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Battlefield (The Covenant Book 2)

Page 9

by Gwendolyn Casey

  Chapter Fifteen


  I washed Jordan's seed from my thighs and tried to scrub it from my insides. As my hand moved between my legs, images of Jordan moving above me flashed before my eyes. The lust seemed to boil in my veins and steam fried my brain so that I became something completely unrecognizable.

  It had been so overwhelming that I was still not sure how to handle what just happened. I not only gave myself to an Ace, something I swore I would never do, but I also betrayed my boyfriend in the process.

  You had already decided to break up with Greg before Jordan touched you, I thought as lingering tingles moved through my body from his touch. Even though I still felt the pain from the breach, my pussy remembered the sensation of being filled, of being taken … and I wanted it again.

  That doesn't make it right, my “holier than thou” conscience replied.

  I quickly dropped the washcloth as it was obvious that I was only making things worse. Instead of washing Jordan away, it was only making me ache for him.

  I finished up in the shower and put on some PJs. I sat on my bed. staring down at Greg's contact info on my phone. I tried to remember all the things that Greg had done to warrant this break-up. But sleeping with a guy's brother had a way of making me forget all his mistakes.

  Stop delaying the inevitable, I thought and pushed his number. I knew this was the right thing to do. It went to voicemail. Thank God.

  “Greg, I know I should do this in person, but I am very upset with you and I just want it done with. We are breaking up. You standing me up tonight was the last straw.” I hung up.

  With that done, I crawled under my covers and turned off the light. I lay on my side and felt the twinge between my thighs as I bent my legs. I stared at my closet door, not feeling tired, but the dark was soothing. I felt better in the dark, where no one could see me, where all my thoughts and feelings felt muted. In the dark, the situation didn't seem so bad. If Jordan didn't tell Greg, then he probably would never find out. I would avoid both until I could leave for California and then put the whole mess behind me.

  I began to settle down at the thought of leaving and my eyes even drifted closed. My fuzzy thoughts began to wander back to Jordan's bed, my brain replaying every moment. The way he touched me had been so strange. It was so greedy yet gentle, so determined yet reverent, like I was more than just a piece of ass. His words said so, too, but I couldn’t believe him. Men like him didn’t love a woman. And if they did, it wouldn’t last.

  When I split this pussy wide, you’ll know what it’s like to be filled, to be possessed. You’ll know who owns you, he had said.

  But what if he had meant it? My eyes snapped open at the thought, a spark of panic making my heart jump. What if he doesn't let me go to California? Jordan was strong, dominant, and determined. If he truly wanted me, I wasn’t sure there would be anything that could stop him.

  I shook my head a little and turned over, knowing that scenario was far-fetched. Jordan didn't want me that much. Even if he did, it would wear off. I’d witnessed several men say the same things to my mother and not one of them followed through. Jordan was no different.

  I was comforted enough to eventually fall asleep. When my phone alarm went off at seven I wanted to chuck it across the room. I’d barely slept, too obsessed thinking about all the consequences of what happened last night. I trudged downstairs and found my mother asleep on the couch.

  For the first time in my life, I had a little more appreciation for my mother's habits. If my father even had half the magnetism of Jordan then I could understand my mother's need for more. If I was any other mother’s daughter, I would still be lying in Jordan's bed, soaking up every drop of his attention that I could.

  But I wasn't that girl.

  Lauren picked me up as usual. She asked me about my night with Greg, but I managed to avoid the topic by telling her about the robber.

  “Oh my God,” she said. “What did Mark do?”

  “He tried to get the guy to point his gun away from me and at him, but the man refused.”

  “That was brave,” Lauren said with shock in her voice.

  “I know. He was really calm throughout the whole thing.” It was strange to think that the only person who was scared shitless was me.

  We were still talking about it when we came into the store. Mark was already in the break room. “Cece,” he said. “I told you not to come in today.”

  I shook my head, “It's fine, Mark.”

  “I'll still pay you, but I want you to rest.” I could see the guilt in Mark's features.

  “I can't just sit at home and think about it all day,” I said, thinking of my fiery fuck session with Jordan and not so much the robbery. “Please, just let me work.”

  “All right but say the word and you can go home.”

  I nodded and went to my locker.

  “She told me what happened and that was really brave, what you did,” I heard Lauren say. I could see Mark blushing without even looking.

  “It was nothing. I'll see you out there,” he said and then left the room.

  When I was ready, I headed toward the front of the store. It wasn't until my register came into sight that I started to feel nervous. I thought I would be fine, but I could feel the fear again.

  Maybe Mark is right. Maybe I’m not ready.

  Lauren walked by me with her cash drawer in hand and started to open her register. Seeing her perform the task made it seem so simple. I found my feet moving again and then I was at the register. I went through the motions and tried not to think about all the bad things that could happen to me as I stood here.

  “So, did you see Greg last night?” Lauren asked. “You never said.”

  “Um, no,” I responded.

  She just nodded, probably assuming I had just canceled. The rest of the day went by a little better as we began to get busy. I will admit that I felt my blood pressure rise every time I heard the doors open.

  I think Mark could sense my tension because he sent me to stock shelves once another cashier arrived. I didn't protest because I knew I was slowing things down with my distraction. By the time Lauren and I punched out, I was ready to faint with exhaustion.

  Patrons passed by us on our way out, but I didn’t even look up. We were almost to Lauren’s car when I heard wheels squealing behind me. I turned to watch a car come speeding into the lot, swerving around carts and people. It was Greg's Firebird. It came my way, screeching to a stop right in front of me.

  Greg got out with something white in his hand.

  “What the hell is this?” he spat, throwing the white cloth in my face.

  I wrenched it away and looked down at it. It was my tank top that I was wearing last night under my t-shirt. I must have forgotten it.

  “Did you sleep with my brother?”

  I looked around to see people stopping on their way in to the store, so they could stare at us.

  “Greg, let's not do this here, please,” I said softly.

  He snarled. “You did. You fucking whore. I loved you and you fuck my brother.”

  Laruen gasped behind me, but I just glared at Greg. He didn't love me. He was just making himself look like the victim to his audience.

  “For how long?”

  I shook my head. “How long?”

  “How long have you been sleeping with him?”

  “It was only once.”

  “How could you?” he shouted.

  Suddenly, the stress of the last twenty-four hours became too much. I stomped toward him. “And where were you? We had a date last night if you don't recall. And did you know that the store was robbed last night?”

  His anger faded a little, melting into confusion.

  “I had a gun to my head last night, and where were you?”

  The guilt only lasted for a moment before he went on the attack again. “So, you took comfort with my brother?”

  “Why not?” I said boldly. I was sick of his shit. I quickly turned and
made my way to Lauren's car. She glared at Greg from across the hood. I didn’t look back as I yanked the door open and sat down. Lauren got in the driver’s seat but didn't turn the key. “You slept with Jordan?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I said after a heavy sigh. “Just take me home.”

  I knew she was dying to know more, but, like a good friend, she just gave me a sad smile and started the car.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Monday morning arrived, and I was feeling good, which just showed what an evil asshole I truly was. Apparently, my happiness was a bit too obvious because Izzy poked her head into my office and said, “What's put you in such a good mood?”

  I scowled at her. “What are you talking about?”

  “You were just whistling,” she said, a grin pulling at her lips.

  I was shocked silent. I didn't remember whistling at all. “What was I whistling?”

  “Sounded like that Beatles song, uh, ‘Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da’.” She sang the song title in the actual cadence of the song and bobbed her head.

  Shit, I thought. Maybe I could try being a little subtle.

  “Something happen with you and Cece?” she asked.

  “Mind your business, Izzy, before I tell your old man. You might get another spanking,” I said, knowing Rem’s penchant for discipline.

  “Shows how much you know. I have immunity while pregnant,” she said, not at all embarrassed. “But fine. I'll learn the truth one way or another.”

  I shook my head as she made her exit. Females.

  I stayed at the clubhouse last night after spending the day nailing down logistics for the bank job. Now, I just had to meet with Izzy and Rem to talk about the operation. I found them both eating lunch at a picnic table outside with Max.

  “I ordered enough for you, too,” Izzy said shoving a bucket of chicken my way. I was about to sit down when the sound of a car horn made me pause.

  Greg’s Firebird pulled into the compound like a demon on wheels. He got out of the car and was looking at me, an angry sneer contorting his features.

  He knows.

  “Stay out of this,” I said to Rem and Max. This was going to get ugly, and I didn’t want them to get in the middle. As my friends, they would back me up without thought. But this was between me and Greg.

  I stepped away from the picnic table and walked toward him. I knew there was no point in denying what happened, so I simply said, “You get two shots. Better make them good.”

  He seemed surprised by my invitation, but it only took a moment for him to accept, swinging his arm at me. His fist connected with my cheek, and it was harder than I expected, but it was also sloppy. He didn’t have the precision to knock me out. I recovered quickly and stood straight, bracing myself for the next hit. He chose the body this time, slamming into my stomach, which hurt like a bitch, but still didn’t knock me down.

  He went to punch my face again, but I blocked him and shoved him away. “That's enough.”

  He stumbled back. “No, it’s not. You fucked my girlfriend.”

  I heard Izzy gasp.

  “I'm sorry.” It seemed like the appropriate thing to say. I wasn't sorry I had her, only that he got hurt.

  He came closer and stuck his finger in my face. “You just couldn't stand the thought of me having something you didn't.”


  “You have been standing in my way every time I try to have something for myself.” He backed away and started pacing in front of me. “You won't let the guys sell me a bike, you won't let me work for the club, you won't let me prospect. All the things you have, I'm not allowed to. Now, you try to take Cece. She was mine.”

  My lip curled at that. “She was never yours.” I took a step toward him. “You have every right to be angry. But understand this: Cece is mine now. You stay away from her. Or you're going to find out all the things you still have to lose.”

  He was smart enough to start backing away, but the hatred was still simmering in his eyes. It made me realize that Cece wasn't that important to him. His hatred for me came long before her.

  He backed away to his car and got in, burning his tires on his way out. I turned back to the table to find Izzy smiling from ear to ear. “I knew it,” she said.

  Rem and Max looked amused as well. Despite the pain in my face, I felt good, too. That confrontation came sooner than I expected, but I was glad it was out of the way. It was one barrier fewer Cece could throw up between us.

  Chapter Seventeen


  When I got home, I went straight to my room. I didn't bother with a hello to my mother. For the first time in my life, I had something in common with her. And I hated it.

  I had no doubt that my status as a cheating whore was ricocheting through Clayton at the speed of light. It was the twenty-first century, but women’s lib only went so far in a small midwestern town. It made me dread the thought of going to work tomorrow. I knew Mark wouldn't fire me, but the thought of him knowing about my downfall was embarrassing. Not to mention all the whispers that wouldn’t be out of earshot throughout the day.

  California never sounded so great.

  I was stepping out of the shower when I got a text from Jordan telling me to meet him at the park down the street. I thought about ignoring it, but I had to get this conversation over with sooner or later.

  I put on a pair of yoga pants, tennis shoes, and a black hoodie. I pulled the hood up as I left the house, feeling the need to hide my face even in the dark.

  When I got to the park Jordan wasn’t there yet, so I sat at the only picnic table in the small pavilion. I looked around at the pathetic excuse for a playground, wondering where all the equipment went. The metal archway of the swing set was there, but there were no swings. The seesaw was still there, but the rust was so thick that it no longer see-sawed. And someone must have taken a blowtorch to the jungle gym because whole sections were missing, making it look like a snow cone with large bites taken out.

  What kind of an asshole steals metal from a playground? I shook my head, hating this town more.

  I was still stewing in my anger when Jordan pulled up on his Harley. He parked it on the street and shut off the engine.

  As he began to walk toward me, I felt the anger in my chest melt away as my heart rate picked up and my blood warmed. He looked so good with his leather cut over a gray t-shirt and dark jeans. Unlike a lot of guys, Jordan didn't drag his feet or pound the ground. His gait was one of confidence and rugged authority. I faced away as he came close, not trusting my eyes not to give away my feelings. He came under the pavilion and leaned against the pole right next to me, putting a hand in his jeans pocket.

  He was close enough that the smallest amount of his body wash tickled my nose. I literally had to choke back a moan as my pussy twitched at the scent, bringing back memories of last night, when he was so deep I could hardly breathe.

  “So, you heard?” I said.

  “Greg came to the clubhouse to have it out with me,” he said on a small laugh. His statement made me look to his face for injuries. Beneath his sexy stubble, the side of his face was a little red, but other than that he looked perfectly fine.

  I suddenly thought of the two of them fighting, and I knew what the outcome must have been.

  “Is he hurt?” I asked, holding my breath as I imagined Greg badly beaten.

  Jordan shook his head. “No, I let him punch me a few times but didn't hit back.”

  “Good,” I said on an exhale and looked away again.

  “Good?” Jordan said. He moved away from the pole, and he straddled the bench next to me, pushing the hood off my head. “No concern for me then?”

  His hand came up to push a lock of damp hair behind my ear. Jordan's potent scent wrapped around me, and I opened my mouth to avoid breathing too much in. But it made little difference as my heartbeat went from quick to rampant with his proximity. My hands started shaking so I put them under my thighs to try to stay composed.

>   “We both know Greg would never stand a chance against you,” I said quickly.

  “Yeah,” he said, his breath teasing my ear. I glanced at him, expecting to see an arrogant smirk, but instead he looked a little sad.

  As he lifted his eyes to mine, I watched as the sadness turned into hungry lust. I felt his hand at my neck and then he was pulling me to him. I couldn’t find the energy to stop him as his lips came to mine. They were consuming and possessive, making my nipples peak and my thighs squeeze together. Jordan's arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer while I kissed him back. He growled as our tongues met. The sound had me breaking the kiss suddenly.

  “We can't, Jordan.”

  “Why?” He said gruffly, still gripping my waist and neck in his hands.

  I pulled at his wrist to release my neck. “The whole town thinks I’m a whore who cheated on your brother.”

  He let out a breath and caressed my waist with his fingers. “If it makes you feel better, we can keep it quiet for a few weeks.”

  I shook my head and stood up, letting his arms fall as I stepped away. “No, Jordan. Gossip isn’t the only reason. I can’t be with an Ace.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?” he grumbled.

  I kept my back to him and crossed my arms. I needed to tell him the truth, or part of it, so he would back off. “Does the name Betsy mean anything to you?”


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