The Beauty and the CEO

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The Beauty and the CEO Page 11

by Carolyn Hector

  Butterflies fluttered in Zoe’s belly. She looked forward to holding Will to his word. She looked forward to a lot of things with him. Seeing him naked and finishing what they started this afternoon was at the top of her list. “Turn left up here. It’s the house with the bars on the upstairs windows.”

  “Bars?” Will’s right brow rose with curiosity.

  “It’s a long story,” Zoe laughed lightly. “But that sweet kid you met at the park, Kimber, gave her uncles a run for their money when they came to live here.”

  If it weren’t for Kimber, Lexi and Stephen might not have met. Kimber had taken a very seductive dress from Lexi’s store without permission, and Stephen—assuming his niece was innocent—had arrived at Lexi’s store to give her a piece of his mind. Seeing how they were about to start a family of their own, so much for that plan.

  Like the rest of the homes, children were playing on Lexi’s manicured lawn. Philly, Stephen’s younger niece and a seven-year-old future beauty queen, ran around the front yard, tiara secured on top of her twin pigtails as she shot a pink Nerf gun at two boys. Her army, a set of twins, stood by her side. The mini-militia stopped and saluted Zoe and Will as they pulled into the driveway.

  Lexi stood at the doorway, her hairstyle looking bigger than ever, if it were possible. Her signature blond hair was pulled into a ponytail at the top of her head, which she shook feverishly. “I’m so glad you came. I have no idea how this happened so quickly.”

  Zoe got out of the car before Will put the vehicle in Park. “Where is the patient?”

  “She’s locked herself in the downstairs bathroom. I don’t think she even noticed while she was getting ready—until she looked in the mirror,” Lexi said, crossing her arms together and biting her fingernails.

  “You guys must have florescent lights,” said Zoe. “Didn’t I tell you to get softer ones in the bathrooms?”

  “I’m not the one who needs to be convinced.” Lexi turned back and gravely nodded. “It’s also motion censored in case the patient tries to sneak in late. The whole house lights up inside.”

  “Did she say ‘patient’?” Will asked. He slammed his door shut and started to follow them inside. Before he locked the doors, Zoe reached into the backseat for her caboodle. Will jogged around the car and took hold of it.

  “Let me get that for you.”

  “Will, I’ve been lugging that thing around for years now.” Zoe tried yanking it from his hands but he held on tight.

  “Well, I haven’t been around for years. I am carrying it.”

  “My hero,” Zoe mumbled with a sly grin.

  Fortunately for Zoe, she’d brought her emergency bag with her in the van when she left this morning with Kenzie and the rest of the guests. The pink case rarely left Zoe’s side. It contained everything she needed to handle emergency situations, from waterproof mascara remover and a Ravens Cosmetics product perfect for cracked lips, to other products from other favorite companies. Although, she had to admit, the majority of the items in her bag bore the lavender and cream colors.

  “What kind of emergency is this?” he asked, handing Zoe the bag.

  “The worst kind any teenager could face,” Lexi said gravely, as she pushed the front door open more. Cool air from inside brushed their faces.

  “A pimple,” Zoe explained to Will. His brows came together. “Trust me. For a girl about to take photographs that are going to last a lifetime, the last thing she wants is to have a blemish.”

  “It’s not a blemish,” Kimber cried from behind the locked bathroom door in the hallway. “It is a new life form.”

  Zoe tried not to smile as everyone’s heels clicked on the hardwood floors. Lexi rapped the back of her hand against the closed door of the bathroom. As Kimber began to tick off her list of demands, which included none of her uncles being present, no cameras and no boys, Zoe tried not to laugh. She remembered these days.

  “How bad can it be?” Will tugged on the back of Zoe’s shirt and whispered in her ear.

  “It’s so bad it can hear you,” Kimber said from between gritted teeth through the door. “Don’t let him in here.”

  Lexi stepped between Zoe and Will. She took Will by the arm and led him off through the arched doorway. “He’s going to sit with Uncle Stephen, sweetie.”

  “Don’t let Uncle Stephen give him a shotgun.”

  “Gun?” Will repeated, casting a glance back at Zoe. Zoe grinned and shook her head.

  “You’ll be fine,” Lexi told him. “As a matter of fact, I am leaving you in charge.”

  Zoe didn’t see who was seated in the living room but she heard the boom of welcoming male voices and knew Will was in good hands. Lexi walked back down the hallway with a smirk on her face.

  “Something more going on between you and the CEO?” Lexi asked. She narrowed her dark eyes at Zoe and folded her arms across her chest. “Did you forget the end game?”

  “Of course not,” Zoe said. Heat crept up her neck.

  “The end game is you as Creative Design Director.”

  Before having to face Lexi’s motherly attitude, Zoe turned to face the door and knocked. “Hey, Kimber, we’re alone.”

  “Are you going to at least answer Aunt Lexi’s question first?” Kimber’s meek voice asked from the other side.

  “Really, Kimber?” Zoe laughed.

  “Inquiring minds want to know,” Lexi said. She leaned against the wall.

  “It would at least make this horrible day better,” added Kimber.

  Realizing she wasn’t going to get anything done, Zoe sighed. “We’re getting to know each other.”

  Is that what she would call it? Had they not been interrupted earlier, Zoe might have let things go a lot further. This afternoon it had been like his hands knew exactly where to go and when. His mouth was magical.

  Lexi reached out with her cool hand and pinched Zoe’s cheek. “You’re turning beet red.”

  “Ohhh,” Kimber sang. “Did you two kiss? He’s totally hot.”

  “Girl, you were wailing three minutes ago about a pimple.” Lexi rapped on the door. “Which is more important?”

  The doorknob twisted open and the hinges squeaked. “Okay, fine.”

  “You started that,” Zoe whispered before heading inside.

  Twenty minutes later, Zoe, Lexi and Kimber emerged from the bathroom with the proper amount of foundation covering her blemish for her pre-prom photo shoot. Zoe promised to come over Saturday afternoon before prom and do Kimber’s makeup before attending Lexi’s dinner finale for the pageant workers. As a huge favor to Kimber, Zoe did a drastic wingtip over her lid, simply because it would show up better on film. Kimber’s prom dress was a Lexi original, made up of bright yellows, oranges and peach. The colors complemented the girl’s hazel eyes and golden tan. The prom might be tomorrow night, and there was no telling if Kimber had the votes to become Miss Southwood High’s prom queen, but Lexi had plenty of tiaras to choose from.

  They found the men in the living room. By “the men,” Zoe meant she found Will, Stephen, Nate and a handsome young man dressed in a black tuxedo pinned against the wall by sheer fear. Nate, Stephen’s brother, was cleaning what appeared to be a shotgun while Stephen polished his pistol. And Will, not wanting to be left out, sat in a recliner sharpening a bowie knife.

  “Seriously?” Kimber wailed. “Aunt Lexi.”

  With one hand on her hip, Lexi pointed toward the kitchen. “I can’t believe you two.”

  “And you,” Zoe added, glaring at Will. “Put that knife down right now. We’re about to leave.”

  “Say goodbye to Will, gentlemen.”

  Doing as they were told, the brothers rose from their seats. “Bye, Will,” they chorused.

  Nate Reyes hung his head low so he couldn’t flirt with his green eyes. Last fall Nate had
met the love of his life, Amelia Marlow, when she bought him for a hefty fee at the Back to School Bachelor Auction. The “tea,” or gossip on the street, was that the two shared a sexy one-night stand and then more. Whatever the truth, Amelia stayed in Southwood and Nate ceased his womanizing ways. Nate patted Zoe’s arm on his way into the kitchen. The doorbell rang.

  “Luke is going to be here any minute to take you guys for your photo shoot.”

  “And chaperone!” Stephen called out from the kitchen.

  “That’s right,” both Will and Nate said from either side of the house.

  This felt like a glimpse into any future family she might have with Will. He’d be the perfect, overly protective father to their daughter and coach to their son. Damn it, Zoe muttered to herself.

  Beside her, Lexi cocked her head to the side. “You okay?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Zoe blinked and brought herself to the present. “I’m fine.”

  The afternoon sun spilled into the foyer at the front door. Luke stepped inside, hugged both ladies and then performed a man ritual—a handshake and half hug with Will. A few days ago they hadn’t known each other. So? a voice in Zoe’s head taunted her. A few days ago she hadn’t known Will either, and now here she was, mentally planning their future.

  Outside, the little pink militia saluted them once again. Will led Zoe back to the car with his hand on the small of her back and opened her door. She slid inside and unlocked his.

  “That was fun,” Will said with a genuine smile. The engine roared to life, just as her heart had from his constant flirting.

  “Scaring a teenage boy?”

  “I was helping my brethren.”

  “Brethren?” Zoe laughed, “Boy, you are crazy.”

  “Stick with me. I’ll show you crazy.”

  * * *

  Had Will not witnessed what a hurry Zoe was in to get over to Lexi and Stephen’s, he would have thought forgetting her hotel key in her childhood bedroom was just a ruse to get him alone again. But since Zoe declined the offer to get to her room through his, he believed her. They arrived back at her family’s old home just after dark. There were no cars in the driveway, but that didn’t mean Frank Baldwin wasn’t outside watching. Even though Frank wanted to encourage a relationship between Will and Zoe, Will did not want an audience. Also not wanting to be tempted to a second session in Zoe’s bedroom, Will waited on the hood of the car for Zoe to return from getting her key.

  Before the door to the back porch opened with a rickety creak, a light flashed on and then off. “Can you believe my key was on my bed?” Zoe asked moments later as she bounced toward him in the moon’s light.

  “I can believe you were preoccupied.” Will straightened and opened his arms. Zoe instinctively walked into his embrace. “I’m sorry about earlier.”

  “What’s there to be sorry about?” Zoe glanced upward.

  To meet her at eye level, Will leaned against the car again. “I don’t want the first time anything intimate happens between us to happen on your bed in your childhood home.”

  “I have to apologize about your family tree.” Zoe sighed. “I was pretty obsessed when I was younger. I’m not sure why my dad put them up. I used to have cut out magazines of faces I remade using crayons and markers. Maybe those were too creepy to keep on the walls.”

  “Yeah,” Will teased, “that doesn’t sound scary.” Whatever the reasons were for the old biographical report pinned on the wall, Will was glad. He was flattered. Zoe impressed him with her attention to detail, and he appreciated her dedication to Ravens Cosmetics.

  “Whatever.” Zoe pushed his chest. “I am an artist. Anyways, aren’t you forward, thinking I was going to let anything go further?”

  The key word rolled off her tongue. “Let?” Will repeated.

  “Will,” Zoe said, “I live a very fast-paced life, but there are some things I like to take my time with. Getting to know someone before sleeping with them is one of them.”

  It was on the tip of his tongue to mock her with the sleeping part, but she caught on to him and shushed him with her index finger. Will cupped her hand and stroked her finger. “I’ve got all the time in the world for you, Zoe. As a matter of fact, I think it would be good for us to take things slow.”

  A light behind the house twinkled in the air. His attention drifted for a moment.

  “Because of the job?”

  Focusing on her words, Will nodded. “Especially because of the job. I need to know that I’m thinking about the future of my family’s company and what the right path to take is.” Before Zoe could argue back, Will took his free hand and pressed it against her lips. “I don’t want you to be misled about anything.”

  “You know what’s strange?” Zoe began before he had the chance to shush her. “For the first time in my life, Will, I’m not actually thinking about work.”

  Zoe parted her lips. Under the moonlight he watched breathlessly as her tongue darted along his fingertip. He found his breath again when she pulled it into her mouth and sucked slightly, drawing desire from his body.

  “What’s on your mind, then?” Will asked, already knowing the answer. She wasn’t alone in this. He wanted her. He needed her.

  “You,” Zoe said, resuming her position against his body. The palm of her hand rested over his heart and its fast beat greeted her. A half grin spread across her face as she looked up with her head turned slightly. Zoe pressed her hand against her own heart. Through the fabric of her T-shirt, her heartbeat fluttered.

  An owl hooted and cheered him on as Will lowered his head to brush his lips across Zoe’s. There was that familiar sweet taste he’d had before. They fit perfectly together, her cradled against his frame. Will deepened their kiss, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. He could take her right here and now at the edge of the forest.

  “Zoe,” Will said, hating to break the kiss. “We need to stop.”

  “Because of my dad?” Zoe cast a glance over her shoulder, shrugged and looked back up at him. Her long lashes batted against her cheeks. “He’s not even home.”

  “Our first time is not going to be outside.”

  A wrinkle appeared between her nose and brows. “There you go, thinking I’m going to do something wild with you like that. I’m not that fast.”

  “Fast, huh?” Will tugged on her hands.

  “You know what I mean.”

  Even with the darkness surrounding them Will could see her cheeks redden. “I already told you, nothing more is happening between us, at least not until we get back home.”

  “You’re so sure of yourself?” Zoe asked. Zoe pressed her hands against his chest and caressed downward across his abs to the waistband of his pants.

  Humid evening air filled his lungs. “Zoe,” he warned.

  The warning went unnoticed. With a defiant raised brow, Zoe locked eyes with him. Her hand slipped beneath his boxers. Just from kissing her, his body went back to his adolescent days and a semi-erection already peaked. When she wrapped her small hands around the base of him, however, he stiffened to granite.

  Heat rose between them. Enjoying the sweet torture, Will leaned over and captured her lips with his. Each of her strokes and grip matched the intensity of their tongues. Excitement coursed through his veins. Will broke the kiss and set a thread of kisses along her chin, jaw and neck. With his hands free, Will cupped her breasts, kneading them with his palms. His thumb and forefinger rolled her nipple. Zoe leaned closer. Her hand moved up and down as well as it could within the restriction of his damn pants. Will needed to think. This was not the place he wanted to have a hand job. Blood pounded in his ears. His vision blurred.

  “Zoe,” Will whispered, “we can’t do this here.”

  Zoe stepped out of Will’s embrace. Ice water poured over him. “We’re not,” she smiled.

Laughing, Will shook his head. “Get in the car, woman, before I change my mind.”

  Chapter 8

  Saturday morning, after tossing and turning all night long, Zoe awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside her window. Still in disbelief of her bold actions last night, Zoe rubbed her eyes with the palm of her hands. It was safe to say there was no turning back now regarding her relationship with Will. Lines were crossed. Zoe’s fingers moved from her eyes to her mouth, where her lips tingled from heated dreams of Will. Her heart raced at the thought of seeing him again. Her body shivered with the idea of seeing him alone on the alleged date he said he wanted to take her on when they returned. She couldn’t wait.

  Eager to see him again, Zoe kicked her comforter off her body and headed for the bathroom. She gave her side of the door a soft knock, just to be safe. No one answered. Not sure why she was disappointed, Zoe went ahead and took her shower. Steam hung in the air and coated the mirror by the time she finished. A thick, daffodil-yellow towel soaked up the moisture on her body. She tucked it under her arms and wiped down the mirror with her bare hands.

  Tonight was their last night at Magnolia Palace. Kenzie had set up a fancy dinner. Yesterday while in the bathroom fixing Kimber’s emergency, Lexi had mentioned she planned on sending over a proper dress for tonight’s event. Zoe trusted Lexi’s taste and couldn’t wait to see what her friend chose. She couldn’t wait to see Will in his suit. Hell, she couldn’t wait to see him this morning.

  “Hey, Zoe,” Will said, knocking on his side of the bathroom door.

  Zoe, careful to tiptoe on the rugs to avoid the cold floor on her bare feet, stepped over and opened the door. What did he call her last night? A tease? She’d show him. “Good morning,” she said lightly.

  From the way he was dressed, in a pair of black baller shorts and a black sleeveless T-shirt, along with the sweat glazing his hard muscles, Will had already been up and working out. He held a piece of perfectly crisp bacon in his big hands.

  The look of shock on his face was perfect. Will’s mouth dropped open. His eyes immediately went to the droplets of water dribbling from the wet curls of her hair and to the cleavage created by the way she held the towel. The Adam’s apple at his throat visibly bobbed up and down as he tried to find words to say.


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