Sanibel Burn Vampire Werewolf Menage

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Sanibel Burn Vampire Werewolf Menage Page 10

by Talyn Scott

  “Fuck you.”

  “It’s about Renee.”

  That quickly changed Bren’s mind. They both eased from Tatum, and settled on the balcony. “Spill it,” Jayce commanded, putting his phone on speaker.

  “In a nutshell, here it goes. Renee, as a teen, sort of witnessed a murder to some guy she was going to…” Bane couldn’t say it. Try as he might, even though the poor man was dead, he still felt the hackles of jealousy rise.

  “I’ll help you out, since I know the situation. The word is marriage. It’s what humans do.” Jayce felt the chill of the morning, glancing around realizing they were in the buff, and the sun was coming up over the property.

  “As old as I am, don’t you think I know that?” Bane fisted his free hand.

  “Reminder, you’re speaking to your boss, play nice.” Jayce rolled his eyes at Bren. “You’re actually turtling, my man. If Tatum were to walk out, she’d think I was larger for once.”

  “It’s the nip in the air, asshole. Stop being a pecker checker.”

  “I’m stressed,” Bane gritted.

  “Explain yourself,” Jayce leaned against the railing. Stressed was a rare word in Bane’s vocabulary, hardly ever leaving his lips.

  “In her dream, there appears to be Shapeshifter involvement. For that reason, if you’re aware of the circumstances, then what can you tell me? On top of that, why didn’t you tell me from the beginning? Alpha or not, we’re friends.”

  “Always,” Jayce agreed. “It was a promise that I made to Tatum when you petitioned for her sister. Renee has a warped sense of what happened. In her mind, she still thinks he disappeared. The papers and the media were led to believe he disappeared or was abducted, depending on the spin they tried to make of the story at the time.”

  “No, in her mind, she still sees his death, a vicious one.”

  “How can that be? Weres scrubbed the entire area, keeping the humans unaware. Renee never made a report contrary to the ones filed by the human authorities. Our kind visited her, clouding her memory.”

  “I still can’t believe you knew all of this.”

  “I was already Alpha at the time, while you were still in Scotland.” Jayce noticed Tatum patting the bed, missing their body heat.

  “She’s in danger.”

  Jayce’s hand tightened on the phone. “Is Dru with her?”


  “Then, you’d better get over here,” Jayce took Bane off speaker, motioning for Bren to go back to Tatum. Wondering why, after all these years, Bane felt Renee suddenly endangered.

  “Yeah, I should.”

  “You have permission to enter my bedchamber, because I think Tatum needs to be in on this one. Otherwise, she’ll find out anyway and give me hell. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, her hell is brutal on my sex life.” Jayce ended the call and willed on jeans.

  Bane misted before the bed, startling Tatum into a scream.

  “Shush, Tatum, love, it’s just Bane.” Bren pulled the covers over her, hiding her ripped nightie and wondering which one of them had ruined it.

  “Right,” her voice was gravely, “we’re always expecting guests to show up at,” she peeked at the clock, “five in the morning…in the bedroom.”

  “Honey,” Jayce chastised, “Bane needs to speak with us about your sister.”

  “What is it? Tell me now. Is she okay?” She rose up, grabbing her water glass from the nightstand, shakily bringing it to her lips.

  “Yeah, she’s fine. It’s the Danny thing,” Bane hissed.

  “Oh,” Tatum straightened on the bed, absently rubbing Bren’s arm. “I asked you guys not to discuss this with him for a while, until they cemented the relationship.”

  “We didn’t.” Bren took her hand, kissing her fingers. “But we’d like to know how you found out about it, Bane.”

  “She doesn’t want me, and she does want me. Every way I go, she’s a walking contradiction that’s tormenting me.” Bane shook his head, realizing he sounded like a pussy. Funny thing was; everyone was solemn, waiting for him to finish. “Dru knew the bulk of the problem. With a little trick we pulled, we were able to go into her dreaming state and figure out the rest.”

  “You did what?” Tatum lost it. “You don’t go in my sister’s anything. Don’t mess with her head.”

  “Settle down, love.” Bren pulled her in his lap, stroking her back. “How did you enter her sleeping state? Is that another vampire ability we aren’t privy to?”

  “Yeah,” Jayce came forward. “Explain yourself.” He had a good idea what Bane and Dru had done and didn’t like it one bit.

  “He can read minds, and I can ghost.” Bane shrugged. “We joined forces.”

  “Like the Wonder Twins?” Jayce rested a heavy palm on each hip, ready to tear into Bane.

  “The point is I think there’s Shapeshifter involvement.” He was getting back to the original issue. “The things that killed this Danny guy threatened her, saying she’s theirs …or one of theirs. Anyway, even in the dream state, Dru felt them.”

  “Tell me how you two joined your super powers? Maybe we should order you matching capes and colored underpants to parade around in.” Jayce knew damned well how they’d accomplished everything, but Bane was going to fess up to them all.

  “He, uh,” Bane stammered, looking uneasy and at everything except the people in the room.

  “Get on with it,” Bren waved a hand.

  “Drank from me,” Bane finished.

  Tatum went pale.

  Bren nearly fell off the bed laughing, “Did you orgasm in his arms?”

  “You know I’m straight.”

  Bren kept laughing. “With their vampiric endorphins, though…”

  Tatum was now intrigued, inquiring, “Endorphins?”

  “Oh, they’re way more palpable than ours.” Bren sobered quickly. “Though, you’ll never know.”

  A low and thorough growl hit the room, shutting down chat time and bringing them back to the problem at hand. “No more vampire tricks, Bane. You can’t lose your head around one of them, co-mate or not. Think about it,” Jayce continued, “if you two did this with her, who’s to say another isn’t doing it as well. You don’t corner the market on dream walking.”

  “Dream walking and Shapeshifters,” Tatum rested her head on Bren’s shoulder. “My grandmother used to speak of them.”

  “Granny? I guess it’s possible, she’s been around quite a while, seeing it all,” Jayce neared the bed, staring down at his mate.

  “No, my other Grandmother,” she continued, losing herself in thought. “She was mostly Cherokee, and spoke of Shapeshifters. But, really, isn’t that what you all are?”

  “Yes, a form of them,” Jayce agreed. “There’s varied cousin species.”

  “And the dream walking,” she said, “I always thought it was when they smoked the pipe, you know, maybe got high. All the talk of the spirit world gave me the creeps, so I figured they were all just buzzed. After listening to her stories, those dismissive thoughts sure made me feel better at the time, not so much now. They must have meant something.”

  “She’s out of that dump,” Jayce glanced at the clock again, “today, Bane.”

  “Already planning to do so, the hitch is her cooperation.” Bane leaned against the wall, barely standing. “Dru has some stupid movie and dinner thing planned for tonight, hoping he can woo her to the dark side with human frivolities.”

  “Wooing her does not involve dinner and a movie,” Tatum interceded. “I mean it helps, but you can’t impress someone who values the welfare of others, including creatures, and nothing monetary. What would impress her would be to find out what she really enjoys doing.”

  “You suggest?” Bane was hopeful for anything, had already tried something drastic only moments ago.

  “Oh, leave it to me,” she smiled. “We’ll go out as a group tonight. Sorry, Bane, but she’ll love that part – strength in numbers and all.” Especially, if she was in danger, Tatum tho

  “Which is where?”

  “One of her favorite pastimes,” Tatum answered. “This type of spoiling, she’ll love, guaranteed.”

  “Why are you that color?” Jayce interrupted, as if he didn’t know.

  “We took more time than we thought.” Bane didn’t bother to open his eyes. “I need to crash a while at my place, rest up.”

  “You need blood.” Jayce could feel Bane’s weakness. A weak Beta was a weak link. “You can’t do your job and protect Renee like this, so you’ll have to drink from Tatum.”

  “What!” Bren and Tatum snapped in unison.

  “I mean, not that I don’t want to help him,” she stammered. “How can I provide something substantial for him and still be okay. I’m only part Were, a very small part.”

  “You nourish him and Bren or I will replenish you. Maybe both of us, Bane doesn’t look so hot. You have mostly our blood flowing through you now.” Jayce was all for little insurance policies, and if shifters were around, then Tatum needed added protection as well.

  “You’re certainly immortal,” Bren finished, kissing the top of her head, while knowing Jayce had a side reason for the decision. If anything were to happen to Tatum, Bane could help track her because of consuming her blood. A plan he wholeheartedly agreed with. Bane was a master tracker; the best there was on several continents. “Let’s get started. If I’m to give my love sustenance, I need enough time to enjoy it…after you take off Bane.” A warning, no less, Bren wasn’t sharing with Bane.

  “No worries, I wouldn’t try it, and I think I’m in love with her sister anyway.”

  Tatum gasped, “Truly? It’s not just the mate thing talking?”

  “No, the two feel different, even though they’re connected.” He slowly stepped forward, wobbling on his feet. “Jayce, how do you want this handled?”

  Jayce steadied him, “Not on our bed, that’s too personal. I can’t believe you misted this way.”

  “Not on the outdoor chaise, either,” Bren eyed the balcony. The bathroom was hallowed, since that’s where they bathed their mate. “The sitting area,” Bren decided, “nothing’s been marked sacred over there.” Meaning to lighten the mood, Bren’s jokes came up short.

  “Let’s go, my man.” Rolling his eyes at Bren, Jayce hauled Bane by the arm, practically carrying him to the sofa. “Just mist to your place, before you fall asleep.”

  “Yeah, thanks,” Bane stretched a hand forward, waiting for the queen. “I’m honored.”

  “So is she,” Bren pushed Tatum forward, speaking for his nervous mate. “Her wrists are too small, so drink from her neck.”

  Bane seemed surprised, “Your beast?”

  “Is fine,” Bren promised while placing Tatum on Bane’s lap. “It’s unwise for a Beta to be in a weakened state,” he smiled, anticipating the impending fuck fest with Tatum. He was only sated for moments with his mate, always wanting her, Bren remained primed.

  Bane had only taken nips during sex with other Weres, but had never fed in his life. First things were coming in groves: a mate, a love, a new home – he bit his lip on that one- and a first feeding. Gently pushing away Tatum’s golden locks, he spied her pulse. Surprised by his salivating, he sniffed her throat before finding just the right spot. She tensed.

  Jayce came on the other side, clasping her elbow. “I’ll kiss it and make it better.” Licking the opposite side of Tatum’s throat, he gave Bane the distraction he needed. Bane released the beast, sinking into Tatum’s neck, and soaking in her nectar. Immediately, he felt the power in her blood, sustained by the Alpha. Already feeling much better, he clutched her closer. All he could think, in the dim haze of his mind, was that he wished it was Renee and hoped she was this delicious.

  After a few swallows, Tatum moaned.

  Everyone went hard with the sound.

  Another few swallows and Bane licked her wound closed, leaving them to finish what he started.

  ‘Date night’ Hamstan Arena, Fort Myers FL

  “WOOOO, we need more cowbell!” Ding a ling a ling, echoing with the rest, filling the chilled hockey arena, other cowbell enthusiasts chimed in unison with Renee.

  For two hours, he’d listened to cowbell. All thanks to Tatum. Dru wanted to bash his head on the ice, putting himself in harm’s way of every bloodthirsty player below – maybe, he would get a scratch or two. His selfless bride had given his box seats to a deserving family. Not that he should ignore the less fortunate, little did she know, he had blessed others continually for centuries. However, he thought he had found a way to spoil his woman. No, she wasn’t having it. Instead of the box’s prime view of the hockey game, the heavily tipped wait staff ready to serve, and cuisine humans would find awe-inspiring, Dru sat in ‘nose bleed’ seats while watching Renee ignore an unwrapped seven dollar hot dog from the concessions stand. He had waited for a half-hour for that disgusting meal, standing in a noteworthy line of smelly males and crying offspring herding themselves to a steel counter. With his turn at the counter, Dru’s single hope was that the delightful creature staring back had washed her hands sometime during the day – it was doubtful.

  Lines tightened around Bren’s mouth, “Tatum, love, where did your sister get that damned cowbell?”

  “Lower your voice, they're sold in the gift shop, but she’s had it for the whole season.” Tatum smiled sweetly, patting the strained hand tightly gripping her knee. “You’re hurting me, babe.”

  “Sorry,” he eased his hold, wondering if he would be stuck protecting Renee forever. If he were Bane, he’d probably ignore the claiming, turn tail, and let the leech call dibs.

  “That’s not nice, Bren.” Jayce squeezed between Renee and Tatum, munching with hotdogs a plenty and a singular mammoth drink in the crook of his arm.

  Tatum narrowed eyes on Bren, “Want to confess your thoughts?” Honestly, she would never want to read the minds of others. Who would have a single friend left?

  “They all involve you,” his nostrils flared; she was going back into heat. A small shift in her hormones had just started, unconsciously inviting the beast.

  Jayce slowed on his hotdog, swallowed hard, locking eyes with Bren. It wasn’t the wolves concerning him, but his Tatum. She could get out of her mind crazy, pawing like a hellcat, always earning her nickname. Wrapping a hand around her waist, Jayce asked, “Feeling alright, honey?”

  “Having a great time, why?”

  “Making sure,” he became less hungry, certainly hornier - gotta love those pheromones.

  Tatum smiled. “You know how much I love these games.”

  “I have a new game that I want us to play later.” He placed a kiss on the tip of her nose, watching her blush, breathing in her scent, before turning to Bane and speaking to his mind.

  “So, you didn’t tell the leech she was a vegetarian?” Jayce grinned, “Got him away from Renee a full half hour while he stood in line.”

  Bane grunted.

  “Dirty trick, Beta, can’t blame you, though. I would have done it myself.” Jayce took another bite, enjoying the game. One of the mixed bloods was playing, probably not fair to the others but who was he to govern everything involving humans? Rock was sitting a couple of rows behind, piss-off written across his face. A few more guards sprinkled the area. Jayce and Bren could more than protect the queen, but after nearly losing her to Mike and Jody, they weren’t stupid enough to take chances. He noticed the guards were starting to look uncomfortable, even the player currently on the ice.

  Bren tensed, “Renee.”

  “Not the two of them,” Jayce motioned to Bane. Now transfixed, Bane’s pupils were dilating on Renee. Jayce knew women in the same house could somehow naturally coordinate their periods; maybe Tatum’s heat was triggering Renee’s hormones with their proximity. Who knows with women? One thing for sure, they had to get Renee out of there – she wasn’t marked by werewolves.

  “Bane,” Bren demanded his attention. “Perhaps we should take Renee home, since she looks flushe
d.” Renee was dripping sweat; a wet triangle already formed on her chest, denoting her damp cleavage. “Bane, not here,” Bren’s was talking him down, hoping for the best, and preparing for the worst.

  Rock casually roamed down, trained not to draw attention, herding Tatum. It was an obvious fight not to reach for her sister instead. Unmarked werewolves in heat, even mixed bloods, called to every unmated male werewolf. A promise of unbridled sex alongside the hotly sought-after feminine passion attracted their beasts to their own kind. If they weren’t true mates, there wasn’t the added worry of offspring, and since they couldn’t officially mate, it was purely carnal fun.


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