against the couch as this man’s mouth went wild against me. He raised his hand and pushed two fingers inside me, going deep and flicking the ends of his fingertips up and down. He withdrew his fingers only to thrust them back in, this time keeping the rhythm as his tongue pushed hard against my nub.

  The heat in my stomach was going crazy, and although I was trying really hard not to come yet, I could feel my resolve weakening. God, it felt so amazing to have his warm mouth rubbing and massaging my folds. I could feel my juices slickening my pussy as his fingers slammed in and out of me, pushing me to a pleasure I had never known before. As his tongue moved back to my clit, I arched my back and took in a deep breath, feeling the orgasm explode. As my body writhed and wriggled beneath him, he kept his pace, my juices running down his hand.

  When my body finally began to relax, he slowed his pace and then pulled his hand up and wiped his shimmering chin. He looked up at me and smiled mischievously before standing. He leaned over and picked me up off the couch, cradling my naked body in his arms. I was still covered in a shroud of pleasure as he walked out of the living room and down the hall toward his bedroom. I kissed his neck softly, and he lowered his head to my ear.

  “I’m going to give you a little going away present,” he whispered. “Something you can remember when you are trying to get warm on those cold Cambridge nights.”

  Chapter 7


  I carried her, still shaking, into my bedroom and set her down on the floor, closing the door behind us. I knew I shouldn’t be doing this. It was exactly what had caused the problem in the first place, but I just couldn’t keep my hands off her. I slowly walked forward, dark passion in my eyes, and kissed her hard and deep. She gasped for air as I pulled away, and then she reached for my shirt, unbuttoning each button as my stare lingered on her face. Her innocence quickly disappeared as she pulled my shirt over my shoulders and pulled me in for another kiss. As our lips moved against one another’s, she pulled my shirt the rest of the way off and tossed it on the floor.

  She trailed the tips of her fingers down my chest and over my hardened stomach, stopping at the waist of my pants and gripping them tightly. She unclasped the top and slowly slid the zipper down before reaching for each side and yanking them until they fell to the floor at my feet. I stepped out of them and took off my socks and shoes, watching her eyes move over my body. She walked toward me with confidence and sensuality and pushed me down on the edge of the bed. She grabbed a pillow and threw it down at my feet, knelt down, and slid my boxers over my knees and off my body.

  Her eyes twinkled as she watched my raging cock bounce free from its restraints. She reached forward and grasped it tightly in her palm. I groaned, feeling her small, soft hands move down from the mushroom tip, over the shaft, and stop right at the base. She leaned forward, her eyes still glued to mine, and gently licked the tip of my cock, smiling at the shudder that echoed through my body. Carefully, she positioned her mouth over the end and slid her lips over the head and down the shaft, deeper and deeper until she had reached the bottom. Her wet, warm throat around my bulging erection felt amazing.

  She then began to move back up, stopping just halfway before diving back down. With each downward stroke, my body clenched as she sucked hard at the back of her throat. She pulled all the way back up and off, leaving strings of her saliva rolling down my cock. She took a breath and headed back down, this time moving up and down the length of my shaft. I tangled my hand in her hair and gently pushed with every motion she made, the heat in my stomach screaming for release. It was too soon. I wanted to feel her in ways she had never experienced before.

  I sat there for quite a bit longer, feeling her tits rub up and down between my legs as her mouth did all the work. I struggled with myself, not wanting to stop feeling her mouth wrapped around my cock but at the same time wanting to watch her ride me, giving in to her inner carnal instincts. I knew, though, if I waited much longer, we wouldn’t even get to that point. Slowly, I lifted her head up and looked into her eyes, then leaned forward and grabbed her by the waist.

  “Climb on,” I whispered as she rose. My hand moved down and brushed her wet pussy. “Fuck me until you come.”

  She bit her lips and straddled me, leaning up as she rubbed the head of my cock over her clit. She slid it down through the juices and pushed with her hips, letting me glide inside her through the wetness. I lay back, my legs still dangling off the end of the bed, and pulled my arms up under my head. I watched her as she rubbed her hands up her body and over her tits. Her hips began to grind against me. She moaned loudly at the sensation of me filling her completely as her clit rubbed my skin. She reached down and pressed her palms against my chest as she started to ride me hard. Up and down and side to side she went, pleasuring herself with my cock.

  Watching her moving on top of me was so sensual, and all I wanted to do was feel that body twitching and writhing in an orgasm, which I could tell was not far off. She screamed out, landing back down on me and grinding again, this time with force and need. She twisted her body whichever way it told her to, giving her the most pleasure for her heightening climax. I reached up and grabbed her waist, thrusting my cock up and down inside her. She leaned her head back and screamed out in pleasure.

  “God, I’m gonna come,” she wailed.

  “Yes, come on my dick, baby,” I groaned.

  I fucked her harder and faster until she grabbed onto my hands and squeezed, arching her back and moaning loudly. Her muscles tensed, and she shook lightly as her orgasm washed over her. I groaned at the feeling of her juices exploding down my cock and her pussy pulsating against my shaft. It was almost too much to handle. As her body relaxed, I rolled her over onto her back and climbed on top before slowly moving in and out of her. My cock was raging hard, but I wanted to be gentle for as long as I could and show her my softer side. I rolled my hips gently into her, feeling just how sopping wet she was. My hands rolled over her as my body thrust faster with each passing moment. She opened her eyes and stared up at me, moaning in tune with my motions. I leaned down and kissed her lips, and then she brought her mouth up to my ear.

  “Now it’s my turn,” she whispered. “Fuck me until you come. I want to feel it.”

  Coming from her pouty lips, those words sent waves of electricity through my body. I smirked and sat up, ready to give her exactly what she wanted. I thrust hard and deep inside her, watching as she moaned and giggled at the same time. I pulled out and flipped her over, pulling her hips up and pushing her face down into the bed. I rubbed my hand up her cheek and slapped it as I ran my cock through her juices. When I found the perfect spot, I grabbed her hips and pushed deep and fast inside her. She screamed out and reached for the headboard, grabbing the slats as my body thrust forward and back over and over.

  I grabbed onto her ass and used it as leverage to push and pull her body into mine. I could hear our skin slamming together and mixing with the low moans of Ella’s ecstasy. She pulled her arm back and reached up between her legs, swiping her palm over my boys as they slapped against her pussy. She moved her fingers up and rubbed her clit fast and hard, her other hand grasping the headboard so tightly that her knuckles were turning white. She moaned loudly, our bodies clashing in the passion that was flowing through them.

  I could feel her getting needier and needier until, finally, her body stiffened in my hands. She was coming again, and this time, it pushed me right over the edge. I grasped her hips tightly and pushed my cock deep inside her, groaning loudly at the explosion in my stomach. As her body pulsated against mine, I returned the favor and came hard and deep inside her, my fingers digging into her skin. I groaned, the heat escaping my body as my seed released, taking all my strength with it.

  Our bodies sat perched in ecstasy together as we waited for the pleasure to subside. When my body relaxed,
I pulled out and fell to the side, watching Ella slowly lower the rest of her body onto the bed. We lay there facing each other, our bodies sweaty, too unnerved to speak. She put her hand to her chest as she collected her breath, and then she pulled her hair back off her forehead.

  “Wow,” she said breathlessly. “That was amazing.”

  “You were amazing,” I replied, kissing her gently on the cheek.

  She smiled and turned over on her back, looking up at the ceiling as the fan spun around and around. We lay in silence for a while, collecting our thoughts, our bodies, and our breaths. It wasn’t awkward, but necessary as we recovered from that absolutely amazing session of sex. If I had any ability to move my body, I would have gone back for more, but I was completely exhausted, and I could tell she was as well.

  Once we both recovered, Ella leaned over, kissed my cheek, and pulled herself out of bed. I turned on my side and propped my head up on my elbow, watching as she walked out of the room and returned with her clothes in her arms. She pulled on her panties and bra and then finished dressing.

  “You know you don’t have to leave,” I said, smiling.

  She chuckled. “Yes, I do. Girlfriends spend the night, not lovers. Besides, I have to get back home and make sure my sister is good. And I have to start getting ready for my last day at home. You, sir, have work and a little boy to tend to at daybreak.”

  She walked over to the mirror, pulled her hair into a high ponytail, and straightened her shirt. She turned around and looked at me for a minute, smiling and then walking forward to the bed. She crawled across to me and kissed me passionately.

  “Besides,” she said, pulling back just slightly. “We both got exactly what we wanted out of tonight. We both had a little bit of fun giving in to the lust that is between us. It was overpowering and amazing, by the way, and exactly what I needed to put a pep in my step to get headed back to school. So, thank you for that.”

  She kissed me one more time before pulling herself from the bed and leaning against the dresser to put on her shoes. I watched her with glimmering eyes, not sure what to say to her. I knew I should feel that exact way, but there was something else here. I cleared my throat and shook the look from my face.


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