Filthy, Fire Hot, And Forbidden

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Filthy, Fire Hot, And Forbidden Page 9

by Rachel Thornhill

  His Undivided Attention


  Rachel Thornhill


  His Undivided Attention – Blair was right where he needed to be in his career. He didn’t have time to please all the women that he wanted to take out on dates. Most of them just wanted to wine, dine, and be refined. He was a mysterious guy and people would always wonder what he was up to. He always had a long day ahead of him. Who will he settle down with?

  Blair had just gotten a promotion at work. He was excited about this and he was celebrating the new position with his best friends.

  He realized that he didn’t really have the time to be with any woman in specific. Regardless, he wanted to have a good time with women.

  He went on many dates with many women and they all had many things in common. Most of these women just loved dinner dates and they thought that he was just a nice guy to eat dinner with.

  Not too many of them would sleep with him on the first date. He didn’t know what to settle for.

  ‘I think I might try to set up a date with someone from my past, there are so many girls that I have known.’ He thought to himself.

  At the same time, he knew exactly what he wanted in a relationship. He just wanted a healthy relationship with someone that he thought was special, but he wanted to be able to sexually please her on a whim.

  He loved being a mysterious man and he was rewarded for it with attention. Women would always call him for a second date, but he was usually not interested.

  He was interested in the few women that would give him something to keep him around on the first date. He wanted action and he just needed to find the right woman who was on the same page with him.

  ‘That is the only way that they will ever get to be with me again.’ He selfishly would think to himself.

  On the upcoming Friday, he had a date with a woman named Allison. Allison had gone to grad school with Blair.

  She always liked him a lot. She was glad that it was a date this time instead of just a simple hookup at his or her apartment, even though she enjoyed that a lot.

  It had been months since they had seen each other, he was busy with his job and she was still trying to find a job. They always tried to be friends in the past, but it never really worked out because she was so attracted to him.

  She just left him alone because she thought that they were not on the same page. At least, that is what she thought at the time.

  She just wanted her chance. She was determined to get something working with him.

  ‘I wish I had a shot with him. He is so handsome. I wonder what he thinks of me…’ She used to always think to herself.

  It was time for them to go out for the night and he took her to a fine restaurant. She ordered an entrée and she split it with him.

  They were not that hungry for food. She was hungry for something else.

  Something that only he had. They had not seen each other for a while and so they did their best to catch up.

  She asked him about how his career was going and he asked her the same. They were interested in learning about what each other has been up to.

  “I know you got a job a few months after we graduated. How is that going for you?” She asked as they were bringing back their food.

  They brought back their dish and she thanked the waitress. They started eating and talking.

  “It’s going well. I just got a promotion a few days ago.” He told her.

  “My friends and I went out to go celebrate it last weekend. I’m not very social anymore, so that was a big step I guess.” He added.

  “That’s great!” She exclaimed.

  “Are you seeing anyone else right now?” She asked him and tried not to show her jealousy.

  She tried not to be jealous. She was crazy about him and she was so glad to be spending time with him again.

  “No…” He replied.

  She decided that it was not the right thing for her to ask him, she knew that they didn’t have to be exclusive yet. She just dropped it right then and there.

  They talked to each other about family and friends until they finished eating. They ordered and at dessert and then they paid their bill and left.

  They went outside to get a cab. She thought that she was just going to go home by herself that night.

  “Are you going to get the cab driver to take me home now?” She asked him.

  “No, we are going back to a hotel room that I picked out last night, I mean, only if that is okay with you.” He said with a huge grin.

  “Yes! Fine by me.” She said.

  They went to the hotel and got checked in to their room. The room was a suite, so it was big and comfy for them.

  They walked into their hotel room. She sat down on the king-sized bed.

  “Make yourself comfortable and rest while I clean up.” He said.

  He took a shower. When he got out she was already asleep in the bed.

  She was in her cute pink underwear. He woke her up when he got in bed.

  She cuddled up next to him and she gave him a kiss as she laid in bed with him.

  “You smell good.” She said.

  “I know.” He replied as he pulled some of the covers over him.

  There was a silence for a few seconds. The silence broke when he tried to pull more of the covers over him.

  She would always use all the covers when she was sleeping in the bed with somebody. He teased her about this and he just wanted to get on her nerves.

  He did a good job at this because she got flustered. She teased him back.

  “I bet you won’t be that good in bed.” She said as she gave him a seductive wink.

  He was already half naked and he wouldn’t be for much longer. They kept kissing until it was time for them to take things a step further.

  She took her underwear off and she took him off as well. She just started having at it with him.

  She was stroking him with her warm hands. Then, she got busy with her mouth, she wanted to please him and leave him feeling satisfied.

  She wanted to please him to prove to her that she could be a great girlfriend.

  He went down on her and he made it to where she could not quit moaning. She was being pleased by one of her favorite men in town.

  She desperately wanted to be with him. she was so glad when he made him cum.

  They went on a few more dates and she eventually ended up being his girlfriend.

  Settling down with him was all fine and dandy until she figured out he was cheating on her. She was not having any of this.

  Story #18

  Nobody’s Help


  Rachel Thornhill


  Nobody’s Help – Katrina and Pete were a great couple. They met at their workplace. They were thinking about living together just before he found out that she was cheating on him! How will this story unfold?

  Katrina and Pete both met right after they finished law school and found jobs. Yes, that’s right, they met each other in the workplace.

  That is where a lot of these romances will start and end. With these 2, first, it was the flirting, then the teasing, and then the actual date.

  He asked her to go on a double date with his best friend and his wife. Their names were Lewis and Joan.

  They aren’t important to the story. However, Katrina did end up sleeping with Lewis.

  They went to a fancy place to wine and dine on a rainy Friday night. The date had gone well, it was quite a first date for them to go on.

  They really hit it off and they knew instantly that they could never be just friends because they both knew that there was a deep personal connection. He kept her around and they eventually ended up starting a relationship.

  After having tons of crazy sex, they decided that they should live together. They wanted to be having sex with each other multiple times a day.

  They were sex addicts. The purpose of their relationship was to have freaky sex.

“I was thinking… Maybe you could come live with me in my apartment and we could split the rent, just the two of us.” She suggested to him.

  “It will be fun. We can have sex whenever we want, and we won’t have to wait all week.” She added as she was kissing on his neck.

  “How does that sound baby? Maybe next month honey?” She asked.

  “Sure, I think that sounds great.” He said just to make her happy.

  Just like that, they went from being wild sex buddies who went on dinner dates once a week to living together. They were practically husband and wife at this point, so that’s exactly what happened next.

  They went on dates for a while longer and then he finally asked her the big question before they were coming home one night. He was ready for it, he wanted fun and crazy sex whenever he pleased.

  “Will you marry me?” He asked.

  She chuckled up and got flustered for a few seconds. She didn’t know if it was too soon.

  Neither of them knew what love really meant. She accepted the offer.

  She did this because she thought that she loved him for the time being, and she was willing to work around any issues that would come up. Plus, the sex was incredible.

  “Yes!” She exclaimed.

  They were soon to be married. Nothing could get in their way.

  They got married and had a fantastic wedding. All their friends and family were there to enjoy that day with them, everyone was happy for them.

  Everyone was so happy for them because they didn’t know her true side. They didn’t know that she was a cheater or that he would be complacent.

  They almost starting living with each other and then he found out something about her. She was a cheater and she was cheating on him.

  She was cheating on him with 2 different guys at one time. She loved to have threesomes without Pete, she had no remorse about being unfaithful.

  She had gotten tired of him, but the problem was that they were just newly married. She wanted someone to play with, but she knew that she was busy with work.

  She had fallen out of love sometime during their engagement. They were engaged for a few months, but apparently, it wasn’t long enough.

  She didn’t want to file for divorce, but she didn’t want to be loyal to him. He found out when she walked in and saw another man in bed with her.

  He was crushed but he knew that there was nothing that he could do about it. He was even a little bit turned on by the idea of another man’s dirty hands being on her small body.

  He was not going to sit back and watch all this happen. He ordered the guy to put his clothes back on and leave immediately after that.

  After that, he talked to her like the nice man he was. He sat down on the bed with her after she put her sexy lingerie back on.

  “I want to talk about our marriage and where we are going.” He said to her.

  “Where did it go wrong? What did I do to you?” He asked her these 2 questions.

  She figured that she would come up with a quick little white lie. She just wanted to make him feel bad at this moment to see what he would do.

  “Well… We were both working a lot and I got lonely by only getting to spend our exhausted evenings together.” She explained to him.

  “I guess I just messed up this time, it’s not going to happen again.” She said.

  He bought this lie and he thought that it was his fault. He was going to work on it.

  ‘I am going to work on the problem. I guess it is my fault.’ He thought to himself.

  ‘I really got him with that one, he believed it.’ She thought to herself.

  She wasn’t lonely because they still had sex almost every morning. She just loved the rush of cheating and having a bad boy squeezing her tight ass.

  ‘I know it’s something bigger than just wanting love. I love being naughty. I wonder who my next guy will be? I can’t wait for him to eat me out!’ She thought to herself.

  She was going to go to work the next day and meet men to be getting frisky with. It was her definition of getting lucky.

  She knew that she was sexy, and any guy would be lucky to get to have sex with her. She started dressing a little bit sexier at work to impress other men and her husband didn’t think much about this.

  He was convinced that she was trying to be loyal to him. He thought that she wasn’t going to cheat on him anymore for a while.

  Ever since he caught another man in bed with his woman, his sex drive was higher. His sex drive was through the roof because of almost losing his wife.

  He really wanted to bang his wife after she had been with another man. He really didn’t know what to think about the whole situation.

  ‘I can’t decide if I think it’s hot or if I hate it. I guess we will cross that bridge if we get to it.’ He thought.

  She just kept on sleeping with other men. She even got experimental with a few women.

  She had incredible and steamy sex with her boss. There was a reason that their boss would send all those gifts to their apartment.

  Pete was suspicious of Katrina, but he didn’t really do anything about it. He just let the time pass while she screwed other men.

  She loved being a wandering woman. She needed nobody’s help…

  Story #19

  Romance & Paradise


  Rachel Thornhill


  Romance & Paradise – Marco and Zoey were trying to hold their relationship together. They thought that they had forever together. Marco was a millionaire businessman who had a big house in Hollywood. Zoey loved living a lavish lifestyle, but she secretly loved the neighbor's big cock. What did she do with him on the weekdays?

  Marco and Zoey lived beyond their means in the big town of Hollywood. He was a millionaire businessman and she was a housewife.

  They had just gotten married. That was a fatal mistake for him because of her integrity. He was loyal, but she did not like to be loyal to him.

  She would always hurt his feelings, but she was so damn sexy that he just put up with it. He had no idea how much it was going on.

  He was focused on designing women’s fashion and moving forward with his life. Nothing could stop him from trying to reach his goals.

  His career meant more to him than his relationship, even though that is probably why she was even with him in the first place. He stole her away from another man.

  Little did he know, that the same darn thing would happen to him. They lived in a neighborhood with a lot of famous people in it.

  He would never show his feelings to her and this may have been what drove her to cheat on him. She loved their neighbor and his big cock.

  His name was Zach and he always had a huge package with a hot load ready for her. He was young, hot, and ready just for her satisfaction.

  She was his MILF lover and he was her young stud. She would bang him while her husband was at work for them to live their crazy lifestyle.

  She was ready for the giant load that he would give to her almost every day. Zach was a typical post-college boy without a care in the world.

  He didn’t even masturbate anymore because he would always get his satisfaction from Zoey. It was almost like he made all his seed just to fill her.

  If Marco ever found out about them having freaky sex together he would be infuriated. Even worse, he trusted Zach with everything.

  Thank goodness that he never found out about the two. He would’ve been very jealous.

  He would just have to sit back and watch because Zachary didn’t play nice. When he wanted something he always went out and got it.

  Marco just didn’t give her the long sexual satisfaction that she needed. He didn’t even give her the time of day most of the time.

  Not to lead you on to think about that too much… Many of our other lovers have been caught in the act of cheating with a forbidden figure.

  ‘He is so freaking lusty just for me.’ She would often think to herself.

  ‘I want to ha
ve his throbbing penis in my sweet little mouth after he gives me the cock that I want.’ She would also think to herself.

  Zach would only think about himself. He never thought about pleasing a woman.

  ‘She is such a MILF, I want her to be min! I really got a good one in the bag this time.” He would think to himself when he was in the shower.

  ‘I can’t wait till the next time that I have it in her wet mouth.’ He would also think to himself.

  He was so selfish, but not very selfish at the same time. He just wanted pleasure, as young men usually do.

  He would also think about many things that were going on with Zoey. He thought that their relationship was mutually beneficial.

  He would always look forward to what was going to happen that day. He was ready.

  He loved every position. Zoey liked it rough, she was wild for him.

  Zach was at the young age of 22. He had just graduated, and he got the job that he always wanted to get ever since he was a teenager.

  This was probably where some of his confidence came from, he had a huge spike. He loved his job and he wanted the whole world to know it.

  On a typical weekday, he would just go over to their house to bang her. He would fuck her brains out and she loved getting it so much.

  She would orgasm so fast. She knew that he could make her cum faster than any other man could, that is why she adored him so much.

  On a Monday morning, he went over there. They did their typical thing. He banged her and then they made breakfast together.

  Luckily, he could have all this freaky sex right before he had to go to work in the morning. He usually didn’t have to go to work until 10.

  She pulled down his dress pants. She got to work on pleasing him.

  She loved to talk when she was having sex. This turned him on to the point of no return.

  She was screaming as he was giving her what she needed to get through the day. It was so mesmerizing for him to put his cock inside her.


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