The Gift of Magic (The Shadowmage Saga)

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The Gift of Magic (The Shadowmage Saga) Page 14

by Paul Sobol

  Every minute leading up to midnight, a poor innocent local was brought forward into the light and sacrificed. With bodies and minds already tortured beyond insanity, their throats ritualistically opened with a blackened blade so the mana-enriched blood could be collected upon an altar of corpses.

  None were spared. Men, women, and children, were herded like cattle between the ancient boles of the forest. Along the way, vampires darted in amongst the throng to satiate their thirst, always preferring the sweeter nectar of the young. For those, death often came long before making it as far as the clearing. The trees, sentinels to eras past, stood witness to such atrocity, and silently they wept tears of golden sap.

  Amongst the Dark Mages and vampires could also be seen the minor 'undead' – skeletons, zombies, and wraiths. Such a huge congregation of magical creatures in one place also drew the attention of quite a few spirits. Their non-corporeal forms glistened blue and silver as the collected energy made them visible. Unconcerned about the night’s proceedings, the spirits occasionally became a meal for any hungry wraith they happened to cross paths with.

  The soul-eating wraiths were the stuff of nightmares – shadowy humanoid bodies blurred in a state of constant motion, shifting between the realm of the living and the dead. Nobody knew which circle of hell the wraiths originated from, but they seemed to exist only to consume mana, and with a single touch cause instant death to the living. Even the vampires stayed clear of the wraiths. There might be an uneasy truce between the dark forces tonight, but that didn’t mean much to something that was near impossible to destroy. Wraiths had to be imprisoned, isolated from any source of mana, and left to suffer an agonisingly long existence until they eventually evaporated into nothingness.

  Awed, Alex watched from a safe distance upon a nearby hilltop overlooking the forest. Nearby, dozens of magicians appeared as they passed through the makeshift portal, created to aid those who had a long distance to travel. Not long ago, Alex had been enjoying a warm summer evening at the New York headquarters, quickly going over battle strategy with Archer and several other Order members. Not that Alex had much input to add anyway, but he was included in the discussions so knew at least what to expect should events turn out differently.

  The Gathering was increasing in size and intensity. Evolving from single isolated groups, as night’s blanket fell upon the land they slowly merged to become one gigantic entity that seemed to writhe and coalesce through the forest. He was thankful, and not for the first time, that he was positioned so far away.

  Standing like statues next to him were half a dozen Order mages. Gazing down upon the distant gathering their faces showed nothing but cold detachment. Each magician here, like the hundred scattering around the outskirts of the forest, knew what had to be done this night. Khaldun’s resurrection had to be taken seriously, and in order to see he never returned to the realm of the living, death and destruction will have to become their ally.

  The only advantage they had over their Dark counterparts in the forest was the element of surprise – each group of Light mages were cleverly shielded against magical detection. At the climax of the ceremony, when every Dark creature was committed to the resurrection, then they would strike. Those closest were designated to attack only, while Alex’s group would provide protection as well as stopping anything from fleeing. In the confusion, it was hoped they could strike down most of the dark mages before they realised what was happening. There was a lot of excess energy, concentrated around the inner glade where the resurrection would take place. That power could just as easily be used in a surprise counter-attack, so timing was crucial for the plan to succeed.

  Alex couldn’t help but worry for his friends who would be in the thick of the battle, fighting in close combat with some of the nastiest creatures to have been spawned. The noise from the forest was gaining intensity, the air practically vibrated with so much power being summoned forth. The forest and its denizens began to sway and writhe to the currents of power being shaped and moulded by those who could only be described as pure evil. But the evil that would be unleashed by Khaldun would make this gathering look like a tea party by comparison. The whole world could be consumed by darkness, and those few who were left alive to stop his madness would have an almost impossible task ahead of them.

  Looking up, Alex noticed ominous clouds had gathered above the forest. They were tinged an unearthly purple hue, and the longer he observed the unnatural phenomena he could have sworn it was pulsing like a beating heart. Sickened, Alex turned his gaze downward to the forest.

  He could hear the screams of innocent victims being slaughtered. Every fibre of his being screamed he should be doing something to stop it, rather than sit there on the mountainside and wait. He couldn’t help but agree with his conscience, the bastard was always right, but now was not the time for heroics. Dashing blindly into such a mess would not only shorten his life considerably, but endanger the entire mission and those silently gathered around him.

  Besides, it was only the fate of the world they were fighting for. No pressure. So snap out of it and pay attention.

  Alex blinked.

  It took him a moment to realise the other magicians were making their way towards the tree line. In the darkness their path was eerily lit from the purple shifting clouds, and within a few minutes the group had taken up position at the edge of the forest. The noise of perverted debauchery got louder, but thankfully the screaming had lessened, along with the hellish lights of the sacrificial bonfires.

  The group, numbering thirteen magicians, moved to join hands. Their job was to maintain a perimeter and make sure nothing escaped the forest. Similarly numbered groups of light magicians would make their way inwards in an attempt to disrupt the resurrection ceremony and disperse the immense concentration of dark energy. Once the primary objective was complete, those on the outside could slowly move in, effectively tightening the noose, metaphorically speaking.

  Standing around, hands joined, Alex and his twelve companions began to draw on their mana. The initial exhilarating rush of the life-giving energy faded, and Alex was left with a feeling of emptiness. Although he was still drawing mana, the urge to draw more slowly built up, until it seemed that if he didn’t get more mana he would literally die! With the support of his fellow magicians Alex was able to overcome the gnawing temptation. Once again under control and focused he was able to completely shut out the emptiness. The bliss that came from channelling the mana returned, and Alex couldn’t help but feel a little satisfaction at having overcome one of the dangers associated with magic.

  Over the forest a faint blue shimmer appeared. The spell they created, in concert with other small groups arranged around the forest, would stop anything from escaping. Nothing happened. Alex listened closely to the revelry filtering between the boles of ancient oaks and realised nothing had changed. No one inside the forest was even aware they were trapped. Then the fireworks began.

  The lesser creatures were too far gone in the ritual to be aware of anything, however, those dark mages overseeing the resurrection knew exactly what had happened, and even now scrambled to complete the evenings work.

  Within the dome shield flashes of energy could be seen as magicians, both light and dark, traded spells with each other. Fires sprang up all over the forest only to be extinguished by swirling snowstorms. Druids stalked the forest, calming the fears of the ancient denizens, and coaxed several to break free of their earthly bonds and rise. Groaning like thunderstorms trees began to awaken. Their movements slow and awkward, but filled with purpose and determination to cleanse the forest of the evil abominations.

  Magicians made their way forwards, summoning animals and otherworldly creatures to assist in the eradication process. Wolves, brown bears, giant spiders, even tiny forest sprites armed with thorn lances, moved like shadows between the slower paced trees. Death and gruesome destruction remained in the wake of the inward pressing wave of animals and magicians alike. None were spared, none taken prison
er. Every living and non-living creature involved with the ritual was targeted for elimination.

  In the main clearing, a dozen or more dark mages furiously laboured to complete the spell. A few hesitated, knowing their efforts to be futile. They paid with their lives. The extra mana flooding into the spells construction gave the remaining magicians hope. The end was in sight, the spell was just about complete. Khaldun would live again, and the faithful would be rewarded.

  The light of the bonfire died down.

  Purple energy coalesced within the clearing, creating a small spinning vortex – absolute darkness at its centre, and from within that space of nothingness something took shape. With the final words of the resurrection spell uttered, the last victim gruesomely sacrificed for their contribution of power, Khaldun was finally made whole. His body, mind, and soul, dredged up from the darkest depths of hell, once again united upon the world which had been denied to him hundreds of years ago.

  Across the clearing a brilliant arc of golden energy pierced the gloom. The swirling purple energy, summoned by the dark magicians, flickered and pulsed in angry protest. In the space between heartbeats, the gathered magicians went from ecstatic fervour to mute terror as they watched the golden bolt impale the figure wreathed in dark energy. The resurrection spell, although complete, was being undone.

  Unleashed magical energies exploded in a deadly shower of purple and blue light. Tendrils of blackness blasted outward, randomly striking those closest to the conflagration. Each magician touched by the unnatural black substance simply disappeared. Even nearby trees and rocks were effected. The ground, for about a dozen paces in every direction, was riddled with perfectly formed burrows.

  In the moments it took for the remaining dark mages to realise what was happening the fighting was over. Spells from light magicians filled the destroyed clearing, leaving none alive. With the majority of dark mages dead, those waiting on the outskirts of the forest were signalled to close in. Almost imperceptibly, the blue shield began to shrink, eventually forcing any survivors into the clearing where they would be destroyed by awaiting light magicians.

  From just inside the dome a lone magician appeared. He was limping badly and one arm hung useless at his side. Blood could be seen slowly dripping down his fingers. The wounds looked pretty bad, but he refused immediate healing and explained there were more critically wounded not far away. Although they were going against protocol, the leader of the group decided to help those wounded magicians.

  Within moments they were taken to a small quiet area of the forest. Half a dozen magicians were laid out on the soft leafy soil, and Alex couldn’t help but notice a few of them didn’t move. This must have been one of the groups sent in first, but why so few? The initial strike teams were thirteen strong, not six. Looking around, Alex could make out various other dead bodies amongst the trees and shrubs, but none of them light mages.

  Zombies, skeletons, even a vampire that was trying to stuff its spilled innards back inside a gaping wound. There was little chance it would survive, and realising there were more magicians about gave up and made to crawl away. Alex didn’t know whether to feel pity or disgust at the creature’s pathetic attempt at escaping. The thing left behind several feet of intestine as it slithered across the blood-slick ground. Raising his hand, Alex sent an invisible spike of kinetic energy through the monsters head. In moments nothing but ash remained.

  Returning to the group, Alex saw four of the six downed mages were being attended to. Halos of white energy gently bathed the wounded, and after a while each showed signs of getting better. The magician who had acted as guide was also seen to, and as the various cuts and bruises were healed he spoke of a terrible encounter.

  “There weren’t many at first, a couple here and there. Nothing we couldn’t handle. Mostly we came across corpses of the nearby city-dwellers, but there was nothing we could do for them. The dark creatures responsible were also dead, and those few who either had survived the attacks or fled were easily dispatched. But then something came out of the forest.”

  The magician paused as though reluctant to even recall the incident, but soon he continued on with the tale. “It wasn’t the usual ‘undead’ we’ve come across before. It was tall, man-shaped, but wreathed in darkness – similar to the wraiths, but faster, stronger, and it wielded magic.

  “We threw everything we had against it, but it came at us again and again, and each time one of us disappeared. I don’t know how, but at the slightest touch this thing seemed to consume anything instantly. Eventually, I think we might have hurt it, or at the very least weakened it a bit, because one moment it was there, and the next it had gone. Vanished, like a ghost.”

  The story was confirmed by another survivor who had regained consciousness and able to move about a little. His account of the attack, while similar, also contained a few more details. The unknown wraith-like creature was covered in layers of dark energy, and although they could not identify the thing inside, it was certainly human because it had spoken briefly. The words at first seemed unintelligible, but the magician recalled it sounded a lot like Latin.

  “That’s not uncommon amongst older magicians, since it was the language most used before English,” one of the others spoke up. He was a grizzled old Order member, and Alex remembered hearing tales of his deeds during the various wars going back almost five hundred years. He was also one of the few survivors who had taken down Khaldun the first time.

  The group was divided into two, with half to act as escort for the wounded while the rest continue with the original mission. Alex, despite his enthusiasm and willingness to continue fighting, was chosen to help the wounded back to the portal. His position would now act as a rendezvous point for all the magicians once the clean-up was completed.

  Heading back towards the forest’s edge Alex couldn’t help but feel a little dejected. Even though he didn’t have all the necessary training or experience he was eager to prove himself to the Order members. Most of them barely acknowledged his existence, while others treated him with nothing but contempt, as though he were nothing more than the master’s favourite pet.

  Pushing aside these resentments Alex returned to the present. They were still in the forest, and although most of it should be cleared of any enemy threat, there was no telling what could be hiding around the next huge tree. With rising hope Alex silently wished for a few ‘undead’ or even some more vampires to appear, but chances of that actually happening was almost non-existent.

  Out of the corner of his eye Alex saw something move in the darkness, but when he stopped and took another long look there was nothing there. Putting it down to wishful thinking he continued on with the others. The forest was full of noises and moving shadows, he thought to himself. Don’t let your imagination get the better of you, otherwise you’ll be chasing your own shadow soon enough. After a few more paces he noticed something moving between the trees, and this time it wasn’t his over-active imagination. Calling out to the others, Alex took a few steps in the direction he last saw movement, and then all hell broke loose.

  Purple energy flashed around several of the magicians. In silent agony they tried in vain to counter the dark spell that even now drained vital life-energy from them. In a matter of moments the magicians were dead. Dried husks remained of their corpses. Their faces forever frozen in an agonised rictus that belied the excruciating pain felt moments before death took hold.

  Protective shields flared into existence as the remaining magicians took a defensive stance against the unknown assailant. Between the forest’s shadows prowled a hooded figure, vaguely humanoid, but its form seemed to shift and melt as it moved from one patch of darkness to another. At times the thing seemed almost ghost-like, except it moved with an eerie purposefulness that hinted at intelligence the common ‘undead’ were incapable of. This was a predator on the hunt, and judging from its first vicious attack was not to be underestimated.

  Magic blossomed around the huddled survivors as another strik
e of dark energy flickered from the unknown attacker. The purple bolt was successfully deflected away into the forest. A nearby tree groaned in protest, the wood becoming brittle, as though the centuries-old oak had died instantly. With no strength left to support its own weight the mighty tree splintered and fell with a concussive force. The nearby magicians, despite being protected by magic, were tossed about like ragdolls as the very ground shook with the tree’s impact.

  Protective shields flickered obscenely as countless falling branches battered the magical fields, and taking advantage of the situation the unknown mage began summoning more dark energy. Amidst a flurry of dead leaves the downed magicians attempted to gain their feet, but too many splintered branches made this almost impossible. Trapped, they had little choice but to use brute force to clear the area of the dead tree. Off to one side Alex had dodged being impaled by a random branch, and realising what was about to happen hastily erected his own shield.

  From the unknown magician purple energy lashed at those buried, but at the same time the dead tree exploded outward. The titanic collision of opposing forces sent debris swirling in a maelstrom of excess energy. Tinder-dry wood burst into flames, spreading impossibly fast into the surrounding forest. Magicians, light and dark, had little choice but retreat from the all-consuming fire-storm.

  Stumbling blindly through the forest Alex had no idea where he was going. The intense heat from the conflagration behind him had lessened somewhat, but he felt the more distance from the inferno would be better. Looking up he could see a part of the curving blue dome, which meant he was heading south. In order to reach the rendezvous he would have to travel west and hopefully meet up with any survivors going that way.

  From behind a small twig snapped, and instinctively Alex drew on his mana. In the space of a heartbeat he had already mentally constructed the necessary spell that would summon his shield of protection. A few more heartbeats later, before he could even turn around, he had identified the familiar tainted presence of dark energy.


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