Partners in Crime (Gambling on Love Book 4)

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Partners in Crime (Gambling on Love Book 4) Page 8

by M Andrews

  “Yes, a million times yes.”

  Hank’s triumphant cheers echo through his room. The force of his lips crashing down on mine sends us falling back on his bed. I’m home.

  “Before we start making wedding plans, I want you to meet my family and get my dad’s permission to marry me. I know it’s old fashioned, but it matters to me.”

  “You agreed to marry my ass, so I will do anything you want. Happy wife equals happy life.” He chuckles.

  “That is a dangerous thing to promise,” I say, giving him a sideways glance.

  “You’ve made me the happiest man alive, and you make my kid happy, so I will do anything and everything to make you as happy as you have made us.”

  “You already have.”

  * * *

  I nervously walk downstairs to the family room where Colby is singing along with Moana. “Good morning, sweet girl,” I greet her as I take a seat next to her on the couch.

  Her attention turns to me. She’s had some time to let what happened sink in. I’m slightly worried, now that I’m going to be her mom, she may change her mind. “Miss Nora, are you going to be my new mommy?” she asks.

  “I want that more than anything in this world. Do you want me to be your mommy?” I nervously ask.

  Colby thrusts herself into my arms. “I’ve wished every day that the fairies would make you my mommy. I wuv you so much, Miss Nora.”

  Here come the tears again. I squeeze her tightly and kiss the top of her head. “I love you with all my heart Colby.”



  “MOM, WE’RE HERE,” I call out as Colby and I walk through my parents’ house to the back deck where my mom is stringing strands of twinkle lights around the railing while my dad is spraying down the outdoor furniture. Every summer since I can remember, my parents have set up our backyard as an outdoor oasis. We had camp outs and dance parties under the stars. A lot of magical moments happened in this yard.

  “Yay, you’re here.” She drops the strand of lights in her hand and greets me with a big welcoming hug. “Jack, turn that hose off and get your butt up here. Colby and Nora are here,” she calls out to my dad.

  “Colby, this is my mom, Laura. Mom this is Colby,” I introduce them.

  “It’s nice to meet you Miss Laura.” Colby holds her little hand out for my mom.

  “I’m very pleased to meet you Colby. Nora has told us so much about you.” My mom bypasses Colby’s hand, pulling her in for a hug instead.

  “If it isn’t my favorite daughter,” my dad says, as he walks up the steps of the deck.

  “You say that to all your daughters,” I tease.

  “Yes, but I mean it when I say it to you. Hello, my sweet girl.” He gives me a big bear hug and a kiss to the top of my head. I may be a grown woman, but I am still a daddy’s girl through and through. We’ve had a tight bond since I was in the womb, at least, that is what my mom says. While she was pregnant with me, she had to go on bed rest. Every night my dad would read to her stomach and I would kick and roll around in response. My dad’s opinion of Hank is important to me, I want him to love Hank as much as I do.

  “Where is this Colby I’ve heard so much about?” He looks up high, twisting his head around, pretending he can’t see Colby standing next to me.

  “I’m down here, silly.” Colby waves her arms, guiding his vision down.

  “It is an honor to meet you Princess Colby.” He bows.

  “Jack, why don’t you go show Colby the play house and the trampoline while Nora and I have a little girl talk,” my mom suggests.

  “Come on, Princess, let me give you the grand tour of our fair land.” Colby takes his hand and follows him down to the yard.

  Once they are gone, my mom turns to me and says, “I’m guessing you are here to tell me you are sleeping with your boss.” There is no hiding anything from my mother. We all thought we were being so clever, hiding our tracks when we would sneak out after lights out, but without fail, one of us would be climbing back in our window and mom would be there, sitting on our bed waiting for us.

  “Seriously, how do you do that?” I ask.

  She takes me by the wrist and holds up my arm where, clear as day, is the red welt from Hank’s handcuffs. “I know a handcuff welt when I see one.”

  “When was the last time you were cuffs?”

  “Two weeks ago, on your father and I’s anniversary,” she replies. That was not the answer I was expecting.

  “Well, let’s mark that down as something I didn’t need to know about my parents,” I say as I follow her back inside the house. As much as that weirds me out, I hope that, after forty years of marriage, Hank and I are still that crazy about each other.

  “So how long has this been going on?” she asks, pouring us each a cup of coffee.

  “About two days. It’s not just about sex, Hank wants to marry me,” I admit.

  Coffee sprays out of my mom’s mouth. “He wants to marry you?” The shocked tone in her voice doesn’t surprise me.

  “I know it sounds crazy, we’ve only known each other for a couple of months, but this feels right. You know better than anyone that I’ve been feeling lost since I graduated from college. Having Hank and Colby in my life, I finally feel whole. I love them both so much.”

  “I’m not one to judge on how fast one should get married. I married your father three days after meeting him. When you know it’s right you just have to go after it. Since you started this job, you have been so much happier. I want all my children to be happy, and if Hank makes you happy than I approve. But you know, before your father can approve of this, he will have to meet Hank.”

  “That’s why I’m here. I’m hoping we could have a dinner here on Sunday and have Hank and Colby meet the rest of the family.”

  “We can definitely do that.” She smiles.

  We take our coffee back out to the deck and watch my dad and Colby jumping on the trampoline. Colby waves wildly at me. Her squeals and giggles can be heard from across the yard. My dad has the biggest smile on his face. I haven’t seen him this happy in a long a time.

  “She already has him wrapped around her little finger.” My mom smiles as she watches them playing together. “It’s nice to have a little one around here again.” She turns her attention back to me. “So, now that you and Hank are dating, what are you going to do for work?” she asks.

  “I’ve been so distracted with Hank telling me he loves me, I forgot that I will need a new job.” The thought never crossed my mind. Earth shattering sex and blissful happiness will do that to a person.

  “I have a suggestion for you. You have this amazing gift for designing costumes and dresses, why don’t you start one of those little Etsy shops. The kids costumes alone would sell like hot cakes,” she suggests. My mom taught me everything I know. Growing up, we didn’t always have the money to go out and buy new clothes, so my mom made a majority of our clothes. I used to love sitting in her bedroom and watching her sew. When I was old enough to see over her sewing table, she started teaching me. After a while, my skills surpassed hers, and I became the family seamstress.

  “I’ve played around with the idea of selling my designs. I would be able to work from home and still be there for Colby.” Several of the mom’s from Zoe’s dance class have already expressed interest in my creations. This could actually work. I want to be able to do my part to help Hank with the bills and getting Colby the things she needs.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket, I pull it out and smile the second I see that it’s a message from Hank.

  Hank: I miss my girl. I wish I could be staring at your beautiful face instead of Gamble’s ugly mug right now.

  Me: I miss you too. Can you meet for lunch?

  Hank: Fuck yes! Meet me at Lucy’s Books and Coffee in thirty minutes.

  “I’m guessing by that smile on your face that’s a message from Hank?” she asks with a smirk.

  “Yes.” I blush. “Would you mind watching Colby for an
hour or two while I go have lunch with Hank?” I ask.

  “We would love to watch her. Besides, there is no way you are getting Colby off that trampoline any time soon.”

  “Thank you.” I give her a big hug, then go say goodbye to Colby.

  * * *

  After finding a parking spot, I weave through the crowded street. My feet can’t carry me fast enough to Hank. I need to see his face, kiss his lips, and feel his arms around me again. My fix is just a block away.

  There is a line out the door of the cafe, and I get some mean looks as I pass them by and head straight inside to find Hank. The place is packed. The air is filled with the scent of coffee, sweet vanilla, and cinnamon. I’ve heard Lucy’s has the best coffee in the city, and, by the size of this crowd, the rumors are true. I work my way through the cafe, searching for Hank, but he’s nowhere to be found, maybe I beat him. As I reach the back, the sea of people parts, and I find Hank sitting in the corner. The smile on my face fades when I see that he is not sitting alone. A beautiful, dark haired woman is sitting across from him with her hand resting on his forearm and giggling at what he is saying. Just when I think it can’t get any worse, the bitch leans in and kisses him on the cheek. The sound of my breaking heart is deafening in my ears and the nagging, annoying voice that told me before that Hank would cheat on me is shouting, I told you so.

  I feel like such a fool for believing yet another lying, cheating asshole. Hank was supposed to be different. A kind, sweet, changed man, but he’s just like Charlie, says what he has to to get into your pants.

  Before they see me, I turn and bolt for the door, pushing my way through the crowd. Freedom is just a few feet away, all I have to do is reach for the handle, and I’ll be away from this nightmare. Before I can touch the knob, a strong hand grabs me by the arm and pulls me back. I was so close. I don’t have to look to know it’s Hank, I’d know his touch anywhere. God help me, I don’t know how I’m going to survive without it now.

  “Nora, where are you going?” he asks. I can’t bring myself to look at his face.

  I pull my arm free and snap, “Don’t touch me.”

  The door opens and I brush past the man walking inside. I need as much distance between Hank and me as I can get before I let myself cave to whatever lie he’s going to tell me about that woman. I’m guessing that message was meant for her and not me. God, I’m such a fucking idiot. I bolt down the street in the direction of my car. Hank is chasing after me, yelling for me to stop. It only makes me run even faster, but the bastard catches up to me. He takes me by the arm and pulls me into the alley.

  “Nora, what the fuck is going on, why are you running away from me?” he asks frantically. He looks genuinely concerned, but it’s probably just another act.

  “I saw you. I saw you with her. You lied to me,” I shout. “You looked me in the eye and told me I was the only one you wanted and I believed you. I fell for your lies like an idiot.” I push him away and turn my back to him, feeling the tears building up. I won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

  “Nora, please let me explain.” He reaches for my hand, but I stuff it in my pocket.

  “I’ve heard all of the excuses, Hank, and I’m done playing the fool. I really believed you were different.” I step out of the alley, back to the street, as the tears stream down my face. Hank calls out for me, but I keep walking. It takes everything I have to make it to my car before I collapse into a pool of tears and sobs.



  THE CAR COMES to a screeching halt in front of the house. After Nora left me standing with my heart in my hands in the alley, I called Gamble and made up a story that Colby was sick and I had to go home. It was the longest drive home of my life. I kept seeing the disappointment and sadness in her face. If only she would have let me explain who Lucy was, she would see that I wasn’t cheating on her.

  Nora’s car is nowhere in sight, I must have beat her back. I climb out of the car and head inside to wait for her and Colby. I pace back and forth in front of the living room window for what feels like an eternity. The sound of a car door slamming shifts my attention outside. Nora is walking up to the house with Colby sleeping in her arms. When I open the door for her, she breezes past me without looking at me. I follow her up the stairs and down the hallway to Colby’s room. She lays Colby down in her bed. A tear rolls down her cheek as she kisses Colby’s forehead.

  Nora keeps her eyes down, hiding her face from me as she walks past me again without so much as screaming at me. The silence is heartbreakingly deafening. I don’t let her get too far ahead of me down the hallway, staying close, so she knows I’m not going anywhere.

  “Please Nora, let’s just talk about this,” I plead with her.

  “Let me guess she was your sister. That was my favorite excuse from Charlie. Little did he know that I had seen them making out in an ally just ten minutes before.” She pulls her suitcase out of the closet, and proceeds to pull the contents of her dresser drawer into the open case.

  I grab her hand in an attempt to stop her packing, but she quickly wrenches it free from my grasp. “Nora it’s not what you think it was.”

  Nora’s brow furrows and her eyes flash with a fiery anger. “Another excuse I’m tired of hearing,” she snarls. The suitcase slams closed. “I’ll be back on Monday to take Colby to preschool and get the rest of my stuff, after that I’ll be gone.” The coldness in her voice sends a chill through my body. It breaks my heart to see her this way.

  “Nora, please don’t do this,” I call out after her as she stomps down the hallway in a huff. I chase after her down the stairs. “Nora, I love you, please don’t leave like this,” I beg.

  “Goodbye, Mr. Ross.” The tone in her voice is like a dagger to my heart. The door slams behind her and she’s gone as quickly as she came into my life.

  “Miss Nora is leaving,” Colby shouts from the top of the stairs. Oh fuck, she heard us. “Were you mean to Miss Nora, Daddy? Is that why she was crying when she picked me up?” Her little voice quivers.

  This is the exact moment I wanted to protect Colby from. The moment she realizes her dad is a total fuck up. One fucking text to tell Nora my cousin Lucy would be joining us for lunch would have saved the heartache both Colby and I are feeling right now.

  “Daddy messed up,” I say, walking up the steps to her. “I’m going to fix it. I promise I will get Nora back.” The look of disappoint in her face drives the knife deeper into my heart.

  “You better or I’m gonna hate you forever,” she sternly says, then turns and runs to her room, slamming her door behind her. No one will hate me more than I will if I can’t get Nora back.

  I climb up the remaining stairs and walk down the hallway to Nora’s room. Without Nora, the room feels lifeless and cold. She has brought so much life into this house and now it is slowly dwindling away. What the hell was I thinking, why didn’t I just meet her outside then introduce her to Lucy. I am a fucking moron. She tells me she has trust issues, and what do I do? Make it look like I’m running around behind her back.

  I slump down on her bed, grab one of her pillows, and bring it up to my face. It smells like her, lilac, honey, and home. She’s my life, and I just let her walk out the fucking door. I’m a fucking idiot.

  * * *

  “Hey jackass, wake up.” The kick from Gamble’s boot wakes me out of my dead sleep. I don’t even know how long I have been out. I went to check on Colby but she wouldn’t come out of her room, so I decided to wait her out in the hallway. At some point, I must have fallen asleep. My eyes fly open and there is Gamble standing over me. “So how’s it goin’?” he asks cocking an eyebrow up at me.

  “My kid hates me and the woman I love just walked out on me, so I would say I’m in hell right now,” I reply, sitting up. “What are you doing here?”

  “Lucy called Brooke and told her what happened, then Brooke called me to come check on you.” He takes a seat on the floor across from me. “You don
’t do anything half assed do you, Ross? In the span of a weekend you started dating, got engaged, had your first fight, and lost the woman of your dreams.” He chuckles. Glad my misfortune is amusing to someone.

  “I’m a royal fuck up. I don’t know what I’m fucking doing,” I admit.

  “Nobody fucking does when it comes to relationships, my friend.”

  “You seem to have some clue. You and Brooke have the perfect relationship,” I point out.

  “Our relationship is far from perfect. I still manage to fuck up from time to time. Anyone who says they have a perfect marriage is a fucking liar. Every relationship has ups and downs, it’s the nature of the beast.”

  “That’s all well and good, but how do I get Nora to trust me? I don’t want her running every time she sees me talking to another woman because she thinks I’m cheating on her.” If I ever see that asshole, Charlie, walking down the street I’m going to hit him with my fucking car. Nora means everything to me, I would never do anything to hurt her.

  “I wish I had some words of wisdom I could tell you, unfortunately I don’t. That is something that takes time. If someone had cheated on you repeatedly, wouldn’t you have a hard time trusting again? You can tell Nora that you’re not her ex a million times, but it still won’t ease her mind. Just give her time and show her she can trust you.”

  “I’d say that was a little wise. So, got any advice on how to get a woman to forgive you after a fight?” I ask.

  “Getting on your knees and begging for forgiveness never works, but getting on your knees and making her come, now that works every time.” He chuckles.

  “Be fucking serious man.” I shake my head.

  “I’m dead serious. Sometimes Brooke starts a fight just so she can get a forgiveness tonguing.”

  “Thanks for that, now I’ll never be able to look Brooke in the eyes again. Want to help me track Nora’s cell phone?” I ask.

  Gamble grins and pulls out his cell phone. “Hey Josie, I need you to check on a location of a suspect in a case Ross and I are working on. She went missing and we need to track her cell.”


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