The Beauty and the CEO

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The Beauty and the CEO Page 16

by Carolyn Hector

  “Zoe,” he breathed her name and began to rise from his seat.

  A set of heavy hands clamped down on Will’s back. At the moment, the only person Will wanted to see was Zoe and perhaps the person she was about to hug. He needed to make sure she hugged the winner and held her hand in the air like a true boxing champ and coach. Every step she took agonized Will. Mothers and little girls were stopping her to take selfies. Teens stopped her for a photograph. Beauty queens who hadn’t won covered their faces with their hands and Zoe helped each one stop their mascara from running. All he needed to see was who Zoe had teamed up with, just to make sure she was the one who’d secured the spot at Ravens Cosmetics.

  He needed her to win to prove his cousins wrong. Zoe had been right. She was the best thing for the company.

  “Young William!” Eva screamed in his ear as she came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

  “Will,” Charles said, strolling into his line of view. An annoyed sigh escaped Will’s throat. It came out more like a growl and with the crowd’s applause slowing down, it was apparently heard by his cousin. Charles’s eyes stretched wide. “Let’s see your score sheets.”

  “No need,” Will retorted, still shoving his paperwork in his cousin’s direction. “She’s about to hug the winner now.” Sure of himself, Will cocked his head to the side and nodded toward the stage...and that’s when he realized he’d been too sure too quickly. Zoe stood off with the second runner-up, dabbing underneath the girl’s lashes with a tissue.

  “Rather rude of you,” Charles said, looking toward the stage where a large bald man in a lavender smock and white boots hugged the new Miss Southwood.

  What the hell? Will asked himself.

  “Fantastic,” Charles said, clapping his hands. “I’ll go let him know right now.”

  Will rose again to get to Zoe, but another hand clapped onto his shoulder. Will shrugged off the grip and turned around. For a moment he didn’t recognize his frat brother, Dominic. At least there was one friendly face, someone who didn’t want something from him. “Hey, man.”

  “Hey, great job.” Dominic nodded his head at the commotion on stage.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were into pageant shows? Is this your way of picking up women now?”

  Dominic shrugged his shoulders. “It’s not what you think.” At the same time, a few ladies waved like schoolchildren in his direction. Dominic turned to watch them leave, and when he turned back, Will gave him a raised brow. “I swear,” Dominic laughed. “I am sponsoring a contestant.”

  The questions flooded Will’s brain. He started with the first one. “What?”

  Dominic rubbed his chin. “Well, Alisha suggested I bond with the community better. Apparently, my upscale shop matches my attitude.”

  One thing Will had enjoyed when Dominic’s family came to visit them. Dominic was the oldest and his baby sister followed them around. Will, never having had a younger sister, found her charming. If Alisha thought Dominic needed to change things, she was probably right.

  “In other words, the town thinks you’re stuck-up.” It couldn’t have been further than the truth, but Will understood how Dominic might give the wrong impression. Maybe if his frat brother showed off more of his tattoos, the people would find him down-to-earth. “So, which one did you sponsor?”

  “The winner, Miss Restoration, as in Crowne’s Restoration.”

  Will raked his hands over his head. Blood pounded in his ears. “I didn’t even put two and two together.”

  Dominic’s girl had won; meanwhile, his lost. Jesus, what had he done?

  * * *

  From Zoe’s vantage point on the stage she watched Will and his best friend shake hands. She tried to focus on the girls wanting to take a picture with her, but her mind was spinning. If what she’d overheard was true, she’d just lost her opportunity for the position she most desired. Titus, clearly knowing what was at stake, hugged his winning contestant and gave Zoe a smug wink. Through it all, Zoe kept a smile on her face. She had to. Everyone kept asking for a photograph.

  With each picture her mind wandered. How did this happen? She had no Plan B. After the last of the girls and their mothers finished taking pictures, a man dressed in a suit approached her. She’d seen him before. There was something familiar about him. His features were very Ravens-esque and then it hit her. This was Charles, whom she’d spied on through the weeping willow leaves.

  “Miss Baldwin,” the man said, with his hand outstretched. “Allow me to introduce myself.”

  The badge around his neck already told her who he was. “Mr. Ravens.”

  “Charles Ravens,” he replied. “We haven’t had the pleasure to meet.”

  “No, we haven’t.” Zoe tried. She wanted to be friendly, but this man’s vendetta against his cousin had cost her a job. Her dream job.

  “I’ve been a fan of yours for a while now.” Charles held on to Zoe’s hand for a few seconds too long.

  Zoe pulled her arm back and shoved her hands into the front of her smock. She fiddled with the tube of lipstick from the beauty box. Her downfall. Maybe she should have used it like Titus had.

  “I wanted to come over here and let you know that we at Ravens Cosmetics appreciate you applying to our company and we’ll keep your name on file,” Charles went on.

  “That’s kind of you.” Zoe glanced over at Will. Electricity jolted her body when their eyes locked. He stopped his conversation with Dominic and made his way toward her, not caring who he bumped into. “I appreciate the opportunity.”

  What else was she supposed to say? What else was she supposed to do? Fall on the ground like one of the younger contestants who hadn’t gotten the trophy she wanted? The redeeming factor in all of this was Will. Her heart swelled Love? The room spun. How had this happened? It was too fast, right? She couldn’t believe it. All the noise around her ceased. The only thing she heard was the beating of her heart...the beating of her heart and Will’s footsteps as he neared her. She needed to tell him. She loved him.

  “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” Will reached Zoe with arms outstretched. He took hold of her forearm, then wrapped her against his frame.

  Zoe blinked him into focus. “Not at all.”

  Charles’s eyes darted toward the tender touch. His lips pressed together and Zoe was sure he hmmed under his breath. “I was telling Miss Baldwin about her wonderful work and how we’ll keep her résumé on file.”

  The grip around her waist tightened and Will cleared his throat. He wasn’t letting her go. “Once again, thanks, Charles, for doing my job for me.”

  “Well, you were busy with your frat brother. Ah, here he comes now.”

  In the brief moment when Charles lifted his head above Will’s shoulder, Will leaned over. “Zoe, I need to explain something.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Swallowing past the lump in her throat, Zoe shrugged her shoulders. “I second-guessed myself and Titus was better today when it counted.”

  “I’ll figure something out,” Will whispered with a kiss at her temple.

  More than anything she wanted to tell Will what she’d realized, but her words were lost when Dominic came over, Titus and the new Miss Southwood Glitz in tow. Zoe remembered the woman’s name was Waverly. She was a former Miss Something who’d lost her other crown due to bad behavior.

  “Zoe, you remember Dominic Crowne?” Will asked, his hand on her lower back.

  For a millisecond, Zoe and Dominic stared each other down. He gave a lopsided smirk and a head nod.

  Waverly stepped forward and shook Zoe’s hand. “You’re awesome, Miss Zoe. It was a real pleasure to meet you this afternoon. I am a huge fan.”

  “But you work better with me.” Titus brought up the rear. His smugness was enough to knock Zoe off the stage.

/>   Zoe’s eyes darted between the four of them standing in front of her. The dots began to align. Now she recalled why Will hadn’t cared about her getting the Creative Design Director’s position. He already had something in mind.

  “This is cozy.” Charles cleared his throat. “Titus, you must be familiar with Zoe Baldwin.”

  “We’ve met,” Zoe and Titus belted out with the same amount of animosity in their voices.

  “I can’t thank you enough for this opportunity, Mr. Ravens,” Waverly gushed, shaking Will’s and then Charles’s hands. “And Mr. Ravens.”

  Zoe stepped backward but Will’s hold on her waist kept her from leaving. “Everything okay?”

  “No,” Zoe whispered.

  “Dom was just talking about all of us getting together for a celebration,” said Will. “What do you say we hang back here for one day?” He leaned close to whisper in her ear. “Tonight can still be our first date.”

  Pain ached in her ribs. “Honestly,” Zoe began slowly, “I’m all packed. I might as well head back tonight and I already have my ticket.”

  “So you’ll fly back with me on the company plane.” Will moved closer. “Like when we came here.”

  A lifetime ago, Zoe thought. She shot a glance at Dominic, not sure why he made her so nervous. Probably because he already knew what Zoe wanted and knew the plans he’d already made with Will for the winner. How long had they been conspiring? Did Will plan on making Waverly a winner before he learned of the company’s plans to hire the makeup artist who did the winner’s face?

  A piercing pang pinched the bridge of Zoe’s nose. Tears were threatening. She needed to get away from here. Disappointment hit her harder than she expected. She needed to go home and made up a lie. “No, forgot I have things I need to do tomorrow.”

  “Zoe?” Will questioned her with a raised brow. He was confused, as he should be. Zoe knew he had no idea she was aware of his plans for hire. But, then again, she’d known all along he didn’t want her. Zoe choked out a sob. After he met with his cousins, did he meet up with Dominic and make plans for his contestant to win? This is what fraternity members did, right? Help each other out? How easy had it been for Will to come up with a decision on the position after swearing he needed to think long and hard? Will’s face softened, his lips frowned. “What is it?”

  “I’ve got to go, Will.” Zoe stepped backward. “I’ve got to get back. Please excuse me. And congratulations, Waverly. You were truly lovely.”

  * * *

  At some point after midnight Zoe returned to the comfort of her home. Usually she wasn’t on the verge of tears when she returned, but dropping her keys on the ground nearly set her off. The extra weight of emotions drained her. This was clearly not her day, her month—hell, even her year. Zoe rushed inside her apartment before her sobs could wake the Dohertys next door.

  Even though she had only been on the company plane one time, Zoe already missed it. She wondered what would have been better, flying last week seated next to the fake LL Cool J or being seated tonight with someone who could have been a heavyweight wrestler. Zoe’s bones ached from being wedged against the window.

  Leaving her suitcase by the door, Zoe trotted over to the kitchen, kicking out of her red flip-flops. Before leaving for the airport she had been able to change out of her smock and slip into a red-and-white-striped maxi dress. As much as she wanted to shower after her flight, Zoe’s stomach growled. She was famished and the refrigerator had no answers for her. Like déjà vu, Zoe’s cell phone rang and Prince came over the speaker. This was the same scenario as when Lexi had invited her to come back to Southwood. Zoe had been heartbroken over Ravens Cosmetics and she was starving. The two differences this time were that Zoe let the phone ring and she had no food in her fridge. Zoe closed the refrigerator door and let the call go to voice mail.

  No one on the van ride to Atlanta could believe Zoe hadn’t stayed in Southwood for one more evening with Will. Kenzie, the main person rooting for a union between Will and Zoe, asked everyone to cut Zoe some slack. Luke sat in the van and ticked off a list of the places he freelanced for that were interested in her work for the same position. Zoe needed to come up with a new plan, and this time it might include having to move and try resettling someplace else. She sighed heavily and reached for the stack of mail on her counter, still hating the idea of leaving. Where else would she find a neighbor willing to drop off her mail while she was out of town?

  A soft knock came at the door. She figured it was either Mr. or Mrs. Doherty, coming to check on her after all the noise she’d made coming inside. Without thinking, she opened the door. It took several blinks for her eyes to adjust to the image in front of her.

  On top of her heart breaking, it now melted. Will, still in his suit, leaned against the jamb. The first three buttons at his neck were undone and the tie hung loose. A rustle of plastic caught her attention. Down by his side he held a takeout bag sporting the red, black and white of the Trinidad and Tobago flag.

  “You went to Trudy’s?”

  “I called it in. We were supposed to have our first official date when we got back to Miami, Zoe,” Will said with a calm voice. “We couldn’t decide on Monday or tonight, so I chose now.”

  “I’m not hungry,” she lied. The delicious scents caused her mouth to water.

  “I don’t understand. I didn’t peg you for a sore loser.”

  Of all the audacity in the world! Zoe’s mouth widened as a few choice words came to mind about Will and his nerve. “Sore loser?” she hissed. “How did you even know what apartment I live in?” The locks on her neighbor’s door clicked and Patrick Doherty poked his red head out. “Sorry to wake you, Patrick.”

  “Everything okay?”

  For a moment Zoe wondered if she needed to get rid of Will. He may have arrived with dinner but the way his eyes bored into her soul unnerved her. “I’m okay, thanks for asking.”

  After a reluctant few seconds, filled with five-foot-eight Patrick sizing up Will’s six-four frame, her neighbor nodded and went back inside his place. Zoe stepped back and allowed plenty of space for Will to enter her apartment.

  “Your address was on your résumé,” Will answered her. As he passed, she couldn’t help but be mesmerized by his powerful stride. He went straight to the open kitchen and set the bag down. Fragrant aromas from the Trinidadian chicken stew filled the air.

  Despite the rumble in her stomach, Zoe leaned against the counter and folded her hands. “Why are you here?”

  “We have a date.” Will helped himself to a view inside her refrigerator and shook his head. “This is funny.”

  “You’re mocking the contents of my fridge?” Zoe squared her shoulders.

  “I’m laughing at yet another thing we have in common.” Will widened the door. “We have matching contents.”

  Zoe rolled her eyes to keep from grinning.

  Will closed the door and turned to lean over the counter. He covered her hands with his. “I’m sorry with the way things ended with the CDD position, Zoe.”

  “It is what it is. And you warned me you weren’t interested in my work.” The key word in there was “work.” There was no doubting his attraction to her. Zoe thought about her newly discovered feelings. Somehow, this was not the moment to confess she was in love with him. Anger and disappointment still seethed within.

  “Don’t act like that,” said Will. “The board put the restrictions on me this morning. They specified that the makeup artist who did the winner would get the position. I’ve watched you work with the staff and crew at Magnolia Palace and I’ve learned to appreciate your work. I even was sure I knew your work. I looked for all the ladies with the drastic winged liner you do. I was sure Waverly was yours.”

  “Well, she wasn’t,” Zoe snapped. “She was Titus’s. Of all people, she was Titus’s.”

��So are you mad at me for not voting the right person?” Will asked, squeezing her hand. His dark eyes pleaded with hers.

  Zoe tried to jerk her hand away but he held on to her. “Oh,” she chuckled sarcastically, “I believe you picked the person you wanted to pick.”

  “Zoe, I looked for everything you taught me over the past few days.” He let go of her hand and ticked off on his fingers the things he’d learned. “She even had the glittery mixed-matched lipstick thing you’ve been doing.”

  “That was from Ravens Cosmetics,” Zoe grunted. “I thought you gave that to us on purpose. The products were great for women, but not the group of young girls I was assigned.”

  Will shook his head. “How in the hell was I supposed to do that? I wasn’t allowed to see you all day.”

  “It was in the beauty box from your company,” she gritted through her teeth. Realizing this wasn’t going anywhere, Zoe took a step backward. “You know what? It doesn’t even matter anymore. Titus won and your frat brother won. That’s why you knew all along I wasn’t going to get the position.”

  Will stood back as well and held his hands in the air in surrender. “Hold up. I had no idea Titus and Waverly would be paired up or that Dominic decided to sponsor a beauty queen. The whole point of the separation from the contestants was so that we didn’t fraternize.”

  “Funny you mentioned frats. That’s not the vibe I got from Dominic.”

  “Wait, when did you talk to Dom?” Will rushed to Zoe’s side. “Did he say something that bothered you?”

  “He didn’t have to.” Zoe avoided Will’s touch. “He alluded to it enough. I just wish you would have told me.”

  Will didn’t take her attempt to brush him off well. He stepped even closer. So close, she backed up against the archway leading into the living room. Using the back of his knuckles he caressed her cheek. “I’m not sure what’s going on here. I didn’t know Dom was sponsoring anyone until after the pageant. Talk to me.”


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