Filthy, Fire Hot, And Forbidden

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Filthy, Fire Hot, And Forbidden Page 6

by Rachel Thornhill

  Also, he could not go without seeing his children. He had to be very careful about how he was going to do this.

  He devised a plan to not get caught. He wanted to cheat every day because he thought that it would help him focus and make better decisions at work.

  One normal day, he went to work. He drove there knowing that it was his new secretary’s first day.

  He was secretly so excited for this He was going to show her around.

  ‘I actually hope to show her a little bit more if she likes me. What am I kidding? I know she likes me, I’m a catch!’ He thought to himself.

  He was just trying to stoke his ego, and this is part of being a controlling alpha male. He could always get things done like an alpha male is supposed to.

  The rest of the men at work always looked up to him. Kelly walked in wearing heels and a tight skirt.

  She had cute glasses that made her look more distinguished. She was wearing plenty of makeup in hopes of turning on all the desperate guys who worked there.

  She wanted to tease them all till they were beyond the point of lusting and then move on with her day. She was such a cock tease.

  All the women hated her because of her looks and personality. They hated that she got a good job with Kevin in just one day.

  They thought that she was too pretentious. Nothing could stop her from exuding a sense of self-confidence.

  She was aware of her image. She just saw them as jealous people.

  She did make one friend there. Her friend was a man named Mark.

  He was nothing but a friend to her and she knew it. She just saw him as a male orbiter.

  They would talk about things that they saw going on in the office. Kelly loved to talk about work and Mark would follower her around like a puppy in conversation.

  From day 1, he just wanted a chance with her. She would never give it to him.

  He thought that one day it would come to him since he was such a nice guy. He was dead wrong to think that he stood a chance with her.

  She just wanted her boss because she was attracted to the fact that he was one of the few guys in her life who knew what was going on. She wanted to have his masculine presence all to herself.

  Kevin could really spice up her life and give her what she needed. This would be what would be keeping her going in a positive direction.

  Also, he had a similar bone structure in his face. It was the little things that drew her to him.

  She wasn’t interested in having sex with him right away, although the way she licked her lips when she saw him told him otherwise. She wanted to make him wait before she could just give away any of her goods.

  She would look at him intently and wonder what he was going to ask her to do next. Kevin had to keep his hands to himself.

  ‘Just be patient, it’s just a matter of time. Just look at her.’ He thought in his head.

  Everything about Kevin turned on Kelly. He was strong mentally and physically.

  She knew that he would be a good guy to fool around with. Her first day was over with, but since day one he got it all right with her.

  She was going home that day and she just couldn’t get him out of her mind. It was obvious that they both liked each other a lot.

  They both could not wait to see each other every day and see where things went. A few weeks passed by and Kevin mustered up the boldness to ask her on a date.

  He didn’t even want to take her to lunch or to go get coffee. He asked her to go eat dinner with him at the finest Italian restaurant in town.

  She agreed to go with him.

  “I think you have been doing an amazing job here over the past few weeks. I was wondering if you would like to meet me for dinner at my favorite restaurant tonight. How does that sound?” He asked her.

  “That sounds great.” She said.

  “The only problem is, I don’t know what to wear haha.” She added.

  “But sure, we can go. What are we going to be eating?” She continued.

  “Oh, it is Italian.” He responded.

  “I assume that’s okay with you.” He added.

  “Of course. You can pick me up at my house tonight.” She told him.

  She was excited for their time out together. She didn’t even want to focus on the fact that she had a new boyfriend that was out of town.

  He smiled at her for a few seconds. They had to resist each other right then and there.

  “Sounds like a good plan. I’m going to make reservations in a few minutes.” He said.

  He gave her the details about where they were going. She was thrilled that he had finally asked her to go somewhere.

  ‘I like that it is in a romantic setting. That means he’s really thinking about me.’ She thought to herself.

  He picked her up from her house and they went to the restaurant. She was impressed by his fancy car.

  “What kind of car is this?” She said.

  “It’s a Mercedes Maybach.” He responded.

  She was already hooked on the fact that he was taking her to one of the finest restaurants that there was, and they were going there in his style.

  “I know this is one of the finest restaurants I will ever go to.” She said.

  “It only makes sense to bring on of the finest ladies.” He said as he kissed her hand while stopped at a red light.

  They pulled up to the restaurant when it was time for them to go in. They were welcomed by the owner of the place. He and Kevin had gone to college together.

  Kevin was ready to have a nice meal with his secretary. This was the only night that he was not going to be on his business calls.

  He was thankful that he had forgotten to wear his wedding ring. Although she probably already knew that he was married to Hannah.

  They ate their meal and he got her the most expensive bottle of wine they had. She got linguini and he got their signature spaghetti.

  Their plan was to go back to a hotel. They went to a local hotel.

  She stumbled in there because she was too drunk to handle herself. Kevin had a few drinks already.

  They ordered room service and got another bottle of wine. They drank it together while they talked about work and their hobbies.

  “Tell me more about you. I don’t know a lot about you. You seem really interesting.” He said.

  “Well, I really like to play tennis on the weekends and I like to read.” She said.

  He leaned in for a drunk kiss. They started kissing and it was sloppy because of how drunk they were.

  They slowly took off their clothes off. He didn’t want to rush things with her.

  “I didn’t know that you had tattoos.” She said as she was laughing.

  They kept kissing until they had intense sex. Luckily, he did not drink too much alcohol to affect his performance in the bedroom.

  He was on top of her giving her what she wanted. She could not stop moaning and he kept being persistent until she squirted everywhere.

  She squirted all over him and he thought that it was so hot. He was about to finish, and he did it in her mouth.

  She swallowed his sweet load. They decided that they were going to take a drunk nap and then get up a few hours later because they had work the next day.

  They both knew that it was a mistake to sleep with each other on a whim, but they wanted to fill their fantasies. They didn’t even use protection.

  They woke up late. They woke up the next day and they were in a rush to get to work.

  “Oh my, it’s time for us to get to work.” She said.

  “I’ll make some coffee and you go get us breakfast while I take a shower.” He said.

  He gave her a kiss on the cheek and then he got ready. She came back sooner than expected and she got in the shower with him.

  She surprised him and started stroking him with one hand while she was kissing him. He knew that this was just a tease and he might not have time to have sex with her again before the end of the day.

  They got dressed in
their same clothes from the day before. It was the best that they could do.

  They went to work they made coffee and ate breakfast together. They got ready and then they got in the car.

  They showed up to work about 20 minutes early. They parked in the back of the parking lot and they got a quickie in before work.

  He made her scream and moan. He fingered her until she made him stop because they were going to be late.

  She was so wet for him. He was glad that nobody heard them.

  This was a great way for them to start their day. They walked in a little bit late and they went to work.

  It was almost like certain people who worked there could tell that this just happened. The two tried to keep it a secret. It was a productive day.

  Plenty of work got done and it was almost like the sex was meaningless. People in the office could not stop spreading rumors about what they think happened.

  They concluded after talking about it for hours. They all lost a lot of respect for him, but there was nothing that they could do about it.

  The men were jealous, and the women thought that he was a no-good cheater. He was trying to not have a problem with any of his employees.

  He went home that night and it is almost like his wife could just smell her on him. Not literally, Kelly didn’t even wear any perfume that night/day.

  She knew that he was having sex with someone else, so she decided that she was going to keep her eye on him.

  Story #10

  Confidence & Blind Love


  Rachel Thornhill


  Confidence & Blind Love – Fletcher had just turned 40 and was celebrating with his buddies. He never thought much about the fact that he was never married and had no children. He came to the sudden realization that he didn’t have much to live for without a wife and a family to live with. One day he found a woman that reminded him of his mother.

  Fletcher was busy enjoying himself for his 40th birthday, he was out celebrating with his friends. He was a single man and he was perfectly fine with that.

  He had never been married and did not have any children in his life. He did not see a problem with any of this.

  He was just living his best life and he knew that he was not ready yet.

  ‘Never mind any of that, let’s just drink these beers with my friends.’ He thought for a second.

  He always tried to avoid the topic. He didn’t like to think about it because he knew that he was not happy with where he was at.

  He felt like his career had no end to it. He knew that he could do better for himself.

  ‘One day I will get around this and start a family. I am just enjoying myself right now.’ He thought while he was busy throwing back beers.

  He got home from his celebration and he had felt confused as usual. He hoped that one day he would meet the woman to change his life.

  One day, he saw a woman walking down the street when he was headed to his apartment, he got out of the car. Her name was Sidney.

  Sidney had long blonde hair and green eyes. She was walking with her 8-year-old son.

  Fletcher decided that he would politely approach her. He had the perfect opportunity ahead of him.

  ‘What do I have to lose? I don’t have anything else to do today.’ He thought to himself.

  He asked her for directions that he needed, and he talked to her. He wanted to talk to her because he had never seen a woman so beautiful.

  “Would you like to go get some coffee sometime? You seem to have your hands full right now!” He asked her.

  “Sure.” She said.

  “What is the best way for me to get in contact with you?” He asked her.

  “Let me give you my phone number.” She added.

  She wrote it down for him. her child was looking impatient, he was ready to go.

  “There you go.” She said as she handed him a piece of paper with her number on it.

  “Thank you. I love how your hair looks today.” He complimented her.

  He knew that compliments would help him with getting her interest. He loved talking to her, he could talk to her for hours and hours.

  They continued the small talk for a few minutes and then she had to leave. They discovered that they had a lot in common with each other.

  “I got to go. I hope I see you soon!” She explained to him as she was laughing because her son was pulling her hand to lead her away.

  She left, and he thought that it was funny. Fletcher went back to his apartment.

  ‘I have never met a woman that reminds me so much of my mother.’ He thought to himself.

  He decided that he was going to call her after 3 days. He called her, and she met up with him.

  They only had to talk on the phone for a few seconds because they agreed on where they were going to each. They both thought that it would be fun.

  ‘I mean, he’s still a stranger at this point. I don’t know, he didn’t really catcall me. He is cute too.” She thought to herself as she was getting ready.

  She was treating it like a date. It was just a lunch date for the two.

  ‘It’s just a cup of coffee and grabbing a bite to eat with a cute guy… My ex-husband shouldn’t be too jealous of him.’ She tried to justify to herself.

  Her son made fun of her and started calling it a date to mess with her. He loved his mother and she had already hired a babysitter for the day.

  She met the babysitter as she was getting ready to leave. She gave her a list of things to do.

  She talked with the babysitter. She had to explain that she was going out because she had gotten all dolled up, even more than she normally did.

  She left to go meet him and she was thinking about the fact that he just approached her out of the blue. She was thinking to herself about how many other women he must do this to on a regular basis.

  They met up on a Friday and she was surprised there in time. She was always busy with her work, and it was her day off from being busy.

  They got coffee and lunch. This was just a start for their weekend together.

  She didn’t know that he would invite her to spend the whole weekend with him to make memories. She was in for a masculine treat.

  He asked her to dinner that night and she declined because she seemed a little bit nervous. He apologized.

  “I apologize. Well, I had a great time today. I hope to get to know you better. When are you free to get together?” He asked her.

  “Next week, maybe we can do the same thing again. Friday is my day off.” She said.

  “That sounds good to me.” He said.

  They met up the next week and this time they went to her favorite café. This time, she agreed to go back to his apartment for the night.

  They spent the night together and they relaxed on the couch over a bottle of wine. She took off her clothes to get more comfortable, or so that is what she told herself, she wanted to be penetrated by him.

  When her clothes were off, it was just too much. She could restrain herself anymore.

  She helped herself to be with an alpha male named Fletcher. They had wild and crazy sex all weekend, she still could barely believe that she ended up being intimate with him on the 2nd date.

  Story #11

  Don’t Hesitate


  Rachel Thornhill


  Don’t Hesitate – Wendy and Victor just got engaged. They were going to get married sometime in the next year. The only thing was, his mistress to be got in the way of things. Is he going to marry Wendy, or will he hesitate and let some other men take her off his hands?

  Wendy and Victor went to school together for a while when they were kids. They got along well and when they were older they started dating.

  After school let out, they would just go sit at the lake and feed the birds. Time passed on by, and they went to two different colleges.

  She thought that relationships came and went so they decided to take a break for a whi
le. They got back together after college and they dated for 2 more years.

  ‘I am so glad that we were able to get back together.’ She used to always think to herself.

  She tried to be thankful but ever since they were kids she always knew that something was up with him. something was fishy about Victor.

  She was determined to find out what it was. She wanted to know.

  “I just can’t put my finger on it, he doesn’t really seem like he is loyal to me. I hope there are not any other women, I will leave him.” She said to herself.

  He knew that he was ready to ask her the most important question of his life. The time was right for Victor.

  They got engaged and everything was going great for them. They were going to get married to each other sometime in the following year.

  She loved him. He loved her too, but he felt like he didn’t really know what love meant because of how things had turned out. He was confused about this because he thought that if she didn’t love him in high school, then why would she be in love with him now?

  ‘I wonder…” They would think to themselves when they thought about the issue.

  The important thing to note is that they both felt love for each other. However, the thing was that they had a strong sexual urge for each other which trumped true love.

  Regardless, he went with his gut feeling and he decided that he was going to put a ring on her finger. He got wrapped around her finger as he usually got with women.

  He just wanted to be loved by someone. He was searching for it, but he couldn’t really find it with her.

  They just got engaged and it stayed that way for a while. He got a wannabe mistress and he loved to pound her on hot sunny days during the summer.

  They would have sex in her backyard when her parents were not home. His mistress was named Patty.

  She had just turned 18 and she was already prepared to wreck the marriage that he was going to have with Wendy. She wanted to cause trouble for them, she aspired to be a homewrecker.

  Patty just could not keep her legs closed and she wanted to please this gentleman. Although, it is not very gentlemanly to cheat on your soon to be wife with a senior in high school.


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